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Server population is dropping...


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1 more for my sadness I have level 76 Valor Rank parked (freezed) on Nimam for 4 weeks now, if and only If my main Chaar was a healty server atm he could easly be rank 85 or more...Niman its empty at prime time Republic side 5 people max 10.


I Rerolled another char on TOmb Freedom Nad bigest Server on EU side made a new char other class that is Rank 64 atm guess wath I am looking at numbers..Tomb dont have any ques any more, every day Ic less and less people n fleet they went down about 30% in last 2 weeks...and my feeling is in the next 2 or 3 weeks they will be at prim around60 or 70 top, i hope i am rong.


But time wil tell me if I am rong or not>


Best Regards,

Edited by Szadek
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I'm on Warriors of the Shadow as well and since Monday the server died. I have a month left on my 6 month bill and my free month but if the population isn't fixed I think thats it saddly I injoyed this game. The content went alil fast and I actually watched all the dialog. The PvP could have been better but thats what you get from a gear based game and not a skill based game. If you don't understand the difference look up Asheron's Call server Dark Tide. Might be to little to late with all the games getting released right now but look at what they missed. May 4th International SW day. May 14th George Lucas Bday. No events No mention...
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Uthar Wynn is dead, no WZ for me for 3 weeks, If lucky 5 ppl on imperial side at prime time (8 o clock in the evening).


You should get another free month IMO since it has been almost that long since you've had access to an MMO (with no real help in the immediate future).


Maybe we can get some single player flash points too along with our ships GTN and mailbox.


Make it really non-immersive.


Edit: SWTSR Star Wars the Solo Republic

Edited by Nakazia
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I think alot of you missed " First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice " in the second post.


Get over yourselves, no one cares if you unsubscribe. They've already clearly adressed the problem, and it'll be fixed in time.

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Indeed. The community of subscribers pushing people out is going to do a lot to help this game.


Since we know server transfers are coming, the only question is whether there will be enough subscribers left to support the game financially. We know that number is 500,000 (and that's with the current cost structure; the real number is likely to be lower). Therefore, the rational subscriber is not particularly worried about "omg, the game is dying", and doesn't need to be particularly charitable towards those in the community whose criticism has gone beyond constructive to just being poisonous.

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Since we know server transfers are coming, the only question is whether there will be enough subscribers left to support the game financially. We know that number is 500,000 (and that's with the current cost structure; the real number is likely to be lower). Therefore, the rational subscriber is not particularly worried about "omg, the game is dying", and doesn't need to be particularly charitable towards those in the community whose criticism has gone beyond constructive to just being poisonous.


I might buy that argument but for the last word. Show me where I've done that.

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I think alot of you missed " First we’ll have some targeted free transfers from/to specific servers, but that will be followed with a broader system where you can either take advantage of free promotional transfers to specific servers or paid transfers to the server of your choice " in the second post.


Get over yourselves, no one cares if you unsubscribe. They've already clearly adressed the problem, and it'll be fixed in time.


I thought it was bad before D3.. it's only gotten worse and I can't even get a PvP queue, sitting on the fleet for hours isn't my idea of a good time and a lot of people will unsub if something that should have been considered before launch is not at an implementation stage before "early summer".

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Just got put into a warzone with three people versus six imperials. 10 people on fleet.




Just did one with 5 reps versus 8 imps. No one else was on the server to take the queue.


I always defended the game itself, but we need server merges and transfers, ASAP.

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Just did one with 5 reps versus 8 imps. No one else was on the server to take the queue.


I always defended the game itself, but we need server merges and transfers, ASAP.


For real man, there was 30-40 people on fleet in the weekday pre-dinner hour. Since Monday it's fallen off dramatically. I even entertained the idea of leveling my gunslinger a bit, and then just gave up and logged.

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yeah..this is just getting downright ugly. I enjoy this game, and have been leveling alts to try and keep me interested...


This game needs merges before Transfers imho. You could probably merge 4-5 light servers and still not have a que time to log into the game. It's just that bad. D3 has made it worse.


Your losing subs because of other games, But to players who actually want to play this game, your losing more subs for not taking any action to prevent further loss because of dead servers.

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I might buy that argument but for the last word. Show me where I've done that.


This was not directed at you specifically. But there are clearly some in the community who would get satisfaction out of the game failing.

Edited by Kthx
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This was not directed at you specifically. But there are clearly some in the community who would get satisfaction out of the game failing.


Like the people who tell others whose opinions differ from their own to get the fark out? :cool:

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I've just been redirected here from another post http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=458228


I guess they don't want the boards riddled with negativity. Keep the disquiet masses in one place, so to speak.


Anyhoo, to repeat what I said there on a legal thread:


I've been playing since launch on the Chuundar server. I've not even got one level 50 yet, I've been taking my time on several characters and trying to enjoy the game. I was in hospital for 6 weeks and when I came home the server was barren.

I'm truly dissapointed, cos I love this game. And now I have a dilema: reroll on another server and lose all my work, or keep levelling my toons in the hope of a merge or transfer.


What to do? :mad:

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If you are on Chuundar and just started leveling a toon up to 50, listen to my advice:


Get out as fast as you can.


At level 50, you will have NOTHING to do. You will not be able to do HM flashpoints, you will not find a guild to do operations with, and PvP queues will be long.


Get out when you haven't invested much on this server. It's dead.

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If you are on Chuundar and just started leveling a toon up to 50, listen to my advice:


Get out as fast as you can.


At level 50, you will have NOTHING to do. You will not be able to do HM flashpoints, you will not find a guild to do operations with, and PvP queues will be long.


Get out when you haven't invested much on this server. It's dead.


Aaaargh! I was afraid of that.

Tomb of Freedon Nadd seems pretty populous. I'll give that a go.

Man, what a shame :mad:

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every one should just join the Ajunta Pall server, so I don't have to start new characters


Oh dont worry, im sure several servers will disappear when the transfers happen, and we will all be bunched together so that nobody has to re-roll anywhere.


once that happens the game should start picking up again, as they are still hard at work making more and more content and if the patch leaks on torhead are even semi-accurate, looking at some solid stuff to do in the next 3 content updates

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