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If 1.3 Isn't Out by May - Will You Unsub?


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Unsubbing when Im done with story. Take a break from MMOs after this disappointment and hope Elder Scroll Online gets it right.


They're using the Hero Engine as well.


Pretty much suffocating the game from the start. Ask any serious swtor fan.

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They're using the Hero Engine as well.


Pretty much suffocating the game from the start. Ask any serious swtor fan.


Any true serious Star Wars fan is probably playing their first MMO called SWTOR and could care less what engine is used because, they are playing STAR WARS

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well the problem is that

And I do hope that I am not alone with this assuming the quality dropped considerably since 1.2 has been released

Now I know most of you are angry with the development but what I question is Why did this happens ?

I mean Bioware had 6 years to work with the Hero Engine maybe more more.

Also they did a extensive test run on the PTS Server .

So why is it that after doing the patch implementation on the Regular Server things go haywire

good subscribing may be a way but is it the right one.

As I see it Bioware for some reason has lost the quality they always called they have

So what is happening here

As I was told by Support its not the designers fault that things go so bad then who is responsible and can this spiral of destruction this mmo faces be reversed or is all lost ?

Edited by bloomfireblade
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If you're unable to get four level 50's together on any server, then things are A LOT WORSE than anyone anticipated.


I know servers are dead, but my god that is terrible.


He is correct tho. And it is a lot more common than some beleave it is.

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He is correct tho. And it is a lot more common than some beleave it is.


Well over 400,000 people voiced their opinion with their wallet.


People are quitting in droves, and I think the community as a whole has absolutely zero faith in the developers.

Edited by brentonj
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Well over 400,000 people voiced their opinion with their wallet.


People are quitting in droves, and I think the community as a whole has absolutely zero faith in the developers.


So 400k people thought they bought WoW with lightsabers. Should have done better research.


Also, speak for yourself, I have faith in the developers

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Of course not. Do you even know how much time it takes to patch a game? Let alone find bugs and, find fixes for bugs that may or may not work, and then have to shut down servers, input the patch in 4 hours, and then throw the server switch back on? If it was released this month, people would be ************ because it was rushed, and that there's still so many bugs, and then more, and more threads about un-subbing wold be created. Ask yourself this, "If I complain, will it make my game expierience more enjoyable?"
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So 400k people thought they bought WoW with lightsabers. Should have done better research.


Also, speak for yourself, I have faith in the developers

I have plenty of faith in Bioware. My issue is EA and their ability to ruin everything they touch. They don't know the meaning of a "hands off" approach when it comes to studios that are highly skilled and churned out plenty of AAA titles without them.

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At the core of it, all we need is the following,




2-Free one time Xfers (paid afterward, fair enough)


3-Cross server WZs


4-Cross server LFG


5-personally if I could have any wish in this game it would be strict restrictions on color crystals, sick of seeing Sith with greens and blues and Jedis with reds, Bioware has no soul.

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I have plenty of faith in Bioware. My issue is EA and their ability to ruin everything they touch. They don't know the meaning of a "hands off" approach when it comes to studios that are highly skilled and churned out plenty of AAA titles without them.


i.e. Mythic and Failhammer....err Warhammer.

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Those games look terrible. All the people that have said they are going to destroy swtor will very quietly be sneaking back into swtor within the next 3 months with their tail between their legs.


i kinda agree with you, im sure there will be problems with GW2 and TSW when they release, all MMOS does, some more than others but all will, people will play them because they are new, and when they get bored they will want to play a solid game.

Lets just hope SWTOR be a solid option for that day.

and about D3 its not a MMO!! while i see people playing it for a while, its still something will fall in they *just when i feel like, grinding alone or play with some friends* game

i accept SWTOR have millions of issues and its starting to get late for fix them, but im still holding, i will still wait for couple more months and see what happen.

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Well over 400,000 people voiced their opinion with their wallet.


More then that, really. 2.4 million boxes sold and they are down to 1.3


1.1 million didn't like this game enough to be subbed longer then 4-5 months.

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So 400k people thought they bought WoW with lightsabers. Should have done better research.


This game is a carbon-copy of World of Warcraft.


Except by your logic, it's everyone else's fault this game has a plethora of bugs, missing (basic) features, decreasing populations, dead servers, and lack of overall innovation?


Please enlighten us on your "research".


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I would but the free month takes me to 20/6 so it has to be out by then. If they say summer does not begin till July so early summer has not happened yet by then, they are gonna hear from my baker.


hmm, thats a good joke, i'm gonna put that in the other thread.

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I would but the free month takes me to 20/6 so it has to be out by then. If they say summer does not begin till July so early summer has not happened yet by then, they are gonna hear from my baker.


hmm, thats a good joke, i'm gonna put that in the other thread.


Indeed. Most in my guild have our free month left, and that's about it.


The game is completely dying, and guild activity has plummeted.

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By May? That is WAY too late.


I unsubbed today. Going to play: Rift. Bioware needs to multiply their turn around time by a factor of FIFTY!


Well, be prepared to be disappointed, cause RIFT doesn't push out new content EVERY month, so does no other MMOs.

I don't have much MMO experience, but I have played EQ and WoW, and I think Bioware is doing a great job making new content-updates. My only gripe with this game is population... waaay to many servers :(

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Want to know what I hate... the use of the word "fanboi" any time someone doesn't agree that the game is dieing. No, some of us are not "fanboi's" we just have scruples and can think for ourselves. Yes there are Bugs, yes they are annoying and yes patches could be done faster.


BUT, when you rush to patch things, It has the possibility of breaking something else. Then we get people like the OP QQing on the forums and crying about how many bugs there are and when is the next miracle patch. There will never be one... ever. All games go through a rough patch ALL of them. They get better as the developers do, in this case Bioware has never produced an MMO. They have admitted mistakes.


In the end if you like the game play it. If you don't and the only thing you find yourself doing is getting on the forums and complaining then do us all a favor and quit, instead of beating a dead horse and adding another thread to the forums talking about how bad the game is.


This is not my favorite game. Its better then WoW and that's really the only other game out there that is competing. When Tuesday hits Ill be moving on to play Diablo 3 this game will be a weekend game for me when all my friends are able to get on and we can run flashpoints and have fun. Other then that the game is what it is. If they make improvements in the next few months who knows what will happen. But I will not be one of the people that rush them. Id rather them take their time and make it right then appeal to the minority who want patches to come faster.

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I unsubbed a few days ago. Bioware is ignoring us and there won't be any patch coming, plus there's some major MMORPG's / new RPG's coming out to try out :) One being a game releasing in a few hours from now


Majority of my friends / guildies are unsatisfied with two things:


1). Lack of innovation

2). Lack of motivation from the developers


I agree they've completely ignored the community at large, and it shows in the recent subscription numbers.

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Oh give me a break and stop the crying. Quit already, you sound like a spoiled child. Give me this or i'll leave!!!! ****...


Try playing SWG when it was released for 2 years straight. SWG didn't even have half the content this game does. It was lifeless but it was fun as hell. Just like SWG this game was rushed out of the door. Was it EA's fault? who knows, crap happens....

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By May? That is WAY too late.


I unsubbed today. Going to play: Rift. Bioware needs to multiply their turn around time by a factor of FIFTY!


Ummm you do know you posted IN MAY right...?


I guess you've taken too mich Sith lightning to the head....

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