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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Yeah I'm counting a subscribed because of the free month but if transfers are not in til it ends and I'm not having a good time I'll leave for good I've glimpsed at the game's folder today and thought about deleting it so came to check the forums and it seems even more dystopic huh...


The funny thing is WAR lasted way more time and had transfers earlier when things went bad.

Edited by Lightmaguz
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I was wondering. They just let asia pacific guys transfer their characters so that means that character transfers are already in place. So my question is why can't I move my characters now even if I have to pay for it or rename whatever?
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The feeling that server mergers will signal decline is ridiculous and insane. It's clear to EVERYONE that server mergers are needed to stop people from leaving due to low server pop. It's a vicious circle that needs to end.


EA/BioWare need to man up and admit that the way the servers were handled in the first week was a mistake, and announce in a clear and confident way, that server transfers off those servers, then merging some and closing the dead ones will be a one time correct of that initial error.


The gaming community needs strong, healthy, populated servers and they need to start seeing some better communication and transparency from the dev team. All people want is the ability to play a game they like in an atmosphere that is clear and fair.


Why do people believe that EA has direct input on this game, when all they are is a banner? Or better yet...a Sponsor.


I bet alot of people are going to QQ at Bethesda if TESO is done poorily...to bad its ZENIMAX that is the delevoper, and Bestheda(Much like EA in this instance) is JUST the publisher...

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Server sransfers will help with the populations but they need to target most of the low pop servers to maybe only 5-6 servers so then there is more then just 1 server that is nearly always standard/heavy. I think their biggest problem was when they tried to fix the fact that there was wait times on 90% of the servers on release by increasing population on the servers AND doubling the servers at teh same time that was their biggest mistake they needed to only increase the server size then see how things went from there before they added more servers, or only added like 5 servers instead of the seeming 30 or so they added.


Dont get me wrong its a GREAT GAME, I love playing but it would definately be more fun, hold my attention and i would be inclined to play longer if there was as good of a in-game community as there is on the forums.

either way I'm hanging in there for a little longer to see what else they are going to change/fix. Any of you that say I'm quiting for good sorry but thats kind of an ignorant view, MMO's are non-static always changing environments just because you dont like it now 6-9 even 12 months down the road it could be very different and you may even enjoy playing the game so dont just completely give up on it. maybe stop playing for a month or two then come back and see how things have changed.


Server transfers hopefully will help fix most of the server populations, and atleast our Legacy levels and unlocks are supposed to come with us which will be as if we leveled on our new to come servers.

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When transfer's aviable only a couple of people will still playing the game. Everybody should stop playing to force them to make something that should have from the begining. Plus transfers should be free all the time. Like once each 15 days. Rift have free transfers once a week.


They should stop giving free trial weekend and do something usefull, like fix and improve some things. Stop think only to people who do not have the game and start think about people that already have the game, cos' I feel neglected. Seems that "You already have the game, i don't need to apraise you".


so the free month you got didnt apease you......or is it you just think you should be given special treatment? If you buy a console game they DON'T GIVE YOU CRAP, any little thing even them pushing 1.2 out as fast as they could and moving server transfers to a priority so they can get them out to everyone that enjoys the game but wants more of a community in the game.....thats nothing huh? sorry bud, you an I obviously have a different idea of neglect

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So do you still think the lack of players is the problem of this game?


The lack of players is caused by the lack of game, server merges, transfers and LFG are only make up for the real problem.


This game need a server merge asap but only as first step, the lack of "interesting" endgame, the lack of reasons for want to play it is what s killing the game.


The first step is create a reason for players to log, the history ends ad cant be developed fast enough for keep people interested, what a mmo needs to be a success is opossing factions! A reason to fight everyday, for make your side better, and I'm not talking only about PVP , but PVE too... control a planet, change the story of the game, fight in a npc invasion, see how the enemy bites the dust or approaches menacing....nothing of that is in this game.


So merges? nice will be cool for 1 year, you can merge again in december , then in march 2013 and go in survival mode with 2 servers at December 2013 is what EA does better.


You must be cracked out or be one of those lets get to the end of the game and not do any of the side missions or bonus missions or even think about the flashpoints on the way up kinda person huh.... there are A TON of things to do if your not only tunnel visioned on end game. not to mention the 8 different storylines that are all entertaining. But I see your point and here is my counterpoint, if you are playing a game alone even if you enjoy it how long can you play it til??? once you beat the game, maybe after a few hours tops a day....... If you have friends, "real friends" that are playing a game with you you can have fun even doing just the more obscure random things they you never would have enjoyed or thought of if you were alone. So yes server transfers will help ALOT

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I unsubbed today.

Tired of waiting, tired of trying to get groups together, tired of paying for a game that is deliberately shooting itself in the foot. I've basically been forced to level solo, skipping heroic areas & flashpoints, because of the population problem.

Now it's on to watching these forums to see if transfers/merges/whatever actually gets implemented, and how badly it's handled/mangled in the process.


Edited by Stonedgolem
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So just like WoW? Screw it then... It is not free, just some they chose to be free which isn't for everybody. Rift does is right, why can you do it the same. I aint paying for something that should be free since im already paying subscription.
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So just like WoW? Screw it then... It is not free, just some they chose to be free which isn't for everybody. Rift does is right, why can you do it the same. I aint paying for something that should be free since im already paying subscription.


Sounds like you need a better job sir. You are 2% of the population bro sorry. Most people have no problem paying for it. They just want them implemented.

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Hi all. I don't post much, however I finally got so frustrated with not being able to pvp/flashpoint/group mission, that I started reading whats going on with server transfer/merge. Man what a shocker! I feel totally overwhelmed. What can I add that's different or new to this discussion? Not much if anything. I can add my voice. I still love this game, but I kinda got this feeling like something that shouldn't be sinking, is, and quickly. I feel sick. Is the community being heard? Are the developers so focused on what they want to do with the game, they are failing to see a sink or swim event in progress!? Server transfers in next patch!?


"Oh... our customer base is fine... they can tread water till we get around to throwing out the next patch."


It's do time NOW. I don't know if population decreases will level off soon, but I do know people are leaving because population balancing options are not being implemented. And for the first time since purchasing the collectors edition of this game, I'm looking for something else to play.

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So, from what ive read so far .... the people saying "yay server transfers" are the ones who are playing on high pop servers or just crazy. I have 4 toons on my low pop server and they have professions to compliment each other. I will not be transfering ONE toon if i cannot transfer ALL my toons. (just fyi, paying for a server transfer is equal to paying for the game a second time around) Im sure I am not alone in this. Since i will not be transfering to a higher pop server and i know there will not be even close to enough players transfering to my server, I am doomed to not get my gaming outa my game. I am at my wits end with all the bugs and excuses and crappy customer support.


I say cancel subscriptions and try again in 6 months.

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I haven't read that, however, if it is the case, the incompetence of the decision to implement it like that would be incalculable.


All I can say is if that is true, it will be goodbye SW:TOR and BioWare / EA. If not, the same will happen as far as unsub'ing if what someone else said is true about only being allowed to transfer one character. Anyone here able to confirm or deny that ugly rumor?

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Too little, too late. Already it looks like well over 100,000k more people will/have unsubscribed for the month of May.


That's a drop in the bucket compared to the 1,300,000 million still playing.;)

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That's a drop in the bucket compared to the 1,300,000 million still playing.;)


1.3 mill still playing? There is a huge diffence between active subbed and inactive subbed.


A lot of people did 6m rolling subs that they have now cancelled but the subs are still active and a lot of people are on their free 30 days still. It sure as hell dosent mean those guys are still playing.

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This thread title is full of fail. If "free" transfers are restricted then they aren't really free at all. People like myself and countless others rerolled as to keep playing and having fun with this game, but we'll likely end up having to pay more money to transfer the older characters that were left behind.



Bioware..... :rolleyes:

Edited by Galbatorrix
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At this point, we're beyond what Bioware is planning and them playing around with transfers and making them convoluted will only hurt the game more.


"Ok, you guys can go here and you guys can go there.. oh and you? You give me 20 bucks"


What's more important? Making sure 1.3 brings in more subs and keeps current players subscribed? Or making a quick dime on people that have stuck around during a time when a lot of people were moving on?


Bioware needs to allow the player base to go to town transferring all of their characters to the server of their choice for at least a month. Raise server capacity (with sharding, I don't see the big deal with this) and then set a limit per server. If that server hits it's limit, you lock it. What you'll end up with is a ton of "Full" and "very heavy" servers that will eventually just be "Very Heavy" and "Heavy". Because as we all saw at launch and during 1.2, the influx of players during big patches normally do not stick around for long. I'd much rather plan for the slow times, when players like us are still playing than plan for big patch days.


After the month of free transfers, switch to your original plan. Allow free transfers from and to certain servers and paid transfers to the big boys. At this point, it's not even about me not wanting to pay the money to transfer. I only have two characters that I would transfer at this point any way(from my dead servers to the ones I rerolled on). I just don't want something that should fix a lot of issues fail again due to poor implementation. I want the game to succeed and if I have to wait in a queue during the "rush" periods so that I still have a great server during the "slow" periods, then I'm completely ok with waiting.

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At this point, we're beyond what Bioware is planning and them playing around with transfers and making them convoluted will only hurt the game more.


"Ok, you guys can go here and you guys can go there.. oh and you? You give me 20 bucks"

You've done a 180...hacked account?! ;)


I agree...this is why I REALLY URGE THEM to give details BEFORE the flipping transfer system is finished or even in testing. They NEED to tell players what they plan because right now, everyone seems to think they'll be transferring to fatman. Right now, there is far too much false hope for the games own good.


Let people begin scoping out the transfer TO servers today! Let them start a toon and begin establishing their new identity on their new server immediately. Delaying this will ONLY lead to more frustration.

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oops my bad.. I did'nt spot the smiley before i posted. :o


No worries. The joke was actually responding to "100,000 k" (not 100k) people leaving with "1,300,000 million" (not 1.3 million) people still playing. A little too subtle perhaps. :D

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