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My server is dead - we need transfers now, not in early summer

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I really don't care if they want to wait to decide which servers get free transfers, just offer paid transfers now and keep the free ones for early summer. All I am asking here is to be able to play the game.


Exactly. I will pay, just let me get off my dead server so I can actually enjoy the game. This is a huge issue and it affects more than half the servers.

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Nathema's dead as well.


Transfers wont do any good for me as I've managed to recreate on a better server... however it too is shrinking fast (but still around 75 pub and 120 imp in good times). But I have a few friends that didnt want to transfer and left. Up to 3 and counting, so far.


hopefully they manualy move these 63 players on the entire server to the bigger ones, then close off small servers.



Edited by FrancoisTogruta
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I have to agree. I log on Jung Ma and there is a respectable 80 players on Fleet right now, while on Ven Zallow we have 20.


It's to the point I don't want to level my characters any more on the server, yet also don't want to start leveling new ones on a new server, losing all the Legacy rewards, the speeders you can no longer get, my valor levels etc.


This is incredibly disappointing, and now even I, a relatively die hard fan who expected to play this for years to come, may end up unsubscribing until this issue is resolved.

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I fail to understand why the server transfer service isnt ready yet and its been five months since launch, i came from begeren colony server and rerolled on the harbinger and now its population is also dwindling and i have no strength or will anymore to make a new character on a healthier server like the fatman server, tera has server transfer service readily available at launch and its distributed by a much much smaller company than bioware.
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Sadly the big hold up is the legacy system, which is something most people care nothing about. I'm at level 35 legacy and I'd give it all up in a heartbeat to be able to play on a populated server.
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I wonder if this decision has anything to do with a population spike during the summer when people are out of school and college. Just seems that if they wait any longer there wont be a population left to move around.
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Exactly. I will pay, just let me get off my dead server so I can actually enjoy the game. This is a huge issue and it affects more than half the servers.


NO NO NO. Why should be have to pay for BW's failed project? They have lost to many subs due to various reasons but why now hammer the population thats left with paid transfers? They need to merge servers not allow transfers. A merge from two or three low servers will create one healthy server.

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The current state of servers is a total joke 30 people on fleet 1/3 of which aren't 50. Like the OP stated can't do anything unless its in the afternoon for a few hours.Which if you have a raid makes doing pvp later that night or earlier in the day impossible. Because I really don't feel like waiting 40 minutes for a que,I really can't believe this isn't the very top priority.I would have rather had server transfers than the utterly f***ing useless state of the current legacy which is nothing but fluff. I hate to go off topic but I serious can't believe they put a "coming soon" tab like some kind of website where you are waiting for something to come out.


What is point of transfers instead of merging servers anyway ? Find a way to deal with same name/legacy name,its really not that big a deal. What will happen when transfers are out is everyone leaving their dead servers creating even worse/more ghost towns. Keep in mind some people will stay and you are going to have servers with like 100 people online across the entire server. What does bioware plan to do with the 60 ghost town servers that are left after everyone leaves ?

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So you guys know that "early summer" is like... June, right?

And you guys know that June is really only a few weeks away, right?




Did they say june or early summer?


I would like for them to be more specific. I clearly remember 1.2 was to be delivered first march then "early" april and finally it arrived "mid" april.

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So you guys know that "early summer" is like... June, right?

And you guys know that June is really only a few weeks away, right?



if by "a few" means at least 4 of them plus "which isn't even guaranteed/confirmed", then yea.

still doesn't negate that its another billing cycle to go through, though.

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OK, so transfers can cause bugs eh? Well, how about server mergers? Which is less of a risk on Bioware's end??


One or the other needs to happen and fast. X server WZs and X server LFG needs to happen fast too so peeps can play 24/7. I shouldn't ONLY get to play during peak primetime hours, that's bull :mad:.


The reason so many peeps have quit the game is because atm on most servers this REAAAAALLY doesn't feel like an MMO at all.....and Bioware's BIGGEST gift to us is the stupid Legacy which just gets peeps to reroll over and over, because frankly that's all half of us CAN do!!

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Did they say june or early summer?


I would like for them to be more specific. I clearly remember 1.2 was to be delivered first march then "early" april and finally it arrived "mid" april.


They said, Early Summer, not June, don't expect it to be either. Rated Wzs were supposed to be 1.2, its probally not going to make it in 1.3, but lets cross our fingers, 1.3 will have to be MASSIVE to get everything in the patch.



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This thread has reached 25 pages. There has been no official reaction from Bioware. It's safe to say they don't intend to rush forward with transfers. I'd like to place emphasis on a few things that Bioware should and should NOT do when transferring.


1. Do not limit transfers to servers of similar classification (RP to RP, PvP to PvP, PvE to PvE)

2. Do not charge money (If they charge for initial transfer, I'd wager at least three-quarters of players may just say: you know what maybe this game isn't worth my subscription)

3. Do not limit transfers based on %'s of Empire and Republic players in an attempt to create balance with the force (That's Darth Vader's job, not Biowares)

4. Arrange the transfer of guilds as a single piece, including the guild bank and all its contents.

5. Create a list of who is going where, so you can see where friends are headed.


Anyone who can think of other key things, let me know. As of right now I'm pretty tired. May add more later.

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OK, so transfers can cause bugs eh? Well, how about server mergers? Which is less of a risk on Bioware's end??


One or the other needs to happen and fast. X server WZs and X server LFG needs to happen fast too so peeps can play 24/7. I shouldn't ONLY get to play during peak primetime hours, that's bull :mad:.


The reason so many peeps have quit the game is because atm on most servers this REAAAAALLY doesn't feel like an MMO at all.....and Bioware's BIGGEST gift to us is the stupid Legacy which just gets peeps to reroll over and over, because frankly that's all half of us CAN do!!

I'm pretty damn sure server merges is actually a much higher risk for them.

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This thread has reached 25 pages. There has been no official reaction from Bioware. It's safe to say they don't intend to rush forward with transfers. I'd like to place emphasis on a few things that Bioware should and should NOT do when transferring.


1. Do not limit transfers to servers of similar classification (RP to RP, PvP to PvP, PvE to PvE)

2. Do not charge money (If they charge for initial transfer, I'd wager at least three-quarters of players may just say: you know what maybe this game isn't worth my subscription)

3. Do not limit transfers based on %'s of Empire and Republic players in an attempt to create balance with the force (That's Darth Vader's job, not Biowares)

4. Arrange the transfer of guilds as a single piece, including the guild bank and all its contents.

5. Create a list of who is going where, so you can see where friends are headed.


Anyone who can think of other key things, let me know. As of right now I'm pretty tired. May add more later.


Do you think they should hold of transfers until they can transfer a guild including guild bank all at once? I think this is a significant amount of additional work and testing.


I think they should just automate and perfect the manual transfer process for one character they have now and release that. Once they have the basic then add guild transfers then server merges.


To expect too much at once is just going to take longer

Edited by corbanite
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Did they say june or early summer?


I would like for them to be more specific. I clearly remember 1.2 was to be delivered first march then "early" april and finally it arrived "mid" april.


Yep, 1.2 "arrived" "mid" april. Here I am enjoying the ranked warzones. Not that it would matter tho. Given what's left of the population of my server, it's always the same people queuing with the same predictable results.

Edited by sensiblepoast
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I fail to understand why the server transfer service isnt ready yet and its been five months since launch, i came from begeren colony server and rerolled on the harbinger and now its population is also dwindling and i have no strength or will anymore to make a new character on a healthier server like the fatman server, tera has server transfer service readily available at launch and its distributed by a much much smaller company than bioware.



Tera has been live in Korea for a year before launch here. So your example is flawed.



Also to the OP...you think BW is just sitting on a perfectly working transfer system right now? Why would they? Your reasoning makes zero sense. They can't get transfers until early summer because THAT's when the system will be ready.

Edited by Cerion
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Man, some people really don't get it. Server and mergers are doubtlessly tricky stuff. So of course Bioware is going to take it slow to make sure it goes right.


First we get the transfers to the Pacific servers. Then they're going paid transfers so people can go where they want. Only THEN would they move towards mergers. Even they'll have to sit on things a bit to give people who don't want to go to whatever server they'd be merged with a bit of time to transfer somewhere they like.


So to do all that without minimal bugs and loses they're going to have to proceed carefully. A little patience is all that is required.

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No more w8ing give us transfer before Diablo 3 or rly no point playing on low populated servers. Now we need to w8 till 5PM CEST time on Trayus Academy to be able to do wz. 90% of ppl on server told that they will be playing Diablo 3 so we can conclude that population will drop to 0 then :(

I don't give a damn if transfer means at this time i'll lose my legacy, screw it! I never was RP typ of player more of action player (raids, pvp) so just give me ability to enyoj my playstyle!

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I have a feeling that they aren't delaying this due to technical restrictions. I find it hard to believe that implementing server transfers/merges is harder than creating the legacy system,flashpoints,warzones and various other things which were amazingly released before this. Server transfers are a Priority right now. Not just some nice extra they can add whenever they want. Do they not realise that people are leaving EVERY day due to these empty servers? Thus making this bad problem even worse. Edited by Trollarama
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I have a feeling that they aren't delaying this due to technical restrictions. I find it hard to believe that implementing server transfers/merges is harder than creating the legacy system,flashpoints,warzones and various other things which were amazingly released before this. Server transfers are a Priority right now. Not just some nice extra they can add whenever they want. Do they not realise that people are leaving EVERY day due to these empty servers? Thus making this bad problem even worse.


And so, in your infinite wisdom and game design experience, what do you perceive the 'real' reason is? BioWare really, secretly wants to drive customers away, is that it?

Edited by Cerion
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