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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sith Pureblood Masks Should Be Visible.


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Dear Bioware


Part of the appeal of these types of games is the "dress-up doll" aspect of inventory. It might seem silly but it is part of the fun. Please fix the issue.


However, given how you screwed over this aspect of the game in ME2 and DA2, I'm not holding my breath waiting.

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Another patch tomorrow, I hope that this will be it ^^


It wont be, the hint is in the fact its called an unscheduled patch. Tomorrow will be to fix the huge matrix cubes error that -todays- patch introduced.

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Just found out this is a "working as intended" and not a bug.


I've been hanging onto respirator since mid January for patch 1.2 so I could strip out my end game mods and populate the respirator so I could finally have the look I wanted only to find out that it's not a bug, but you did it on purpose?




Why? Why was this necessary? Why not allow people CHOICE by simply using the "HIDE HELMET" if the want to or not?


You implemented this at the same time you implemented hide helmet? Really? Think about that for a second. There is a forest in those trees if you look hard enough.


Please, for the love of god bring this back.

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Im frankly staggered that Bioware thinks taking content *away* from players is ever going to end in us being happy.


They removed several locations in 1.2 (the office next to Karagga's palace entrance on the ziost shadow, and other more RP friendly places around the game, one in the industrial sector of Nar Shaddaa), after saying in interviews they are intending to add more RP areas to the game.


Combined with removing facemask rebreathers for Sith...after 5 months of them being in the game..., it just boggles the mind to try and understand the logic behind the guy who directs content being added or removed.

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I've asked about the logic behind the decision to take away our masks for the next Q+A session in a couple days.


I doubt my question will be one of the questions they answer directly, but worth a shot I guess. In the mean time, this thread must stay alive and on the front page so everybody can see it. :mad:

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Ticket #5298019


CSR-Sven lied to me, told me this is 'working as designed'. I'd appreciate not being lied to, please just admit this is a bug you can't figure out how to fix.


Because really, if this were intended, it would not be visible on any race, not just my Pureblood.


Edit: Posted this thread to my guild's site, as this thread seems to be dropping off the first page and would too much of a faff to find otherwise.

Edited by Tatile
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We're getting so many conflicting reports of this "working as intended" now or being a bug, we really do need a developer comment on it.

I'm not a developer, but I can already tell you that it is not working as intended.

Because when you equip the mask, the voice is still being deformed.

BIOWARE please at least let some admin comeon this forum and tell us that it is being worked on or something becuase this sucks.

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If people don't like the look of the mask on their Sith toon, LET THEM TURN HEAD SLOT VISIBILITY OFF!


It's a horrible and short sighted decision to try and force this crap down our throats 5mo. into the game. Players want choice, not insane out of the blue regressive nerf limitation of choices.


P.s. In case you've forgotten, some of the Sith models(and the most popular apparently) don't even have tentacles on them, thus displayed the masks perfectly with no clipping issues.


P.p.s. Why not(at a minimum) revert it to make masks visible on non-tentacle toons and add a popup disclaimer at character creation on certain tentacle models that if chosen, face masks will not be visible on that particular model?

Edited by DizzD
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A second CSR - Jayr - has told me that they 'have confirmed with [their] specialist team that [it] is not a bug, and is working as designed'.


Still being lied to :( Jayr even told me that the Development team 'actively monitor [the] forums' looking out for player feedback. Why so many lies from the Customer Service Representatives?

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Must support this, i loved how my sith looked with a rebreather mask, and want that look back.

I've also had isues with headgear not showing on my miraluka, this cant possibly be "working as intended".

If it is change it back. NO ONE can be happy with this change.

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I'm going to throw my 2 credits in here as well. I love the re-breather on my Sith pure-blood, and I don't even have any head tentacles or spikes to deal with. Please Bioware give us back this option, I don't like hoping that every patch will fix it only to be disappointed.
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I fully support this, my friends. Already sent several tickets expressing my discomfort, making sveral threads about this problem...and yet not a single solution.


Please Bioware, give us back our respirator helmets on the sith pureblood characters!!!

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You implemented this at the same time you implemented hide helmet? Really? Think about that for a second. There is a forest in those trees if you look hard enough.


Minor point of order: You could hide helmets before, you just had to go into Settings to do it. My Miraluka was hiding her current helm because the clipping was so bad. Her previous two helms, though, looked fine even with the clipping, so I CHOSE to show them.


That's the real point, though, innit? If I didn't like the way something clipped through, I could hide the helm. If I didn't mind it - or notice it - then I could choose to let it show. Claiming that they've removed a feature - without any sort of patch notes - as a fix for an issue that already had stopgap fix in place is just utter BS.


When this first happened, I assumed it was a bug. If Bioware had continued calling it a bug, and not suddenly change their tune to "working as intended", I could live with it. It's a cosmetic issue, and while I would have liked to have seen the bug fixed, I would have understood that other game breaking bugs took precedence. Now, though, I'm told it's not a bug, but the way it's supposed to be, despite months of it being different.


They didn't implement this as a fix for the clipping. Just look at all the other head slot changes (again, without patch notes). Jedi hoods aren't as deep as they were, multiple helmets have significant clipping now that didn't prior to 1.2, and certain helmets flat out disappeared from several races. It's obvious to me that they tweaked something on the heads for some unknown reason (which is probably why helmets weren't unifying properly at first), and instead of wanting to admit to having broken something AGAIN, they're pretending it's supposed to be that way.


If this really is working as intended now, then how come they haven't fixed it so that my Pureblood Sith's voice isn't distorted when he's wearing his invisible helmet? How does intentionally making the item invisible but leaving the audio effect make sense at all?


Come on, Bioware. Stop spitting on us and telling us it's raining.

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Well, since my opinion on the CS forum is being ignored - since the bug is a feature - I'll post my plee here in this thread.


As the OP requests, unfix this bug immediately back to pre-1.2 state. I love the facemask my Sith Mara wears and enjoy seeing it on him! What's up with the devs of this game introducing annoying feature after bad feature instead of fixing actual bugs or testing patches before being applied to the public server? This is just plain ludicrous.

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