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not enough quests


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I would like to know if anyone is having my problem. I solo the game and when I get to Hoth , I find not enough quests to get to 40 or 41 for the next plant.


Thanks everyone for your help. I did the bonus quests but I did not find any of them on Quesh or Hoth. Did I miss them? I too went around mobs too, I play everyday so I do not get rest time.

Edited by Leesle
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I found myself being a couple of levels behind the content due to a couple of things; I didn't do very many heroics and (my biggest issue) as a sawbones spent most of my questing time stealthing past mobs instead of killing them which resulted in get a lot less XP spread out over the entire levelling process.
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Yeah i have found that this happens to me as well. I would always skip heroics too, but do everything else on the planet. I didnt know about the Alderaan bonus, so thats one thing. Another thing that will help is space missions.
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My wife don't do heroics OR FP but does every single side quest and bonus mission and she STILL outlevel the planet (with rest exp) also do all the bonus mission (like sub mission to kill so and so or collect so and so and especially the stages one)



I am not sure what y'all are doing.

Edited by Sasheria
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I would like to know if anyone is having my problem. I solo the game and when I get to Hoth , I find not enough quests to get to 40 or 41 for the next plant.


Here's another suggestion, screw the recommended level concept and go to Belsavis at 39. Enjoy the challenge that is questing under the suggested level, it'll raise the bar and make you work more. You might even end up a better player because of it.

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I would like to know if anyone is having my problem. I solo the game and when I get to Hoth , I find not enough quests to get to 40 or 41 for the next plant.


You must've skipped some bonus series or something.

Alt I'm now leveling hasn't done a single Flashpoint, space mission or a heroic quest and I am well on the level, if not slightly over leveled for the content at lvl 47.

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You absolutely do not need Heroics to stay on par while leveling, same goes for PvP and Space. Will it help out? Of course.


A few things to consider:

* Unless you're playing 24/7, make sure you put your character in rest zones for the double xp while logged out, cantina, ship, etc..

* Make sure you're completing all the bonus/area quests while leveling, those small area quests add up.

* Hit the bonus series, Nar Shadaa, Alderaan, Tatooine, Hoth, etc.. Hit up Google if you can't find the starting locations and level requirements.

* An additional option is to collect all the Datacrons you're able to on the planets, each one will usually net you over 1k of xp per.


I'm sure there are more, but those came to mind immediately. Good luck!

Edited by Pirana
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always, always, always log out in a cantina, on the fleet (main ship only iirc) or your ship.

do the space mission dailies

do heroics. if you can't find anyone to do them with, do them alone (a few lvl lower heroics, if they are 2+ and you struggle. even if the exp is not that much anymore, the rewards are usually still somewhat worth it)

do bonus quests. (for example the one on tatooine is lvl 28 or something, starting about when you're done with the planet, nar shaddaa is about 30something, alderaan is 40...)

do pvp in-between. it's a good idea to at least keep your valor the same as your lvl. it doesn't take long and you get some commendations for it, not forgetting to mention exp and credits (and no repair cost)

discover the whole map and kill everything! while discovering an area only gives very little exp, codex entry exp adds up.


there's really lots of ways to lvl in this game. you just need to find them. and if you realise you're a little behind the quests, rather grind a little than doing quests even higher in lvl, because it will only get worse.

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I would like to know if anyone is having my problem. I solo the game and when I get to Hoth , I find not enough quests to get to 40 or 41 for the next plant.


by the time i got the hoth i was well above the max for the planet... if you do more quests than just your main this game is cake

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I just reached 41 on Taris last evening. (Empire: 32 - 36)


If anything; you gain too much experience to quickly in this game. Not that I'm complaining...

I'm odd in that I want to get to max level before exploring for datacrons and such.

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I have had the exact opposite problem.


My 1st character was always 4-5 levels above the current planet. I was doing all of the space missions every day plus clearing out every quest on each planet for moving on.


My subsequent characters I have done no space missions. With 1-2 heroic quests per planet, an occasional FP and 1 WZ per day I still find my self having to skip quests if I do not want to show up to the next planet 3-4 levels above the content.


There are tons of ways to get experience, not having enough quests isn't really an issue.

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Not sure about you, but I have a severe case of overleveling. One of my alts reached Alderaan (lvl 28) at level 37. The entire world was grey.


Agreed I always start new planets at cap or a few levels beyond.

If your doing all the quests it's almost impossible not to.

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Yeah i have found that this happens to me as well. I would always skip heroics too, but do everything else on the planet. I didnt know about the Alderaan bonus, so thats one thing. Another thing that will help is space missions.


You can't do the Alderaan bonus series until after you've finished Hoth and Chapter 2 - then you can pick it up on the fleet. THe first quest will be grey to you, but the other quests will be yellow. Actually, your current level is perfect for Hoth - most quests should be yellow and green to you.

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There aren't enough quests....... ??? Have you been to Taris? There's a reason it's called "The Never Ending Story!" I swear that planet has waaayyy to many quests lol. You must be skipping quests or not doing bonus quests, etc... I think, depending on your class, you may be skipping some quests unintentionally. If you are a stealth class, you may be skipping the hidden bonus missions by not having to kill the mobs throughout the area's you go to. As well, killing those mobs nets you XP as well so that's missed XP.


There are PLENTY of quests to keep you overleveled. You must be missing some of the planetary missions. I skipped over 50% of Tatooine (skipped bonus missions), 30% of Alderaan (didn't do bonus missions), Skipped a bunch of Balmoraa (no bonus series) I'm just now doing the bonus series on Nar Shadaa, and I'm still out leveling the planets. That only doing 2 +2 Heroics, 1 Warzone, 2 FP's, and 1 Space Mission and no PvP. I don't even do the dailies most of the time. Also, if you join a party, you will get more XP. I gained 2 levels just from doing ONLY the recent Rhakghoul event.


As stated, make sure when you log out, you take the time and logout in a rest zone. The rested XP makes a difference (2x XP). Do all the side / bonus quests and you can be sure to outlevel planets in no time at all.

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That is normal, if you don't do the heroics you'll be a level behind. Unless you're like Keymod, who likely always has a full bar of rest exp saved up.


This is blatantly false. If you do every one of the quests provided on every planet, not even including heroics, you should be at least a level or more ahead.

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