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To the biased Sents/Maras defending their OP class


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Invalid argument, sins also have stealth but they do have gap closer plus stealth in Wz is bugged as hell and not very practical.


Stealth in WZs is not very practical? You must have never been ambushed at a point by 3 stealthers at once.

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To the OP:

Why create a brand new thread to rehash arguments that have been made and shot down several times already? If you can't be bothered to read those what makes you think your opinion is informed/accurate or that this thread, when buried, will mean anything at all since people like you won't know or acknowledge that it ever existed?

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This thread is priceless.


The most popular classes in the game were sage/sorc and merc/commando. Now that their counter class is countering them it's become popular to hate maras/sents. There are still plenty of tanks and sniper/gunslingers that can handle this and super counter this class.




If there was a way to tell who made OP posts based on game time spent at 50, I would bet my life savings that it is sorcs/sages and commando/mercs made almost all of the "marauders are OP posts" This of course is not implemented, and unfortunately people will lie and say things like "as a marauder main" or "as a sniper" when not even being one.



But you must be right. Only the maras/sents can be bias, not the ranged dps who they counter :rolleyes:

Edited by VoidSpectre
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I think we should try this first: make the effect REALLY VISUALLY OBVIOUS. I think a lot of people are just frustrated that they get a marauder down to 10% and then blow their cooldowns and resources doing no damage because they didn't realize the marauder popped Undying Rage.


As I understand it, it's currently a pale red/blue (depending on faction) oval bubble. What about a red/blue flash that becomes a red/blue crackling or shimmering bubble?

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Simple fix, reduce damage dealt by 50% when Guarded/Undying is up and make you unable to be healed for the duration. This way it remains a defensive move only and not a guaranteed win against your target player.


If you think it's a "guaranteed win," it means as soon as I attack you, it's a guaranteed win.




MMO players are so bad. It wasn't always like this. Playing a MMO used to be challenging, so even the worst players weren't as bad as they are now. Now that everyone sits afk in safe zones waiting for all their gear to be handed to them within a week's time, they can't be bothered to learn how to play.

Edited by Sevvy
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"Stealth has an amazing amount of uses, depending on the creativity of the practitioner."


Indeed it is, but they are STEALTH classes.......Maras/Sents are not.....yet they still have one chucked into their toolset


Says right in the class description they are able to use stealth in combat... So you are arguing with BioWare's class design now? Interesting...

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Simple fix, reduce damage dealt by 50% when Guarded/Undying is up and make you unable to be healed for the duration. This way it remains a defensive move only and not a guaranteed win against your target player.


this guy clearly doesn't know how to play or counter one single ability



for shame PVPer (if you can really call your self that) for shame....

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Well here it is in a nut shell. When an class is defended with the venomous that is being seen here it's a pretty good indicator that the class is a little over the top at them moment.


No, it's not. It's a good indication that people are bad and are overreacting because they suck at this game.


If people honestly read the PvP forums and think "there are a lot of really good PvPers out there who just cannot beat every other class in the game," they're delusional. All this QQ is the tears of terrible players that couldn't tell you the first thing to do when X class uses Y ability. Or it's a bunch of Mercs and Sorcs that facetank my Sentinel and then try to heal themselves when they have 10% HP left.


This is the kind of stuff I run into all the time. Match starts, I charge a Merc, he doesn't KB, he doesn't Rocket Punch to knock me back. I think to myself, "I wonder if this guy will eat an entire Master Strike without knocking me back." I use Master Strike, he dies. Do you know how often that happens? ALL THE FREAKING TIME.


People suck at this game. And they cry that every class is overpowered on the forums instead of going to their class forums and starting a thread so that good players can educate them on how to deal with certain classes in PvP. DERRRRRRP.

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If you think it's a "guaranteed win," it means as soon as I attack you, it's a guaranteed win.




MMO players are so bad. It wasn't always like this. Playing a MMO used to be challenging, so even the worst players weren't as bad as they are now. Now that everyone sits afk in safe zones waiting for all their gear to be handed to them within a week's time, they can't be bothered to learn how to play.


I blame Blizzard Entertainment for this. They created this new breed of "self entitled" and "instant gratification" whiners.

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Simple fix, reduce damage dealt by 50% when Guarded/Undying is up and make you unable to be healed for the duration. This way it remains a defensive move only and not a guaranteed win against your target player.


Then what would be the point of it if i can't get healed and only do 50% damage?

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Simple fix, reduce damage dealt by 50% when Guarded/Undying is up and make you unable to be healed for the duration. This way it remains a defensive move only and not a guaranteed win against your target player.


ok you have a tank guarding a healer.

then u have a healer healing the tank.

this is something called a team effort.

so aim the healer... cant kill him, what can we possible do?

have you tried having 1 person sit on the healer to interrupt him and aiming the tank?


it takes a team effort to stop a team effort.

a pvp tank is the exact opposite of pve. if everyone is hitting the tank he literally becomes useless.

but this requires a team that knows how to say ill interrupt the healer, kill the tank first.

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I blame Blizzard Entertainment for this. They created this new breed of "self entitled" and "instant gratification" whiners.


I completely 100% agree with you. The MMO floor has never been as low as it is now.


Players are so bad that I just don't even understand how the game can even be fun for them. I'm assuming most of the level 50 crybabies here would get killed by a level 45 Champion mob.

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i guess that 4 second stun that every other class has that allows them to take 0 damage for 4 seconds while you keep doing damage isn't op'ed? It's basically the samething.


Stupidest thing I have ever read.



I completely 100% agree with you. The MMO floor has never been as low as it is now.


Players are so bad that I just don't even understand how the game can even be fun for them. I'm assuming most of the level 50 crybabies here would get killed by a level 45 Champion mob.


Coming from someone with a sentinel and a powertech, funny, really. I'm surprised the amount of irony in that post didn't crash the website.

Edited by RTCBrad
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Powertechs have a leap and pull,


Powertech charge is a 21 talent point ability (Yours is a lvl 2 skill? Haven't played a sent in awhile) in the tanking tree, since Carolina Parakeet got nerfed, you don't see alot of PT charge anymore, grapple is on a 1 min CD unless you talent into he 2nd tier of Adv Ptype, losing alot of damage on Rail shot, for a 15 sec CD reduction, isn't worth it.


So please...

le sigh really now...


...you need to take your own advice, save some face and just shut up.

Edited by SWToRBurns
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Where did I say Force Camo isn't a gap closer? Ok so you listed our skills (we don't have complete damage reduction anymore) and why they are nice. You can do that with any class? You act like we're the only class with some benefit.


And yes you are right, I am terrible because I don't blow all my CDs killing one person.


Yes you are......you talk about cds being situational......if using a cd stops you dying and you have it available, against 1 person, you dont use it and you die, what benefit do you gain from saving it for when you get jumped by more than 1 person.......

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No, it's not. It's a good indication that people are bad and are overreacting because they suck at this game.


If people honestly read the PvP forums and think "there are a lot of really good PvPers out there who just cannot beat every other class in the game," they're delusional. All this QQ is the tears of terrible players that couldn't tell you the first thing to do when X class uses Y ability. Or it's a bunch of Mercs and Sorcs that facetank my Sentinel and then try to heal themselves when they have 10% HP left.


This is the kind of stuff I run into all the time. Match starts, I charge a Merc, he doesn't KB, he doesn't Rocket Punch to knock me back. I think to myself, "I wonder if this guy will eat an entire Master Strike without knocking me back." I use Master Strike, he dies. Do you know how often that happens? ALL THE FREAKING TIME.


People suck at this game. And they cry that every class is overpowered on the forums instead of going to their class forums and starting a thread so that good players can educate them on how to deal with certain classes in PvP. DERRRRRRP.


Quoted for truth ^


My favorite is the troopers that still sit there spamming grav round... or healing Sorcs that say they can't survive an DPS operative "stun lock".

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I'm not counting Shadows here in dps gear with tanking stance, as i agree they need to be changed (and i play one)

But compare the DPS classes, you say marauder has no survivability outside of cd's......show me a dps that does have survivabilty outside cooldowns and i'll say you're a liar.....and the point is Marauders have more and they are better... If you can't see that, then wow, i don't know what else to say, life is wasted on someone of your intelligence.


I will always maintain their damage is very good and should be, and should have most of their cd's, EXCEPT guarded by the force/Undying rage.

Edited by LexiCazam
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"My stealth is for 4 seconds, you can stealth and hide forever and no one on the opposite team even needs to see you the whole war zone unless you let them"


What a pathetic argument for your cause.......yes i can sit in stealth the entire wz and be of how much use to anyone??

Defending a point - I can sit in stealth and watch a point, yes, but eventually im going to have to come out of stealth to defend that point arn't I? Or do you suggest the use of stealth is to stay in it out of harms way and watch as people cap points beside you?


Had it occurred to you that our we also pop out of our stealth if we attack someone or take any other action within that 4 seconds? Force Camo does not heal us, yeah we move faster and have a damage reduction buff (the percentage I forget which post 1.2, but prior to 1.2 it was 100%, someone correct me on this) and we can't get knocked out of our stealth, but its 4 SECONDS. With a 45 second CD. Your stealth has a bunch of utilities to be used prior to entering combat, ours is a stealth that allows us to escape combat should we need to, if for example we are getting swarmed. That, is balance my friend. You are not winning any of your arguments.


As for Guarded/Undying, no, that's not OP either, and I'll tell you why. Costs us 50% HP, 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds (NOT damage immunity, because if we pop Guarded/Undying if we are too low on HP you can still kill us), and its around a 1 minute CD (again, not 100% sure on the CD, someone correct me if so). You seem to forget that Sentinels/Marauders are SQUISHY, meaning we can die just as quickly as your, by your arguments, stupid OP sorcs. Hence, as a DPS class that can easily be killed, we need a huge damage reduction ability(s) to balance it out, albeit at long CD's. It's not a good idea to pop Guarded when at high HP, so its easy to see it coming when we get dropped to 20% or lower HP. The damage numbers should also be a huge frickin hint to you when it is up. There ARE counters. Again, counters balance out what the other class has. Counters for example are CC'ing the Sent/Marauder for the duration of Guarded/Undying, or running away or stealthing away for 5 seconds and come back to finish us off, especially if we don't have a healer on us. The WORST thing you can do is sit there and let us continue attacking you, especially if we are Watchman spec (which I am), in which case we can pop Zen from our 30 Centering stacks (or after popping Valorous Call), hit you with Cauterize and heal ourselves with all the crits and burns we get from using Cauterize with Zen up. It's even worse if we do that and have a healer on us. But again, it can be countered, a fact which you are so seemingly quick to avoid discussing, and instead play the "Its just OP" card.


Sentinels and Marauders are probably the weakest of the classes health-wise next to Sages/Sorcs. Countering Sentinels and Marauders takes a small team effort. We can easily wreck you and other DPS/Healer classes 1 on 1, but we have trouble with tanks or DPS classes with healers keeping them up. So, the thing I would tell you, is stop foolishly trying to go 1 on 1 with a Sentinel or Marauder without a tank or healer to help you out, else we can and will end you quickly. There's your answer. Guarded/Undying aren't OP, you're just being stupid when fighting Sents and Marauders in PVP.

Edited by Wekeltes
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Quoted for truth ^


My favorite is the troopers that still sit there spamming grav round... or healing Sorcs that say they can't survive an DPS operative "stun lock".


Hmmm, you think him saying he can kill a merc with 1 skill = proof of balance. Lol you guys are just to funny.

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