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Healing Highscores


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Character Name: Hesh'ik

Guild: Imperial Consortium

Server: Tarro Blood


Looking for what kind of competition there will be out for me if or when server transfers / cross server ques happen. Here is my highest Voidstar healing, 929k. If anyone has better post it. I wanna see where i will stand compared to other premade healers.


hope this link works for screenshot



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Because AOE-fests are the true measure of skill.


Surviving as a light armored character to heal that much is, actually, quite a skill. It can be healers skill, tanks skill, or opponents lack of skill, though.

Still, it's good to see healers struggling to do hard thing, even if this one is a sith and I would gladly slam him with a big rock on a day of meeting.

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Character Name: Hesh'ik

Guild: Imperial Consortium

Server: Tarro Blood


Looking for what kind of competition there will be out for me if or when server transfers / cross server ques happen. Here is my highest Voidstar healing, 929k. If anyone has better post it. I wanna see where i will stand compared to other premade healers.


hope this link works for screenshot




Im impressed, thats very very good. you beat my best in a voidstar by about 300k (bh merc pre 1.2) and im certainly not trying to be a party pooper..... but.... 1030 a second for the duration of a voidstar?, which door is that in the background, the last one? .....somethings not quite right there. im not going to call you a cheat. im going to be jealous and say see you on the battlefield. Tbh rated 8 vs 8 premades with half a brain, will take care of those sorts of numbers. you just wont see them.

Edited by falcon_Xtreme
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Only sage/sorc. can post here, because there is no way other healing classes would do such a number even their healing can be much more effective.


This is a troll right? Or have you not heard of patch 1.2, aka the thing that made sage/sorcs a pointless class.

Edited by RTCBrad
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Just going to point out that overall healing is irrelevant when determining a healer's skill/contribution to team.


This is a troll right? Or have you not heard of patch 1.2, aka the thing that made sage/sorcs a pointless class.


and QFT.

Edited by Vinak
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This is a troll right? Or have you not heard of patch 1.2, aka the thing that made sage/sorcs a pointless class.


Are you playing such? Because I still can see sages on my server breaking up 700K quite often. The nerf was about two things as it is now - NO BURST HEAL ergo harder to survive or maintain focused target alive.

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Im impressed, thats very very good. you beat my best in a voidstar by about 300k (bh merc pre 1.2) and im certainly not trying to be a party pooper..... but.... 1030 a second for the duration of a voidstar?, which door is that in the background, the last one? .....somethings not quite right there. im not going to call you a cheat. im going to be jealous and say see you on the battlefield. Tbh rated 8 vs 8 premades with half a brain, will take care of those sorts of numbers. you just wont see them.


1030/second is only possible if you have a really static game with lots of people to AoE heal and have lots of expertise. How much of that healing was actually useful and didn't just overheal someone who already had a HoT on them or was about to pop a healing pot can never be known.


I did a voidstar yesterday with 5 healers on our team. Between us we did 2.2 million healing. It was a rubbish warzone though.

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Are you playing such? Because I still can see sages on my server breaking up 700K quite often. The nerf was about two things as it is now - NO BURST HEAL ergo harder to survive or maintain focused target alive.


I see that popping up in healing related threads. I've seen someone heal 600k ONCE on my server. That's the only time I saw more than 500k healing. Usually on my server, the top healer is at 200k, or less (though 400k does happen from time to time).

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Are you playing such? Because I still can see sages on my server breaking up 700K quite often. The nerf was about two things as it is now - NO BURST HEAL ergo harder to survive or maintain focused target alive.


Easy to put up numbers when left alone. Not so easy when the other team realizes your are a healer and interrupts all of your worthwhile heals. Big difference between putting up 700k against clueless scrubs and putting up 700k against competent enemies.

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this was a voidstar match that went all the way as far as time, no other way i could get that high. I range from 600k-800k heals alot in voidstar, this just happens to be one that thier dps wasnt enough to take me down but still enough to provide lots of aoe and self heals. I also run premades every pvp match and my tanks are very good at staying on top of me, popping cooldowns when needed etc etc.


this is after 1.2 so it shows that my sorc healer is still very good for pvp for any whiners about how sorc suck now. you just have to play smart and make people waste inturupts on heals you dont want to be casted.


anyway i created this thread cause i am curious to see what other people are able to post so keep it that way plz.

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you just have to play smart and make people waste inturupts on heals you dont want to be casted.


A good player isn't going to waste an interrupt on the wrong spells. Try fighting other premades that know what they are doing instead of steamrolling puggers ;)

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Post 1.2 nerf that "completely killed sorc heals".

Oh, and I was actually the only one who went to support our outer turret twice when it got attacked by 2 guys. If someone else would have done this, I would have reached over 1.1 mio.


Sure light on the medals there considering you said it was post 1.2 ...especially the sorcerer with over 400k healing and only 4 medals. Anyways, grats on being left to heal an entire match. Thats how I broke 1 million several times on my sorc as well.


Those situations really let you take advantage of having the highest healing bandwidth. Too bad competent enemies make the actual throughput laughable compared to my op :D

Edited by pathiss
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very nice heals, im a jelly, i can never get a civil war game to go the distance always ends one sided.




trust me i wish we had more premades to face against, our server is hurting for republics so bad =(

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Testing abilities, procs and stat gains are the only relevant information you or anyone can gauge from any type of heal parses.


Total healing is irrelevant due to various reasons, such as.


- If you suck at curing you will heal more than someone who is good at curing

- If your opponents cant press buttons then you will heal for less

- If you have another healer on your team using the same type of heals or heals in general your numbers will be lower.



So yeah you can go "Hey I healed for 1mil." and I will say nice because its polite, but dont go any further with those #'s or I'll rain on your parade until you grasp why its irrelevant.

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i hear ya, just because you posted good healing numbers doesnt mean you were most effective or caused your team to capture a point/node for the win. more of a bragging rights thing.

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No class is going to put up huge numbers (DPS, heal, guard) unless they have people behind them working as a team. Your huge number does NOT mean you are a good healer (although you may be), all it tells me is that as a whole, your team was very good. Edited by oPURT
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I play on tarro blood, basically it's just says what everyone there knows, republic has very few players. Imps are running preforms constantly and we are lucky if a group fills for us. Every now and then we'll get lucky and get a good group going, which must have been one the OP posted (considering we actually put out that much damage to heal), But, that's how you can get those numbers. A preform against a good pug. Edited by CodyLundeen
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Sure light on the medals there considering you said it was post 1.2 ...especially the sorcerer with over 400k healing and only 4 medals. Anyways, grats on being left to heal an entire match. Thats how I broke 1 million several times on my sorc as well.


Those situations really let you take advantage of having the highest healing bandwidth. Too bad competent enemies make the actual throughput laughable compared to my op :D


Check the actionbars, it is post 1.2.

Why should I lie? I have had multiple 700k+ games post 1.2, this was just my first game with over 1mio so I took the screenshot.

Attacking in Alderaan gives almost no medals if compared to defending, especially if the turret is neutral. Tthats why noone has more medals than he would have had pre 1.2.

Edited by iphobia
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