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"sentis/maras op since 1.2!!!" LOLWAT


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Haha, ok I want my hardest hitting attacks damage increased by 15% as well since that is not op, that would be hidden strike btw.


(edit) oh, and to make stuff really balanced orbital strike casts are now no longer possible to be interrupted.


And while we are at it increase shock/project damage by 15% rail shot damage by 15%.... let`s keep it fair.


Ravage was in no way our hardest hitting attack pre 1.2. In fact it was a joke and was barely ever used because it was more of a waste of time than anything else. Even now it only hits hard if someone allows all three hits to land, which is decently easy to avoid. For a channeled ability it was extremely poor and needed some kind of buff, it shouldn't be un-interruptable though.

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<< They can break the CC / root, and leap right back to you. But you already knew that. Insert class name vs Mara wack each other to 30% HP - Mara pops shield, game over insert class name here, no ifs or buts about it. Every time... >>


So use your cc-break when they charge you and sprint/vanish away or use a stun/mez/other-knockback/etc.. There's no 1v2 mara winning in 5 secs (which was the post/point I was responding to). If you want to know how to 1v1 a mara for whatever your class is, create a thread and ask. Bear in mind you might get a lot of "it's not a 1v1 game" responses which is the line that many guardians and sentinels were getting fed a couple months ago when heals were op'd and most people didn't know how to play/spec them.

Edited by Savej
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stuff that made sense, but not needed

Just because your precious tracer lightning spam got nerfed, doesn't mean all of the other classes should get nerfed as well. It just shows how bad you are, when you have to use more than 1 button.

More stuff not needed


Have my babies!!!!

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This thread wins.


We got a few skills to now cost 0 Rage/Focus. Our interrupt/kicker now costs nothing LIKE EVERY OTHER CLASS. We now have a debuff (Obfuscate) now costs nothing, as does the AoE Mez. These last two are NERFS. I'd rather pay for them. That way they build Fury.


Annihilation's only buff was making Rupture's 2 point movement speed debuff actually worth speccing into. 30% is pathetic. 50% is at least worth the 2 points.


The ONLY buff overall was to Ravage/Master Strike. And yes, I can do with the 15% nerf to it's damage if it keeps being uninterruptable. I can also deal with current damage and interruptable, but that would make Carnage/Combat worse (because it's clearly the best spec and clearly needs nerfs :p).


The QQ really is coming from the fact that TWO classes got buffed (Sniper/Marauder) and most other classes got nerfed. Some were even untouched.

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Here are the changes made to sentinel in 1.2


Awe no longer costs Focus to activate.

It's a mezz. With 1 min cd. Doesn't make much difference.


Dispatch can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).

Well guess what. All other classes can use their execute ability @ 30%


Force Kick no longer costs Focus to activate.

It's an interrupt. Nothing else.


Force Leap now places a "root" visual effect on the affected target.

Probably the most OP thing EVER.


Master Strike can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.

The ONLY damage increase. It's a 30 sec cd. Just stun/knockback/move 5 steps to the side and there you go, you interrupted it.


Crippling Throw's "Trauma" effect can no longer be cleansed.

It's the only thing that can prevent 2-3 healers healing each other. Should had been uncleansable from the start.


Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active.

Just fyi, before 1.2 we could had spec'd into 100% damage reduction. And there was no QQ about it.


Pacify no longer has a Focus cost and is no longer limited by the global cooldown.

Considering the massive damage it deals, yeah, it's sooooo imba.


Transcendence now affects all Operation Group members.

It's a bug fix.


Zen (while in Ataru Form) now additionally reduces the Focus cost and global cooldown of Cyclone Slash.

Nothing to see here.


Focused Pursuit has been replaced by Focused Leap, which increases the Focus generated by Force Leap.

Doesn't change anything for watchman, since it was possible to get it pre-1.2.


Force Fade no longer grants damage reduction while Force Camouflage is active. It now increases the duration of Force Camouflage by 1 second per point and increases the movement speed bonus of Force Camouflage by 10% per point.

Good thing to waste 2 points tbh.


Inflammation now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%).



Valor is now located in Tier 1 of the skill tree and has replaced Quick Recovery.

So we lost pretty much any aoe (except for focus spec).



There you go. Now which change caused all of the QQ threads to appear?


And for all the guarded by the force/undying rage whiners - it's there since 1.0, even since the beta, and there wasn't a single thread about it before 1.2.


Just because your precious tracer lightning spam got nerfed, doesn't mean all of the other classes should get nerfed as well. It just shows how bad you are, when you have to use more than 1 button.

That is all.


PS.: L2P


TL;DR: The ONLY damage increase in 1.2 for sentis/maras was the 15% buff for master strike/ravage, guarded/undying rage was there since 1.0, so how come there was no QQ about it before?


Thank god someone said it..

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Master Strike can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.

The ONLY damage increase. It's a 30 sec cd. Just stun/knockback/move 5 steps to the side and there you go, you interrupted it.


I keep seeing people saying all you need to do is move to interrupt it, but I've yet to see that actually work. I'll be at least 15 metres away and still get hit with the big hit at the end. I'd certainly have less issue with it if getting range worked to avoid it.

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I keep seeing people saying all you need to do is move to interrupt it, but I've yet to see that actually work. I'll be at least 15 metres away and still get hit with the big hit at the end. I'd certainly have less issue with it if getting range worked to avoid it.


Move the Sentinel, not yourself. If the Sentinel moves it's done. And that does include knockbacks, etc. So it's really not that uninterruptable.

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<< They can break the CC / root, and leap right back to you. But you already knew that. Insert class name vs Mara wack each other to 30% HP - Mara pops shield, game over insert class name here, no ifs or buts about it. Every time... >>


So use your cc-break when they charge you and sprint/vanish away or use a stun/mez/other-knockback/etc.. There's no 1v2 mara winning in 5 secs (which was the post/point I was responding to). If you want to know how to 1v1 a mara for whatever your class is, create a thread and ask. Bear in mind you might get a lot of "it's not a 1v1 game" responses which is the line that many guardians and sentinels were getting fed a couple months ago when heals were op'd and most people didn't know how to play/spec them.


No need for another thread - Ill ask as a gunnery commando.


Hi all, I'm having trouble beating a marauder. Below I describe my problem. Please share your wisdom with me and help me out as I'm a baddie!!


They can instantly close the starting gap. After this, I'm permanently snared/rooted. My KB is a longer CD than their charge. They can interrupt both my spammable move and my new and improved channeled attack (which they can also deflect) with their 6s CD interrupt Both my instants require setup from that move they can interrupt easily or they hit for poor damage. I cannot even fire one of them (HiB) without the GR debuff. Even if I do fire it, it can be deflected.


So I have exactly 2 ways of getting them off me. My KB (but apparently I have to save that for Ravage) or my Stun (but apparentlyI have to save that for UR). I have 0 roots and 1 untterly pointless snare.


So basically if I dont use my stun/KB to actually get some distance, I will be torn apart by their standard rotation of hard hitting instants and ticking dots. If I do, they will run/leap/camo back to me (I'm moving through treacle, if at all) and now I'm at the mercy of Ravage/whatever. In the miraculous event that somehow I manage to do enough damage through their other defensive CDS they will pop UR and finish me off.


So in summary, I blow my stuns/KB actually trying to fight and die to their big hitter/Godmode, or I don't and I just die.

No escapes, no vanishing, no jumping to the other side of the map, no los, just death and some facegrinding against the big glass door.


Mara vs sniper. Nasty matchup for mara. I assume they should just los/run away/vanish/leap in the opposite direction? I see how they lose...I don't see how they always lose and always die like I seem to against a mara.


Expected responses below:


"You're a support class"

"We're supposed to be the best 1vs1"

"It's not a 1v1 game" (thanks guy I quoted above)

"You're ranged"

"L2P n00b, go spam your tracers somewhere else"

"Go pyro" (I'm sort of doing this, it's called levelling a PT)

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Haha, ok I want my hardest hitting attacks damage increased by 15% as well since that is not op, that would be hidden strike btw.


(edit) oh, and to make stuff really balanced orbital strike casts are now no longer possible to be interrupted.


And while we are at it increase shock/project damage by 15% rail shot damage by 15%.... let`s keep it fair.


Same here, I'd love for my sorc's hardest hitting attack in a pvp spec to be increased by 15% too. Chain Lightnin... oh right, they didn't increase the damage of our hardest hitting attack in viable pvp builds, they completely removed it!




And nearly all my abilities can be interrupted! Yay!


No defensive CDs! Yay!


No more quick heals because they couldn't figure out how to fix a bug so they just removed it! Yay!


No way to not take away 10% of my health to regenerate 8% of my force! Yay!


Max 1 root- compared to marauders getting up to three... and in a viable burst spec no less! Yay!



No, marauders aren't OP- they just have more damage, heal debuffs, mobility, roots, abilities that can't be interrupted, defensive CDs including immunity, fast interrupts, several no cost skill including an instant aoe mez (according to OP, instant AoE mez is no big deal- no doubt the 2 second single target mez sorcs get though is sooooo OP), group buffs, the ability to gap close at the same range as ranged class's attacks- negating any possibility of kiting unless the mara's drooling on his keyboard.

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Its more like this post-1.2:

A great Mara is GODLIKE, he looks at me, I die.

A good Mara is OP'd, and I die, but give him hell before I do.

An average Mara is OP'd, I still might die at a 50% rate, but more managable, if i have all my CD available.

A bad Mara......, just bad, and I LOL @ you with my REAL squishy class...\



Please note that in this analysis, "I die" is very abundant, and WAY more abundant than any other class.


10%/40%/40%/10% So that means a lot more dying in 1.2 for me, off the bat, but I am taking some things outside of my role to mitigate the OP'dness..

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I keep seeing people saying all you need to do is move to interrupt it, but I've yet to see that actually work. I'll be at least 15 metres away and still get hit with the big hit at the end. I'd certainly have less issue with it if getting range worked to avoid it.


You only have to be in melee range to start casting ravage. Once the channel has started, the range where it will still connect is dramatically increased. It's in the neighborhood of 15m. You have to really book it from them to get out of it, and if you're slowed forget it.


At least that's how it works with juggs, and I doubt it's different for mauraders.

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You only have to be in melee range to start casting ravage. Once the channel has started, the range where it will still connect is dramatically increased. It's in the neighborhood of 15m. You have to really book it from them to get out of it, and if you're slowed forget it.


At least that's how it works with juggs, and I doubt it's different for mauraders.


Yeah, it's at least 10 meter. I've gotten many people with that final hit on my Jugg because they only moved about 7 meters away from me. Don't let these forums fool you, that third hit is not so hard to land if you know how to play. All it takes is someone being stunned, rooted, or snared when you start the channel and they will either eat that third hit or be forced to use a CC on you.

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You only have to be in melee range to start casting ravage. Once the channel has started, the range where it will still connect is dramatically increased. It's in the neighborhood of 15m. You have to really book it from them to get out of it, and if you're slowed forget it.


At least that's how it works with juggs, and I doubt it's different for mauraders.


IIRC, the initiation of ravage is 4m and extends out to 10m, has to be channeled over 3 seconds as the damage comes in three ticks, the last tick being the most dangerous. Just about any counter ability can pretty much stop it other than an interrupt ability itself.

Edited by Blloodbane
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Everything seems to boil down to this:


"Marauders got a small buff, everyone else got nerfed, therefore Marauder is OP, nerf them down with the rest of the classes."


Whether or not there's any truth to those words is personal opinion at this point.


this guy ^

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Marauders/Sentinels were OP before 1,2

They got buffed in 1,2 while pretty much everyone else got nerfed.

Yah, BW clearly knows what they are doing...not

Ah well, its not that it matters anyway, bads will be bads, and good players already left.

In a way its a good thing since it means less bads in other games :)

Edited by GrandMike
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Ahhhh Love these posts


Marauders/Sentinels trying to justify that their class isn't overpowered to avoid the inevitable nerf.



it will happen


Im sorry its true.


Welcome to how sorcerers felt in 1.1

Edited by Jenrais
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Most people can't articulate why they think Marauders are OP, they just mindlessly follow the herd. These people don't understand that Marauders are a pure DPS class who don't have access to taunt/guard like the other melee classes. Nobody is taking those damage mitigation numbers that Marauders lack into account. Even then, Marauders aren't doing much more DPS. Shadows are still much better even without any changes in 1.2, it's just that the devs have passed over Shadows quietly and Marauders are "next in line" for nerfs from the PvP forum community because hey, someone has to be nerfed.
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Here are the changes made to sentinel in 1.2


Awe no longer costs Focus to activate.

It's a mezz. With 1 min cd. Doesn't make much difference.


Dispatch can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).

Well guess what. All other classes can use their execute ability @ 30%


Force Kick no longer costs Focus to activate.

It's an interrupt. Nothing else.


Force Leap now places a "root" visual effect on the affected target.

Probably the most OP thing EVER.


Master Strike can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.

The ONLY damage increase. It's a 30 sec cd. Just stun/knockback/move 5 steps to the side and there you go, you interrupted it.


Crippling Throw's "Trauma" effect can no longer be cleansed.

It's the only thing that can prevent 2-3 healers healing each other. Should had been uncleansable from the start.


Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active.

Just fyi, before 1.2 we could had spec'd into 100% damage reduction. And there was no QQ about it.


Pacify no longer has a Focus cost and is no longer limited by the global cooldown.

Considering the massive damage it deals, yeah, it's sooooo imba.


Transcendence now affects all Operation Group members.

It's a bug fix.


Zen (while in Ataru Form) now additionally reduces the Focus cost and global cooldown of Cyclone Slash.

Nothing to see here.


Focused Pursuit has been replaced by Focused Leap, which increases the Focus generated by Force Leap.

Doesn't change anything for watchman, since it was possible to get it pre-1.2.


Force Fade no longer grants damage reduction while Force Camouflage is active. It now increases the duration of Force Camouflage by 1 second per point and increases the movement speed bonus of Force Camouflage by 10% per point.

Good thing to waste 2 points tbh.


Inflammation now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%).



Valor is now located in Tier 1 of the skill tree and has replaced Quick Recovery.

So we lost pretty much any aoe (except for focus spec).



There you go. Now which change caused all of the QQ threads to appear?


And for all the guarded by the force/undying rage whiners - it's there since 1.0, even since the beta, and there wasn't a single thread about it before 1.2.


Just because your precious tracer lightning spam got nerfed, doesn't mean all of the other classes should get nerfed as well. It just shows how bad you are, when you have to use more than 1 button.

That is all.


PS.: L2P


TL;DR: The ONLY damage increase in 1.2 for sentis/maras was the 15% buff for master strike/ravage, guarded/undying rage was there since 1.0, so how come there was no QQ about it before?


I see your bet and wage you it was OP before 1.1. Decreasing CD is the same as increasing damage tbh... So, there is something to see there.

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Here are the changes made to sentinel in 1.2


Awe no longer costs Focus to activate.

It's a mezz. With 1 min cd. Doesn't make much difference.


Dispatch can now be used on targets at or below 30% of maximum health (up from 20%).

Well guess what. All other classes can use their execute ability @ 30%


Force Kick no longer costs Focus to activate.

It's an interrupt. Nothing else.


Force Leap now places a "root" visual effect on the affected target.

Probably the most OP thing EVER.


Master Strike can no longer be interrupted, and its damage has been increased by approximately 15%.

The ONLY damage increase. It's a 30 sec cd. Just stun/knockback/move 5 steps to the side and there you go, you interrupted it.


Crippling Throw's "Trauma" effect can no longer be cleansed.

It's the only thing that can prevent 2-3 healers healing each other. Should had been uncleansable from the start.


Force Camouflage now additionally reduces all damage taken by 50% while active.

Just fyi, before 1.2 we could had spec'd into 100% damage reduction. And there was no QQ about it.


Pacify no longer has a Focus cost and is no longer limited by the global cooldown.

Considering the massive damage it deals, yeah, it's sooooo imba.


Transcendence now affects all Operation Group members.

It's a bug fix.


Zen (while in Ataru Form) now additionally reduces the Focus cost and global cooldown of Cyclone Slash.

Nothing to see here.


Focused Pursuit has been replaced by Focused Leap, which increases the Focus generated by Force Leap.

Doesn't change anything for watchman, since it was possible to get it pre-1.2.


Force Fade no longer grants damage reduction while Force Camouflage is active. It now increases the duration of Force Camouflage by 1 second per point and increases the movement speed bonus of Force Camouflage by 10% per point.

Good thing to waste 2 points tbh.


Inflammation now applies a 50% movement speed reduction (up from 30%).



Valor is now located in Tier 1 of the skill tree and has replaced Quick Recovery.

So we lost pretty much any aoe (except for focus spec).



There you go. Now which change caused all of the QQ threads to appear?


And for all the guarded by the force/undying rage whiners - it's there since 1.0, even since the beta, and there wasn't a single thread about it before 1.2.


Just because your precious tracer lightning spam got nerfed, doesn't mean all of the other classes should get nerfed as well. It just shows how bad you are, when you have to use more than 1 button.

That is all.


PS.: L2P


TL;DR: The ONLY damage increase in 1.2 for sentis/maras was the 15% buff for master strike/ravage, guarded/undying rage was there since 1.0, so how come there was no QQ about it before?


LOLWAT is right! Although we're laughing at you,,,not with you.


You took the time to write buff after buff after buff such that you have to scroll to even read your entire post. Yet the most obvious and common sense thing never popped into your head...


"you know what...Mara/sentinels are really good pre-1.2 and no other class could write down this many buffs in 1.2...maybe the reason I'm seeing so many Mara/sentinels performing so well and so many re-rolls is that they really are OP now"


Instead, you decide to discredit the viability of all the buffs in a transparent attempt to keep your OP state. Kudos on making yourself look silly.

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Ahhhh Love these posts


Marauders/Sentinels trying to justify that their class isn't overpowered to avoid the inevitable nerf.



it will happen


Im sorry its true.


Welcome to how sorcerers felt in 1.1


They are scrambling as much as they can to save their class. It does seem about half of the people on the forums are Sents/Maras.

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The level of denial on these threads is always hilarious


- Marauders didn't get buffed AT ALL! You are all BAD!!!!1


- Marauders got buffed, but only in sucky trees that are bad for PVP!


- Marauders may have got buffed across the board and in every tree, but this didn't increase their DPS!


- Ravage may now be uninterruptable, with a 23% damage increase and 10% CD reduction, but you can just WALK AWAY FROM IT while rooted or snared!


- You're supposed to use a stun to interrupt Ravage...and Undying Rage...and Cloak of Pain!



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sent /maras are too durable at the moment... way too durable...

their defences must be rebalanced..

As a mm sniper pre 1.2. i was LOLing when a sent/mara coming for me. except he was a talented one or got me without my cool downs he was dead. now maras with 5% HP are gunning for me and they dispatch me 2 out of 4 times easy. same tactics same situations. i don't want to be a ***** but enjoy as long as it lasts, this high and wild god mode wont last for long.

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Maras/Sents DO have it the best out of all the classes in PVP as it stands now- the skill levels of the individual plyers assumed to be equal. It's not insane, but it's there and I know it is because as soon as 1.2 hit- all of the sudden they became a royal pain in my ***. I'm a top player on my server, pt pyro, and there is a real difference from pre-1.2. The no interrupt /+15 dam boost on the channeled attack alone is 1v1 changing as opposed to pre-1.2- and yes I know you can stun them out of it, or, my favorite one oft-suggested ....run away from it. All of this would still be okay with me if it weren't for the addition of popping an invulnerable buff and having the ability to stealth escape if it goes bad for them. It's a noticeable thing that is more of the "wt***- oh come on!" level than the "damn, maras/sents are tougher now" level.


It really is an amazing thing about the way people think, their capacity to act almost solely out the need to defend "my class!"- and yet actually spend all this time posting in almost total public denial of it. It's a similar, slightly different form of the personality dynamic in which the positions taken by people who have a pre-set ideology (one they cannot re-evaluate) pretend to have all manner of rational arguments to support the mental geography inside their heads their parents chose for them.


Why don't you maras/sents just enjoy your sunny spot in pvp while it lasts in its current form and stop arguing about things that everyone else knows is just an emotional attempt to defend your own class.

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They say the average HUMAN (Most classes) use 20% of thier muscle ability.


They say the average RETARDED HUMAN (DPS Scoundrel/Op) uses 40% of thier muscles capability.


They say an APE (Shadow/Assassin Tank spec) Uses 80% of thier muscles capability.


So if you see a RETARDED APE (Sent/Mara) YOU RUN!













Note: The scoundrel/op isn't OP @ all. It was more of a observation of knockle heads that still play the dead class...poor DPS Scoundrels/Ops

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