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Server population is dropping...


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Can we get a dev to give us some metrics on who actually is playing this game and not sub numbers.


Basically I love swtor but its killing itself and its players while waiting to figure out how to transfer and merge servers. Which is boggles my mind that EA/Bioware would take so long to take action. I can only surmise that subs haven't tanked below 1mil yet or they are just clueless on what is going on.


But nevertheless time will tell but right now servers are poop!!!

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I logged into my old server "The Kumumgah" the other evening and i was the only one in fleet station ONLY ONE!!.


So i went to a few planets...........nitto!!!


Terrible simply terrible.


Maybe ur server its a "dead" server because majority of the guilds made re-roll in others servers :rolleyes:

Edited by chaosmadness
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True people don't want to pay for a game that aren't playing. If their un happy they should leave and go elsewhere. This includes me too. My 6 month sub is up in July. I shall wait to see if this game becomes 1 year old or not while i'm playing another game without a monthly fee. I shall watch and wait to see what this game does next.
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Its clear no one is playing, instead we all have 6 monts subs that will end on August. I will log just for the transfers then see how long i last.


Guild i'm in the Vornskr sever got like 125 in it, when i'm actually playing, i've seen 20 playing. Some are still on. When i joined them last week they had 100 people in it, This guild is still recruiting and growing. Guild is called = Cracked Up

Edited by matthewdbear
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In a previous Community Q&A we talked about character transfers, and announced that they were coming in early summer. Character transfers are a complex process, but we're almost ready to go. Starting next week on June 12th, 2012, we’re allowing character transfers to occur between selected servers in order to provide a better gameplay experience for our players by ensuring population balance across the service.


Game Update 1.3 is focused around group content, with the Group Finder designed to help you enjoy Flashpoints, Operations and Heroic Missions in groups. However, we know that a Group Finder can only work when there is a large pool of players to draw from on a server. That's why the new Character Transfer Service is important: it will improve the overall player experience by facilitating maximized server populations across the service.


From,.Developer Tracker, see how this goes, Its a transition probably not an easy one,If you really enjoy the game see how it goes,Personaly I think the game is fun, probably many others think the same,Once some of the population is condensed it hopefully resolves alot of concern.

Edited by CygnusMX
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Ok. I get that the population is low, and that's driving people away from the game or in to other more populated servers. This is a known.


Now looking back even after the raise of the server cap the servers had a stable population in the neighborhood of standard or higher across the board. Has anyone stopped to ask why these servers all emptied out in the first place?


Is the low population the cause of the further lowering of the population or a symptom of a deeper underlying problem?

Edited by Bluerodian
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Whilst I agree that Bioware have made mistakes that have left quite a number of servers pretty dead, posts like this do nothing. I recently rerolled on Tomb of Freedon Nadd. In case you're unaware, this is the most heavily populated European server. If I wanted to, by logging on at particular times, I could take screenshots that show only a handful of people in fleet. I could even compile screenshots that show the same happening at what appear to be peak times. However, this fails to change the fact that Freedon Nadd usually has 150 people or more in fleet at peak times (at least, on the imp side, don't know about rep side), and I've seen it break 300 on more than one occasion.


Instead of posting a single screenshot entirely out of context, which does nothing except show you know how to take screenshots, do things like post what makes you think server populations are dropping and/or what you think is causing it. What would be even better if you posted ideas as to how Bioware could fix the problem.


BW need to do alot of server merges, give folk more variety of stuff to do at max level, give u alternatives to levelling through questing, just to mention a few.


Oh and in the last week, 2 of the top 3 raid guilds on Hydian way have disbanded due to server population making it impossible to recruit folk to fill gaps in their force. Gaps that they got due to the guild members being bored silly with the game due to lack of stuff to do, so they dont log in any more....

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Transfers are not going to help. Same server LFG is not going to help. Oceanic servers that were absolutely packed a month ago can now barely hit 100 people on the fleet. There are much bigger underlying issues than just server population. :(
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Transfers are not going to help. Same server LFG is not going to help. Oceanic servers that were absolutely packed a month ago can now barely hit 100 people on the fleet. There are much bigger underlying issues than just server population. :(


This is just wrong. WRONG. INCORRECT. Fail.


Imperial fleet at prime time weekdays has 150+ idling on fleet waiting for ques or LFG or crafting or GTN. There are some 10 or so WZs going on at the same time. That's an additional 80 players doing WZs alone. Plus the 50-100 doing ops/FPs at that time. That's at least 300+ on fleet then. They're just spread out over many different instances.


I know, because I've been on every single night. If you do WZs, you've seen me.

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This is just wrong. WRONG. INCORRECT. Fail.


Imperial fleet at prime time weekdays has 150+ idling on fleet waiting for ques or LFG or crafting or GTN. There are some 10 or so WZs going on at the same time. That's an additional 80 players doing WZs alone. Plus the 50-100 doing ops/FPs at that time. That's at least 300+ on fleet then. They're just spread out over many different instances.


I know, because I've been on every single night. If you do WZs, you've seen me.




The top 10 most populated servers are packed during peak hours.


I didn't join a server until December 26 2011. When I did so I limited myself to the top 25 most populated servers. Then west coast.. then Rp.... (well you get the idea).


YES, it's sad that if you were one of the first subscribers you probably got shafted - heck I'd call the odds 50/50. Thing is, server transfers and merges will help alleviate this problem. SWTOR lost 400k we all know that, but most mmos lose quite a few after the initial sub period is up. I expect it to be about 1.1 million in July and to stop bleeding around 900k in September (which would leave it with about 250% of SWG's sub peak).


The real issue is what happens when they have people on servers that go even more dead after transfers. Do they A) merge server (issue is shared names)? B) offer an incentive to transfer (what if they don't?) and C) accept the loss from operating that server?


What do you guys think?

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What bothers me is that the update is coming in a few weeks. Yesterday i did a warzone for the first time in like 3-4 weeks and the people inside were completely thrilled that we actually were at the huttballarena again.


The servertransfers will fix the problem with population dropping, I know i won't complain. And what happens afterwards is just a problem for "future-swtorplayers" because there is always something to complain on. Remember the 2-3 third weeks after release? "sob sob, sorcerers are sooooo OP"

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In a previous Community Q&A we talked about character transfers, and announced that they were coming in early summer. Character transfers are a complex process, but we're almost ready to go. Starting next week on June 12th, 2012, we’re allowing character transfers to occur between selected servers in order to provide a better gameplay experience for our players by ensuring population balance across the service.



I know right this minute servers are lacking but If you read the date..

[ Starting next week on June 12th, 2012, we’re allowing character transfers to occur between selected servers in order to provide a better gameplay experience for our players by ensuring population balance across the service.]


I'm not trying to be blind to server population issues,But no one has read this?

Sorry 2nd time I posted this, but no one seems to acknowledge their first step in a process to try and resolve population concerns....the process begins june 12th,from that point on who knows?

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Server transfers (and close downs) will help (although they really needed to have occured 1-2 months ago).


However low population = lower population isn't the only reason people left, far from it.


Now at some point there will just be people left that are perfect happy with the game (we may be at the point now, although I doubt it), but like with Warhammer Online it's whether there are enough of those for the game to continue to have a viable development budget, and not just be Zombiefied into maintance mode. :(




Which is why I'd certainly rather see Bioware looking at fixing problems and the serious flaws and weaknesses in SWTORs game model, rather than just trying to add more of the same and hope it somehow works out better this time. :confused:

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Totally lost faith in community management of this game, I don't think the server issues will be fixed before 1.3 and I don't like spending 3 hours... most of it waiting in a queue to do the PvP daily, to access the content that I really enjoy :(


I didn't mind it because I had faith that the solution would be forthcoming but character transfers unless it's a situation where Server A and B will be able to move to server C.... so it is effectively a server merge, then I think my wonderful community that has been built up because no one actually plays on the server will be split as folks may end up transferring to separate servers and yes we can all talk to each other but normally if you're in guilds it comes down to who shouts loudest as to where folks end up.


I hopw they get it sorted before 1.3 but if they don't when my six month sub comes to a close so does my character, you can only defend Bioware/EA for so long but their stance should have been...


"For the sake of the community and the issues you're encountering all future updates will be put on hold so that we can bring you the option to transfer sooner. Meanwhile we'll still have a team working on updates so that when we have fixed the community numbers we'll be able to provide you with the content we promised soon after.


We hear you and we are doing our best for you...."


instead of the current community management strategy....


".... Transfers are coming.... "

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Ok. I get that the population is low, and that's driving people away from the game or in to other more populated servers. This is a known.


Now looking back even after the raise of the server cap the servers had a stable population in the neighborhood of standard or higher across the board. Has anyone stopped to ask why these servers all emptied out in the first place?


Is the low population the cause of the further lowering of the population or a symptom of a deeper underlying problem?


Depends on who you ask.


IMO, the amount of people who like this game are spread out too far. Server consolidation will fix it for them. However, the people who left left for some very valid (and some not so valid) reasons and are most likely not going to return.

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Yes the process begins June 12th


Yeah... and I'm getting a new delivery between 9am and 6pm.... BW/EA community management being vague, no details on how it will work, which servers will be affected, how they'll deal with character name duplicates and waht not....


Vague vague vague... no real communication with the community.

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