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Pyrotech fire damage OP!


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the flame dot will take about 1k or 6k from you

the railsht will take about 2k to 10k from you

rocket punch 1k to 5k

grenade 2k to 8k


Combustible Gas will crit for 1k only if you're under 30%, otherwise it crits for 650.

Incindiary Missile (the other fire DoT) crits for 300 per tic, and around 1k on initial hit.

Rail Shot crits for 4k on soft targets without adrenals and relics. Closer to 3k on tanks, and just under 5k when adrenals are used against low expertise targets. 10k is two rail shots with adrenals and relic against a soft target (any non tank with under 1k expertise).

Thermal Detonator (assume that's what "grenade" is) will crit for 4k on light armor and does kinetic damage so is fully mitigated by armor. It can crit for around 2.5k on tanks.


When you see the "I'm melting effect" what you're seeing is adrenal+relic popped, with Thermal Detonator on the target. The damage that follows and hits within a 6-second window is 2 rail shots, Rocket Punch (procs the second rail 60% chance), a few tics of IM, a few tics of CG, and TD. With adrenal, relic, and crit cooldown used this can top out at around 19k damage IF every ability crits. This is the burst rotation that the pyro does, he cannot do it again for 2 minutes. Using all of the same abilities without the crit cooldown, adrenal, and relic does around 10k damage on a non-tank. Still good burst, but not nearly as impressive.


... at least i can kite marauders a bit you cant with powertechs specialy how they can pull you to them.

Annihilation Marauders have a 12 second cooldown on their force leap while the Pyro PT's pull is on a 45 second cooldown. Marauders present the appearance of being "more kiteable" because they do not have ranged abilities. The reason why you notice the pull more as a ranged class is because you are taken out of your position when it happens. Compare that to someone leaping to your location where you've decided to set up and usually have support. The guy charging is much more exposed to CC from you, and your group, while the guy pulling has a distinct advantage of having you somewhat disoriented and in the middle of his support (or worse a fire pit) rather than yours.

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no its pyrotechs the put a fire dot on you then use rail shot which ignores 90% of the targets armor and when this crits it crits hard.


im a commando with 1201 expertise 5k armor and 19k hp and this is nearly 1 shotting me at times depending how geared the pyrotech is that used it on me. the ability that will finish you off is the grenade they throw on you before had they can kill you in lituraly the time it takes to cast 4 abilitys which is about 4 seconds.


the flame dot will take about 1k or 6k from you

the railsht will take about 2k to 10k from you

rocket punch 1k to 5k

grenade 2k to 8k



powertechs are insanely overpowerd right now and need a nerf badly they are worse than mauruaders, at least i can kite marauders a bit you cant with powertechs specialy how they can pull you to them.



Please show the forums where the bad Pyrotech touched you....

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that was not a Pyro...it was an ADVANCED PROTOTYPE...and that flame thrower is their big hitter in that spec...interrupt it or get out of it.


Prototype Flame Thrower brah, immune to interrupt.:cool:

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after 1.2 i seeing more and more vaguards and powertechs in wzs , And one interesting thing what i seen was 13k hp wanguard runing agains my vengance jugg 7 pieces of war hero gear other bm and he did on me in one sec when i was leaping on him 8k dmg over my 1290 expertize. Meybe bug i dont know. But thanks his surviability thanks gear he was gone after few secs. After i meet some well geared pyrotech , and yes they are high burst class now and who no ? Sorcs only :p


And my opinion is maras and power techs are only one class who need a bit of balance , Not a (big NERF) as many peeps saying. :)

some day you'll meet a good oper or sin and will be surprised ;)

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Here you go:


[21:07:25.649] [@random] [@zaodon] [wet noodle {11111111111}] [ApplyEffect {1111111111}: QQ (mental) {111111111111!!!!!!!!!!!!}] ()

[21:07:25.649] [@random] [@zaodon] [QQ (mental) {1111111111}] [ApplyEffect {11111111111}: Damage {1111111111}] (OVER 9000!!!!* internal {111111111}) <OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>

U obviously are imba, sir :D

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no its pyrotechs the put a fire dot on you then use rail shot which ignores 90% of the targets armor and when this crits it crits hard.


im a commando with 1201 expertise 5k armor and 19k hp and this is nearly 1 shotting me at times depending how geared the pyrotech is that used it on me. th

the railsht will take about 2k to 10k from you


from your stats i assume you have at least full bm + at least 2 or 3 items from wh set. in that case you are either lying about that you eat 10k HIBs or you are lying about your equip. you should never see a HIB on you with more than 5k, no matter what drugs the PT had on him at that time.

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"they spin around"? Are you suggesting that an aoe is able to knock someone down to 30% health? I'd love to see that, because if thats the case, I know what button im spamming from now on.


Lol, good one:p

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As a dps Sorc (Madness), Firetech damage is absurd. It's usually something like this: slow, set me on fire, rail, and if I sprint they yank me back. Crotch punch, respawn. But as a dps Sorc, everything kills me, so what I'm going to do, complain?
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I play a vengeance jug an average class in bm gear and i duel my pt friend in bm gear and i win 50% of the time and we are both decent so if you are a marauder and struggling you have more cooldowns so god knows how you are losing this sounds elitist but l2p guys l2p.
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no they cant.


even a good pyros strongest attack will barely top 5k on undergeared aka 0 expertise players in light armor who are unshielded...and thats a RARE occurance.


At best over 3 globals you might see 10-12k dmg and thats only after PPA procs while dot stacking which adds 3 more globals... if you dont do anything over that 9 seconds, you might die.. otherwise , youll probably live.


False. I get crit for 4k by PT's and I have 1200 expertise.

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All their damage is instant cast and ignores armor.


To be correct, very little of their damage completely ignores armor unless another class or two has stacked debuffs on the target first, then they may ignore all the targets armor, but only in that case.

Edited by Vodrin
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rail shot hits for 10k?......how exactly does an ability that base is around 1800 damage somehow crit for 6 times that amount? even with the 90 percent armor theres no way you have that much surge or power.
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ah... right.


C3PO "Oh, he's frozen in carbonite - he should be well protected... if he survived the freezing process"

Guess they don't always? Maybe it has like a .01% chance to automatically kill all players its used on. :p


Thank you! That's always bothered me. Boba Fett is super concerned and objectionary to putting Solo into carbonite because he thinks he might die and he's worth more alive.


Now in any Star wars game that's the "go to" way to transport people and in the movie it was supposed to be completely dangerous and radical.


OK, had to get that off my chest :D Back on topic.

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To be correct, very little of their damage completely ignores armor unless another class or two has stacked debuffs on the target first, then they may ignore all the targets armor, but only in that case.


90% is accurate if you're cookie cutter pyro tech. They get the 30% talent in pyrotech, and then they get the 60% armor pen from Prototype.

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rail shot hits for 10k?......how exactly does an ability that base is around 1800 damage somehow crit for 6 times that amount? even with the 90 percent armor theres no way you have that much surge or power.


There are a substantial amount of talents that increase the damage from railshot. Still 10k is way steep. I think the hardest I've ever been hit with a railshot is just under 4k, with 1200 expertise. I could see a 5k crit coming out on someone with no expertise. I'm pretty sure that 4k is at least with relic and probably adrenal popped.

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There are a substantial amount of talents that increase the damage from railshot. Still 10k is way steep. I think the hardest I've ever been hit with a railshot is just under 4k, with 1200 expertise. I could see a 5k crit coming out on someone with no expertise. I'm pretty sure that 4k is at least with relic and probably adrenal popped.


im very new to assault spec on my vanguard. yesterday i got real lucky popping my Power( yes i still only had a power relic) and i managed a 5.1k on a guy with 11.7k health. How i love people who dont know what recruit is (except when their on my team, then its like "***, come on man dont carry the ball".)

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There are a substantial amount of talents that increase the damage from railshot. Still 10k is way steep. I think the hardest I've ever been hit with a railshot is just under 4k, with 1200 expertise. I could see a 5k crit coming out on someone with no expertise. I'm pretty sure that 4k is at least with relic and probably adrenal popped.


With the War Hero gun, 452 Ranged Damage bonus, 76% surge, and 1230-some expertise I have hit as high as 5.3k on HIB (aka Rail shot), this is with adrenal and relic used. Non-Adrenal/Relic crits on most PVP targets fall into a range of 3k to 4k. I have been seeing more hits in the 4.5k to 5k range sense upping my surge, power and expertise after 1.2 initially came out. It should also be noted that when HIB does not crit which statistically will happen more than 50% of the time it does less than half the damage of the crit. Normal hits from HIB range in the 1.5k to 2.5k range.

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With the War Hero gun, 452 Ranged Damage bonus, 76% surge, and 1230-some expertise I have hit as high as 5.3k on HIB (aka Rail shot), this is with adrenal and relic used. Non-Adrenal/Relic crits on most PVP targets fall into a range of 3k to 4k. I have been seeing more hits in the 4.5k to 5k range sense upping my surge, power and expertise after 1.2 initially came out. It should also be noted that when HIB does not crit which statistically will happen more than 50% of the time it does less than half the damage of the crit. Normal hits from HIB range in the 1.5k to 2.5k range.


Yeah, I play a little bit of a non-traditional spec so that's why I only go off of hits I take, instead of Railshots I give out. I dropped a few talents out of pyrotech so I could pick up a few utility moves that I think are more valuable (but it's opinion, all playstyle).


Anyway, I forgot about the WH gun, which I don't have yet, so yeah I could see those heavy hits coming out. Honestly though, I feel like pyrotechs gimp themselves so much in terms of mobility, utility, and survivability that they almost deserve to hit like that :p I'd never go full pyrotech because you just give up too much to get it.


Well, never say never but you get my drift :) Anyway, back on track, yeah 5k hits are totally possible I know. 10k hits are the exagerations. I can personally promise you that, that never happens.

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Did some of you noticed the damage pyrotech can put on a single target or multiple targets only with that insane combustible gas? It put down a 16k HP player in less then 5 seconds only by that. They spin around and you get 30% HP short after. Is insane!


That's what that tree is all about. It's for killing tanks with spike damage, you most likely got hit with a good crit which bypassed your armour because his dot procced it.


Think it's something like 30 % armor penetration with the dot on railshot.


Also, some players are just that good.

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Did some of you noticed the damage pyrotech can put on a single target or multiple targets only with that insane combustible gas? It put down a 16k HP player in less then 5 seconds only by that. They spin around and you get 30% HP short after. Is insane!


Another brainless liar. Its becoming a trend on this forums.

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Well, next time i will come with some numbers they are doing without healers in WZ. If on my realm average good players do 300k dmg they hit 600k damage.

I wish some constructive replies. And yes, i am in light armor. War Hero gear, rank 90. I don't pvp at all. I take 9k dmg while he make a 360 degree circle. Cause i don't play them i don't know what is the talent. All i see is fire. And fire burns too much on light armor, 2700 armor, 1300 expertise.

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Well, next time i will come with some numbers they are doing without healers in WZ. If on my realm average good players do 300k dmg they hit 600k damage.

I wish some constructive replies. And yes, i am in light armor. War Hero gear, rank 90. I don't pvp at all. I take 9k dmg while he make a 360 degree circle. Cause i don't play them i don't know what is the talent. All i see is fire. And fire burns too much on light armor, 2700 armor, 1300 expertise.


You don't know what you're talking about, which is obvious.


You also didn't take 9k damage from one Powertech ability, which is obvious.


Please stop exaggerating if you really want anyone to care about your story.

Edited by Varicite
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