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4 player heroic quests need to go,


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Please don't get rid of them. I am fed up with MMOs getting rid of OPTIONAL group quests just so that every solo player can do everything!


Enough! In MMOs there is a place for Solo missions and a palce for Group missions. As long as one doesn't interfer with the other then its great to have this diversity.


And you only need 2 people to complete them - thats why theres a companion system!


<- This!


Dont remove OPTIONAL things because someone cant do them properly... you dont NEED to do them, nothing is forcing you to. Ive finished the game without doing all the heroics, and if i really NEED to get that one orange piece that drops from one of them, ill just go back and solo them at a later date if need be.

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I agree with the OP.


Too many H4 and Area 4 quests in the game.

Some can be 2-manned if you are geared and with the right classes.

Two dps classes without healer companions? Forget it.


With the low population on the servers, it is almost impossible to find people to run the quests.

The quests are also spread out all over the planet and with large planets, it is a pain to run all the way across for the quests.


Tune the H4 quests to be H2.


Look at WoW, all their elite mob area quests are now regular mobs.

Why? No one wants to do them or cant find groups.

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Enough! In MMOs there is a place for Solo missions and a palce for Group missions. As long as one doesn't interfer with the other then its great to have this diversity.


/Completely agree

Well said! I'm on the lightest population server in game(Fort Garnik) but when I really want to do an OPTIONAL heroic I just draft guild mates to help me at their leisure.

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Hell, if you are a healer, like me, you can solo them.


I smell BS here. It is possible to solo some 4 man heroics...if you are the right class and have stealth, with some CC. There is however a lot of 4 mans which cannot be soloed. Depends on how the 4 man is set up and what you have to do. Also....we are speaking of doing them at the right level. Not being 4 + higher levels than the 4 man heroic. :cool:

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They certainly don't need to "go". However, I personally would like them to use some of what we just saw in the Rakghoul event and scale to the power of the group, or individual, that attempts them--rewards as well.


Why? Because as a player who is really looking for the story experience, I find that when playing in a group context, all of my attention is taken away from the story and the environment to the group. It becomes just an "arcade game", not an RPG. Granted, some of these don't have a lot of story in them, but I like taking my time, looking around, poking my head in corners, taking a minute to decide on a dialog choice, etc.


From an RPG view of these, the quest giver is usually talking about YOU going and solving the problem, not getting a bunch of friends to do so. I generally feel less "heroic" in heroic missions than in normal ones. Plus, generally speaking, groups I've been in just roll over most heroics.


This is a really good post and you bring up some nice points. I think it is Rift which scales group content according to the size of the group? Not sure, but it is a excellent idea.

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/Completely agree

Well said! I'm on the lightest population server in game(Fort Garnik) but when I really want to do an OPTIONAL heroic I just draft guild mates to help me at their leisure.


That is good you have guild mates to help you. But for many...that is not the case. I donot agree with the OP in removing the 4 man heroics, but a way for some who have problems doing them could be there with a scaling system.

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I actually run H4 missions on my 50 for one reason...


Loot and Commendations... as a 50 I can plow through them, get 24 commendations and buy Purple loot box from vendor, use it and then use purple to supply gear to my alts.


Also get prototypes from the Champions in the H4 and these drops orange and schematics...


Plenty of reasons for H4 to remain :wea_04:

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its to the point you will never get a group...ever. ive recently decided to level a new character atm its level 36. i sat on balmorra for 3 days just to see about a group for 1 of the 8 quests that required 4 players..i didnt get a single person to join finally after convincing 3 players that they wanted to do these they asked me to share...none of the quests were sharable. im asking please nerf these to needing only 2 players or even better make them soloable. but sitting in my quest log until there grey isnt working.


How about you skip or abandon them, pretent that some random NPC never asked you to go save his lovable kitten, pixie, while on your sith assassin. Leave the content for the people who do have groups. Why does everyone feel they have to do every quest and if they cant spoil them for everyone else!!?!?! the entitlement generation indeed.....

Edited by da_krall
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Please don't get rid of them. I am fed up with MMOs getting rid of OPTIONAL group quests just so that every solo player can do everything!


Enough! In MMOs there is a place for Solo missions and a palce for Group missions. As long as one doesn't interfer with the other then its great to have this diversity.


And you only need 2 people to complete them - thats why theres a companion system!


your arguement is valid except the fact that you group up and do those quest and you get gear that is way better than what it would be if you solo your way to level. But because you are not taking the mission alone it is no tougher than doing a solo quest honestly.


There is no perfect fix for this tho... and this game is extremely solo friendly.... your first flashpoint can be solo'd or two man really easy... I solo'd it on my sith sorc at level 13. So placing heroic 4 quest in game just to give out better rewards is kinda lame. either make them tougher so as to make the player actually earn the reward.. or lower the rewards value.. in stats weights among other things. Because right now.. if you can get a group to do them it's just a loot pinata.

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optional is optional. I like them because if you find a group you get practice working in a role. Yeah it is a bummer if you can't find one, but unless you are obsessive compulsive and just have to do every quest there is no harm in skipping them.


As others said, the problem is the server population, not the mission difficulty.

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4 player heroics are a TOTAL BLAST. They do not need to go. When the server transfers/merges happen, move to a populated server and play them there. join a guild. make a concerted effort to join an active guild and make that your priority. I remember a day when people that wanted to play with other people would join guilds of like-minded individuals and play content together. Content doesn't need to be deleted.
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its to the point you will never get a group...ever. ive recently decided to level a new character atm its level 36. i sat on balmorra for 3 days just to see about a group for 1 of the 8 quests that required 4 players..i didnt get a single person to join finally after convincing 3 players that they wanted to do these they asked me to share...none of the quests were sharable. im asking please nerf these to needing only 2 players or even better make them soloable. but sitting in my quest log until there grey isnt working.


i never have an issue with this. I do also realize this is a MMO and that I'm also in a large guild.........ya know things you might consider MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Online and guild which is a collection of ppl with common or not common interest that do things TOGETHER..........cause ya know MMO and doing things together go hand in hand.

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its to the point you will never get a group...ever. ive recently decided to level a new character atm its level 36. i sat on balmorra for 3 days just to see about a group for 1 of the 8 quests that required 4 players..i didnt get a single person to join finally after convincing 3 players that they wanted to do these they asked me to share...none of the quests were sharable. im asking please nerf these to needing only 2 players or even better make them soloable. but sitting in my quest log until there grey isnt working.


I'll probably get flamed for this but, the easy answer is to move to a more populated server that may have more lower level characters. Or just accept that you're not guaranteed to be able to access all of the content, or do other stuff until you can solo or small group it.

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They shouldn't be removed, but it's certainly not optional when you want to do them and can't get people to do it because of poor server population. A player shouldn't be compelled at all to switch servers at a certain point just because they went to a low pop server. Some of these Heroics drop some nice orange gear so it's worth doing them. I think a good solution would be a switch much like operations to set the Heroic to solo or two man - maybe for reduced experience and reduced credits reward but keep the armor reward options the same.
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I agree that, with the exception of the black hole heroic, it is very hard to find a group for heroic 4's. It is often not worth waiting around the specific area to gather a group. Even more so with the bonus series heroics. Did anyone ever do one of those with people outside his/her guild?


EDIT: I dont see the point in removing them btw, so dont do that :)

Edited by Gokkus
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Do you need four people for it? No, not if you have a class with CC and a reasonably skilled friend. But honestly that is half the fun of it: I like trying to find out what my Juggernaut friend and I can and can't do. Just because we die on the first attempt or two doesn't mean its impossible; and by the time the heroic is finished I feel that we've both stepped up our game a little bit.


Exactly. I love duoing these quests and testing our limits in a duo. By the second playthrough when I have main helping mne with blue mods and armors, etc., I couldn't even imagine having more than two anyway. Maybe they were a challenge back in green gear when everybody was poor, but if you're in blues they are "just about right" for two and pretty fun imo.


Also, just because it's content the OP can't do at his/her convenience doesn't mean it's invalid content. You CAN solo them once you have +5-7 levels on it. I did that all the time on my poor, 1st-gen agent who sucked at solo. Still saw the story, still got my orange gears.

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its to the point you will never get a group...ever. ive recently decided to level a new character atm its level 36. i sat on balmorra for 3 days just to see about a group for 1 of the 8 quests that required 4 players..i didnt get a single person to join finally after convincing 3 players that they wanted to do these they asked me to share...none of the quests were sharable. im asking please nerf these to needing only 2 players or even better make them soloable. but sitting in my quest log until there grey isnt working.


Selfish much?!


Some people CAN do them. Some people WANT to do them.


If you cannot get people to assist you, and you cannot get them done, either stop taking them...or delete them.


Move on.

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its to the point you will never get a group...ever. ive recently decided to level a new character atm its level 36. i sat on balmorra for 3 days just to see about a group for 1 of the 8 quests that required 4 players..i didnt get a single person to join finally after convincing 3 players that they wanted to do these they asked me to share...none of the quests were sharable. im asking please nerf these to needing only 2 players or even better make them soloable. but sitting in my quest log until there grey isnt working.


Excuse me, but who in the hell are you to demand the obliterating of mission content that many players enjoy? The assumption that you are the only person int he game who deserves to be listened to is the thing that needs to go.


Abandon them if you can't run them, or transfer to another server where you can find a group for it until server transfers and/or server mergers are conducted.


There is already plenty of solo mission content in the game...

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Sooo you want an MMORPG to get rid of all heroic 4 quests (essentially the only quests you need to group with other people for besides flashpoints and raids) ? NNNNNOOOOOOOO! You don't even need them 90% of the time, so just skip them if you can't find a group. Doing them at a few levels higher still gets you the EXP and rewards and if you can find people who want to do them at 18 when you're 20 or 21, they would be stupid not to take you. IF you dont skip them, you only need one other person most of the time.


Whats next, make all flashpoints 2+? or even soloable when you're at their level??


Raids that can be done with companions!


Screw world bosses, lets just hit them with a giant laser!

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