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How would the Republic military respond to a Reaper invasion?


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They could possibly just hover in space a long while and pretend to be random spaceships. Republic boarding parties or scientists (I'm guessing the fusing of machine and flesh in that scale would be intruiging to them) would probably get indoctrinated eventually, bring a higher up, get him indoctrinated and so fourth. Maybe the Republics would even upgrade the reapers weapons on their own.


Regardless, if the reapers used guile instead of force they could probably make it.

Another note is the amount of people in Star Wars; what would happen if Reapers could turn a planet or so into husks/etc.? Blasters seem to fire kind of slowly in this time, so I'm quite sure a massive hoard of husks would pose a problem groundside. Of course, it'd be susceptible to orbital bombardment though.

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They could possibly just hover in space a long while and pretend to be random spaceships. Republic boarding parties or scientists (I'm guessing the fusing of machine and flesh in that scale would be intruiging to them) would probably get indoctrinated eventually, bring a higher up, get him indoctrinated and so fourth. Maybe the Republics would even upgrade the reapers weapons on their own.


Regardless, if the reapers used guile instead of force they could probably make it.

Another note is the amount of people in Star Wars; what would happen if Reapers could turn a planet or so into husks/etc.? Blasters seem to fire kind of slowly in this time, so I'm quite sure a massive hoard of husks would pose a problem groundside. Of course, it'd be susceptible to orbital bombardment though.


Very true. We have to think about strategy and not just brute force. The reapers seem like thinkers to me.


If they did turn a planet like Corellia into husks, they could probably take over Coruscant. Especially if the Jedi are playing on insane difficulty.

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Reaper "beam" weapons actually shoot liquid metal, roughly the same heat as the sun and at almost lightspeed. Rather than plasma or some other direct energy type (which is what Star Wars shield are design to protect against).


As far as I am aware Star Wars ships are completely ineffective against blocking sun like temperatures and have no defense against lava (which is basically what the reapers have, they have metal lava guns - almost every sifi ship in history is susceptible to lava).


But on the other end the Reapers have no defense against Star Wars "plasma" based turbo lasers, they only have kinetic defenses. (which means both the Reapers and Star Wars ships can 1 shot each other), Though Reaper hulls are much stronger than durasteel, asteroids can damage durasteel, asteroids cannot damage Reapers.


Reapers have mass effect fields which defy physics, allowing giant capital ships to maneuver and turn like fighters. Whilst Star Wars ships have to respect physics.


Star Wars ships are also limited to hyperspace lanes, Reapers have go anywhere they like FTL drives.


On these facts the Reapers could beat the Republic by commit completely to hit and run tactics, FLT jumping in right on top of Republic fleets beaming them or crashing into them (as Reapers can due to superior hull strength) and then FTL jumping out before the Republic could defend themselves.


The Republic on the other hand could win more easily, all they would have to do is get the Reapers in open conflict, the seer amount of turbo lasers even one capital ship has is enough to kill a hundred or so Reapers alone. So in fleet on fleet action the Republic would win.


That's just ship to ship combat, not including all the indoctrination and other stuff.

Edited by AngelousWang
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Reaper "beam" weapons actually shoot liquid metal, roughly the same heat as the sun and at almost lightspeed. Rather than plasma or some other direct energy type (which is what Star Wars shield are design to protect against).


As far as I am aware Star Wars ships are completely ineffective against blocking sun like temperatures and have no defense against lava (which is basically what the reapers have, they have metal lava guns - almost every sifi ship in history is susceptible to lava).


But on the other end the Reapers have no defense against Star Wars "plasma" based turbo lasers (which means they can 1 shot each other), they only have kinetic defenses. (which means both the Reapers and Star Wars ships can 1 shot each other), Though their hulls are much stronger than durasteel, asteroids can damage durasteel, asteroids cannot damage Reapers.


Reapers have mass effect fields which defy physics, allowing giant capital ships to maneuver and turn like fighters. Whilst Star Wars ships have to respect physics.


Star Wars ships are also limited to hyperspace lanes, Reapers have go anywhere they like FTL drives.


On these facts the Reapers could beat the Republic by commit completely to hit and run tactics, FLT jumping in right on top of Republic fleets beaming them or crashing into them (as Reapers can due to superior hull strength) and then FTL jumping out before the Republic could defend themselves.


The Republic on the other hand could win more easily, all they would have to do is get the Reapers in open conflict, the seer amount of turbo lasers even one capital ship has is enough to kill a hundred or so Reapers alone. So in fleet on fleet action the Republic would win.


That's just ship to ship combat, not including all the indoctrination and other stuff.


About your point on Durasteel being weaker then reaper metal, you kinda defeated your own point when you mention the kinetic nature of the Reapers barriers, as those barriers would help against astroids. I really do not think whatever the Reapers are made off is stronger then reinforced Durasteel :confused:

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About your point on Durasteel being weaker then reaper metal, you kinda defeated your own point when you mention the kinetic nature of the Reapers barriers, as those barriers would help against astroids. I really do not think whatever the Reapers are made off is stronger then reinforced Durasteel :confused:


I don't see how I defeat my own point, even if it is the kinetic shields?


It still; Kinetic shields + Reaper Hull > Astroids > Duralsteel. Which still means Reaper could headbutt crush Star Wars ships.

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I don't see how I defeat my own point, even if it is the kinetic shields?


It still; Kinetic shields + Reaper Hull > Astroids > Duralsteel. Which still means Reaper could headbutt crush Star Wars ships.


If only one turbo-laser gets a shot off that reaper is doomed, so i dont think they would dare go for such a tactic unless they ambush the SW destroyers from behind ;)

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If only one turbo-laser gets a shot off that reaper is doomed, so i dont think they would dare go for such a tactic unless they ambush the SW destroyers from behind ;)


You missed his point, the shields would be weak, but the hull wouldn't be scratched, Reaper Hulls are made out of the strongest metals ever encountered in the MEverse forged through kinectic pressure, taking Thanix shots which is far far tougher than Durasteel which is basically just steel, the fact is, we have seen Durasteel take plenty of Turbo laser shots before, they wouldn't be effective at all against the Reaper's hulls, the other weaponries like missiles and torpedoes would be deflected by the Reaper's immensely strong Kinetic Barriers.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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You missed his point, the shields would be weak, but the hull wouldn't be scratched, Reaper Hulls are made out of the strongest metals ever encountered in the MEverse forged through kinectic pressure, taking Thanix shots which is far far tougher than Durasteel which is basically just steel, the fact is, we have seen Durasteel take plenty of Turbo laser shots before, they wouldn't be effective at all against the Reaper's hulls, the other weaponries like missiles and torpedoes would be deflected by the Reaper's immensely strong Kinetic Barriers.


The only thing is, Durasteel isn't just regular steel. The average yield for a Turbolaser shot is stated in canon to be, what, in the Gigaton range? If Durasteel can take that on the nose and still hold, let alone still exist in a solid state of matter, then it most definitely isn't just steel. The average starship weapon in the ME-verse tops out at the kiloton range, right? Isn't that what SW fighters throw around with each shot? Point is, despite the fact that Reaper hulls are the hardest things in the Me-verse, they're still not as tough as SW ship materials (even in ME, Dreadnoughts and Cruisers are said to be able to pierce Reaper hulls when their kinetic barriers are low, as several codex entries explain or account in ME3).


To the original question, if the Reapers retained their ME levels of tech, then the invasion would be over before it began. The Reapers would be destroyed before The Ca....... him, would even have time to say "Oh, I was wrong....". If, however, the Reapers were more in line with SW tech, then there's a chance that they'd do some damage, probably give the Chiss a major headache before moving core-ward, but from their it would really depend on which government they faced at the time. The Sith empire or TOR-Era Republic would put up a strong defense, and probably suffer fewer losses than one might expect; The Pre-Clone Wars Republic would be slow to move, and they'd take a lot of damage before the Jedi and whatever defense forces they could rally could stem the tide, possibly even losing several planets; the Galactic Empire, at the height of it's power, with the Death Star, would probably wipe the Reapers out quite quickly, regardless.


Really, discounting the tech gap, the biggest problems that the Reapers would face would be numbers and logistics. The SW Galaxy is big, and Hyperdrive has to move pretty quick to get from one side to the other. Plus, the reapers don't have a quick way to replenish losses, while the Galaxy has entire planets dedicated to Starship production, War-Droid Manufacturing, Troop Training, and even Troop Cloning. Really, it's no contest.


That said, the whole invasion could probably be averted by having the current Galactic Government send a representative from the Sith, or the Trade Federation, or (if they're desperate) the Vong, and have the representative carefully explain the situation to the Reapers. Something along the lines of "Look, guys, we've tried this before. The whole "Galactic Domination" thing? Yeah, we tried that. It didn't work. It never works. There's always some big fleet, or some crazy Jedi, or some small group of unbeatable heroes that shows up, and it just never works out. Look, just save yourselves the trouble. Turn around, go find another galaxy to invade. Trust us, you'll be thankful that you did.":D

Edited by BlueSouthPike
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The only thing is, Durasteel isn't just regular steel. The average yield for a Turbolaser shot is stated in canon to be, what, in the Gigaton range? If Durasteel can take that on the nose and still hold, let alone still exist in a solid state of matter, then it most definitely isn't just steel. The average starship weapon in the ME-verse tops out at the kiloton range, right? Isn't that what SW fighters throw around with each shot? Point is, despite the fact that Reaper hulls are the hardest things in the Me-verse, they're still not as tough as SW ship materials (even in ME, Dreadnoughts and Cruisers are said to be able to pierce Reaper hulls when their kinetic barriers are low, as several codex entries explain or account in ME3).


Nice, but if we all REALLY want to get into science as everybody here seems to be Doctor Sheldon Cooper at the topic, I'll go ahead and join in, all the things created to make Durasteel, actually exist, though they are rare, if Mass Effect takes place in our own galaxy, and Reaper hulls are made out of the strongest metals encountered, put two and two together.... congrats.


Oh and the problem with the argument Gigaton vs Kiloton, is that the 'sources' used to describe Star Wars technology, aren't official at all, because all we have is some professor making claims, not stating canonical facts.

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this is rather silly.


now I realize this has been said but it NEEDS REPEATING for those of you that just don't get it....


Star Wars tech is so FAR AND ABOVE even Reaper tech it's almost laughable.


we're talking about starships that are powered by generators that put out more energy than suns....a cruiser crashing into a planet could potentially destroy that planet if it's large enough..


it would take a whole bunch of Reapers to have even a CHANCE against JUST ONE Capital Ship in the SW universe...


the Reapers wouldn't stand a chance..and the Jedi could all continue to frollick while the grunts take out the Reapers with virtually little to no casualties on the Republic end.


it's no contest...it's almost like asking if the space shuttle, armed with weapons, could take down an X-Wing

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this is rather silly.


now I realize this has been said but it NEEDS REPEATING for those of you that just don't get it....


Star Wars tech is so FAR AND ABOVE even Reaper tech it's almost laughable.


we're talking about starships that are powered by generators that put out more energy than suns....a cruiser crashing into a planet could potentially destroy that planet if it's large enough..


it would take a whole bunch of Reapers to have even a CHANCE against JUST ONE Capital Ship in the SW universe...


the Reapers wouldn't stand a chance..and the Jedi could all continue to frollick while the grunts take out the Reapers with virtually little to no casualties on the Republic end.


it's no contest...it's almost like asking if the space shuttle, armed with weapons, could take down an X-Wing


Your conjectural evidence is just that, conjectural, Reaper tech does not follow down the same path that Star Wars tech does, which is plasma/energy based, Reaper tech is based on mass effect cores, which gives them some of the wildest tech seen in Sci-fi, mind-controlling Indoctrination techniques, Solid Magma beams, Kinetic Barriers that are strong enough to defy gravity, and a hull made out of the strongest metals ever encountered.


We do know that shielding used by Republic ships would be useless against Reaper Weaponry, as they aren't designed to take shots of pure solid magma, and if Asteroids can take out the bridge of a Star Destroyer, Solid Magma weaponry would be like cutting through butter with a freshly forged sword.


Couple that with the combined intelligence of every advanced race for millions upons millions of years working together, which is what the Reapers are, an entire race at it's apex, harvested and turned into Reaper form.


We know this, they couldn't even be defeated by their own baseline weaponry: Thanix weaponry and not only that, but they harvest members of other races, learn their technological prowess, their military might, culture, biology, everything you can imagine, and then turn it on them.


They are highly adaptable to changing situations, the lone Reaper Sovereign managed to corrupt a Council Spectre Saren, use him to gain every single bit of knowledge of the individual races, convince the Geth, an extremely intelligent Synthetic race, that they would be put into Reaper form, which is exactly what they would of done in the first place, except made it voluntary, and took on the entire Arcturus fleet, was decimating it, whilst fighting the extremely talented Commander Shepard in combat and Shepard's two highly trained squad members, his shields only failed when he was 'killed' by Shepard, whilst possessing Saren's corpse, and his shields were shut-off, then the fleet managed to kill him before he let the rest of the Reapers in Dark Space pour through.


Their Indoctrination has been so quick that just Reaper tech on it's own, indoctrinated an entire science team in a week and then gave them everything they would need to know about their future combatants and annihilate them wholesale, which is exactly what they did.


Oh and Hyperspace is not as big of an advantage as people make it out to be, it isn't super fast FTL either, it can take weeks to get from one area of the galaxy to another, it is also extremely dangerous to use off of known hyperspace lanes, it took Vitiate's empire TWENTY YEARS of hyperspace jumps to find Dromund Kaas, The Reapers found the Milky way and a Mass Relay in barely months, and then jumped straight to the Arcturus Prime relay, wiped that out, and moments later was annihilating earth, with no warning at all.


What some people haven't figured out, is that the Reapers BUILT the Mass Relays, why would they not be able to build them again? they could easily gain the astrogation charts for Hyperspace Lanes, and build a Relay network on top of that, and you have instantaneous Reaper travel everywhere.


From what we know of the Republic, they are also extremely easily beaten just by cutting off Hyperspace routes that they need for supplies, cut off the supplies to Coruscant, wipe the planet out, every Republic member state is in disarray because they just had their head chopped off, quite literally, then they get into arguments, as always, blame each other, it turns into every man for themselves, and by the time they got their act together, the Reapers have already won every theatre of war they needed to win.


You are basing your technological evidence mainly off of assumptions made by professors, etc... not actual canonical evidence.


I'm basing mine off of what we have actually seen in both universes.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Nice, but if we all REALLY want to get into science as everybody here seems to be Doctor Sheldon Cooper at the topic, I'll go ahead and join in, all the things created to make Durasteel, actually exist, though they are rare, if Mass Effect takes place in our own galaxy, and Reaper hulls are made out of the strongest metals encountered, put two and two together.... congrats.


Oh and the problem with the argument Gigaton vs Kiloton, is that the 'sources' used to describe Star Wars technology, aren't official at all, because all we have is some professor making claims, not stating canonical facts.


Not trying to be Sheldon Cooper, Rayla, and I'm not looking for an argument. Just a thought experiment. Didn't mean to sound like a dirtbag in my last post. Sorry. :)


But anyways, my counterpoints:


One, even if Durasteel can be made with known materials, that doesn't mean that it is automatically inferior in strength to Reaper Hulls (we still don't know exactly how it's made, what grades of it exist, or, despite what you've said, if the materials are actually all real-life materials. Wookiepedia seems to think that Durasteel is composed of a rather ficticious list of substances). Remember, Reaper hulls are Penetrated by standard ME-cannons, according to the ME3 Codex (it's the Kinetic Barriers that give the Reapers immense survivability).


In any event, Hull construction isn't the primary defense of either a SW ship or a Reaper, shield strength is. From there we'd have to determine if whether the combined particle and ray shielding of SW ships (from here, I'd guess that the strength of shields would be very much dependent of what kind of ship you're dealing with) would be stronger than Reaper Kinetic Barriers (which, as we know, only defend against physical objects, while heat and energy pass through unimpeaded).


As for the weapon yield argument, with canonical numbers a bit scarce on the SW end (to be fair, we don't know the exact yield of Reaper weapons, either, we're using yields for Dreadnought guns, aren't we?), we have to make inferences and have some conjecture in order to make an argument. But, I'll start looking to see if I can find some canonical (or any semi-official source) numbers.

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Not trying to be Sheldon Cooper, Rayla, and I'm not looking for an argument. Just a thought experiment. Didn't mean to sound like a dirtbag in my last post. Sorry. :)


But anyways, my counterpoints:


One, even if Durasteel can be made with known materials, that doesn't mean that it is automatically inferior in strength to Reaper Hulls (we still don't know exactly how it's made, what grades of it exist, or, despite what you've said, if the materials are actually all real-life materials. Wookiepedia seems to think that Durasteel is composed of a rather ficticious list of substances). Remember, Reaper hulls are Penetrated by standard ME-cannons, according to the ME3 Codex (it's the Kinetic Barriers that give the Reapers immense survivability).


In any event, Hull construction isn't the primary defense of either a SW ship or a Reaper, shield strength is. From there we'd have to determine if whether the combined particle and ray shielding of SW ships (from here, I'd guess that the strength of shields would be very much dependent of what kind of ship you're dealing with) would be stronger than Reaper Kinetic Barriers (which, as we know, only defend against physical objects, while heat and energy pass through unimpeaded).


As for the weapon yield argument, with canonical numbers a bit scarce on the SW end (to be fair, we don't know the exact yield of Reaper weapons, either, we're using yields for Dreadnought guns, aren't we?), we have to make inferences and have some conjecture in order to make an argument. But, I'll start looking to see if I can find some canonical (or any semi-official source) numbers.


I apologise if I myself sound confrontational, it is only that I despise these kind of arguments for the below reasons.


Well my real point in this is that, comparing technology in a Science Fiction framework is moot, because unless we have something like Star Trek where they attempt to their best ability to remain scientifically sound against another IP that shares the same respect for the sciences, then we have a random amalgamation of fanboys on both sides making up random assumptions about both universes and nothing has any coherency.


I vote in favour of the far more practical and comparable examples we have actually seen on screen, read in books, played in games, etc... the arguments become much more valid and we do not rely upon the incoherency of rants we usually see in Marvel vs capcom, etc... arguments.


I made my point above your post as to what I actually believe is most likely to happen.


Though I don't care much about the argument, because I love Star Wars for the Force and the stories, and I love Mass Effect because of Seth Green and Liara T'soni. :p

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Well my real point in this is that, comparing technology in a Science Fiction framework is moot, because unless we have something like Star Trek where they attempt to their best ability to remain scientifically sound against another IP that shares the same respect for the sciences, then we have a random amalgamation of fanboys on both sides making up random assumptions about both universes and nothing has any coherency.


I vote in favour of the far more practical and comparable examples we have actually seen on screen, read in books, played in games, etc... the arguments become much more valid and we do not rely upon the incoherency of rants we usually see in Marvel vs capcom, etc... arguments.


I made my point above your post as to what I actually believe is most likely to happen.


Though I don't care much about the argument, because I love Star Wars for the Force and the stories, and I love Mass Effect because of Seth Green and Liara T'soni. :p


You make a good point, it's probably best not to compare them too closely. Sorry, again, for coming off a bit confrontational. :)

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In answer to the OP


I assume, deploy the Jedi, who would then decide wether to kill the Reapers with a RED lightsaber, GREEN lightsaber or a BLUE one.


Haha! Touché! ;) Well put!

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Star Wars weaponry and tactics vs. Reaper weaponry and tactics. That's what this is going to boil down to, in the long run.


Tbh, the weapons are pretty equal in both universes. The Republic uses lasers, while the Reapers use plasma projectors.


Pros and cons:


Pro for Lasers: Blasters can fire for extended periods of time with a respectable rate of fire before needing to be reloaded with a new power pack.

Con for Lasers: Blasters are not very powerful in the grand scheme of things. Would take concentrated firepower to dent a Reaper's shields/armor.


Pro for Plasma Projectors: Insane damage potential, with only a couple rounds being needed to smash through shields and armor VERY quickly.

Con for Plasma Projectors: Not a very fast rate of fire, and can only fire somewhere between 5 - 10 rounds before needing to be reloaded/recharged.


Other weapons & tactics:

Jedi w/Lightsabers for the Republic: Lightsabers are the only charged plasma weapons the Republic uses on a large scale, but those are only useful in ground combat. Also, the limited numbers of Jedi would be a detriment, since the Reapers could simply overwhelm them if necessary.


Husks for the Reapers: Yes, I said HUSKS. As in the technozombies the Geth/Reapers like to throw at people. If they take over even ONE well populated planet in the Republic, the Reapers would have an insanely large army of Husks to use as cannon fodder to beat the Republic forces down. Not to mention any fallen Republic personnel would end up as even more Husks.


Just my 2 creds.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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Oh and Hyperspace is not as big of an advantage as people make it out to be, it isn't super fast FTL either, it can take weeks to get from one area of the galaxy to another, it is also extremely dangerous to use off of known hyperspace lanes, it took Vitiate's empire TWENTY YEARS of hyperspace jumps to find Dromund Kaas, The Reapers found the Milky way and a Mass Relay in barely months, and then jumped straight to the Arcturus Prime relay, wiped that out, and moments later was annihilating earth, with no warning at all.


What some people haven't figured out, is that the Reapers BUILT the Mass Relays, why would they not be able to build them again? they could easily gain the astrogation charts for Hyperspace Lanes, and build a Relay network on top of that, and you have instantaneous Reaper travel everywhere.


From what we know of the Republic, they are also extremely easily beaten just by cutting off Hyperspace routes that they need for supplies, cut off the supplies to Coruscant, wipe the planet out, every Republic member state is in disarray because they just had their head chopped off, quite literally, then they get into arguments, as always, blame each other, it turns into every man for themselves, and by the time they got their act together, the Reapers have already won every theatre of war they needed to win.


I feel the need to point out that almost nothing in the above three paragraphs makes any sense whatsoever.


1. A. Dromund Kaas is in one of the most well hidden systems in the entirety of the SW galaxy. It's a horrible example.

B. The Reapers likely started their journey towards the ME galaxy soon after the Rachni Wars (their first attempt to subvert the Prothean's sabotage) which was almost a thousand years ago. The only reason they can take the ME galaxy with such speed is because of the Mass Relays.


2. So, the Reapers are going to steal the astronavigation charts for every system in the SW galaxy, then somehow (mid invasion) build an entire relay network across the galaxy?


Christ, it'd be easier to rent some Star Wars ships and save on the construction cost. ( Construction cost meaning, "dead Reapers".) Otherwise, they're just too damn slow to do anything after attacking the outer-rim worlds.


3. This might make sense, if the Reapers had any way of stopping SW ships mid hyperspace jump. As it is, the Reapers would need to physically block an entire quadrant of space to stop the passage of trade.


If the Reapers did, somehow, adopt interdiction tech, engineers could simply subvert the nav-computers aboard their ships to disregard mass-detection software near Reaper controlled sections of space.

Edited by Velaran
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Opinions aside please, facts only.


I LOL'd at this.


Everything you are posting is an opinion and your "facts" seem to be in direct contradiction to what we know about both universes. The Reaper technology (engines, ship weapons, shields, small arms, etc.) is all far inferior to what we see in the Star Wars universe. The Republic ships would be nearly invulnerable to the Reaper's inferior weaponry. Any Republic warship would shred a reaper with a single turbolaser shot. The Republic warships also very clearly move more quickly than the Reapers.


The Republic fleet is bigger, stronger, and faster. It's not a close fight. The Reapers die instantly.


This is because of the nature of the universes that we are talking about. The Reaper technology is antiquated by Star Wars standards.

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I LOL'd at this.


Everything you are posting is an opinion and your "facts" seem to be in direct contradiction to what we know about both universes. The Reaper technology (engines, ship weapons, shields, small arms, etc.) is all far inferior to what we see in the Star Wars universe. The Republic ships would be nearly invulnerable to the Reaper's inferior weaponry. Any Republic warship would shred a reaper with a single turbolaser shot. The Republic warships also very clearly move more quickly than the Reapers.


The Republic fleet is bigger, stronger, and faster. It's not a close fight. The Reapers die instantly.


This is because of the nature of the universes that we are talking about. The Reaper technology is antiquated by Star Wars standards.


Its like saying that Republic star ships would be able to stand up to Warhammer 40K star ships. The technological disparity is that big.

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Its like saying that Republic star ships would be able to stand up to Warhammer 40K star ships. The technological disparity is that big.


Well, maybe the SSD's.


A whole bunch of SSD's.


Combined to make some kind of SMSD.

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Well, maybe the SSD's.


A whole bunch of SSD's.


Combined to make some kind of SMSD.


Honestly the Super class ships are the only ones I see taking on Imperium star ships. And they have one of the weakest navies (as far as individual ships go) in the whole of 40K.


But this is off topic.


On Topic: Reapers wouldn't stand a chance. In fact, if a civilization advanced along their own technological paths and didn't need the Mass Relays or Element Zero technology, the Reapers would be boned.

Edited by Aximand
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