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Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend. SWTOR or GW2, what do you prefer?


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Sounds like Wintergrasp to me. No wait, it sounds like the old days of Alterac Valley. No wait, sounds like the older days of Southshore.


so, basically nothing can be cool or fun, cuz everything's been done? why do you even continue living then. :p


it's nothing like wintergrasp or alterac valley. actually.

kinda like southshore of old but a little more action packed.


anyway, i don't get why everyone is obsessed with "new"... there isn't going to be much "new" ever. most things have been done. untill virtual reality when we can actually go into the games and live t hem.


try and lighten up and have some fun. :)


there definitely wasn't any yawning going on from my chair.

Edited by teambff
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If you want something different from creatures and castles, stick with SWTOR.


Nothing fantasy about the Force, and nothing creaturey about rakghouls or banthas or wampas or krayt dragons or....


Do Star Wars fans just not understand the difference between sci-fi and fantasy? If all it takes is space travel, then count WoW in since they have the Draenei. And flying mounts in WoW are closer to feeling like space travel than anything you can do in SWTOR.


It's like a cultish hive-mind around here with everyone somehow thinking this isn't a fantasy game.

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I prefer sw:tor due to the art style and GW2 had a in game store where u could use real money on gems which bought xp boosts, money, clothes. I could see this being the downfall as people might get advantages just for having more money. But that's the risk of a non sub game.
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While we understand that comparing to other games is a natural topic of discussion, we'd appreciate it if you took the above into consideration as you continue the discussion. Thanks for your understanding.

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I love how everyone misuses the term "World PVP" now.


World PVP is not being told where to go to encounter it. It's not queuing up for it and it's not being ported to it. It's not a designated map/section or area.


World PVP is what WoW had in its infant stages. It broke out everywhere. Most people remember the Southshore/Tarren Mill wars, however, it broke out more than just there. Trying to peacefully level your toon in STV and a horde (no pun intended) of 20-30 level 60s might be steamrolling their way down the coast until the World Defense channel lit up to alert your allies. Guess what happened next? World PVP.


What GW2 has is nothing, NOTHING like World PVP, and it never will be. There's nothing spontaneous or random about it.

Edited by DJMayhem
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people are forgetting that swtor has open world pvp, it just happened with the rakghoul event. there was enormous amounts of fighting open world ad lib type pvp.


now all bioware needs to do is convert that into a daily type form and we'll be good.

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I love how everyone misuses the term "World PVP" now.


World PVP is not being told where to go to encounter it. It's not queuing up for it and it's not being ported to it. It's not a designated map/section or area.


World PVP is what WoW had in its infant stages. It broke out everywhere. Most people remember the Southshore/Tarren Mill wars, however, it broke out more than just there. Trying to peacefully level your toon in STV and a horde (no pun intended) of 20-30 level 60s might be steamrolling their way down the coast until the World Defense channel lit up to alert your allies. Guess what happened next? World PVP.


What GW2 has is nothing, NOTHING like World PVP, and it never will be. There's nothing spontaneous or random about it.


World PVP is what UO had when it first came out. That was true 100% open pvp. You could even pvp in some towns.

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GW2, though i have to admit that i didnt do any PvE after the tutorial and spent the weekend playing only structured PvP i also didnt even touch WvWvW. While i cannot say anything about dynamic events, WPvP, or pve in general, i can say that structured pvp was far superior compared to SWTOR. The flow of combat was so much better class balance so much better etc.. And about the engine the game ran on max graphics and i constantly had 30-40 fps while in SWTOR i have to play with low setting and average fps in warzones is less than 30. I found the PvP so more tactical you're positioning actually matters and classes support each other beatifully. Like a guardian popping out a shield which no1 can penetrate and then a ranger is killing the enemies from behind the shield while the retarded enemies try to run through my shield :D
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Right now I'll welcome anything that stays away from the breadcrumb trail quest design.. I hate linear applications in the MMO universe.. That should be LEFT on your PS3 and Xbox games, now here.. Also, If I have to get on one more gear grind treadmill, someone is going to get egged.. LOL I just don't understand why so many players are adverse to dynamic worlds that offer variety and unpredictability... Personally, I think it's sad that a game is so predictable you already know what you're going to do before you even log on.. LOL Anyways..


This is how i feel and gald others feel the same way .. im not alone <sniff sniff>

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Dear Moderator -- Lock this one single thread and you will create an outcry of 10+ threads questioning your decision to do so. It's better just to keep one big thread open on the subject. Edited by nskeen
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GW2, though i have to admit that i didnt do any PvE after the tutorial and spent the weekend playing only structured PvP i also didnt even touch WvWvW. While i cannot say anything about dynamic events, WPvP, or pve in general, i can say that structured pvp was far superior compared to SWTOR. The flow of combat was so much better class balance so much better etc.. And about the engine the game ran on max graphics and i constantly had 30-40 fps while in SWTOR i have to play with low setting and average fps in warzones is less than 30. I found the PvP so more tactical you're positioning actually matters and classes support each other beatifully. Like a guardian popping out a shield which no1 can penetrate and then a ranger is killing the enemies from behind the shield while the retarded enemies try to run through my shield :D


swtors pvp is trash.theres mmos out right now that trump swtors pvp in every way

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I love how everyone misuses the term "World PVP" now.


World PVP is not being told where to go to encounter it. It's not queuing up for it and it's not being ported to it. It's not a designated map/section or area.


World PVP is what WoW had in its infant stages. It broke out everywhere. Most people remember the Southshore/Tarren Mill wars, however, it broke out more than just there. Trying to peacefully level your toon in STV and a horde (no pun intended) of 20-30 level 60s might be steamrolling their way down the coast until the World Defense channel lit up to alert your allies. Guess what happened next? World PVP.


What GW2 has is nothing, NOTHING like World PVP, and it never will be. There's nothing spontaneous or random about it.


true, i agree with you there.

the vanilla wow world pvp was awesome.

i understand what you're saying.

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So wait because your swords glow, your bows shoot beams of light, and magic is called the force, it's totally different from a fantasy MMO?


You might not believe it, but there are people who care about things like the setting (a minor detail in an rpg I know...).


Yes it is different, totally different.

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Well I did play a lot GW2 during this weekend, it is a great game I did have fun... but I gotta be honest, SWTOR is better in my opinion... sadly all my chars are in dead servers so since I'm not having fun anymore with star wars I'll probably play GW2... if I could play SWTOR with PEOPLE and not by myself (15-20 people at fleet at peak times) i'm pretty sure I would stay in TOR so hurry up and allow server transfer :p Edited by RobertoThePot
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i dont think youve read the OP, GW2 SUCKS. its copy and paste of WAR, and WAR failed. and guess what? the day GW2 launches, swtor wont even be the same game anymore, they are changing and adding new things on a monthly/ bi weekly basis because EA actually has the money to fund those dramatic changes. since launch, in 6 months weve gotten 2 new operations, a warzone, a world event ETC. all for free.



You didn't get them for free, you paid $12-15 a month for them

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Well... reading most of the GW2" posts I come to the conclusion that it is Not the game for me. I continue playing

that old timer Mega MMO and hope SWTOR continues to grow into something more then it is now. What I mean by that... SWTOR is like a well written book. However, after the last page (level 50) ..... nothing.


Just fighting for the sake of fighting (PvP), or collecting some crappy items (live events) is not my thing either.

I hope the next SWTOR Expansion will continue the PvE RP story... if not then the game looses my interest.

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hey guys, i think alot of you are forgetting that structured pvp is coming in patch 1.3


and 1.3 is coming out before GW2. . . . soooo. . . .


and this just went into the suggestion box - its a way to encourage/facilitate/supply TRUE open world pvp:


as we all know, GW2 is right around the corner, and what ppl are most impressed with so far, is the WvWvW crap. well swtor has something GW2 will never have: potential for OPEN WORLD pvp.


here is a way to have a constant supply for that open world pvp:


i just looked at a few vids on character creation for GW2 and stuff and tbh, i think ima stick with swtor. dont get me wrong though, the characters look almost real imo! graphics really capture what i love about high fantasy. BUT swtor isnt a bad game either and bioware proved that all they need to insinuate TRUE open world pvp, is a world event. i say take that rakghoul ****, and convert it into some type of weekly, so there is always a supply of open world pvp.

the incentive: a sort of currency we can put towards specialty items pertaining to SW lore/universe AND legacy unlocks.


wouldnt that be amazing? we can earn a currency that we can put towards legacy unlocks. and no one is forced to pvp just like the rakghoul event. the option and instigation for open world pvp will be there but the lowbies wont get steam rolled.


this is a great suggestion and i would appreciate votes and feedback as to what you guys think

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What people don't realize is that this was only a beta weekend for GW2 so they could get feedback and change things.


as we all know, GW2 is right around the corner, and what ppl are most impressed with so far, is the WvWvW crap. well swtor has something GW2 will never have: potential for OPEN WORLD pvp.


WvWvW is a million times better than world pvp. Seriously, if you think random encounters while you're questing is better than assaulting keeps with seige weapons then you've never done anything like RvR's or GW2's WvW


I can't explain how epic it was spending time in the huge massive world they created for wvw. My character will probably never leave when the game launches.

Edited by KhealThar
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It wasnt their goal to bring anything new to the subpar MMO genre of recent years, their goal was to bring back the glory days of 2002-2005 DAoC World RvR, 3 sides duking it out in huge battles.......and tbh thats all the revolution they needed to introduce to get a very high % of MMO PvP'rs to buy the game


"We founded Arenanet to innovate" Mike O'Brian MMO manifesto.

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Guild Wars 2 is going to kill this, WoW, Secret World and Tera. It is everything an MMO should be, none of those games have any chance after playing GW2. It is the MMO everyone from UO in 1997 till now has been waiting for and wanting.


You're funny. Mountain dew came out my nose.

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