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SWTOR needs Arena system


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That's how arena has always worked.


That's how arena has always worked, but that's just how it shouldn't work. Kinda sad, but that's the PvP in modern MMO's.

Edited by iphobia
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They just need to semi-balance the classes for it


Congratulations, you just nailed the problem. Balancing classes basing on arena = disaster. You think we now have a lot of whinning about marauders/pyro PT and tanksasins? Can you even imagine what would happen after arena introduction?


I personaly have nothing against arenas, but I have everything against balancing classes for arena. This is 1. Impossible to do right. 2. Leads to endless cycle of nerf/buffs. 3. Affect everyone playing game, not only this minority who plays arena. That is why I am against introducing arenas in SW TOR.

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Who cares about WoW, we, pvp players, want Arena's in Swtor, something different from WoW, but which would give some adrenaline...

If Arena system is not implemented then i believe this game will die soon... And you know what? I bet we're going to have them and pretty quick compared to WoW.


If they had any plans to add an arena they wouldn't be bothering with trying to get rateds in. Put in arenas but for entertainment purposes only, no ranking, no special gear. Just melee brawling. That is the only way I can see it doing anything as I did not play WoW I heard they made a lot of class changes based off of arena players and I do not want to see that happen.


For now organize tournaments at smuggles den. That is as close to an arena as you will get.

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How this isn't in the so called "Wow killer" is a crime.


and don't worry about the trolls that say NO,


They just don't wonna walk around with a bad rating so everyone knows THEY



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If they had any plans to add an arena they wouldn't be bothering with trying to get rateds in. Put in arenas but for entertainment purposes only, no ranking, no special gear. Just melee brawling. That is the only way I can see it doing anything as I did not play WoW I heard they made a lot of class changes based off of arena players and I do not want to see that happen.


For now organize tournaments at smuggles den. That is as close to an arena as you will get.


I know you're right ... : )

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To all the naysayers. Whats wrong with more content?


If you don't like it don't do it. To put things in perspective it would be like pve players asking for the removal of all pvp, or the other way around.


As long as I can get the best gear possible to compete with you when you play WZs I'm ok with Arenas. What I am not ok with is you getting the next tier of gear and are now stomping me in WZs where I have no chance.



Even blizzard things 2v2 is a joke so I can't see why people are asking for that. 3v3 is all about what classes you bring, 5v5 at least starts to matter more on how to play rather than what classes you bring. 8v8 is not perfect but at least there is room for some unique class makeups.

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And little boys who think they are studs refer to other players as scrubs because they need to feel superior. Exactly why arenas are not wanted. Go outside, workout, exercise, find a babe, live a life, get a degree, get a decent paying job and that will help with your esteem issues son.


Yeah because YOU don't want arenas no one else deserves them, yet you call other people "little boys." Get out of my game and take your friends with you. See what I did there?



Arenas are needed. Anyone who says otherwise either works for blizzard, will whine about every single thing (literal whiners, the type that whine in real life), or for some unknown reason want this game to crash and burn.

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As long as I can get the best gear possible to compete with you when you play WZs I'm ok with Arenas. What I am not ok with is you getting the next tier of gear and are now stomping me in WZs where I have no chance.



Even blizzard things 2v2 is a joke so I can't see why people are asking for that. 3v3 is all about what classes you bring, 5v5 at least starts to matter more on how to play rather than what classes you bring. 8v8 is not perfect but at least there is room for some unique class makeups.


Arenas are needed, not extraneous gear progression. No one wants another tier of pvp gear, we just want arena so we can fight in different formats.

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Hell no!

If BW learned anything from WoW it should be that arena were a huge mistake - and I actually liked it to a point and played every single season with multiple toons (2 toons in the mid 2ks.. nothing amazing).


But yeah.. NO.

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Adding Arena would be a great PVP option for the people that like it! It adds some diversity at least.

BUT they have to make sure it's just an OPTION to get gears, not a REQUIREMENT.


You don't see people that dislikes Open World PVP (because it's unbalanced and it's a Zerg Fest), trying EVERYTHING to not get it implemented. We know some people like it, so I hope YOU will have it. It's sad not everyone think like that :(

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Hell no!

If BW learned anything from WoW it should be that arena were a huge mistake - and I actually liked it to a point and played every single season with multiple toons (2 toons in the mid 2ks.. nothing amazing).


But yeah.. NO.


Yeah, that pvp thing that WoW implemented that everyone liked while their subscription numbers rise to 12 million was it? Total mistake.



Arena is needed. Star wars the series has DUELS, 2v2s, etc, get over it. It needs to be in the game. (and i don't mean travelling for 10 minutes to hutta to finally be allowed to duel someone).

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meh... the smaller the WZ the less fun. The current Warzones are the smallest instanced PVP ever needs to be. I would hope that WZ in SWTOR only get larger from here on in.


I never understood the fun of fighting 5 on 5 in a closet sized area...


PVP Gear should be universal and not tied to "how" you pvp in any case.

No Arena Gear vs Warzone Gear vs OWPvp gear etc... that would be horrible.

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As the official spokesman for PvPers in this game, I declare we have no interest in baddie arenas. I recommend that all scrubs that think think 2v2 deathmatch qualifies as legitimate, skill-based pvp go back to the bad game that gave them this idea. Edited by Sireene
use of retarded - PM'd
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Hell no!

If BW learned anything from WoW it should be that arena were a huge mistake - and I actually liked it to a point and played every single season with multiple toons (2 toons in the mid 2ks.. nothing amazing).


But yeah.. NO.


Toons name and realm or I call shenanigans!

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As the official spokesman for PvPers in this game, I declare we have no interest in baddie arenas. I recommend that all scrubs that think think 2v2 deathmatch qualifies as legitimate, skill-based pvp go back to the bad game that gave them this idea.


No no man you got it all wrong....#'s in wow where the skill arena...but in TOR with gaurd...it would be 4 v 4.

Edited by Sireene
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Arena's -> YES.

in games current state-> NO.

Ranked Warzone-> Like the idea. but it wont be a good system imo. just like warcrafts wasn't... and if they introduce this i want to atleast see cross realm Queues already because i'm sick of waiting half an hour per queue on my server for non ranked.


and i'm saying this from a healers point of view. the heals are way too low. and 3dps teams would destroy any healer without having to use a single CC. if they can work on making healers self survival and healing output better without making them unkillable or take targets from 20% to 60% in a single heal then GOD YES ARENA.

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Arenas are always a bad idea. They promote Deathmatch style fighting over actual objective based PvP which means that Class, Spec, and Gear will always trump Player Skill. As Arenas also appeal to a much larger group of players (i.e. those who prefer to let their time spent determine the outcome instead of their skill level) PvP usually winds up becoming very Arena-focused which leads to FOTM roulette as the developers try to balance the classes (and never succeed).


The only time an Arena mode is partially acceptible is when it is on a timer and allows respawning. That way teams that stack high burst may get some kills in early, but will not have the advantage in the long run due to the CDs on their burst potential (this assumes that the developer correctly balances burst CDs, which is also very rare).

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They don't even have to give rewards to play Arena.


They can even implement it just to have for fun: NO XP, NO credits, NO Commendations, NO Rating, so you would be happy, and they wouldn't have to balance it, not even slightly.


Guess what? I would play it anyway, a LOT.

Edited by TheNotorius
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I'd like Arenas to be in the game. It'd introduce a more competitive, controlled environment for PvP.


However, I don't think the game needs Arenas right now. It has many other issues in regards to PvP it needs to deal with first (Class imbalance, cheating, stun-mechanics, World-PvP, Rated Warzones, Gear vs Expertise, etc....).


Arena, if it ever comes, will be at a much later date, I'm sure.


Oh, and to those that immediately decry, "GO TO WOW" and "IT'LL RUIN THE GAME,"


1. I never played WoW and still like the idea and


2. You know you don't have to personally participate too, right? Live and let live, you know?

Edited by Nyjin
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In its current state, a very bad idea at the moment.


Come to think of it, hasn’t blizzard admitted introducing arenas was a bad idea? The amount of class balancing issues caused by that system alone completely screwed several classes.


If they were to introduce it, limit it to a 4v4 bracket or something; having too many brackets is also the source of nerf/buff disasters.

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Arenas is a terrible idea. It brings more balance issues than there already is. If you want arenas go play WoW. Ironically even Blizzard said arenas were a complete mistake but now theyre stuck with it and dug their own hole.
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Arenas is a terrible idea. It brings more balance issues than there already is. If you want arenas go play WoW. Ironically even Blizzard said arenas were a complete mistake but now theyre stuck with it and dug their own hole.


WoW, at it's peak had 12 million+ subs, maybe 12X the amount of Swtor subs. Despite the cries of people leaving WoW in droves for Swtor, it hasn't happened. Sure, WoW lost some subs but WoW continues to thrive whether you like it or not. The only thing that will kill WoW is age and Blizzard themselves.


Arenas are not a failure in WoW. Do you realize that Blizzard runs a big arena tournament annualy and that tournament offers cash prizes and gets a lot of coverage? There are other cash tournaments too, and the top arena'ers are e-celebs. (I will admit that, recently, the arena tournaments have slowed down) Do you realize that WoW just opened an arena-only portion of the game after how many years on the market? Do you realize that there is a large contingent of players who are hardcore pvp'ers? Arena is one of the few things keeping people subbed.


Balancing has been hard for WoW, but their arena system has brought in a lot of money and has allowed them to retain a lot of subs. WoW continues to make a lot of money. Arenas did not destroy WoW. (Whether or not arenas are a true e-sport is a distinct issue.)


If you are a hardcore pvp'er and ran around with a gladiator/arena master title over your head in WoW, you wouldn't complain so much. Gladiator is the top 0.5% of arena'ers. It's an elite club. Even Duelist is REALTIVELY hard to get. I posit that at least some of the people who complain about arenas are the ones who have tried to get into that elite gladiator bracket, season after season, and have failed. Even if you are not that kind of player, you should support arenas because I'm telling you--- it will increase the amount of Swtor subs. And to the guy who claimed that all 300 of his guild members would leave....yeah right. And even if they did, good riddance. Your 300 players will be replaced many times over by people who want competitive pvp. Bioware themselves admitted that MANY PEOPLE WANT TO PVP- MUCH MORE THAN THEY ANTICIPATED.


Swtor + arenas = win. I guarantee that Bioware will, at the very least, see a year or two of a significantly growing sub base if they did it. However, it takes a lot of balancing work. Look at WoW though...it is still the MMO champ so the incentive is there. I would resub past our free 30 days in a heartbeat if Swtor announced that arenas are incoming.


edit: I concur with some previous posts; Bioware needs to address some class balancing issues before introducing arenas. On the other hand, excellent players in the arena would really shine a light on which classes and comps are OP and which need buffs.

Edited by Genttry
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