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Anyone else hate kaliyo sooooo much...


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they are using the ship droid to level....i love the sniper, teh story and all. but kaliyo is such a disgusting choice as a companion for an UNDERCOVER AGENT. No loyalty at all. i mean how many employers did she burn through till she got to you. last thing i need is getting deep into a cover, and kaliyo deciding she is gonna bail.....hate kaliyo so much.

As much as i love the class, i almost completely scrapped it, until i realized i could use the ship droid, i hate her that much......

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I must be in the minority of agents here but I freaking looove Kaliyo. I've got a healer Op at lvl 47 and all the other companions have been sitting around in my ship since I got them. This wasn't a thing where like she grew on me over time or anything, I loved her the second she opened her mouth on Hutta. Maybe it's just easier for me since I play my agent as more geared towards causing chaos than out of loyalty to the Empire, but Kaliyo hasn't left my side since she joined me, even though I know she will have to for a little bit later on. Granted, I can see where a lot of people just want to shoot her, but her constant stream of sarcasm, awesome war cry of "dibs on the head!", and at times her overly flirtatous behavior towards anyone that moves just makes her one of my favorites.
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When I initially started playing; I rolled a little sniper. It was fairly entertaining: I could throw grenades, shoot things, had a suave accent and several smooth lines.


Then, I met Kaliyo. This companion made me quit my sniper flat out, and I didn't touch the class again until my friends all decided to try a different server.


I look at Kaliyo; and I can't help but see Jack from Mass Effect.

I. Hate. That. Character.

Not dislike, not am slightly annoyed by, not 'I'll just leave her in the cargo hold until she gets bored and leaves on her own' disdain.

Honest to good; Dark Side Loathing.

I would eat the hit to crafting happily if I could just flush her out of the air lock. Even though I'm Cybertech and her bonus to Underworld Trading is quite nice.

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I look at Kaliyo; and I can't help but see Jack from Mass Effect.


Hah, glad I'm not the only one. Couldn't stand Jack in ME2 (ME3 she seems a bit better.) She reminds me of those kids in grade school who start getting bold enough to use swear words, so they swear all the time just because they can and think they're bad*sses.


Kaliyo rubs me the wrong way. I don't hate her, but I hate the fact that it takes so long to get Vector so you're stuck using her for 85% of the prologue/chapter 1. She seems almost schizo with her affection: sometimes she gives + for helping the Empire, sometimes it's -. Sometimes you do a good dead and get +, other times it's -. Do something completely destructive, might get a + or -, who knows?

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i dont mind sadistic, even and even dark side....BUT IM A FRAKIN UNDERCOVER DEEP PLANT AGENT!!! At least try to make me think im getting a companion that fits me somewhat. Id even take kaliyo packaged in watcher 2 skin, with a bit more internalization.....
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only thing worse then kaliyo is making us wait SOOOO LONG till next companion. if you are going to do that kinda polarizing character which kaliyo is. drummond kass should give me another companion to choose from. so i don't have to use my ship droid. Jedi sentinels/defenders get t3 then right after that kira...
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I like Kaliyo. She's a flawed mess and tends to cause more problems than solves, but that's what makes her interesting. I used her all the way until SCORPIO tried to kill me (when she first becomes a companion) and now I keep SCORPIO at my side constantly because she still wants to kill me, but I am considering using Kaliyo again now that the level 50 shenanigans are happening (I hate taking my eyes off SCORPIO though).
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Are you kidding? Kaliyo has some of the best one liners in the game!


I stopped playing the Operative after being disheartened with the damn Sith story instance and the continual death at his hands, and to be honest I miss Kaliyo and her warped antics.


I mean how do you beat the line "Hey ugly I'll pay you to lick my feet... He'll do it, can you spot me 20 credits" said on getting to Nar Shaddaa for the first time, I nearly fell of the chair laughing when I heard that one.

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Kaliyo and I got a long swimmingly because it pays to have someone at your side with loose morals when you are not doing pleasant things to people. When one is trying to intimidate someone it is always a plus to have a slightly crazy Rattataki standing behind you with her finger on the trigger (at least in my head that's what she was doing).
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I have to say, Kaliyo did annoy me at first (and my female agent as well, who wanted to shoot her in the face rather than work with her) but she's starting to grow on me. And since I play my agent as a loyalist with a bit of a wild side, Kaliyo is actually fitting a lot better than I thought she would. As a result, my agent is more civil towards her now.
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I must be in the minority of agents here but I freaking looove Kaliyo. I've got a healer Op at lvl 47 and all the other companions have been sitting around in my ship since I got them. This wasn't a thing where like she grew on me over time or anything, I loved her the second she opened her mouth on Hutta. Maybe it's just easier for me since I play my agent as more geared towards causing chaos than out of loyalty to the Empire, but Kaliyo hasn't left my side since she joined me, even though I know she will have to for a little bit later on. Granted, I can see where a lot of people just want to shoot her, but her constant stream of sarcasm, awesome war cry of "dibs on the head!", and at times her overly flirtatous behavior towards anyone that moves just makes her one of my favorites.


This for me as well.


I actually enjoy her snide little remarks and her ******** attitude. My favorite champion line in the game was uttered by her after a holo conversation with an NPC; "Kind of cute wasn't he? Kind of stupid too........if he had money he'd be perfect!"

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I hated kliyo before I met the other companions...


I mean the diplomat who is like a bug-zombie, and even more creepy when it comes to his loyalty to the Empire.


Then the slimy were-frog zombie doctor jekyl, mr hyde ...and at the same time an old guy with a creepy smile on his face.


I'm only lvl 38, so I haven't met the other freaks yet, but atm kaliyo and my agent are standing back to back on the ship watching the other "companions" with one hand on our blasters.


And she is useful to an undercover agent, in that she draws alot of attention to herself. She distracts everything, which gives you the "tactical advantage" :p


so far, the agent has the best class quests, but at the same time the companions are the weirdest bunch


She's the hammer, you're the scalpel.

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I mean how do you beat the line "Hey ugly I'll pay you to lick my feet... He'll do it, can you spot me 20 credits" said on getting to Nar Shaddaa for the first time, I nearly fell of the chair laughing when I heard that one.


I'm glad this was mentioned because this is specifically one of her lines that exemplifies my hatred of her.


Okay, fine; maybe she's just a tortured soul whos acting out for attention. Its not cute; I'm a god-D#%ed professional here. I have a job to do.


Sure that kind of stuff might fly when she's running about with her space-pirate gangs or what have you; but she's with Intelligence now. Grow up a little and do your work, and do it right; or for the love of the Empire space yourself. (Or at the very least transfer to some other unit where I will never have to see you again.)


However I will admit; that being able to insight such disdain is a mark of a very well written character. I do not for a second argue against her in that regard. If I didn't care at all it would be a whole lot worse.

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She was sooo annoying when I started. I was a profesional LS IA. She is the contrary. I was mad at her.

But I started to like her more and more when I did her quest. Now, I wish there is SGR so I could romance her with my IA.

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I'm glad this was mentioned because this is specifically one of her lines that exemplifies my hatred of her.


Okay, fine; maybe she's just a tortured soul whos acting out for attention. Its not cute; I'm a god-D#%ed professional here. I have a job to do.


Sure that kind of stuff might fly when she's running about with her space-pirate gangs or what have you; but she's with Intelligence now. Grow up a little and do your work, and do it right; or for the love of the Empire space yourself. (Or at the very least transfer to some other unit where I will never have to see you again.)


However I will admit; that being able to insight such disdain is a mark of a very well written character. I do not for a second argue against her in that regard. If I didn't care at all it would be a whole lot worse.


To me, it's that disrespect that just makes her so awesome.


She represents freedom in a story



where you're a mind-controlled sleeper Agent.


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I must be in the minority of agents here but I freaking looove Kaliyo. I've got a healer Op at lvl 47 and all the other companions have been sitting around in my ship since I got them. This wasn't a thing where like she grew on me over time or anything, I loved her the second she opened her mouth on Hutta. Maybe it's just easier for me since I play my agent as more geared towards causing chaos than out of loyalty to the Empire, but Kaliyo hasn't left my side since she joined me, even though I know she will have to for a little bit later on. Granted, I can see where a lot of people just want to shoot her, but her constant stream of sarcasm, awesome war cry of "dibs on the head!", and at times her overly flirtatous behavior towards anyone that moves just makes her one of my favorites.



I use her because A) I'm only level 15 so I'm stuck with her but also B) she's an AWESOME tank!! Of course, she doesn't at all mesh well with my by the book follows orders to the letter Marksman Sniper so I'll be romancing Temple instead (MUCH later on in the SL) but as good a tank as Kaliyo is, I can tolerate her...quirky personality...especially since Keeper did say she was an anarchist...that's pretty much all I needed to hear, I knew right then with whom I was dealing

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For folks that are worried about their Agent's Deep Cover... has it occurred to you that having a walking Chaos Bomb like Kaliyo around takes a lot of the targets' attention OFF of the Agent? Cover doesn't always have to mean Invisibility. Hiding in plain sight can work, too.


Now I was as chagrined as the next player when Kaliyo

started going off on the Cortess Duke

but hey, at least she didn't

show up with a Bug Army to Assimilate the entire fricking House!


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I don't HATE her... but it did annoy me when I followed her advice with the data on Hutta.... and lost affection with her.


What, how? I got affection with her for altering the data on the disc.


Now I was as chagrined as the next player when Kaliyo

started going off on the Cortess Duke


That was hilarious. But then...

I'm the one who slept with the Baron's wife, who was just trying to get me killed anyway


but hey, at least she didn't

show up with a Bug Army to Assimilate the entire fricking House!



But I got him to turn against the nest and kill them all


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