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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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Oh give me a break and stop the crying. Quit already


Yea, cause telling people to leave a game that lost a little bit less then half of its player base in 4 or 5 months is a brilliant idea.



Seriously, I remember all the "if you don't like it, leave!" posts. Looks like people did just that. Remember that next time you wonder why there are only 12 people on your fleet during prime time.

Edited by Frostvein
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If you don't like being a marauder- or you don't play the 12 hours a day required to have full WH gear- pvp in this game is broken.


25% of subs lost at a time when they were bribing us with a free month- that is how terrible 1.2 was. The game was keeping strong at around 1.7 for months until 1.2- such a large loss of subs should tell them something.


I'm not surprised- every sorc and merc I know unsubbed shortly after 1.2, disgusted by BW's stupidity.


I'll keep playing for a while- but marauder's getting a bit dull now that everyone's a marauder and it's nothing but root root root everywhere you go. That- and pre 1.2 we had 3-5 games going at the same time all day- even at early morning you could get a match in 5 min or less.


Now, you're waiting half an hour for queues to pop even at prime time- Fleet is down from having two instances to under 100- you only see the same WH geared pub premade in pvp when you finally get in- and proceed to lose to 20k health team with your team of 13-14k health recruit geared noobs- and every imp pvp guild has disbanded or is down to the point of having to pug for their premades.


So it's not a question of if I'll unsub if 1.3 is out in May.


The question is what 1.3 has.


Does it greatly increase TTK, and nerf marauders heavily and sins, juggs, PTs at least a bit?

Does it buff merc and sorc dps specs, and make weaker heals more viable or the stronger heals shorter/put in some sort of temp interrupt protection or alacrity buff off spells/procs (like 1.5 sec DI for example).

Does it make healing as useful as DPS.

Does it make WH gear reasonable to get- or lessen the massive difference between it and BM gear?


If the answer to these questions is no- then ya, unsubbing, the game had great pvp balance pre1.2, whining ruined it- and the loss of 400k subs proves that people loathed it- there's a reason the only people who widely and loudly support the patch are marauders- anyone with a brain would support a patch that made their class EZ mode and guaranteed to win every fight they enter without trying.

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Gotta say for me its to late, even if 1.3 would out in may, which is impossible.


When i came back from a 2 month break i was shocked to see the decline in players on my two servers.

One of them is a virtual Ghost town, i kept imagining tumbleweed on the fleet.

On the other my guild went from very active to now 0 players online, ever.


PvP seems to be reighned supreme by the melees and their king the marauder.

PvE is even worse, after trying really hard to level up an alt the idea of scratching out my eyes with a rusty spoon suddenly did'nt seem so bad anymore. Rightclick 3-5 XXX, kill XXX, bonus kill 40 XXX. ARRRRGHHH.


My class has exactly one skill that is not a copy of some wow ability, yes i know many abilities are similar in MMOs, but come on! one spell different? I would get 5 new spells in a new expansion in wow....


Dead areas etc, the only time i ever saw many players in a small area doing something(apart from mass afking people on fleet) was Ilum, but alas it turned the place into SWTOR: The Powerpoint presentation. Terrible engine ftl. The combat itself feels clunky and unresponsive also.


I could mention 841 more issues but i can't be botherd tbh.


Only thing left for me to do is walk my sentimental goodbye round in the game tomorrow, which is gonna be lame considering there is noone left in my guilds/friendlist to say goodbye to:rolleyes:


I am not sad though cause tomorrow something new starts already, D3.....I cannot wait grouping up with my buddies, smashing foes like a lawnmover through grass without a swtor-care in the world :D


*InitiateRacechange* Sith>Barbarian :rak_04:

Edited by Anelitt
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If you don't like being a marauder- or you don't play the 12 hours a day required to have full WH gear- pvp in this game is broken.


25% of subs lost at a time when they were bribing us with a free month- that is how terrible 1.2 was. The game was keeping strong at around 1.7 for months until 1.2- such a large loss of subs should tell them something.


I'm not surprised- every sorc and merc I know unsubbed shortly after 1.2, disgusted by BW's stupidity.


Seriously? but they were STILL in face subscribed as of the report since they got a free month, you might want to think about that one a bit more before you make such a long post next time.

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If you don't like being a marauder- or you don't play the 12 hours a day required to have full WH gear- pvp in this game is broken.


25% of subs lost at a time when they were bribing us with a free month- that is how terrible 1.2 was. The game was keeping strong at around 1.7 for months until 1.2- such a large loss of subs should tell them something.


I'm not surprised- every sorc and merc I know unsubbed shortly after 1.2, disgusted by BW's stupidity.


I'll keep playing for a while- but marauder's getting a bit dull now that everyone's a marauder and it's nothing but root root root everywhere you go. That- and pre 1.2 we had 3-5 games going at the same time all day- even at early morning you could get a match in 5 min or less.


Now, you're waiting half an hour for queues to pop even at prime time- Fleet is down from having two instances to under 100- you only see the same WH geared pub premade in pvp when you finally get in- and proceed to lose to 20k health team with your team of 13-14k health recruit geared noobs- and every imp pvp guild has disbanded or is down to the point of having to pug for their premades.


So it's not a question of if I'll unsub if 1.3 is out in May.


The question is what 1.3 has.


Does it greatly increase TTK, and nerf marauders heavily and sins, juggs, PTs at least a bit?

Does it buff merc and sorc dps specs, and make weaker heals more viable or the stronger heals shorter/put in some sort of temp interrupt protection or alacrity buff off spells/procs (like 1.5 sec DI for example).

Does it make healing as useful as DPS.

Does it make WH gear reasonable to get- or lessen the massive difference between it and BM gear?


If the answer to these questions is no- then ya, unsubbing, the game had great pvp balance pre1.2, whining ruined it- and the loss of 400k subs proves that people loathed it- there's a reason the only people who widely and loudly support the patch are marauders- anyone with a brain would support a patch that made their class EZ mode and guaranteed to win every fight they enter without trying.


Excellent post.

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Well, be prepared to be disappointed, cause RIFT doesn't push out new content EVERY month, so does no other MMOs.

I don't have much MMO experience, but I have played EQ and WoW, and I think Bioware is doing a great job making new content-updates. My only gripe with this game is population... waaay to many servers :(


I guess when your MMO is actually fully featured, you don't need to release new content every month, do you? That is the state Rift is in right now. SWTOR is not fully featured yet. Specifically, 1.2 was lacking in fixes and convenience features, and the Legacy system was too expensive and too incomplete. Everything in 1.3 needed to come in with 1.2. Why else do you think the game began to tank right after the patch?


Ummm you do know you posted IN MAY right...?


I guess you've taken too mich Sith lightning to the head....


Umm... logic escapes you, or do you just have horrid reading comprehension? I don't know, but a deadline of "May" means May 1--31, and we are not on 31 yet. Maybe you have a broken calendar where May 13th comes after May 31st?

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If you don't like being a marauder- or you don't play the 12 hours a day required to have full WH gear- pvp in this game is broken.


25% of subs lost at a time when they were bribing us with a free month- that is how terrible 1.2 was. The game was keeping strong at around 1.7 for months until 1.2- such a large loss of subs should tell them something.


I'm not surprised- every sorc and merc I know unsubbed shortly after 1.2, disgusted by BW's stupidity.


I'll keep playing for a while- but marauder's getting a bit dull now that everyone's a marauder and it's nothing but root root root everywhere you go. That- and pre 1.2 we had 3-5 games going at the same time all day- even at early morning you could get a match in 5 min or less.


Now, you're waiting half an hour for queues to pop even at prime time- Fleet is down from having two instances to under 100- you only see the same WH geared pub premade in pvp when you finally get in- and proceed to lose to 20k health team with your team of 13-14k health recruit geared noobs- and every imp pvp guild has disbanded or is down to the point of having to pug for their premades.


So it's not a question of if I'll unsub if 1.3 is out in May.


The question is what 1.3 has.


Does it greatly increase TTK, and nerf marauders heavily and sins, juggs, PTs at least a bit?

Does it buff merc and sorc dps specs, and make weaker heals more viable or the stronger heals shorter/put in some sort of temp interrupt protection or alacrity buff off spells/procs (like 1.5 sec DI for example).

Does it make healing as useful as DPS.

Does it make WH gear reasonable to get- or lessen the massive difference between it and BM gear?


If the answer to these questions is no- then ya, unsubbing, the game had great pvp balance pre1.2, whining ruined it- and the loss of 400k subs proves that people loathed it- there's a reason the only people who widely and loudly support the patch are marauders- anyone with a brain would support a patch that made their class EZ mode and guaranteed to win every fight they enter without trying.

This. Patch 1.2 was the downfall of this game.

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the games not perfect it never will and realistically nothing in life is or ever will be perfect, so demanding "perfection" is unrealistic.


Give a break, nothing is perfecexcusese tells me you ran out of fan boexcuseses so you defaulted to nothing is perfect. There is a lot wrong with swtor for example: it is missing features in almosevery otherer mmo. Even Terara has a X-server LFG.

Edited by samht
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just an update:


Tonight my guild and I decided it was over. The ToRtanic has truly sunk. With no new content planned for months, and little-to-no innovation going on, we felt it was best to move on.


It was fun while it lasted. Ultimately BioWare only has their incompetent development to blame, as our guild really enjoyed playing with one another.

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Just an update:


Tonight my guild and I decided it was over. The ToRtanic has truly sunk. With no new content planned for months, and little-to-no innovation going on, we felt it was best to move on.


It was fun while it lasted. Ultimately BioWare only has their incompetent development to blame, as our guild really enjoyed playing with one another.


now is this constructive criticism or just a whine?


maybe it was a troll.. I'm pretty sure you really didn't think we were all on the edges of our seats waiting to see if you decided to stop playing a game or not.

Edited by corbanite
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my forum signature becomes more and more applicable every day (had it the moment 1.2 patch notes first showed up).


months (i would have said years, except it won't last that long) from now, people will look back and agree, that yes, 1.2 was the NGE of ToR - more importantly, it was the patch where Bioware showed that they are out of touch with the players, and have no idea how to communicate with players (healer nerf? pulling rated WZ one day before live, without any warning?)


1.3 won't change for most people. the LFG tool will be dependent upon how BW manages the server pop. there's only a handful of servers that would get any benefit from the LFG tool right now.


however, i have zero faith in BW's ability to manage the character xfer process, where the end result will be more high pop servers. it's just going to be half *****ed, and more people will leave due to the patch not making a difference.

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Just an update:


Tonight my guild and I decided it was over. The ToRtanic has truly sunk. With no new content planned for months, and little-to-no innovation going on, we felt it was best to move on.


It was fun while it lasted. Ultimately BioWare only has their incompetent development to blame, as our guild really enjoyed playing with one another.


Now while so many fan bois in this post run to BW's defense. The OP is right. The OP didn't say BW was going to put out content every month. BW did. BW has lied to us. Over and over and over.


1.2 ranked wz's/8 man q's....wait that will be 1.8 now.


BRING ON THE LEGACY...All the real gamers are leaving this game. It isn't our fault they didn't deliver on their promises.


THIS IS NOT A FREE 2 PLAY GAME. WE ARE PAYING TO FIX THEIR BETA. WHILE THEY CHASE MASSES OF PEOPLE AWAY...BC WHY? Because we have expectations. This might be their first mmo. But it is not for the average gamer playing this game. If maybe they didn't make promises they didn't keep. Maybe they worried more about the players experience than money.


Maybe fix the server populations which have been the most major issue in this game. Instead of trying to add more legacy...My whole server will unsub in the next month. Have fun...

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Unsub? NO WAY.


To those getting statrted within the past 2 years, welcome to the MMO world. No MMO came out the gate perfect with every option intergrated, catering to everyones needs and likes. NONE.


With that said, so many games of different genres and styles are compared to each other and it is comedic. GW2? More dragons and elves, internet hyped slog fest of the same with the redundant fantasy genre. Diablo 3? A mouse clicking dungeon crawler that only appeals to those into that. Ive tried 1 and 2, meh, and remain uninterested in 3.


To each his own, i wish the original poster and his guild, all 12 of them, the best in what they do.

Edited by Pexxle
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Already unsubbed. I was all time subscriber since launch, but now it's over. Once I played in a GW2 betaweekend I was totally sold and SWTOR felt utter garbage after that. Cba to login SWTOR anymore so I decided to just unsub and now I'm working on some GW HoM points to get some rewards in 2 :)


I'm very dissapointed to be honest because I had hope BioWare could deliver a solid masterpiece but oh how wrong I was. There went 150 euros + monthly subs but oh well.

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