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Cybertech DEAD, no sales, Thanks BW


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So, I have had a few theards about this as has other. Just to show how dead it is on my server here is what i have been trying to sell since 1.2 first part is the items that dont come up on GTN because BW does not feel it needs to be fixed. So there for, no sales because of the bug.


Before 1.2 : LvL 49 Purple earpieces sold at 40k to 60k

After 1.2 i dropped them down to 5k with No sales


Grade 4 ship parts: before 1.2: 20 to 30k

After 1.2: 5:k No Sales


Purple Ship parts before 1.2: 50 to 80k

After 1.2: No sales at 25k


Mounts LOL another joke, no sales


Grenades: No sales -never sold before-

Droid parts: This is a joke and a waste of space, NEVER sold

Amoring and Mods: Blues will sell mid lvl maybe, but lvl 49 purples forget it, ppl sell the dailys for cheaper then mat cost. Also, with planet comms blue armoring and mods are easy to get.


My point is this crafting class has been killed because of the GTN problem. If your a Cybertech and selling on your server, more power to you. We got NOTHING in 1.2 if they would have just gave us a couple schems for new speeders maybe that would have been nice. sad to say at this point I might just have to dump it.


Just my rant, bash away if you like.

Edited by Bethmora
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I finally caved and dropped Cybertech for Slicing. I don't regret it one bit. I've made a fortune on underworld goods, augment parts and schematics in the past week. I may pick up Cybertech again in the future if they add some more fluff (here's hoping for updated space combat and such). When the time comes, I'll have all the mats and tons of cash to powelevel it.


Edit: For what it's worth, I managed to sell half a dozen speeders and a fair amount of ship part for a hefty profit, before the dimwit undercutters bottomed the market. You can't even sell them for cost at this point. C'est la vie.

Edited by mrfoughtforever
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I cant even give armor away at this point so I feel your pain. I cant help but think there are no new players and we have already outfitted every main and alt on our respective servers.


Yea thats another story with orange armor, cant RE it to get back some mats and cant sell if it does not have open slot and 100 creds from a vendor is a joke. oh well again thanks BW

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Cybertech is great for leveling, to make armors and such. Armors cost 7 commendations each, so its really not practical to buy those.


Once you hit 50, cybertech isn't really that useful, except to make mods for alts. The rakata grenades are terribadaweful. The earpieces are only useful for a person until they buy their rakata ones.


Really, despite patch 1.2, only cybertech is useful for leveling, and once you hit 50, you drop cybertech for biochem. Thats pretty much how the game works. Anything else is just something you do for RP purposes.


- P

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I finally caved and dropped Cybertech for Slicing. I don't regret it one bit. I've made a fortune on underworld goods, augment parts and schematics in the past week. I may pick up Cybertech again in the future if they add some more fluff (here's hoping for updated space combat and such). When the time comes, I'll have all the mats and tons of cash to powelevel it.


Edit: For what it's worth, I managed to sell half a dozen speeders and a fair amount of ship part for a hefty profit, before the dimwit undercutters bottomed the market. You can't even sell them for cost at this point. C'est la vie.


You must be on my server. The "dimwit undercutters" have completely hosed the ship upgrade market lately. I had lowered prices to stay competitive to 40K a piece, but now they're selling purples at 20 and 15K. I mean, c'mon...the mando and promethium is worth almost that. I don't get it...not at all.


To compare, the people that sell the bio and diplo mats, there will be new sellers that pop up but they always fall in line with the others selling the same mats. Those people realize that there is a need for the wares and price accordingly. Everyone will sell their stuff...so no need to undercut. The ignorant cybertechs just undercut and think they've made a good sale :mad:

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So, I have had a few theards about this as has other. Just to show how dead it is on my server here is what i have been trying to sell since 1.2 first part is the items that dont come up on GTN because BW does not feel it needs to be fixed. So there for, no sales because of the bug.


Before 1.2 : LvL 49 Purple earpieces sold at 40k to 60k

After 1.2 i dropped them down to 5k with No sales


Grade 4 ship parts: before 1.2: 20 to 30k

After 1.2: 5:k No Sales


Purple Ship parts before 1.2: 50 to 80k

After 1.2: No sales at 25k


Mounts LOL another joke, no sales


Grenades: No sales -never sold before-

Droid parts: This is a joke and a waste of space, NEVER sold

Amoring and Mods: Blues will sell mid lvl maybe, but lvl 49 purples forget it, ppl sell the dailys for cheaper then mat cost. Also, with planet comms blue armoring and mods are easy to get.


My point is this crafting class has been killed because of the GTN problem. If your a Cybertech and selling on your server, more power to you. We got NOTHING in 1.2 if they would have just gave us a couple schems for new speeders maybe that would have been nice. sad to say at this point I might just have to dump it.


Just my rant, bash away if you like.


Guess it's server dependent, I was cybertech few months ago and before switching over I made a huge last batch of earpieces. My sales rate actually spiked when 1.2 came out, I'm guessing since Legacy promotes so many alts a lot of ppl are leveling new chars. I even jacked up the price as supply was running low and to my suprise they continued to sell; by jacked up I mean market price was around 30-40k, the last one i sold was 60k. Also augmented ones I normally put up for 100k, I sold my last one for 150k last week.


To be fair I just glanced at the earpieces market, it's god-awful. Seems like nobody on my server knows which earpieces to make. I'm tempted to switch one of my alts back just to milk the market lol.

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You must be on my server. The "dimwit undercutters" have completely hosed the ship upgrade market lately. I had lowered prices to stay competitive to 40K a piece, but now they're selling purples at 20 and 15K. I mean, c'mon...the mando and promethium is worth almost that. I don't get it...not at all.


To compare, the people that sell the bio and diplo mats, there will be new sellers that pop up but they always fall in line with the others selling the same mats. Those people realize that there is a need for the wares and price accordingly. Everyone will sell their stuff...so no need to undercut. The ignorant cybertechs just undercut and think they've made a good sale :mad:


This. Sigh...

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this might be due to the market bug, where if you don't select a specific quality, and use the "any" designation, nothing will show up. it's affecting literally everything.


Honestly, I think this is the major problem. Before 1.2 and this bug I was selling purple ear pieces as fast as I could sell them, and making good money from it. Now that this bug is happening, alot of my stuff expires. They really need to fix this bug quickly.

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So, I have had a few theards about this as has other. Just to show how dead it is on my server here is what i have been trying to sell since 1.2 first part is the items that dont come up on GTN because BW does not feel it needs to be fixed. So there for, no sales because of the bug.


Before 1.2 : LvL 49 Purple earpieces sold at 40k to 60k

After 1.2 i dropped them down to 5k with No sales


Grade 4 ship parts: before 1.2: 20 to 30k

After 1.2: 5:k No Sales


Purple Ship parts before 1.2: 50 to 80k

After 1.2: No sales at 25k


Mounts LOL another joke, no sales


Grenades: No sales -never sold before-

Droid parts: This is a joke and a waste of space, NEVER sold

Amoring and Mods: Blues will sell mid lvl maybe, but lvl 49 purples forget it, ppl sell the dailys for cheaper then mat cost. Also, with planet comms blue armoring and mods are easy to get.


My point is this crafting class has been killed because of the GTN problem. If your a Cybertech and selling on your server, more power to you. We got NOTHING in 1.2 if they would have just gave us a couple schems for new speeders maybe that would have been nice. sad to say at this point I might just have to dump it.


Just my rant, bash away if you like.


why not learn to craft the Black hole Ears and sell those or columi ears sell those i sell those for 200k on my Cybertech bounty hunter. the Blackhole ears can sell for 1mil each. Also why not learn and craft the ilvl 61 mods and sell those. Those go for 500k each.

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My Cybertech character is shelved. I've dropped level 49 purple Earpieces down to 29k, and they still don't sell. I could make the lower level Armoring, but I can sell the mats for just as much. No one wants the speeders, as I've had them listed since the day 2.1 went live, and only one has sold. Trying to sell the last one for 125k just to get rid of it, but it just sits there.


I'm out of the ship upgrade business. Complete idiots are selling them for 20-30k on my server. Saw someone list a few for 14k. I refuse to be that stupid.


All my resources go to my Synth and Armormech characters, now.


Looks like Cybertech is only viable if you instance farm, which I find boring. I also thought that they said SWTOR wouldn't be like that, which was a factor in me buying it. Oh well, time for me to drop Cybertech, with dozens of purple schematics down the drain.

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Yeah I don't understand some people reasoning behind dropping their prices so drastically. I always make a habit of checking the GTN before posting my item. If there is alot, I will undercut the average (notice I don't say lowest) bidder by 1k or maybe 2k. If there is no one else that is selling the item (I only list purple items) then I jack up the price and see if I get lucky, if not I will gradually lower the items price.


The only thing I can think of, is that these people are really rich, and don't worry about the cost of collecting materials, and just want to screw with the economy as a means to grief people, or they are just complete idiots. ;)

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Yeah I don't understand some people reasoning behind dropping their prices so drastically. I always make a habit of checking the GTN before posting my item. If there is alot, I will undercut the average (notice I don't say lowest) bidder by 1k or maybe 2k. If there is no one else that is selling the item (I only list purple items) then I jack up the price and see if I get lucky, if not I will gradually lower the items price.


The only thing I can think of, is that these people are really rich, and don't worry about the cost of collecting materials, and just want to screw with the economy as a means to grief people, or they are just complete idiots. ;)


Or perhaps they're smarter than you think and don't mind losing money if it pushes competitors out of the market.

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My cybertech sales have plummeted as well. Before 1.2 I'd sell at least a dozen items a day (level 49 mods, armoring and grade 6 space parts), now I'm lucky if I sell a couple items a day. I've been selling a couple armoring/mods here and there at 60K a piece, and the occasional augmented Columi earpiece for 300K. Space parts I'm not even wasting my time listing.


A big culprit here is the GTN doesn't show a lot of the items we craft when "All" is selected. Instead "Cheap" or one of the other item grades has to be selected for items to show up. I'm pretty sure this affects earpieces and space parts. I'm really surprised this hasn't been quickly fixed.

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A big culprit here is the GTN doesn't show a lot of the items we craft when "All" is selected. Instead "Cheap" or one of the other item grades has to be selected for items to show up. I'm pretty sure this affects earpieces and space parts. I'm really surprised this hasn't been quickly fixed.


This right here is probably why Cybertech is dead at the moment. People just can't find the items on the GTN because of the 'Any' bug.


From the Known In-Game Issues:

Searching the Galactic Trade Network by category will not return proper results under the following categories: Implant, Earpiece, Relic, Spaceship Upgrade, Miscellaneous, Mount, and Pet.

Workaround: Players can search these categories in combination with Rarity, or Level to return their intended results.

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Cybertech is great for leveling, to make armors and such. Armors cost 7 commendations each, so its really not practical to buy those.


Once you hit 50, cybertech isn't really that useful, except to make mods for alts. The rakata grenades are terribadaweful. The earpieces are only useful for a person until they buy their rakata ones.


Really, despite patch 1.2, only cybertech is useful for leveling, and once you hit 50, you drop cybertech for biochem. Thats pretty much how the game works. Anything else is just something you do for RP purposes.


- P


agreed, i kept cybertech after I hit 50 until 1.2 and gave it up for biochem yesterday. For leveling it was great but now I don't use it since nothing I craft sells well on the GTN.

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Yeah I don't understand some people reasoning behind dropping their prices so drastically. I always make a habit of checking the GTN before posting my item. If there is alot, I will undercut the average (notice I don't say lowest) bidder by 1k or maybe 2k. If there is no one else that is selling the item (I only list purple items) then I jack up the price and see if I get lucky, if not I will gradually lower the items price.


The only thing I can think of, is that these people are really rich, and don't worry about the cost of collecting materials, and just want to screw with the economy as a means to grief people, or they are just complete idiots. ;)


I'm going to invoke Hanlon's Razor here: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.


I have seen this time and again in MMOs, people tend to undervalue the materials they use in crafting. 'But they're free, I just pick them up' is often the reason stated. While it is true that you may not have paid credits for them, they do have a market value and if you fail to take that into account when pricing you are losing money as you would have made more by just selling them directly. SWTOR is a little different than most as you will have had to spend credits to get the premium and artifact materials, either through missions or the GTN - but even so they are often undervalued by people posting at the default price.

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Hey, at least you're not Artifice. Can't sell lvl 50 crystals at all. People have undercut them down to 40k each currently on my server. Not even worth it anymore.


What crafters need to understand is you are the top dogs now EVERY proffession is the top dog. Everyone is going to want Augmented gear. Cybertechs can make Mods the level 61 campaign level grade mods they can also make Black Hole Ear. Artifice can make Campaign level Offhands with augment slots they can make orange light sabers with augment slots they can make ILvl 61 blackhole/campaign level enhancments. Armormechs can make blackhole/Campaign belt bracers glvoes boots. So that people do not have to have valor rank 60 to have the gloves or boots augmened. Same with synthweavers. All the crafting proffession can make the top quality gear now this is what all you crafters wanted. You wanted to be able to make Top teir raid gear and now you can and what do we still see QQQQQQQQ. What is going to make you guys happy?

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(snip) Cybertechs can make Mods the level 61 campaign level grade mods they can also make Black Hole Ear.


Sorry, but i seem to have missed something as I (A 400 Cybertech) can not make any mods higher than Level 49. I do not see any schematics above this level in-game or in the various Item databases available. Same goes for the ear piece. Its entirely possible that I have missed an update or patch note that says I can craft these but to my knowledge this is currently not the case. If anyone wants better than level 49 mods currently, they won't be seeking them from a crafter.

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