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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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Yeah losing subs is always a great way to improve a game :rolleyes:


Actually loosing a small handfull of griefers will make the rest of the "casual" community more comfortable playing the game and subbing. The worst thing for a subscription game is the people who turn small "inconveniences" into "gamebreaking items". i.e "omg they only let you use 1 medpack per fight now! that's it i'm unsubbing"


Said this before will re-iterate it here again, the game is a work in progress, and will continue to improve/grow with time, if people let it. Now will every single person be happy with every single change? No of course not. Will there be setbacks of course, will their be improvements? Of course their will be. Will there be new content? Of course, just be realistic in your timelines while waiting.

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Lol this thread is great, I love when people trash talk a game theyve never played and no nothing about that game


If you think the only players SWtor is going to lose too GW2 is griefers you are dead wrong..number 1 the greifers wont be able to grief in GW2 since the bolster mechanic makes every one same level in WvWvW...so the griefers are going to stay in Swtor where they can kill lowbies

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Actually loosing a small handfull of griefers will make the rest of the "casual" community more comfortable playing the game and subbing. The worst thing for a subscription game is the people who turn small "inconveniences" into "gamebreaking items". i.e "omg they only let you use 1 medpack per fight now! that's it i'm unsubbing"


Said this before will re-iterate it here again, the game is a work in progress, and will continue to improve/grow with time, if people let it. Now will every single person be happy with every single change? No of course not. Will there be setbacks of course, will their be improvements? Of course their will be. Will there be new content? Of course, just be realistic in your timelines while waiting.


"Griefers" (lol) have absolutely nothing to do with the plummeting server populations, lack of content / features, or empty promises.


I'm sorry.

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Just for my $.02 on SWTOR, I like it though I find it a bit tedious once I hit 50 and have no interest in going through the same side quests with my other Empire alts. So I'll play both games and decide what to do when my alternate self on the Republic side hits 50 since I have no desire to PVP in SWTOR.


I also have to agree with one of the posters who pointed out that telling people to quit, quit and quit is not the way you want the subs of a game to go.



It also says, "As this is no longer a 'closed' beta, you're not bound by a Non-Disclosure Agreement, so feel free to talk about your Guild Wars 2 experience with your friends, family, and total strangers" right on the launcher.
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Actually loosing a small handfull of griefers will make the rest of the "casual" community more comfortable playing the game and subbing. The worst thing for a subscription game is the people who turn small "inconveniences" into "gamebreaking items". i.e "omg they only let you use 1 medpack per fight now! that's it i'm unsubbing"


Said this before will re-iterate it here again, the game is a work in progress, and will continue to improve/grow with time, if people let it. Now will every single person be happy with every single change? No of course not. Will there be setbacks of course, will their be improvements? Of course their will be. Will there be new content? Of course, just be realistic in your timelines while waiting.


No the worse thing for a subscription company is to lose subscriptions period. People who turn small "inconveniences" into "gamebreaking items" are generaly ignored.


But if you think empty servers and devs who fail to realize why they are empty is a "small nconvenience" then you arent worth arguing with.

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threats to unsub plus all discussions of such threats == boring.


I seriously doubt bioware pays any attention to these sort of posts. I'm certain they pay a LOT of attention to their actual subscription metrics, which include far more than "how many people are signed up to play monthly".


No doubt they have all sorts of metrics that predict how long a subscriber is likely to stay with the game. E.g. how much PvE content have you burned through? How many hours do you play? How many other people do you interact with (e.g. are you in a guild)?


All games these days do a ton of data mining on QUANTIFIABLE data. I suspect counting complainers and unsub threateners on the forums does not have any useful predictive value.

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I wouldn't call Legacy fluff. It's clear that bioware intended, and still intends, for this game to be played by alt-o-holics, and not by 'hardcore' raiders and pvpers. They pointed out at the guild summit that we spend way too much time playing the game as it is, so if we're not finding enough to do, it's kind of our own fault. I'll keep my sub up mostly because I'm payed up until the day before my daughter is born, so we'll see what happens.
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All games these days do a ton of data mining on QUANTIFIABLE data. I suspect counting complainers and unsub threateners on the forums does not have any useful predictive value.


And yet the game has just lost over 20% of it's active subscriptions.



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Discussions like this never will end. I like the facts:


2.4 mio sold boxes

1.3 mio active subs (and who knows how many 30 day freetime is in this number which already canceled the sub).


Makes around 45 % of the playerbase tested SWTOR and arent happy with it and are gone for good. If you look on the server population the 1.3 mio players doesnt play that much anymore. So there is smelting number in the playerbase and in the online playtime. Simple as it is. Lets see what`s left at the first anniversary of SWTOR.

Edited by Goloan
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Discussions like this never will end. I like the facts:


2.4 mio sold boxes

1.3 mio active subs (and who knows how many 30 day freetime is in this number which already canceled the sub).


Makes around 45 % of the playerbase tested SWTOR and arent happy with it and are gone for good. If you look on the server population the 1.3 mio players doesnt play that much anymore. So there is smelting number in the playerbase and in the online playtime. Simple as it is. Lets see what`s left at the first anniversary of SWTOR.


Indeed the facts are that over 24% of the playerbase are unhappy with the direction of this game, and refuse to pay a monthly subscription.

Edited by brentonj
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A patch that included a new warzone, operation and flashpoint is essentially just fluff?


What's your expectation for a patch that isn't your definition of fluff?




Agreed! Take your ball and go home...you won't be missed!

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