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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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Reroll on a more populated server or pay to move to one. Not all of us want 1000s of people ninja'n everything. Some of us prefer a lightly populated server. There are plenty of standard to heavy ones just pick one and join a guild there. You expect them to totally re-write the game for you and change all the zones etc? I mean come on. Also if you came here expecting WoW no wonder you are disappointed.


I can’t figure out your hostility? I never stated that I wanted them to rewrite the game; I’m not sure where you’re getting that from? I’m not QQing about how TOR sucks, it’s a good game and I want it to be successful. A healthier sized population will help sustain a community, increase the long term viability of TOR and make for a more pleasurable and fun experience. Without the people, TOR is just a single player game and those never last long.


As for rerolling, on a more populated server, that’s not really a solution after 5 months of building up characters on this one. TOR is self consciously a Casual oriented MMO, asking people with full time jobs and families to restart a game they’ve spent five months playing isn’t a reasonable request since few casual players will do this before they just quit. By contrast, Server Transfers fix directly address the low population problem without expecting people start from scratch and reinvest five months of their time.


I have no doubt that some Guilds prefer low population since they don’t have to compete for access to content. Keeping the servers low Population in order to please a handful of top tier guilds isn’t a good enough reason to avoid server mergers for a game designed primarily for casual players. Large guilds are simply not for most players for various reasons (I've been in large guilds before, will avoid derailing by elaborating).


As for WoW, can’t say I ever expected WoW, I only brought up other MMOs in regard to zone and server population.

Edited by Torcer
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As it stands from the current announcement...


When the transfer options starts...


You can either let BW pick what server your characters get transferred to


You can pay to chose what server you would like your characters to be transfer to.


Not that complicated, even with the finer details to come.


My issue is that new players, once the transfer option has started and severs begin to fill up, will get to chose their initial busy server and the rest of us loyal players who have been here since the beginning, will have to pay to chose ours....and I think that sucks!


Should be all round free for a limited time!

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By that argument, they would be if he simply rerolled, too.


??? Are you on the same page as me?


If I unsubscribe and go away for a few months, just like any mmo ever, my toons and everything they had will still be there. Same with Legacy.


Otherwise people would never resubscribe back to any mmo.

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As for rerolling, on a more populated server, that’s not really a solution after 5 months of building up characters on this one. TOR is self consciously a Casual oriented MMO, asking people with full time jobs and families to restart a game they’ve spent five months playing isn’t a reasonable request since few casual players will do this before they just quit. By contrast, Server Transfers fix directly address the low population problem without expecting people start from scratch and reinvest five months of their time.
Sure it's a solution. People in this exact situation continue to reroll even now. Alternatively, you can wait until they get the hardware in place and can offer transfers.
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My issue is that new players, once the transfer option has started and severs begin to fill up, will get to chose their initial busy server and the rest of us loyal players who have been here since the beginning, will have to pay to chose ours....and I think that sucks!
This is different than the normal operation of an MMORPG title how?
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??? Are you on the same page as me?


If I unsubscribe and go away for a few months, just like any mmo ever, my toons and everything they had will still be there. Same with Legacy.

The same is true if you reroll servers. The characters and legacy remains intact on the old server. Perhaps you're the one that doesn't understand what I was responding to?
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Take a lesson from Blizzard and make a cross server flash point search. Server transfers will be something I will take advantage of as there are rarely anyone playing on my server. But the reason I want to switch is run flash points.


Pre dungeon search in wow a player did not get to run many level specific dungeons unless they were in a guild, spammed trade to get one together or got a run through from a friend. After the installation of a cross server dungeon match system leveling a toon was totally different. You were then able to run all of the content (dungeons) as you leveled up. That totally opened up the game.


Guilds are all fine and dandy but you can not always rely on them. The best thing ever that Blizzard did was to have a cross server dungeon search which is something this game needs badly. A server transfer will help my chances but a cross server matching system would make transfers really not necessarily for me personally.

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Sure it's a solution. People in this exact situation continue to reroll even now. Alternatively, you can wait until they get the hardware in place and can offer transfers.


Um, sure, some people do it, but that doesn’t make it a viable solution for most people.

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Take a lesson from Blizzard and make a cross server flash point search. Server transfers will be something I will take advantage of as there are rarely anyone playing on my server. But the reason I want to switch is run flash points.


Pre dungeon search in wow a player did not get to run many level specific dungeons unless they were in a guild, spammed trade to get one together or got a run through from a friend. After the installation of a cross server dungeon match system leveling a toon was totally different. You were then able to run all of the content (dungeons) as you leveled up. That totally opened up the game.


Guilds are all fine and dandy but you can not always rely on them. The best thing ever that Blizzard did was to have a cross server dungeon search which is something this game needs badly. A server transfer will help my chances but a cross server matching system would make transfers really not necessarily for me personally.

You realize the addition of features such as this is the reason cited by a fair amount of the SWTOR community for leaving WoW in the first place, don't you?
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TakWe a lesson from Blizzard and make a cross server flash point search. Server transfers will be something I will take advantage of as there are rarely anyone playing on my server. But the reason I want to switch is run flash points.


Pre dungeon search in wow a player did not get to run many level specific dungeons unless they were in a guild, spammed trade to get one together or got a run through from a friend. After the installation of a cross server dungeon match system leveling a toon was totally different. You were then able to run all of the content (dungeons) as you leveled up. That totally opened up the game.


Guilds are all fine and dandy but you can not always rely on them. The best thing ever that Blizzard did was to have a cross server dungeon search which is something this game needs badly. A server transfer will help my chances but a cross server matching system would make transfers really not necessarily for me personally.

The software coding for cross realm looking for groups is going to take a much longer time than character transfers. I highly doubt Blizzard will just tell a competitor how to do it and hiring an ex Blizzard employee to tell them how isn't an option either because there is typically NDA agreements with that type of work.

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I'm playing out my last 47 days. If they don't at the least add in cross server I am done. They knew the servers were going to be relatively small at launch the way they capped them. I'm not claiming to know all the numbers but it was obvious that on release day when my server had a 10-15 queue that even then it had nowhere near the population as a heavy or even medium server in WoW. It's impossible to have a MMO without the 'massively multiplayer' bit.


Merges/xfers would be great but I still don't think these servers can handle WoW numbers. Cross server queues is what we need IMO.

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As it stands from the current announcement...


When the transfer options starts...


You can either let BW pick what server your characters get transferred to


You can pay to chose what server you would like your characters to be transfer to.


Not that complicated, even with the finer details to come.


Wut? Bioware has never said they are going to pick the server for you. They've never said they won't either. They haven't said anything other than there will be some free transfers available, followed by paid transfers.


Bioware wrote only three sentences, all of which are pretty straightforward. And from there people have come up with some pretty wild assumptions how what is going to happen.

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So they came to your house put a gun to your head and told you to post here? Dont like the game then fine leave noone cares. You are one person out of millions.


Please tone down your hate. "I" care. I care that we're losing players. I care that people like YOU don't care. He was one out of a million, as was every other player to quit, they start to add up after awhile.

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Please tone down your hate. "I" care. I care that we're losing players. I care that people like YOU don't care. He was one out of a million, as was every other player to quit, they start to add up after awhile.


You do not know we are losing players. In fact the opposite has been stated. So for everyone like you that quits there are a couple other people who will play the game. They just expanded AGAIN into the middle east etc. They have opened APAC servers which a lot of people there were waiting for to purchase. So I mean you just saying something over and over does not make it fact.

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I'm happy that atleast a few paid forum posters can make an extra $ on this thread along with the merge servers thread.

So atleast someone benefits from our downfall.

Well, it's not as much fun as watching trolls come up with insane conspiracy theories. But to each their own.

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You realize the addition of features such as this is the reason cited by a fair amount of the SWTOR community for leaving WoW in the first place, don't you?


How would making it easy for a player to find a group be a reason to leave a game. When I have two hours to play as I have a job, kids, etc. which means I don't have time to jump my toon around town spamming general chat looking for a group.


Leveling a toon after the cross server search opened up the game immensely.


Here is a thought.... How about they start with just a realm flashpoint search. Then move towards a cross server flashpoint search.

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