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UI Feature Feedback Request


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The GUI Editor is a great starting point and the bare basics are in. It needs only some little tweaks.


The single most needed UI feature for me now are chat bubbles, however.

Bioware developers implied that they would be the next thing on the list for the UI team after the UI Editor has been released. Please keep your word and implement toggleable chat bubbles before you work on any other UI features! Thank you very much



Additionally, here is a list of UI-related things to tackle that come to mind during some quick brainstorming:


- Implement toggleable Chat Bubbles for /say, /yell and /emote chat (and possibly options to individually enable them for party/ops chat, etc. as well).


- A "Face Merchants" (plastical surgery) interface that allows you to basically re-enter the character creation GUI after the faction and class selection on existing characters and change everything about the looks of your character, including gender, race and possibly the character name. So basically an extended "barber shop"/"image design" type deal that fits into the Star Wars Universe (yes, there are instances of infiltrators/spies utilizing plastical surgery to even change species and gender in the Star Wars Universe!) and allows all players to change their looks and fully utilize any freshly unlocked character creation features from the Legacy system.


- A hood up/down toggle for all cloaks (not just on/off, make sure to switch the models for the hood up/down versions respectively where applicable!). Do this for player characters and companions.


- Individual "Hide Hand Slot", "Hide Feet Slot", "Hide Chest Slot", "Hide Wrist Slot", "Hide Waist Slot" that work just like the current "hide head slot" toggle so we can freely hide various parts of our outfits. Possibly allow this for companions as well (including the Hide head slot toggle).


- A "Hide shoulder pads/pauldrons" toggle that allows you to hide/show the ugly, un Star-Warsy shoulder pads on many of the armors which would look wonderful without them. Do this for player characters and companions.


- More Direct Keybinds for various things like throwing the huttball, summoning/dismissing your companion(s) (one keybind to quickly summon each companion would be great!) various emotes, and more.


- Ability to freely choose which quickbar slot is used for the "auto attack" (when right-clicking) and being able to rebind the function.


- Ability to freely rebind all keys and Mouse Buttons and all key combinations and remove hard keybinds (CTRL+A comes to mind).


- Ability to bind combinations of modifier keys and mouse buttons (Shift+Mouse Button X, ALT+Mouse Button X, CTRL + Mouse Button X, etc.).


- Ability to store all keybinds to an .xml file locally and load them on another character, share them with others, etc.


- Ability to individually resize/scale all GUI windows.


- Being able to individually resize all text in various GUI elements (and possibly even choose the font type freely from the fonts on your system?)


- Being able to dock multiple chat tabs to secondary chat windows (can currently only be done in the primary chat window)


- Being able to link items in secondary chat windows other than the primary one (can currently only be done in the primary chat window)


- Being able to turn off the chat input bar(s) on secondary chat windows


- Freely choose the colors of the GUI for each character (RGB wheel)


- More quickbars (including appropriate keybind options)


- Being able to freely move, resize the big red/yellow system text in the middle of the screen and choose to turn it off (witht he output going into the System chat channel instead).


- Ability to freely move and scale all GUI elements, including the FPS display, the codex entry popup, etc.


- Resize the health bar height and width of the payer, target, target of target, focus target, companion and group, display individually instead of a fixed height/width ratio.


- Resize all GUI elements' height and width independently from each other (not only a fixed ratio like it is now).


- Turn off character portraits for each individual health display.


- Change the sliders in the GUI editor to be more fine-grained and higher range (one can already manually edit the XML file for various finer options and it works, so it shouldn't be a problem to allow more values and higher ranges on the sliders).


- Ensure that all GUI system sounds that currently aren't heard when being tasked out play even when tasked out of the game with "Background Audio" enabled (like the /tell and /whisper sound, the Warzone ready/invite sound, etc.).


- Add a "System sounds" slider to the Sound tab to adjust the volume of system sounds like /tell sound, warzone popup sound, friend/guild login sound, new mail sound, incoming holo message sound and more separately from other sound effects in order to be able to make them stand out more.


- Add a waypoint system that allows you to type /waypoint Planet X,Y,Z <Waypoint name> and sets a marker on your map and mini-map at the entered coordinates, similar to the mission waypoint icons, but possibly in a different shape/color.


- Add a line with the suggested path to a map icon on the map/mini map from your location when clicking on the desired map icon.


- Add the ability to freely recolor and resize each individual map icon.


- Show the holographic head of the person that sends you a /tell or /whisper somewhere (including an option to toggle this feature off as well as being able to freely move and resize it).


Edited by Glzmo
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I would like to see color/texture sets to modify the full UI.


I would also like to see horizontal and vertical, for lack of a better word, anchors for moving the elements around. For example, I'm moving my target element around and it lines up vertically with my portrait/health bar and it snaps into an anchored position until I move up or down X amount of pixels. Or I'm moving a toolbar and as soon as the toolbar gets very near the center of the screen horizontally it anchors on the center line until moved so many pixels left or right, allowing for perfectly centered and/or lined up elements (Very similar to WoW's pitbull mod).

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1) Save keybindings client-side, so that we can easily share and/or copy them between characters, just like the rest of the UI.


2) Make keybindings work on buttons not currently visible on the screen. You already have keybindings in place for specific bar+button combinations, but they stop working if the bar is hidden, which complete defeats the purpose.


3) Clicking on a player name in brackets in text should open a whisper to that player all the time, not just on some (inconsistent) kinds of chat.


4) When on our personal ship, change the name-bar-switcher on the companion tab to a simple dropdown list instead of the current "[<] Name [>]" bar. For one thing, the order seems to be completely arbitrary and inconsistent. For another, the tooltip (if you hover over the left or right arrows) showing what companion would be switched to doesn't update after you click it, making it completely useless.


I'm not holding my breath for a scriptable moddable interface. Anything slapped on top of the current design now is just going to be even more resource consuming. Just fix the bugs with what's there.

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I would like a forum filter which automatically ignores posters who like to completely alter their default text color.


oh, yeah, and that.


the ones who pretend to be bioware employees by posting in all yellow can go straight to hell.

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flip the numbering in a hotbar which is y high and x wide.

eg: currently mine is

1   2   3   4
5   6   7   8
9   0   -   =

I would like:

3  6  9  =
2  5  8  -
1  4  7  0


Also, hotbars that only display when a control key is pressed. This lets me bind hb1 as 1-=, hb2 as sft1-shft= and hb3 as ctrl1-ctrl= and place them all on top of each other, then when I hold shift or ctrl hb1 fades out and hb2 or hb3 fades in.


Lastly, the ability to bind a hotbar to mouseover clicks would be amazing, e.g.: mouse over my portrait, ctrl click for hb1slot1, click4 for hb1slot2. mouse over companion, raid or party for the same

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- Filter showed buffs/debuffs, for example i don't realy want to see if i have Sprint enabled (or Bolster/Trauma/etc.) - it's always ON, 101% of the play time on all my charapters, i don't even want to see all class buffs, since my toon soon be able to buff all of them in one click. etc. Hovewer many procs/stacked buffs are very imporant to track (simple resizing Buff/Debuff slots will do nothing, it's already two million of icons to realy having attention on what proced or have you stunned/blined)


- Move/resize HealthBar and PowerBar as a diffirent frames (i like to have for example PowerBar in the middle of the screen, and Health bar somewhere in a different place.


- Move/resize/disable of graphics of Health/Power bar and digital/percentage frame as a different elements.


- Hide background of all Player/Cast/Target/Focus/etc frames.


- Cometic changes for quick bars, to have option for every cell as "complete hide cell when ability on cooldown" and "complete hide cell when ability NOT on cooldown" - if you implelement this plus many many quickbars/quickcells they all can be customised very close to half of functionality of PowerAuras (WoW addon),


- Second half of PowerAuras functionality is add "buff/debuff cells" with same options of hide/show when you have or have not this buff/debuff and option for this buff/debuff called "casted by me" for tracking your own DoTs/HoTs.

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flip the numbering in a hotbar which is y high and x wide.

eg: currently mine is

1   2   3   4
5   6   7   8
9   0   -   =

I would like:

3  6  9  =
2  5  8  -
1  4  7  0


Also, hotbars that only display when a control key is pressed. This lets me bind hb1 as 1-=, hb2 as sft1-shft= and hb3 as ctrl1-ctrl= and place them all on top of each other, then when I hold shift or ctrl hb1 fades out and hb2 or hb3 fades in.


Lastly, the ability to bind a hotbar to mouseover clicks would be amazing, e.g.: mouse over my portrait, ctrl click for hb1slot1, click4 for hb1slot2. mouse over companion, raid or party for the same


Change your keybinds to reflect that.

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Change your keybinds to reflect that.


Somewhat annoying when I have the same UI and controls set up on 8 chars per server on 2 servers with 3 hotbars per char. its a lot of rebinding! Also, you might have noticed that this matches the button layout on the SWTOR official mouse...

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  • The option to display grid lines while the Interface Editor is active, to allow accurate positioning/centering of elements
  • Snap-to-grid should be available (but optional)
  • Arrow keys should allow slow (single pixel) movement of the selected element, to allow precision positioning
  • Display the X,Y coordinate of the selected element (or perhaps whichever element the mouse is hovering over)

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  • Ability to scale and filter buffs/debuffs.
  • Buffs/debuffs need a countdown timer function you can turn on/off
  • Ability to turn off Portraits
  • Ability to "lock" certain buffs so they can't be clicked on to remove
  • Better buff/debuff seperation


For me, pretty much this. Unlocking buffs/debuffs from unit frames and making them a separate, scalable element would be an awesome 1st move.


some sort of snap-to functionality to make it easier to line things up.


Ctrl + click selectability so that I can select multiple elements (i.e. castbars) and scale them at the same time to the same scale. Also, a reset scale button for individual elements would be nice.


more than 4 quickbars. 10 would be optimal. I personally like to have 4 as 6 button boxes. I'm a lefty.


The ability to hide quickbars and only show them on modifier press (a la bartender) would help to keep the UI clean.


Also, not exactly UI, but store keybinds and ALL settings so that when I make an alt I don't have to set it all up again.

Edited by eponymousbosch
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- Second half of PowerAuras functionality is add "buff/debuff cells" with same options of hide/show when you have or have not this buff/debuff and option for this buff/debuff called "casted by me" for tracking your own DoTs/HoTs.


Oh, yeah. A way better highlight when certain attacks are active (due to incapacitates or buffs) would be great.

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Most of those have been posted already but here is goes:


- The ability to filter buffs/debuffs and resize them

- The ability to show companion frames as part of the operation frames, they are already accounted for group size.

- the ability to hide mugshots/portraits

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  • Additional hotbars.
  • Hotbars that snap-together within say 5 pixels of each other, and the ability to disable snapping too! (Don't force it).
  • X and Y input to move elements manually, to get them just right.
  • More flytext options - Specifically it's nice to have some flying text in a different format to other flytext for things like Cooldowns, and on chance buffs. Its good to have a clear separation between these and simply damage and defensive text etc.
  • Macros - Give us some real customization for our abilities.

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Mostly from a 16-man raid healing perspective:



  • Give the ability to re-size buff / debuff icons. I want larger buff and debuff icons without larger raid frames, but this is currently not possible.
  • Give the ability to customize where debuffs and buffs display. Within raid frames, buffs and debuffs currently display right on top of each other, which I find to be very confusing and annoying. I would like the ability to choose from which corner of each frame buffs and debuffs display, independently from one another.
  • Make it easier to identify my buffs and debuffs from others' buffs and debuffs. It's currently difficult to identify how long my HoT or DoT has remaining. Either allow my buffs and debuffs to be separated from others' buffs and debuffs, allow my buffs and debuffs to appear larger than others' buffs and debuffs, or give players the option to disable buffs and debuffs not applied by me from displaying. Preferably all 3 options so everyone gets what they want.
  • Color the borders around debuffs to indicate what type of debuff it is. It is currently frustrating knowing which buffs are dispellable and which are not. Color the borders based upon debuff type to make this easier. For example, white: undispellable, red: physical, light blue: mental, yellow: tech, purple: force.
  • For Operatives and Scoundrels, give the Tactical Advantage and Upper Hand buffs their own indicator. TA and UH is a resource for Operatives and Scoundrels. It's difficult to keep track of this buff when it keeps moving around as buffs are applied and removed all the time. TA and UH should have their own independent indicator, such as 2-3 icons within the energy bar.
  • Remove stance, class buff, and stim icons from raid frames. With 16 raid frames, these buffs lead to 90+ icons that I could care less about and make it more difficult to see buffs and debuffs that I do care about.
  • Similar to above, remove the battle rez debuff from the raid frames. I doubt this will come to pass, but ideally, there should be a way that I can disable the icon of any debuff or buff that I don't care about, such as right-clicking the icon and selecting "disable icon". A menu should be available somewhere in preferences if you wish to re-enable the buff or debuff. There are many buffs and debuffs that simply don't affect how I play, thus trying to sort through all of these buffs and debuffs becomes annoying. Sample abilities that I would like to be disabled from raid frames for me personally: 1) Mercenary +3% healing received buff. 2) Mercenary +5% damage reduced buff. 3) Sorcerer debuff preventing them from casting Electric Shield (I'm an Operative). 4) The 5-day debuff that is received after killing Nightmare Pilgrim. 5) The battle rez debuff. 6) The debuff received when standing on Stormcaller or Firebrand.



  • Give the ability to disable portraits from player, focus, target, and target of target frames.
  • Adjustable health bar height and width. Currently, only raid frame's can have the health bar height and width adjusted. Player, focus, target, and target of target frames currently do not have adjustable health bars.
  • Give the ability to disable the display of resource bars. I never pay attention to how many resources party/raid members currently have. Seeing the resource bars in the raid frames is currently a waste of space.
  • Give the ability to customize health bar text between current health, health deficient, and health percentage. Currently we can only see current health, and health percentage on SOME frames, but not all. The ability to see health in a text format should be available on all frames. Health deficient should also be an added option as many healers prefer to see how much health they can potentially heal.
  • Option for raid member names and buff and debuff icons to display directly on the health bars instead of above them. I find that the name plates above 16 health bars on the raid frames takes up a lot of vertical space. I would like to see raid member names display directly on the health bar instead of above it. Similarly, I'd like to see buff and debuff icons displaying directly on the health bars instead of above the health bars, where they are easier to notice.
  • Give us the option to remove borders from all frames. While some frames can have borders removed, the player cast bar and the main action bar cannot have their borders removed currently.



  • Give us the option to move frames by every 5 or 10 pixels instead of every 1 pixel. It's somewhat difficult to line up frames horizontally or vertically if the frames are not right next to each other. Moving frames by 5 or 10 pixels instead of 1 pixel at a time will make lining up frames easier to do.



  • Give the ability to quickly toggle an action bar on or off. I prefer a minimalist UI, so that I only see what is necessary. I have the action bar containing Quick Travel not visible, but at times, I would like to quickly check the cooldown remaining on the ability. It would be nice if we could either make action bars visible only when we mouse over them, change the alpha value when we mouse over them, or have a button similar to the quest tracker to show / hide an action bar.
  • Give the ability to move companion abilities around on the companion hot bar. I would like to adjust the companion abilities so that companion stances are next to each other and companion AoE abilities are next to each other to make it easier to switch a companion's stance and to enable/disable companion AoE abilities when their is crowd control going around.
  • Toggle on/off the icons for the action bar lock and the action bar changer from the main action bar.



  • Give the ability to rotate the mini-map based upon the direction our character is facing. I occasionally get confused which way I'm supposed to be going ("Is South to my left or right right?"), making the mini-map rotate based upon which direction I'm facing would help immensely.



  • Ctrl + f2 and Ctrl + A cannot be correctly bound to the action bar at this time. While you can bind these buttons to the action bar, trying to use any ability that you assign to it cannot be used. These are both keybindings that I would like to use, but cannot for some inexplicable reason.

Edited by Azkit
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i would like abilities like resplendence and other proc's to be in a separate, movable, re-sizable bar so i could rearrange them for ops, currently proc's buffs/abilities get lost in the sea of icons
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I would love it if Buffs and debuffs had their own element with full scale and positioning options.


Screen layer ordering for individual elements so frames that I have overlapped stay on the layer I choose.


Mission tracker that can be placed on the left side of the screen, both top and bottom anchoring for left also.


Grid alignment and snap-to feature that can be turned off if required.


Height/width adjustment for main player and target Health/resource bar.


Optional portraits.


Optional frame elements for things like the main menu bar and phase indicator with options to flip the frame vertically.


Possibly not under the UI teams purview, but the option to save/load/attach specific key binding sets to particular UIs.


Colour options for the Ui would be nice.


AC icon option on the Operation frame.


Better functionality of the companion frame whilst in a party. I have issues where this element slides off to the side of my screen (presumably trying to hide itself), and since the latest update, it moves under my hotbars! having this just stay where I put it would be nice.

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got a couple ideas for you guys:



  • More quickbars: Four bars is not a lot of room for a high level character, and when you start to throw in things like consumables and legacy abilities, it fills up fast. It would be useful if we had a way to create/delete additional quickbars in the interface.
  • Option to increase the number of slots per quickbar, for people like myself who use a nostromo speed-pad with fourteen buttons (not twelve).
  • Quickbar Modifiers: Option to enable the main quickbar, or any bar the player chooses, to change when a modifier key is pressed (ctr, alt, shift, ctr+alt, ctr+alt+shift. etc..), allowing it to display a quickbar corresponding to that modifier. (as per the player's design)
  • Easier key-binding: Point and click easy, no more digging through menus.
  • Separate the portrait from the health bar. Separate buffs/debuffs from the health bar. Separate energy bar from the health bar. These should all be their own elements, imho.
  • UI elements could Snap to each other in different places, like little UI Legos.
  • Extend the maximum zoom on the mini-map: You can now make the map much bigger than it previously was, it would be helpful if you could also zoom out further, to survey a larger area.

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