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swtor pvp = no skill required


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Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


1. Autofacing

2. Lack of macros

3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk


Mr. Op

Ty for the lulz

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macros = better pvp


I bet most of you dont even use focus. Why would you, i see a bunch of kb turners and clickers in this game.


Its not competitive nor complex. Prolly why most of BW defenders hang out here protecting the one pvp system that u can actually achieve something.


Nonetheless, im outta here. Back to wow. We sell glads on wow, lost my scustomer base to swtor. ROFL

Stay here wow is better for it

Edited by PVPWAR
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Destroying the MMO community

and collectively posioning the whole

gaming industry since 2004!!!




/please note this message was macro'd for SKILL


^^^^ another <2k player

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Destroying the MMO community

and collectively posioning the whole

gaming industry since 2004!!!




/please note this message was macro'd for SKILL


So much truth in this post.

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You are right we should all click like you do i guess. /smirk


yeah, those no skill op fotm sins and mara dared to click on you and you just exploded and died, due to lack of macros and addons.



Edited by Bazzoong
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So casters and range classes get auto face, but melee doesn't? Interesting..


It's only certain abilities that will auto face. Like on my sniper if I use abilities that are instant and you move out of LoS before I press it then I won't auto face to hit you. If I use a cast ability like Ambush or Snipe then it will auto-face you. Using Cull which is a channeled attack will auto-face people too. So I think most channeled or casted abilities will auto-face... the exception I think is Ravage from Marauders. I am pretty sure you can just move out of it and you stop taking damage. However... I think my Force Lightning on Assassin does auto-face... I don't remember it cancelling because someone ran behind me, but it has been 3 weeks or so since I really played much on him.


Really it isn't a problem in the PvP system because without auto-facing players will run through casters to cancel their attack because they will be LoS'd. Casters can't move while casting and melee have very few cast times or channeled abilities so facing your target to hit an ability shouldn't be that hard.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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Destroying the MMO community

and collectively posioning the whole

gaming industry since 2004!!!




/please note this message was macro'd for SKILL


It has nothing to do with "kiddies", it is all about 3rd party financial interests.

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It has nothing to do with "kiddies", it is all about 3rd party financial interests.


Well to be fair. I was or never was a WoW player, I did however own the game as it was gift so i did play a week or so of the first 30 days.

It was not for me, but i will acknowledge that Blizzard put in a lot of effort in the ambience and nuances in the game and it had a soul or at least seduced people to be apart of that world.

TOR on the other hand was a carbon copy of WoW and was made to make a lot of money off a great franchise and i think they just expected to rake in the cash as everyone would be happy with a WoW clone with Star Wars skin but the game feel lifeless and dead and there is no hook whatsoever in it.


In closing Blizzard became a crappy company a victim of its own success while EA was just crap to begin with...

Edited by Razot
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^^^^ another <2k player


Lol WoW PvP? Really man, your talking trash.about how good you are at WoW PvP?... this has to be a troll post


Number one a 7 year old can play and do well in WoW PvP


Number two veterans of games such as Dark Age of Camelot and Guild Wars and hell even Ultima Online will wipe the floor with WoW players.


Im really looking forward to my DAoC guild stomping WoW players in Guild Wars 2 personally....also Im not saying all players from WoW suck at PvP, just saying if your only MMO PvP exp is WoW...you better step up your game for Guild Wars 2

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Lol WoW PvP? Really man, your talking trash.about how good you are at WoW PvP?... this has to be a troll post


Number one a 7 year old can play and do well in WoW PvP


Number two veterans of games such as Dark Age of Camelot and Guild Wars and hell even Ultima Online will wipe the floor with WoW players.


Im really looking forward to my DAoC guild stomping WoW players in Guild Wars 2 personally....also Im not saying all players from WoW suck at PvP, just saying if your only MMO PvP exp is WoW...you better step up your game for Guild Wars 2


Hmm, while I don't feel the OP made his case very well, I also don't agree with the characterization of the good WoW PvP'ers. My son,along with his PvP buddies quit this game because "The skill cap was too low and overall PvP was way too easy." Their whole guild is now playing Tera and GW2. Most were multi-season glads in WoW and even played in level 70 capped PvP guilds that only played against other level 70 caped PvP guilds. There is a huge difference between casual WoW PvP and high end WoW PvP. I do fine in Swtor and in WoW PvP, I don't last seconds against my son even in the same gear in WoW. But put up a good fight in this game.


PS Let me know and I'll have my son keep an eye out for you in GW2 or BF3 if you play that ;)

PSS I can't say about 7 yr olds but my 10 yr old grandson quit SWTOR and went back to a WoW PVP "Because Swtor PvP was too easy and boring."

Edited by Erasimus
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Hmm, while I don't feel the OP made his case very well, I also don't agree with the characterization of the good WoW PvP'ers. My son,along with his PvP buddies quit this game because "The skill cap was too low and overall PvP was way too easy." Their whole guild is now playing Tera and GW2. Most were multi-season glads in WoW and even played in level 70 capped PvP guilds that only played against other level 70 caped PvP guilds. There is a huge difference between casual WoW PvP and high end WoW PvP. I do fine in Swtor and in WoW PvP, I don't last seconds against my son even in the same gear in WoW. But put up a good fight in this game.


PS Let me know and I'll have my son keep an eye out for you in GW2 or BF3 if you play that ;)

PSS I can't say about 7 yr olds but my 10 yr old grandson quit SWTOR and went back to a WoW PVP "Because Swtor PvP was too easy and boring."


And why are you still here?


Oh, yeah. It`s "improved queue dodging" your "offspring".


(lvl 70 wow pvp...)

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Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


1. Autofacing

2. Lack of macros

3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk


LOL join date. The question is how did this "bad game" take you away from your snuggly pandas?

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And why are you still here?


Oh, yeah. It`s "improved queue dodging" your "offspring".


(lvl 70 wow pvp...)


I'm actually playing TERA. As to why I'm still here, well I suck at PvP compared to my son and soon my grandson. But at 62 with a few fixes SWTOR is just my speed ;) When I feel the need for speed I'll play Tera or GW2 and let my son carry me.

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I'm actually playing TERA. As to why I'm still here, well I suck at PvP compared to my son and soon my grandson. But at 62 with a few fixes SWTOR is just my speed ;) When I feel the need for speed I'll play Tera or GW2 and let my son carry me.




Guess you will like the 10 buttons in qw2 then, it will not be a lot of hard work for your son to carry you...




(edit) You beat your "son" when it comes to humor though, and big time...

Edited by Bazzoong
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Well to be fair. I was or never was a WoW player, I did however own the game as it was gift so i did play a week or so of the first 30 days.

It was not for me, but i will acknowledge that Blizzard put in a lot of effort in the ambience and nuances in the game and it had a soul or at least seduced people to be apart of that world.

TOR on the other hand was a carbon copy of WoW and was made to make a lot of money off a great franchise and i think they just expected to rake in the cash as everyone would be happy with a WoW clone with Star Wars skin but the game feel lifeless and dead and there is no hook whatsoever in it.


In closing Blizzard became a crappy company a victim of its own success while EA was just crap to begin with...


I'm confused...You mean to tell me the legacy system and space combat along with 12 different trees to work with = WOW? You must be trolling, and yes it's themepark style but it's nothing like WOW unless you count the same sort of gameplay except WOW never invented that. I say sort of because res works nothing like expertise does....Also the resolve bar is entirely different then the way cc works in WOW. People who *****ed and moaned about resolve had a L2P issue and still do.

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It's only certain abilities that will auto face. Like on my sniper if I use abilities that are instant and you move out of LoS before I press it then I won't auto face to hit you. If I use a cast ability like Ambush or Snipe then it will auto-face you. Using Cull which is a channeled attack will auto-face people too. So I think most channeled or casted abilities will auto-face... the exception I think is Ravage from Marauders. I am pretty sure you can just move out of it and you stop taking damage. However... I think my Force Lightning on Assassin does auto-face... I don't remember it cancelling because someone ran behind me, but it has been 3 weeks or so since I really played much on him.


Really it isn't a problem in the PvP system because without auto-facing players will run through casters to cancel their attack because they will be LoS'd. Casters can't move while casting and melee have very few cast times or channeled abilities so facing your target to hit an ability shouldn't be that hard.


Mostly correct on this post. Ravage and Master strike do not auto-face, but if the target remains within 10 meters in any direction the attack will still hit. A snared target is pretty much going to eat all three hits unless a CC is used.

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Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


1. Autofacing

2. Lack of macros

3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk


Then why am I better than you are at PvP?

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Im really disappointed in the pvp in this game. I played wow for 4 yrs and a few of my friends from wow quit swtor because the pvp in this game caters to skillcapped or low skill players.


1. Autofacing

2. Lack of macros

3. Class imbalance (although this happens to every MMO), some are pretty obvious in this game yet bw devs drag their feet as usual.



Im beginning to wonder if bw intended it this way to cater to <2k bads from wow to actually feel like they are worthy


BTW plz roll more fotm classes guys, no skill required....shadows,sents /smirk



Elitists are elitist.

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