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Server population is dropping...


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Any one else noticed that the servers were all full during peak times the other week and now all the full ones are now only heavy or very heavy. Lots are just standard now and you log on to them to see what the populations are like and you'll get like 20 people in a zone compared to around 80 in the very heavy ones.


Bioware needs to start merging servers before they make the mistake every other developer has done with mmorpgs ever since WoW. If you're part of an unpopulated server you're more likely to quit because you cannot find the people to play with.


It's not a doomsday thread but Bioware need to get on top of the population decline before the servers get too underpopulated and people quit.


I think it is too late. I just got back from a break and everyone from my clan has stopped playing. I really wanted this game to succeed :/

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I had high hopes for TOR. However after playing 1 character to lvl 50 and a few others to mid lvl, I lost interest. The game felt shallow to me. I wasn't the only one in my group of friends that ended up unsubing for the same reason. About 20 plus in our group started out and there is between 3-5 still subbing. We all want it to succeed as all of us are star wars fans but it just felt to confined. Some of the server drop can be attributed to summer weather taking us back outdoors. Unfortunately that is more wishful thinking. I will let the game simmer a bit and try it again down the road.


One other thing and maybe it's just me,but it seems every game company that has crawled into the proverbial bed with EA has produced sub par games. Or great games once under the EA influence have started to decay.

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I am currently on the Kathol Rift (think I spelled that correctly) server and it is completly DEAD. After running ops for the week there is nothing else to do. We sometimes have to wait over 4 hours for a Pvp que pop.
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The best part about all this? People were posting as early as January that their servers were dead. If you really want to laugh, go check out the original version of this thread.




Some classic lines in there -


"This game has 3 million subs and growing"


Think the transfers will be right on time at 'early summer' if the dead server debacle started in january... ;)

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What you think of this pop ? Decent ?


This is from my server, Mind Trick, the 13-14th best US server


Republic Side


Snapshot took slightly past prime time (10-30)


FLEET : 40-50 players


50 : 116 players


1-49 : 242 players


(i'm genuinely asking you if those kind of pop is sustainable)

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What you think of this pop ? Decent ?


This is from my server, Mind Trick, the 13-14th best US server


Republic Side


Snapshot took slightly past prime time (10-30)


FLEET : 40-50 players


50 : 116 players


1-49 : 242 players


(i'm genuinely asking you if those kind of pop is sustainable)


Character transfers come in 6-8 weeks. That will drive consolidation to fewer servers (a la Rift), with higher populations on servers.

Edited by Andryah
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But sadly, on Tarantatek, I play alone most nights.


I have played just about everything since UO, and I mean everything. AO, Shadowbane, The one made by the Greek company that was pvp based, Asherons Call Darktide, DAoC, Vanguard, EQ1/2, Lineage 1/2, AION, Planetside, AoC, Fallen Earth, EVE (woot!), Rift, WoW (not for long) you get the idea. I know Ive missed a few but the point is, NOTHING has kept my attention like this game since probably AC DT.


I want this game to do well,I really do. But playing it alone diminishes the experience to the nth degree.


Priority ONE right now should be server merges.


Think about it- IF the people that LOVE your game are ready to close shop over this, what do you think its doing to people on the fence?

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I am trying to hang on before dropping out. Early summer character transfers at-least, cant wait. My server Koth has like maybe 20 people on republic to 25 at peak.. if i go to any Correlia or anything else I'm lucky to see maybe 3 others, maybe 5 at a time. No groups, no help. My guild just left the server. Its a mess.


I'm a huge fan of the game though, love it. Like any MMO it needs work but it always gets better. If they can just get the population under control i think the rest is definitely tolerable.

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(Vulkar Highway server) I was running around Hoth with my alt the other day and the population on the republic side for the planet was 2! 99% of the heroic quest i just abandon and jump to the next planet because the planets are dead and most of my guild has unsubed. The normal pop on the Fleet is about 20-25 from what i have seen when i jump on my main. It doesn't feel like a MMO anymore, I can go play some call of duty and i see more people there and not have to pay monthy for it.


I like to pvp any good pvp mmo's coming out soon? If this merge doesn't happen soon i want a new mmo to jump to :)

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(Vulkar Highway server) I was running around Hoth with my alt the other day and the population on the republic side for the planet was 2! 99% of the heroic quest i just abandon and jump to the next planet because the planets are dead and most of my guild has unsubed. The normal pop on the Fleet is about 20-25 from what i have seen when i jump on my main. It doesn't feel like a MMO anymore, I can go play some call of duty and i see more people there and not have to pay monthy for it.


I like to pvp any good pvp mmo's coming out soon? If this merge doesn't happen soon i want a new mmo to jump to :)

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Okay sorry but are you really leaving an MMORPG becuase of space combat... The game was never made to be a game with 3d space combat. Infact I have heard rumors that they were not even going to put any space combat in, but later changed their minds because people wanted it. The game is based around being on the ground, doing quest, pvp, and flashpoints. To make 3d space combat like you want would be alot harder than you think. Infact it would be like making a whole new game.


Like Jump to Lightspeed from SWG? This was an epic xpac for that game. Of course BW is too arrogant to take any ideas from SWG even though much of their player base played that game at some point. And yes people expected space in a Star Wars MMO. Stars are in space so it would make sense that space combat would be taking place in a "star war."


I think there might have even been some space ships or flying saucers in the movies.

Edited by Jeffor
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...BW sacrificed a solid community of subs for Box sales...


I don't know if this is true but this is what it feels like to me. From the very beginning BW seemed intent on pushing community aside. Many of us complained about the lack of community building at the early stages and BW would never even comment. In there arrogance they decided what kind of community (or lack thereof) we were going to have and took no heed of our complaints or suggestions. Now, here we are, with no community still and we are running out of players to build a community with.


They shoved a single player online game down our throats, told us this is what we wanted and now here we are.



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All I can say is that after getting a char to 50, I decided to take a week break. Now I cannot seem to play longer than 10-20 minutes before losing interest in leveling alt, and I have no interest in doing anything with my level 50. I rather continue playing "Legends of Grimrock", or GW2 beta.


I got 3 toons to 50, now its kinda boring since PvP is fail.

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Yup my servers have all died and I am not rerolling again or waiting another month for transfers. if they fix it befor my sub runs out thats great, but if they dont its still only 5 more days till a much better game comes out anyway
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Yup my servers have all died and I am not rerolling again or waiting another month for transfers. if they fix it befor my sub runs out thats great, but if they dont its still only 5 more days till a much better game comes out anyway


What bugs me about this is even if they manage to square way bug related issues quickly the time between now and when they start server transfers is going to drive more people away, even if only temporarily…I have given up on any group content as both servers I have characters on no longer have the active playerbase to find and run any group quests…so I am having a single player RPG experience instead of an MMO one…the problem is that seems to be part of what is pushing people away so it just ends up self-perpetuating.


I don’t have a problem leveling without group quests, but the “ghost town” feeling of all the planets I go to is sometimes a little disquieting.

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Even the mighty FATMAN is dwindling in population and its the only and yes i say it's the only server with heavy pop. Go look next time you log on and check all the servers. I did that last night for the lolz. All of europe servers are light, usa servers all light with handfull of standards that are rp/pve servers and not gona mention asia cause they have only 3 servers lol.
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Go look next time you log on and check all the servers. I did that last night for the lolz. All of europe servers are light, usa servers all light with handfull of standards that are rp/pve servers and not gona mention asia cause they have only 3 servers lol.


Right now, 8:09 pm EDT, 30 U.S. servers standard. You must have a big hand. [And it's not even peak on the West Coast yet.]


You are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts.

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Right now, 8:09 pm EDT, 30 U.S. servers standard. You must have a big hand. [And it's not even peak on the West Coast yet.]


You are entitled to your own opinion. You are not entitled to your own facts.


Some of us live in Europe, where practically all of the servers are Light, and remain Light through the day

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