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why weren't knights and warriors revamped during patch.


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It has a 4m range... if you dont have a stun or kb available... just stand back a little. Being a marauder myself, I dont usually get to use the full cast most of the times mainly cause of that, and please stop crying about how we are so OP because you are not sure what to do against them. Make one, and you will see for yourself how to fight against them which has always been the best way to learn how to fight against another class.


^this guy gets it

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juggs/guards will drop like flies when being focused, but maras/sents can chain their defensive cooldowns and last quite a while.

Gotta hand it to this guy - its one thing thats been bothering me in an intra-class sense for a while now. you pick the sentinel for the extra dps and the guardian for the extra defense right? So if sentinels have greater defense that leaves... erm, a redundant advanced class? :p

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I think any class that fights 6+ people should die almost instantly. And most do, not sure why you think Marauders should be fed with the silver spoon.


We are Melee... ever heard of it. We dont get the luxury of standing back and spamming attacks like the ranged class does. Our CDs are no different then other melee classes in this game. Ops can revanish in a fight, have a 100% damage reduction skill, can stun you in many different ways (Marauders only have force choke), Assasins get a whole arsenal of DEF CDs, some that take no damage, some that make them non interuptable or stunned/choked in any way, and can still do crazy burst damage.


I'm a Marauder in almost full War Hero gear including weapons, and when i go against certain classes I dont always donminate the fight just because i'm a Marauder. The one's i usually beat easier then others are Ranged classes, but if I dont get on them right away, or i'm focusing to kill a healer in pvp, I get smashed by them. I could cry about how BH/Troppers Tracers/Grav Shots are OP, which they are, but I don't because i feel everyone should have their fair share of some OP spell, or we would all be gimps.


Hear me and hear me loud, stop your crying about how we are OP, when you have never played one. We die just as easy as the next guy if we dont have our pocket healers in WZs, and if you go against a good premade, they focus on your healer, kill him first then us. We dont have much to peel off dps on healers other then trying to kill them before they kill our healer. We dont get guards which makes healer almost immposible to kill especially if their is another healer near by healing the one we are attacking. My suggestion is find a better group of people to PVP with.

Edited by Iamm
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Actually the reason they have an "arsenal" of CDs is because they MUST be at point blank range to apply damage, meaning they are in the thick of the fight where the amount of damage they will take will be maximized. They're also wearing medium armor, meaning that if they don't have a CD up, they will melt in 4 seconds flat and most likely be stunned during that entire duration. Clearly you've never played a melee before.


Operatives have to be in that same range and they don't have an "arsenal" of defensive CDs. Does that mean operatives need to be buffed? Or does it mean your rationale is garbage?

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This is easily the most balanced MMO I have ever played in regards to PvP. The people QQ'ing about imbalance haven't a clue what imbalance truly is.



sounds about right coming from a marauder....


this is TERRIBLY unbalanced with tanks regularly out dpsing dps classes (tankassins)

melee classes than can click an i win button and not be hurt for half of the time it takes to kill someone (TTK is way down) its not uncommon for a marauder to take me down half of my health while they are in there "haha u cant kill me" mode


there is nothing wrong with ther DPS but there defensive cooldowns are to much (doing 100k healing in a game is just stupid on top of everything else)

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One more thing I would like to add...


One team 5 Marauders and 3 Healers... Another team 5 Assasins, 3 Healer... Who will win?


The team with 5 assisins, I actually came up against this and it was awful, for the sents as the healers happend to be ops who just happened to run around stealthed.


massive aoe on people with our healers going down quick with force pulls to the area in which everyone was at then the sents got picked off. ops healers would pop out heal a sent would try to target them get pulled back cc'd everything.


really was a one sided contest in favour of the sins.

Edited by Shakydvs
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The team with 5 assisins, I actually came up against this and it was aweful, for the sents as the healers happend to be ops who just happened to run around stealthed.


massive aoe on people with our healers going down quick with force pulls to the area in which everyone was at then the sents got picked off. ops healers would pop out heal a sent would try to target them get pulled back cc'd everything.


really was a one sided contest in favour of the sins.


We have a winner... I go against this make up many times on my server... Sometimes it's even 4 Healers + 4 Assasins, and it's immpossible to kill anyone. I once had a game where I did 800K damage with 0 kills... Was totally retarted.


If they nerf Marauders, I can almost promise you the game will completly die then because with so many ppl that enjoy to play the class (Not because they're so OP, but because they're fun to play), they will rage quit and then you can all cry about how dead the servers are.


Also the biggest DEF skill is Undying Rage which make you a god for 5 Seconds... ONLY 5 SECONDS, and it has a CD of 1min, 30 seconds... Yes with set bonus u can get it down to 1.15, and if speced rage (which not to many ppl are) you can get it down to 1min, and it also takes half of our current HP, so it can only be used when we are already very low health... So every 1.15 mins we can't be killed, that is if we click it fast enough, are not stunned right before to do so, and we could also be CCed during it because it's just damage reduction nothing else, or we can be simply kitted while the spell is active... IMHO that is not OP.

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topics like these are created by people with only one level 50


to really understand pvp you need more than one. Master strikes buff is to force you not to use your knockback/stun on their leap, so they can actually do damage and stay on you.


And yes they are quite beatable

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well the thing that made us stronger (apparently as I barely see any difference) is that Expertise has increased significantly.


I don't mind having damaged a bit nerfed but really, some other classes should also have the same % damage reducted if we get nerfed. Undying rage is a key thing for us to survive and there are quite some ways to counter that.


Just know your class and the enemy's class. and you can figure out how to kill someone.


This is what I call skill.

Edited by Mythic_MK_II
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We are Melee... ever heard of it. We dont get the luxury of standing back and spamming attacks like the ranged class does. Our CDs are no different then other melee classes in this game. Ops can revanish in a fight, have a 100% damage reduction skill, can stun you in many different ways (Marauders only have force choke), Assasins get a whole arsenal of DEF CDs, some that take no damage, some that make them non interuptable or stunned/choked in any way, and can still do crazy burst damage.


I'm a Marauder in almost full War Hero gear including weapons, and when i go against certain classes I dont always donminate the fight just because i'm a Marauder. The one's i usually beat easier then others are Ranged classes, but if I dont get on them right away, or i'm focusing to kill a healer in pvp, I get smashed by them. I could cry about how BH/Troppers Tracers/Grav Shots are OP, which they are, but I don't because i feel everyone should have their fair share of some OP spell, or we would all be gimps.


Hear me and hear me loud, stop your crying about how we are OP, when you have never played one. We die just as easy as the next guy if we dont have our pocket healers in WZs, and if you go against a good premade, they focus on your healer, kill him first then us. We dont have much to peel off dps on healers other then trying to kill them before they kill our healer. We dont get guards which makes healer almost immposible to kill especially if their is another healer near by healing the one we are attacking. My suggestion is find a better group of people to PVP with.


You don't die just as easy as the next guy though do you?

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Sorry I admit my main is a mara and now i feel godlike when i play my alt merc healer i gasp at how hard the mara/sent hit me :wea_03::wea_03:


the only class that a mara really stomps no contest is a jugg/guardian if both know how to play.

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tbh currently I would rate better than Mara/Sent.


1. Sin tank hybrids = they take truck loads of dmg, heal, immunity to some attacks, force pull, stealth and decent burst and consistant dps.


2. Pyrotech = A well played PT will beat a Mara/Sent 9/10 if both players are great players and know their class. However should both be average players the mara/sent would win 9/10. PT like a Sin hybrid has a massive amount of abilities to help including the fact they hit extremely hard.


3. Sorc = Haters gonna hate but an exceptional Sorc player will beat a Mara/Sent by cc, dots, and heals. Most sorcs are average players and since the (nerf) are getting really *** pwn'd.


4. Operative = Again a well played Operative will actually beat a well played Mara/Sent at least 8/10 times. The ability to cloak, cc, evade, heal makes them extremely hard to beat especially if they get the first strike out of stealth.


5. Sniper = again snipers should win 6/10 fights but its really dependant on cool downs


Like I said haters gonna hate but I do have 4 50's already and I do understand the mechanics of most classes. All 4 50's are BM and I can say that while Maras/Sents are strong they are far from being the OP class everyone claims.

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You are mistaken. You are uninterruptable not invulnerable. Even though you can't use interrupts on Master Strike and Ravage there are many ways to interrupt it.


Stuns, Mezs, Pushbacks, or just plain walking away.


Sorry the stun is on cool down for the guy that was healing you. The push back was used recently to get you and the tank assassin of my behind.


The push back has 4times the cool down of your leap and oh ...it pushes you just far enough that you can leap right back on top of me. JOYOUS! Walk away you say? Really, with the zero cost always on snare you can throw about?

It's not likely.


And while you are ripping away our shield in a single hit, and 1/3 our life at a time on all the following hits, our damage is the awesome 1k, 500, 1k. 500 variety that will take FAR longer than the 6 seconds it'll take you to kill us...

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I can beat mar/sents with my sith soc in fact so many bads play them now I tend to go after them in warzones as They think they can just own you and they end up looking stupid because they didn't manage their cooldowns correctly and got outplayed.


Good ones rip me a new one though

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I want to say that I like the type of skills i am seeing that were applied for Knights and Warriors 1.2


Lets face it,; they needed something and Bioware responded. The response may be positive for THOSE classes but all in all it is a negative to gameplay in general. I feel it was too much at one time to give to any class.

They are now able to deal out extreme damage with Master Strikes while being absolutely invulnerable. So, as there was a much needed improvement to these classes; they are now the absolute OP class in the game. I see WZ with 5-6 of them regularly and since there was no change in last nights patch, everyone will have to suffer through it longer. Sage healing was nerfed hard while now the sage's bane has been beefed up? Sage healing is meager to it's once viable status while scoundrel's/operatives can free cast and move while supporting their team?


Back to the point of the thread... give the knight/warrior class one or the other; either the damage or the invulnerability but NOT both. Thank you.


Juggs got nerfed if it makes u happy, it was a ninja nerf, but i can tell the different, since 1.2 my jugg is weaker.

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LOL definitely NOT crying bud but i know that the class will be nerfed, just a matter of when.. thats why i was surprised they were not revamped last night. They will be though that much is true.


Listen, i understand the class needed help- i will give you that. But even the sent's in my guild say that it needs to be dumbed down a bit or something. I would hate to see the class nerfed into nothing but what would be a compromise?


The compromise is to nerf what really needs nerfing, expertise. You look at the list of "buffs" for the Marauder in 1.2 and the list looks long, but 1/2 were more fixes than buffs, and to capitalize you would need the mythic 31/31/31 build.


Marauders look OP because they made damage OP, and Marauders are pure damage. At the end of the day, we are not putting out on average any more DPS than ranged damage classes. When I don't lead my WZ in damage, it usually isn't another Marauder that does, I still see Sorcs/tankasins/PTs/Mercs/GS/Snipers (basically everyone except healers and guardians/juggs) up there all the time. And no one is complaining about anyone but Marauders (for now, if we get nerfed any of the other DPS classes WILL be next).


I attribute it to two things. Damage totally outweighs healing since 1.2, AND the pure psychological fact that people have a greater tendency to "remember" getting burned down by a Marauder because we are built for 1v1 and are always up in your grill. It's simply a more "personal" loss when your attacker is right in front of you, instead of sniping you from the walkway above the turret/pit etc.


Nerf expertise, not Marauders. Or at least try it with the expertise changed back, before making a class useless. Because if you nerf Marauders so they are losing 1v1 up close fights, they WILL be useless.

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IMO marauder damage should be reduced while their defensive abilities are active - that alone would fix many of the issues.


This is the dumbest idea i heard so far. So what your saying is they should just prolong our inevitable death? Again, it only last 5 seconds... Stun us.. Cloak... Run away... Learn to play against us, rather then nerf us, we are very beatable.


Also someone stated we are best 1v1... This is very true, as we should be, we are warriors, but 2v2 for example an Assasin with a healer vs Marauder with a healer, Assasin can guard the healer making the maraduer put out almost half the damage they usual do on the healer, and since we have to kill them first, makes it a very even fight. Since the marauder is very gear dependant, if there gear lacks, they will lose otherwise, and you better hope your healer knows how to also play and stay alive as the Assasin is going to try to kill him first as well.


On top of that... I'm one of the better Marauders on my server, and for that reason I get focused on all the time during WZs, and sometimes i die so fast, i dont even get to hit my Undying Rage fast enough due to it. I get stunned right before I get a chance to use it, and some stuns seem to last forever.

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This is the dumbest idea i heard so far. So what your saying is they should just prolong our inevitable death? Again, it only last 5 seconds... Stun us.. Cloak... Run away... Learn to play against us, rather then nerf us, we are very beatable.


Also someone stated we are best 1v1... This is very true, as we should be, we are warriors, but 2v2 for example an Assasin with a healer vs Marauder with a healer, Assasin can guard the healer making the maraduer put out almost half the damage they usual do on the healer, and since we have to kill them first, makes it a very even fight. Since the marauder is very gear dependant, if there gear lacks, they will lose otherwise, and you better hope your healer knows how to also play and stay alive as the Assasin is going to try to kill him first as well.


On top of that... I'm one of the better Marauders on my server, and for that reason I get focused on all the time during WZs, and sometimes i die so fast, i dont even get to hit my Undying Rage fast enough due to it. I get stunned right before I get a chance to use it, and some stuns seem to last forever.


Doesn't matter to me. I would think it would be best to nerf damage while under these defensive effects rather than nerfing all damage. Perhaps they could just nerf the defensive abilities. Like it or not, as it stands maras/sents are nerf impending.

Edited by Sapphix
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Yeaaaah, the last hit still hits you when you're 15m away.


True, but it also obeys LoS, and if you're not snared you can get away from the final hit easily (barring Carnage/Combat specs, who have a root effect on Ravage/Master Strike).


Really, most problems in pvp come down to people blowing their defensive/cc abilities way too quickly. I don't know how many BH's/SI's/Consulars/Troopers I've gone up against that open a fight with their stun, and then when I'm tearing them a new orifice or three 30s later they wonder why they don't have anything that will get me off of them. I've seen Guardians and Juggernauts open with a Charge > Push > Charge combo on me when I'm playing my Sentinel, and sure, they get a lot of rage/focus and I get pushed away, but I just snare them, hit Awe, and then charge back into combat while they're stuck with a bum leg looking at all the pretty lights for six seconds.


Too many people don't understand how to use their skills correctly. Countering a Marauder or Sentinel is quite easy if you understand that they are useless outside of melee range. Add into the fact that 2/3 of the healing classes can cleanse their snare and DoT effects, and the other class can spec into cleansing the snare, and dealing with a Mara or Sent is pretty damn easy (especially since 2/3 of the healing classes come with both a KB and a stun).

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Doesn't matter to me. I would think it would be best to nerf damage while under these defensive effects rather than nerfing all damage. Perhaps they could just nerf the defensive abilities. Like it or not, as it stands maras/sents are nerf impending.


Sure it does not matter to you, since you have no idea how to play and would rather they nerf a class to make things easier for you. What a lot of people don't get like this individual is Nerfs kills games. Since last patch, 80% of my ops friends have quit, or went healing... 70% if not more of my Sorc friends have quit all together... Now people like this guy wants another nerf so the rest of the people quit this game simple because he doesn't have the skill or patience to learn how to play against a class. If this so call nerf comes, you can enjoy waiting hours for ques to play WZs since there will be no one online to play. I'm done with this thread so tried of baddies crying about the dumbest things.

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