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Mob repawn rates are way too fast


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I understand the advantages of having rapid respawn rates for mobs in open areas. They work fine for people that like to just run around and grind through levels. Especially if your running into a story mission and you need to level up a level or two to deal with the enemies on it. Just go outside and run through mobs until you get to a comfortable level. Its a staple of rpg games and mmo's.


But since the last patch even the mobs inside dungeons (facilities, caves, and interior area) are completely insane. Soon as i get done clearing a room and then get to the next one, after just the first group the room i just cleared has completely respawned. Meaning even after i finish with the objective in there, unless i want to waist a quick travel i have to refight every mob to get back outside and to the next area. I can't even take a breather for my cooldowns to finish without getting hit from behind by a mob i just took out.


Is this a bug or intentional. If it is its just plain maddening cause it forces me too waist a quick travel or wait until the cooldown rests to use it.

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A great example of this is the Down the Hole Heroic mission on Tatooine. You have to go down into this complex to kill Mandalorians, but it seems like they respawn within a minute or two. Although you can Quick Travel out, it's a little frustrating to basically have to repeat the Heroic and fight your way back out. It's cliché at this point, but it "breaks my immersion" having to kill the same person twice.
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Agreed, this is a huge problem, since there are so many areas in the game that are just twisty little corridors packed wall-to-wall with enemies. It's really tedious to have to fight your way out, or even to fight your way back in after you die and respawn at a medcenter. Edited by Thebazilly
corrected typo
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Yeah, on some I definitely notice. The lvl 50 dailies on Belsalvis, especially the ones that are inside tunnels, have insanely quick respawn rates. I run grouped with my wife and we fly through them, but we are always astounded to find respawns around the first corner on our way out. It's annoying. They're not all like this, but a lot are and when you're trying to quickly get through dailies, it's a real pita.
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The main reason they do this though, is because of certain mission requirements or bonuses that people wish to obtain. You would have much more of an issue getting your mobs/clickies ninja'ed by a random passerby, and having to sit and wait 10 minutes before it respawned. Sometimes this is bad enough especially for some of those multi-stage bonuses while leveling, where at the end, you have one singular boss to fight and grab whatever loot he drops to turn in, only to get there to a dead boss and waiting 10-15 minutes for him to respawn.


Personally I think the respawn timers are just fine. The game is a huge grind as it is anyways, what's another 2-5 minutes of fighting your way back out of a zone, if you choose not to quick travel?

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Most of the respawn rates are fine by me, although I do agree with the Down the Hole one, way too fast. I've never had much problems with them. If anything some of the mission target respawns are too slow.


The only exception as I see it is while playing the Imperial Operative, I think they nerfed that class too much for solo play, I had to kill the same droids twice on Taris last night in a room before getting to the elite in order to kill him, basically due to healing and cool downs.


And for those saying I'm complaining 'cause my main has been nerfed, I'm not. I have been through that place with a BH and Sorc, both were no problem, I was in and out before most of the respawns happened.

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They respawn fast because when you are on a high pop server you actually need the mobs to respawn fast. During the first month I used to complain that mobs did not respawn fast enough. Everywhere I went I ran into other players. It was annoying. Now that the servers I have toons on are either low or medium size, I notice the speed of the respawn rates. More so on the low pop server then on my mid. As I am exiting 50 dailies, another group is already in the dungeon clearing the mobs for me.
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A great example of this is the Down the Hole Heroic mission on Tatooine. You have to go down into this complex to kill Mandalorians, but it seems like they respawn within a minute or two. Although you can Quick Travel out, it's a little frustrating to basically have to repeat the Heroic and fight your way back out. It's cliché at this point, but it "breaks my immersion" having to kill the same person twice.


That area really needs to be instanced IMO. After all it is a heroic

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The main reason they do this though, is because of certain mission requirements or bonuses that people wish to obtain. You would have much more of an issue getting your mobs/clickies ninja'ed by a random passerby, and having to sit and wait 10 minutes before it respawned. Sometimes this is bad enough especially for some of those multi-stage bonuses while leveling, where at the end, you have one singular boss to fight and grab whatever loot he drops to turn in, only to get there to a dead boss and waiting 10-15 minutes for him to respawn.


Personally I think the respawn timers are just fine. The game is a huge grind as it is anyways, what's another 2-5 minutes of fighting your way back out of a zone, if you choose not to quick travel?


If you read the post clearly i am fine with high respawns in open areas. It helps get those annoying kill 20 of these or 30 of those. But how is fighting a mission twice in a dungeon area beneficial? And if your doing story missions solo its a lot more than 2-5 minutes getting back out. Especially for some of the larger facilities. And its not about using the quick travel, its about having to wait for it to reset cause ive already had to use it to get out of the last cave. Either lower the spawn rate in interior maps or lower the cooldown for quick travel. As you noted the game is already a grind, i dont want it to be even more of a grind.

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Agree. If it would be masses wandering the valleys I could see merit in this quick respawning. But as it is right now, it just spoils the experience way more often than it does help.


(Actually, what I would have proposed during development: As soon as at least one new gamer approaches, respawning is triggered just before he/she hits the scene. Not a second earlier.)

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Truly extreme spawnrates and a total ruin of plausibility of the scenario involved imo.

Do we have to rush like there's no tomorrow for the sole purpose of not getting respawns on the way back from the cave/corridor we entered 2 minutes ago?


The rate should be proportional to the kill rate of the area within the last X minutes. But seriously, a lower cap of ~2 to 2.5 minutes will make it seem more "normal" and not like a frantic korean grindfest.

Edited by digitalnexus
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Respawn rates should be adaptive to the population of the instance or area. That might fix a lot of respawn frustrations people may have.


This. This is a concept that isn't new, and like so many other things, should have been a part of the initial game's launch.


There is no reason why respawn rates can't adapt based on how quickly the mobs are dying.


Respawn rates as they currently stand are too annoying.

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There is a reason behind not doing adaptive respawns. PROGRAMMING. The programming (and therefore time and money) needed to implement is not something standard in any of biowares games and therefore would require a completely unique set of coding. But adjusting rates for internal map areas since they are treated as separate maps in game should not require too much in fixing.
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This. This is a concept that isn't new, and like so many other things, should have been a part of the initial game's launch.


There is no reason why respawn rates can't adapt based on how quickly the mobs are dying.


Respawn rates as they currently stand are too annoying.


I come from LOTRO which has adaptive spawning, so I presumed SWTOR had it as well.

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If you read the post clearly i am fine with high respawns in open areas. It helps get those annoying kill 20 of these or 30 of those. But how is fighting a mission twice in a dungeon area beneficial? And if your doing story missions solo its a lot more than 2-5 minutes getting back out. Especially for some of the larger facilities. And its not about using the quick travel, its about having to wait for it to reset cause ive already had to use it to get out of the last cave. Either lower the spawn rate in interior maps or lower the cooldown for quick travel. As you noted the game is already a grind, i dont want it to be even more of a grind.


I would agree with what you're saying here, Belsavis a prime example of it, theres also at least one on Alderan on the Empire side, you fight your way through a tunnel to get to an instance then fight your way out again, but all in all playing solo I've seldom been in a position where a respawn has caught me by surprise, even when mobs respawn there's a few seconds before they will engage you, giving you time to move beyond threat range. What I do in a situation where I feel I can't be bothered fighting or QT is on cool down is strip off dismiss my companion and die, repairs are a lot less.

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On a related note, I find it weird when you trigger a cut scene that brings in the army (who never arrive in time for the boss fight), who are supposedly now in control of the facility, when you come out of the cut scene and head out of the building, it's still full of enemy mobs and the army guys, who claim to have taken control, are nowhere to be seen.
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On a related note, I find it weird when you trigger a cut scene that brings in the army (who never arrive in time for the boss fight), who are supposedly now in control of the facility, when you come out of the cut scene and head out of the building, it's still full of enemy mobs and the army guys, who claim to have taken control, are nowhere to be seen.


That is weird but part of MMOs if they were all gone what would the next player a few minutes behind you do, he would have a free run to the objective. That's not to say it doesn't happen occasionally on a player populated planet or area.

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Would have been better if the spawns actually were scared of you. Beat their boss come back to back him up too late. Do they really want to fight the guy that took down the person they feared?


Sick of my genocide approach.

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