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How do you get around the hood issue in-game?


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On my Guardian I'm using one of the sets of Legacy armor that has no hood. It actually looks pretty good, too. It took a while to pool together enough credits from my main and other alts, but I think it was worth it to not have to deal with how ridiculously ****** the Guardian armors are.
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How did you Jedis felt when they changed the hood designs? They now look like a hoody I bought from an outlet store... I'm glad they didn't change the sith hoods...


PS: I was on balmorra the other day and the resistance hood's got ugly too...

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As a (female) Sentinel, I scoured the server for someone who could make me the Aspiring Knight's Vest and also tried to acquire the schematics myself through UT missions. It's all I wear now, fitted with level appropriate mods and I'm pretty happy with it. But, I would love to go back to my Jedi Robes whenever I feel like the whole midriff-baring look isn't getting the job done, ya know? Who's going to take me seriously when I'm flaunting my abs all over the place? :p
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Hood toggle is something that needs to be implemented by Bioware ASAP. No later than 1.3.


This is a huge issue for us force-wielders. If we don't get this option in soon, I don't see myself subscribing for long.




To use this as an excuse to quit is silly. This is not a game breaking issue.

Just how does having a hood up affect your performance? Does it affect your vision?

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On my Guardian I'm using one of the sets of Legacy armor that has no hood. It actually looks pretty good, too. It took a while to pool together enough credits from my main and other alts, but I think it was worth it to not have to deal with how ridiculously ****** the Guardian armors are.


Oooh. Is it heavy armour too?

Edited by llesna
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Hood toggle is something that needs to be implemented by Bioware ASAP. No later than 1.3.


This is a huge issue for us force-wielders. If we don't get this option in soon, I don't see myself subscribing for long.


haha, u gotta love this community:P

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You do realize that this is not a simple issue? It requires making a new art version of every chest piece with a hood.


Not necessarily.


Considering how twi'lek characters somehow turn off hood aesthetics for ANY hooded robe, it's not that far of a stretch to wish for that to be a togglable option for all characters.


It wouldn't absolutely necessitate remaking all the hooded items in game, at least on the jedi side. Getting more hooded items for sith might require slightly more effort, as there aren't many hooded pieces there.

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Not necessarily.


Considering how twi'lek characters somehow turn off hood aesthetics for ANY hooded robe, it's not that far of a stretch to wish for that to be a togglable option for all characters.


It wouldn't absolutely necessitate remaking all the hooded items in game, at least on the jedi side. Getting more hooded items for sith might require slightly more effort, as there aren't many hooded pieces there.


Let's not forget that all helmets with volume turn hoods off as well.

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Let's not forget that all helmets with volume turn hoods off as well.


I've tried to find a large enough helmet to get that to work, but so far I've not been able to get that working. When I hide the head slot, the hood reappears :(

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Hood toggle is something that needs to be implemented by Bioware ASAP. No later than 1.3.


This is a huge issue for us force-wielders. If we don't get this option in soon, I don't see myself subscribing for long.


really? your going to quit just cause you can't see a hood?


do yourself a favor, think about what you posted....think a second time. see doesn't it sound childish???

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Oooh. Is it heavy armour too?


Yep, it's heavy armor. It's a lot like some of the early armors you get on Tython, with some armored shoulder pads thrown on. I have some nice orange boots and gloves I got as world drops to go with it, too. I'll grab a screenie and pop back in to edit my post when I have it.


Each piece costs about 100k-150k credits.


EDIT: And here we are! This is Owain, he's body type 1, and this is the only Guardian armor that doesn't look completely silly on him. Wearing the Guardian's Renowned chest and legs, with the gloves that you get as a mission reward on the Tatooine bonus series, and some boots I got as a random drop.







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Yep, it's heavy armor. It's a lot like some of the early armors you get on Tython, with some armored shoulder pads thrown on. I have some nice orange boots and gloves I got as world drops to go with it, too. I'll grab a screenie and pop back in to edit my post when I have it.


Each piece costs about 100k-150k credits.


Went and had a look myself at the Legacy Vendor. Will cost 750K to get the whole set, but that might be something worth saving for in the long run.


In the meantime, I've bought myself an orange Phobium Onslaught Chestguard and Phobium Onslaught Greaves, so my Jedi Knight looks quite rinsin' now.



Edit: Here's a picture of him.

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I know some people like to dismiss or even mock people who complain because it's not a "game breaking" or a major issue. I don't think that's a right attitude. People play this game for different reasons, and RP or becoming immersed in a character is just as legitimate as any other play style.


In addition, we should also consider how the hood issue can be a systemic BioWare problem if it is not addressed. People have been complaining about this for as long as the game has been out, and the complaints have been vocal enough. How BW treats this issue is a sign of how the company listens to customers. They have promised--can't remember the dev post, but someone can link it--to implement the hood down option eventually. Promises and doing are, of course, different things.


I always found it strange how BW never put in a hood down option in the first place.

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I know some people like to dismiss or even mock people who complain because it's not a "game breaking" or a major issue....


people who threaten to /cancel over absurd things deserve to be mocked. complain if you like, better yet post a suggestion, but saying you're going to quit over a triviality will get you nothing but scorn...

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people who threaten to /cancel over absurd things deserve to be mocked. complain if you like, better yet post a suggestion, but saying you're going to quit over a triviality will get you nothing but scorn...


What can be considered truly a triviality?


I might consider PvP a triviality, but people have quit over it.


What one person considers important isn't the same as another. As such, whilst you might feel justified to mock someone over this (which you shouldn't do on the forums anyway as it's breaking forum netiquette), keep in mind that we're all different with different priorities.


Whilst it's not game-breaking for me, this issue, along with a few other missing key features for me, will gradually add up to stop me subbing beyond a certain point as I will have run out of the things that interest me.

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people who threaten to /cancel over absurd things deserve to be mocked. complain if you like, better yet post a suggestion, but saying you're going to quit over a triviality will get you nothing but scorn...


Threatening to quit is always silly. There is a not a single fault in any game ever that makes a threat to quit not be silly and absurd.


The concept that the hood issue is any more trivial than any other game issue is equally silly and scorn-worthy.


I think most of us could come together over the issue that threatening to quit is dumb, but we're hitting a stumbling block because much of the scorn is being directed at the poster's pet issue rather than the threat to quit. Frankly, I think the people who take that tack have no room to say anything about Mr. HoodOrI'llQuit.


Scorn. Scorn for ALL of you.

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doesn't the "hide head armor" toggle remove both your head armor and hood? could be wrong on that tho...

On my Miraluka Sith Sorcerer, having "hide head armour" checked shows the hood... and having it unchecked shows the helm instead. So I can either have hood or helm. What I really want is an option for neither, though (even just to activate before certain cutscenes).

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A lot of people seem to think that if they don't personally care about an issue than it isn't important.


I play this game mostly for the single-player content, and for being a sequel to KOTOR. I don't care about PVP. If I wanted that I would play a different game like CoD.


The hood issue is important to some of us because of how ridiculous it makes the jedi-players look (especially in cutscenes). It makes it harder for me to enjoy the JK storyline.


If character customization wasn't important than orange gear wouldn't exist. In fact if gameplay was all that mattered, than all gear would look the same.


What is annoying about the hood issue is that most robes have hood-down version in the game. You see them all the time on NPCS. Plus on Twi-leks the hood disappears anyway. It shouldn't be difficult to allow this as an option for all races.


Also every promotional screenshot of Jedis have their hood down. Even in character creation this is so. It is however currently impossible to make your character look like anybody in the promotional materials. It just feels like false advertising.


TL:DR version:

People like different things in MMOs. Don't belittle others. Jedi should be able to look like the Jedi in Bioware's screenshots.

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Consider how many players know they would enjoy ME3, for example, but are avoiding it on account of knowing that the ending is awful (even if they don't know exactly what the ending is).


If you do not know what the ending is, then you do not know that it is awful. You don't know that you would enjoy the game unless you actually play the game.

You are only assuming that you would enjoy the game based on past experience with similar products or an advertisement intended to make you think that you would enjoy it.

You only heard/read that it is awful and have decided that you will just let that person tell you what to think instead of trying it for yourself and forming your own opinion.


Nothing wrong with that, really, at least not for lightweight things like picking a movie to watch, a book to read, or a game to play.

If a few of my friends tell me that a movie is awful, I will be inclined to give their opinions some weight. If I see an ad or review that makes me think that I might enjoy a book, then I might give it a read.


But that is not the same as me knowing that the movie/book is good or bad, it is just me having heard that the movie/book is good or bad.


That's a big difference.


I think that the hood issue could use a fix.

I played a knight for a while and I ended up using low-level orange heavy trooper armor because I didn't want to wear a hood and couldn't find an alternative, but I'm not going around threatening to hold my breath until I turn blue.


The 'do this or I will quit' stuff is childish... You can quit if you want to, but there is no need to post it here because none of us care, and any sane Bioware employees are going to give a whole lot more credence to logical arguments than threats to quit the game if they are looking for areas of improvement.


You want to quit, then quit, and when they send you your exit survey make sure to fill it out and tell them that the hoods were an issue.

Until you do that, no one wants to hear about you threatening to quit.

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I really don't see the issue as major. Hoods are easy to avoid.


If your Guardian, there is plenty of orange Trooper gear you can choose from. Same for Juggernauts on the Emp side (BH gear).


If you are Sentinel, ther is plenty of smuggler gear you can choose from. Again, same on the Emp side (agent gear).


There is also plenty of non-class specific orange gear that drops on the different planets.


You have options, you just need to be a little inquisative and explore viable options beyond the obvious that is handed to you via quests.

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