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Spike the ball in Huttball?


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Rank 71 Tankassin.


I got the ball after killing the opposing team's ball carrier near our end-zone in the pit. We did not have control of mid and were already losing 4-0. I had allies near me but no heals. I was at half health and have personally learned not to try to carry the ball out of my own pit under most circumstances due to being pulled into fire for an easy score. I also do this to enemy teams all the time so I know how easy it is to do.


So I spiked the ball on the odd chance that the guy at mid might get possession if he was paying attention, but also knowing he probably wouldn't.


I could have walked the ball forward or passed it to one of my comrades at full health, but no one was far enough forward from me to avoid the pull-kill. Yes, I may have been too cautious


My question is: What would you have done in these circumstances and do you think it is reasonable to call me names and swear at me in response to my spiking the ball? If I was alone, no question I should spike it. If I had pass targets ahead of me I should pass it. But with just dps support right around me I really don't know.


EDIT: Also, does anyone happen to know if Force Shroud negates Grapple? I suppose I could Shroud + Force Speed to get away from pull range if so in the future.

Edited by Litronix
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if you had speed available you should have tried to escape first, but there isn't any excuse for the name calling crap, it doesn't help anyone.


Sometimes what seems like a bad play, spiking the ball, is the right one and it just doesn't work out but it was worth the chance, trying to run/pass it only to lose it was the wrong play from what you have said.

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I may have held it a little past 40%, but that is risky due to stunlock death. You made the right call. Unfortunately, getting raged at by somebody in PvP is an unavoidable consequence of participation. Just shrug it off and move on.


If you really are wanting a chuckle, do what I do at times and write the person's name down and then send them one courting gift a day in the mail for a week or so. Barring that, I generally just ignore the fool and proceed to play my game, even if that means coming to the rescue of whatever random was pointing their ire in my direction.

Edited by Sporticus
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IMO, when you die the ball should not go to the other team automatic, it should be a loose ball and you have to click on it to pick it up.


Because when you die you drop the ball you don't throw the ball to the other team

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Doesn't matter what you do, some people will complain no matter what. Next time just pass the ball up to an opponent on the ramp to speed the match up so you dont have to read someone elses rage.
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You spike the ball. You made the right play based on your description.


You will either die giving them the ball back right next to your goal line and an easy chance to score OR you have the off chance one of your players can get the ball back at mid. On top of that you are at least sending the enemy back to mid giving you half a chance of stopping them from scoring easy mode.


Down 4-0 the game is usually pretty much over, as you are either outclassed by skill or gear in the match. Sounds like the people you were playing with need to take a pill.

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I would say already down 4-0 you should take the risk and hold the ball, since the game is likely lost anyway and there's an off chance you can make something happen.


Even so, you surely didn't do anything worth being yelled at over, it was sensible.

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Yep. spike the ball. You *could* have tried to get out if you had speed/shroud up, but that's a risk. Worst case scenario, you spike it and they get it back at mid. If you keep it and die, they get it back in your pit. Pretty easy decision, especially if your cd's are down.
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IMO, when you die the ball should not go to the other team automatic, it should be a loose ball and you have to click on it to pick it up.


Because when you die you drop the ball you don't throw the ball to the other team




Dying should just equal a down ball and an automatic reset to the center.

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Either choice was viable OP. I personally would have sprinted out and/or passed to keep possession. Because you were losing 4-0 I would assume your team was failing at mid-control and would have attempted to hold the ball at all cost.


As per the disrespect... your choice of spiking the ball didn't put you down 4-0, there seems to be plenty of blame to go around.


It's huttball who cares

I cry every time I get ^^ *this guy* ^^ on my team. I CARE! YOU SHOULD TO! Man up and play!

Edited by RJChief
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Resetting the ball is the proper play if you're at low health in your own end with no viable passing options. If someone was yelling at you, then the person just doesn't know how to play Huttball. Don't worry about it.
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I would say already down 4-0 you should take the risk and hold the ball, since the game is likely lost anyway and there's an off chance you can make something happen.


Even so, you surely didn't do anything worth being yelled at over, it was sensible.


If you're down 4-0 it's a virtual certainty that they'd just kill you at your own endzone since the opposing team must be a lot stronger. Assuming the goal is still trying to win, it's better to spike the ball than having a very high chance of immediately giving up another goal. Note that if the score is reversed, it's still a good idea since there's no need to risk it if your team is so much stronger. Even if they get the ball back in the middle, you can be confident you'll stop them from there.


It's only if the game is tied or if you're behind by a goal, then you really worry about time of possession so you really don't want to immediately give away the possession and may have to take a chance.


That said as an Assassin you can always lose the ball by Force Cloak so usually I'd hold the ball for as long as possible if your CC breaker is up, since no matter what crazy situation you get into, you can ensure they never get the ball by popping both CDs. For other classes without a way to reliably give up the ball they should dfeinitely get rid of it ASAP.

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I cry every time I get ^^ *this guy* ^^ on my team. I CARE! YOU SHOULD TO! Man up and play!


I do play. I also complain about it. After the 500th time of being skilled down by getting grappled into a part of the terrain that kills me I am bitter. It's stupid. If they just removed the fire I wouldn't mind it as much. As it stands now, trying to move anywhere near the goal without full resolve is suicide.

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You made the right call, I would have spiked the ball too. If I knew some of the people I was playing with and had heal support I probably would have kept it or passed it too someone I knew and tried to play my way out, but in that circumstance, you definitely made the right play.
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I do play. I also complain about it. After the 500th time of being skilled down by getting grappled into a part of the terrain that kills me I am bitter. It's stupid. If they just removed the fire I wouldn't mind it as much. As it stands now, trying to move anywhere near the goal without full resolve is suicide.


Yes, yes and yes.. The terrain is what makes it more exciting! I wish the acid pit did more damage. I would enjoy the firepits more if they weren't on set timers and were a bit more random - something.


If they just removed the fire it would be the dumbest minigame ever played. If you thought it was "force ball" before, it would certainly be so with no barriers. They need more obstacles, longer maps, and more maps.

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I got the ball after killing the opposing team's ball carrier near our end-zone in the pit. We did not have control of mid and were already losing 4-0. I had allies near me but no heals. I was at half health and have personally learned not to try to carry the ball out of my own pit under most circumstances due to being pulled into fire for an easy score. I also do this to enemy teams all the time so I know how easy it is to do.


So I spiked the ball on the odd chance that the guy at mid might get possession if he was paying attention, but also knowing he probably wouldn't.


I could have walked the ball forward or passed it to one of my comrades at full health, but no one was far enough forward from me to avoid the pull-kill. Yes, I may have been too cautious


My question is: What would you have done in these circumstances and do you think it is reasonable to call me names and swear at me in response to my spiking the ball? If I was alone, no question I should spike it. If I had pass targets ahead of me I should pass it. But with just dps support right around me I really don't know.


Right call. I would have done the same. It's pretty much always better to reset the ball instead of trying to carry it out of your own pit. The only exception is when you have practically all of your team down there with you and have a sorc or two ready to "pull your fat out of the fire" if needed.

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Yes, yes and yes.. The terrain is what makes it more exciting! I wish the acid pit did more damage. I would enjoy the firepits more if they weren't on set timers and were a bit more random - something.


If they just removed the fire it would be the dumbest minigame ever played. If you thought it was "force ball" before, it would certainly be so with no barriers. They need more obstacles, longer maps, and more maps.


I'm really not going to sit and debate this, as you clearly have your opinion and I have mine. So let's just agree to disagree that the other is correct based on their own experiences and complaints/problems with the warzone.

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you are like i had an idiot complaining on me no passing (because i was stun actually but let's not go into detail) when we were WINNING 5-0


honestly how stupid a person can be... videogame are proving that there is no limit


side note we scored the first goal on a pass i did when pulled down in the pit... passing back up (that is kind of hard with that lame prospective and camera)

Edited by Pekish
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Down 4-0, your teammates are morons so it doesn't matter what you do. At that point you should have just passed to another teammate to get your objective points and medal. Then tried to kill someone around him because you get more objective points for that too.
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