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To the biased Sents/Maras defending their OP class


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How is that different from any other defensive CD in the game, or any other class? It's not. At all. Every class is effected severely by stuns. The fact that you are incapacitated by stuns is exactly the same for every class in this game, and every defensive cooldown.


Also, the fact that your CD is on a 90 second CD instead of a 2-5 minute CD means you will, in fact, be able to use it way more frequently than most classes can use their defensive CDs. Also, in sheer volume of defensive CDs, you have the advantage.


I can't believe how even against the slightest adjustments, like a 30 second increase in the CD to guarded by force, people throw a freaking hissy fit. In a game of 10 second TTKs, 5 seconds of immunity is a huge deal on a 90 second CD. It either needs a CD increase, a Static HP cost that if you fall below you can't use it, or rebalanced.


If it was me, I'd want the CD increase. The alternative would be to increase the TTK again, but BW doesn't seem to be heading in that direction with their changes. Actually, they're going the opposite.


I don't think your suggestion is out of line I think it's fair. However you're in the minority of making reasonable suggestions

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GBTF needs to prevent all healing done to them when they pop it. That skill by itself is not so terrible because you can CC them for the duration or kite them, and then they die. Unfortunately, what happens is they pop that skill and then get healed to full by a healer. That is ********. When shadows vanish, all heals are reduced by 100% on them.


Are you complaining that you can't solo a marauder + healer? Just curious.

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Your post history definitely doesn't make it look like you have a sentinel/marauder. Could you explain to us your typical rotation of how you go about killing people to prove otherwise?


He doesnt have a sent, and at no point did he say that he did.

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As a biased Sent/Mara player, I think what we are scared of is not a nerf, but a nerf to something worse than we were pre 1.2 when everybody was saying the class was broken. You're right, I don't want to re-roll. I rolled a Sent at launch, and a Marauder at 1.2 not because they were FOTM, but because that is the vision I see for my character's story. I play a lot of PVP, but I also care about my toon's story, and see my character as a "lightsaber master" in my childish fantasies... Nerf us too hard, and you kill the class. I'll be the first to admit, we are racking up the damage right now, and you at least seem to realize we SHOULD be, because that is literally the ONLY thing we can do. What is annoying, is that people keep filling the forums with lists of our defensive CDs, without listing the abilities they have to mitigate them, as though we have all these defensive CDs, and evrybody else has a bunch of empty spaces on their toolbars. People also seem to ignore some of the basic mechanics, like being able to attack at range. Melee and ranged are not two interchangable styles, ranged is an advantage, melee is a limitation. We have defensive CDs to compensate for the fact that whenever we are dealing damage, we are also taking damage. Which is not true of other classes.


You want to nerf GBTF/UR? Make it 3 seconds instead of 5. Make it so we can't be healed during. I can live with that. But people want to take away a melee dps class's ability to do damage, sorry that's not balance.


I realize you start your post by saying you have no problem with our damage output. But you are also calling us short-sighted, just being clear that the bulk of the post we read are from people who just lost a 1v1 melee fight to one of us, and don't think they should have.


As you noticed, i dont want them to touch Marauders/Sents damage one single bit, its fine as it is, its meant to be high. And actually, i believe i said that i only really wanted a change to one defensive ability.....

Edited by Madnutter
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I don't think your suggestion is out of line I think it's fair. However you're in the minority of making reasonable suggestions


Yes most complaints are from non-dps classes complaining that they don't do as much DPS, or that they can't kill us fast enough to make our DPS irrelevant.


I don't know if it was in this thread or another but there was a guy who actually said "why should I have to waste my stuns or CC just to fight a Marauder?".


Do people really need that explained?

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TTK will go up. Already people are starting to live longer and adapt to the faster play style. In organized groups healers are much more difficult to kill and that makes the whole group harder to kill. Also when rated Warzones open up most of the normal games will be people playing in recruit gear, not war hero.


The game isn't balanced around recruit gear and pugging.

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Carry is a MOBA term that implies weakness early game where your team has to "carry" you until you get gear, in which case you then "carry" your team by being OP in good gear.


The problem with accepting maras as a carry is that at no point do they have to work for their gear, they start the game with their gear :p You aren't doing yourself any favors by using that term for people who know what those are :p


Your point about GBF is well put, but I don't think anyone is arguing for the actual removal of GBF. Not to mention the fact, you still have your vanish type ability to get out of tight spots.


Annihilation/Watchman needs to build juyo stacks and focus, they also needs to land stacks of overload saber. Carnage/Combat needs to work up to their massive burst window and build focus. Focus/rage needs to build focus and get ready to focus bomb.


He has a point.

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I cannnot speak for marauders, but having played a sentinel with combat spec from week one, and trying the watchman spec to see what the fuss was about I have come to some basic WZ conclusions.

1. Sentinels are not OP, never were, when played very well you can do good damage. This makes sense, we are a pure DPS class, we have no other purpose.

2. Most criticism of Sentinels are by people who never have to play the class and deal with its many shortcommings.

We have no true stun, we have a short channeled ability that is very interuptible and an aoe mez that is broken in WZ so fast as to truly just be an interrupt, not CC. We have no push, no pull, both abilities are huge in WZ tactically. Meanwhile our true interupt kick is useless in situations against snipers and assasins, both of which have much greater survivablity to Sentinels without the use of our cooldowns. The biggest weakness is of course one shared with Gaurdians/Jugernauts,(I intentionally did not include assasins/shadows since they can be immune to movement impairment) we are melee, we can be rooted and slowed by so many abilities and DPS'd by a good ranged class character all day until that leap ability times down again.

3. In a the myriad of WZ I have played along the way I have yet to see one sentinel, even the good ones, put up the kind of damage a few DPS speced gaurdians and sages do rouitinely. Even with really good heals and staying in the fray the whole time as a combat spec sentinel I will not reach the 500k damage these guys do in a WZ. This comes down to the fact that while we have good single target DPS, our AOE skills are to focus costly for the damage they do, this was made absolute since the 1.2 patch.

4. Sentinel is a very finesse class and not easy to play well. Yes healers and others hate it when a good player times it well and a watchman spec hits thier rotation just right and those crits come rolling in. It can be awe inspireing to see that kind of damage, I certianly have been on the recieving end against some very good Marauders who killed me so fast I couldnt belive it. Now that I understand the mechanics of that spec its almost silly how easy it is to avoid, I simply slow them and leap away or vanish. Any other class has it even easier, they simply stun/push/root ignore for few seconds.

5. If bioware wants to do some more nerfing of sentinels for some bizarre reason, thats fine. If they want to take Gaurded by the force, I am all for it. Just give me a sorcs bubble, or a mercenaries shield instead and I will actually sing the praises of Bioware for throwing us a bone. The fact is GBTF is such a short ability that it only hinders enemies who are too silly to simply stun/root/mez/push someone who uses it. But if people are actually arguing that to much damage is being done because of that ability then I really have to laugh.

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I've read the all the threads (all 30 pages) in this topic and there are parts where i think some people are giving the marauder/sent a 31/31/31 spec like they do with KC/Darkness shadows.


Point in fact as I do play a Inf/Dec shadow (the real dps tree of shadow/assassin) is this from MY point of view:


Cliff Notes: Seriously, learn how to beat them 1v1 and quit calling for nerfs...nerfs only hurt a game. As another melee DPS (INF/DEC) , CD for CD the marauder/sent is a better AC currently do to its survivability and increased utility it brings to an Op or rated team when compared directly to the Inf/Dec shadow/assassin.


The 5 second 99% damage that sents/marauders have is fine. All AC's have a method of controlling this: Stun, KB, Mez, slow, or other combination of the sort in their AC. The key to beating all sents/marauders 1 v.1 is forcing them to pop their cool downs EARLY and to keep their resolve low so when they do start using them you can counter. Sounds easier than it is in reality or in the ebb and flow of a PvP battle.


My biggest problem with this AC (again from the dps tree of shadow/assassin NOT the OP tank version) is the bubble they get that refreshes itself and stays up for 15 seconds if being continually hit by a melee attack that causes damage to the person hitting them not sure what its called) When that is used while i'm on them, i'm done for. The only option I have for that is to stealth and stay away until its down for the next "X" number of seconds. The only issue to doing that though for it to work, I must have 2 cool downs available. 1 - force cloak so I can go invisible, and 2 - reslience so I can cleanse the dots (depending on spec). If i don't have those available, i'll be popped out of stealth and they're back on me at which point i'm then left with stuns and/or KB which I try to save for other CD's of theirs.


As another melee who must get into the thick of things to do my damage, I do not have the survivability that Sents do...plain and simple.


Those calling for Nerf's, understand this:


1. The up time/ToT that a sent/marauder has on ANY target is very high.

2. They do as much sustained damage as any other dps AC in the game...contrary to popular belief its not as high as some would suggest it is....training dummies aren't a good indicator of DPS for any class.

3. The sheer number of cool downs they have to get out of trouble or to stay in the fight longer is amazing, and played by the right person is in truth awesome to watch.


As a bonus, those saying this is the new FOTM, please understand that you're perpetuating a self-fulfilling prophecy by continually stating this.


Again, just my opinion...

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TTK will go up. Already people are starting to live longer and adapt to the faster play style. In organized groups healers are much more difficult to kill and that makes the whole group harder to kill. Also when rated Warzones open up most of the normal games will be people playing in recruit gear, not war hero.


The game isn't balanced around recruit gear and pugging.


I dunno about other servers, but on the HoG if I go after a healer, and it's a healer in a pre made I immediately get resistance and I'm lucky to live 10 seconds max.

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I've read the all the threads (all 30 pages) in this topic and there are parts where i think some people are giving the marauder/sent a 31/31/31 spec like they do with KC/Darkness shadows.


Point in fact as I do play a Inf/Dec shadow (the real dps tree of shadow/assassin) is this from MY point of view:


Cliff Notes: Seriously, learn how to beat them 1v1 and quit calling for nerfs...nerfs only hurt a game. As another melee DPS (INF/DEC) , CD for CD the marauder/sent is a better AC currently do to its survivability and increased utility it brings to an Op or rated team when compared directly to the Inf/Dec shadow/assassin.


The 5 second 99% damage that sents/marauders have is fine. All AC's have a method of controlling this: Stun, KB, Mez, slow, or other combination of the sort in their AC. The key to beating all sents/marauders 1 v.1 is forcing them to pop their cool downs EARLY and to keep their resolve low so when they do start using them you can counter. Sounds easier than it is in reality or in the ebb and flow of a PvP battle.


My biggest problem with this AC (again from the dps tree of shadow/assassin NOT the OP tank version) is the bubble they get that refreshes itself and stays up for 15 seconds if being continually hit by a melee attack that causes damage to the person hitting them not sure what its called) When that is used while i'm on them, i'm done for. The only option I have for that is to stealth and stay away until its down for the next "X" number of seconds. The only issue to doing that though for it to work, I must have 2 cool downs available. 1 - force cloak so I can go invisible, and 2 - reslience so I can cleanse the dots (depending on spec). If i don't have those available, i'll be popped out of stealth and they're back on me at which point i'm then left with stuns and/or KB which I try to save for other CD's of theirs.


As another melee who must get into the thick of things to do my damage, I do not have the survivability that Sents do...plain and simple.


Those calling for Nerf's, understand this:


1. The up time/ToT that a sent/marauder has on ANY target is very high.

2. They do as much sustained damage as any other dps AC in the game...contrary to popular belief its not as high as some would suggest it is....training dummies aren't a good indicator of DPS for any class.

3. The sheer number of cool downs they have to get out of trouble or to stay in the fight longer is amazing, and played by the right person is in truth awesome to watch.


As a bonus, those saying this is the new FOTM, please understand that you're perpetuating a self-fulfilling prophecy by continually stating this.


Again, just my opinion...


It's called "Cloak of Pain" or "Rebuke" http://www.torhead.com/ability/arJX2s8/cloak-of-pain

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Annihilation/Watchman needs to build juyo stacks and focus, they also needs to land stacks of overload saber. Carnage/Combat needs to work up to their massive burst window and build focus. Focus/rage needs to build focus and get ready to focus bomb.


He has a point.


Ehh... I mean I guess I can see the parallel but the term doesn't really carry over into MMOs well. In MOBAs it takes carries at least 20 minutes to get the ball rolling. It's a different game completely, tough to draw paralells between apples and oranges so I kind of cringe at using that as a justification for anything that affects direct game play.

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I love every bit of this QQ. For months everyone cried and cried about healers being OP. Serious question, what did people expect to happen once heals got knocked down a couple pegs? Did you honestly think with healers being easier to kill, that it wouldn't bleed over and make YOU easier to kill? I love it, it's a perfect case of biting the hand that feeds. I'm seriously loving all of this so much I may just bench my healer and finish leveling my sent.
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I love every bit of this QQ. For months everyone cried and cried about healers being OP. Serious question, what did people expect to happen once heals got knocked down a couple pegs? Did you honestly think with healers being easier to kill, that it wouldn't bleed over and make YOU easier to kill? I love it, it's a perfect case of biting the hand that feeds. I'm seriously loving all of this so much I may just bench my healer and finish leveling my sent.


I don't think i've seen a post complaining about their damage in like 10 pages.

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Let me ask you Maras/Sent something, do you pop Guarded/Undying at 80% hp? right, you wait until you're very low on hp to achieve maximum damage reduction for its duration.

Now, in the time it took us to force you into that low hp range that you had to pop Guarded/Undying, did you stand there admiring the view? right you were beating the hell out of me with your various high damage hitting attacks as well you should.


You guys keep saying to CC you when you pop Guarded/Undying but the only problem with that argument is that I'll be dead or near death by the time you actually were considering using it. Somehow I'm supposed to have survived that long in the fight without filling your resolve bar? yeah right, unless you're a terrible Mara/Sent that will never happen. If I don't use stuns, knockbacks, push, or other abilities to keep you off me I don't stand a chance. There's no other defensive ability that will allow me to live through your burst damage without adding to your resolve, aside from roots which most classes aside from slinger/snipers don't have.


Let's assume for the sake of argument that somehow I'm still alive and your resolve bar isn't full yet, and I have managed to bring your hp down and force you to pop Undying, I CC you when you use it, what's to keep you from popping your CC break, AFTER you pop undying? right you keep leaving that small detail out, that you have a CC break ability. Then you proceed to finish me off doing full damage while attacks hit you for 1-2 damage.


Undying/Guarded is the problem, no class should be able to reduce incoming damage by that much without penalty. Losing 50% of your already low hp isn't a penalty, it just guarantees you will stay alive for another 6 seconds to finish off the other player. It's the Paladin bubble all over again only Blizzard had the sense to reduce your damage by 50% when it's up. You have no such limitations.

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Let me ask you Maras/Sent something, do you pop Guarded/Undying at 80% hp? right, you wait until you're very low on hp to achieve maximum damage reduction for its duration.

Now, in the time it took us to force you into that low hp range that you had to pop Guarded/Undying, did you stand there admiring the view? right you were beating the hell out of me with your various high damage hitting attacks as well you should.


You guys keep saying to CC you when you pop Guarded/Undying but the only problem with that argument is that I'll be dead or near death by the time you actually were considering using it. Somehow I'm supposed to have survived that long in the fight without filling your resolve bar? yeah right, unless you're a terrible Mara/Sent that will never happen. If I don't use stuns, knockbacks, push, or other abilities to keep you off me I don't stand a chance. There's no other defensive ability that will allow me to live through your burst damage without adding to your resolve, aside from roots which most classes aside from slinger/snipers don't have.


Let's assume for the sake of argument that somehow I'm still alive and your resolve bar isn't full yet, and I have managed to bring your hp down and force you to pop Undying, I CC you when you use it, what's to keep you from popping your CC break, AFTER you pop undying? right you keep leaving that small detail out, that you have a CC break ability. Then you proceed to finish me off doing full damage while attacks hit you for 1-2 damage.


Undying/Guarded is the problem, no class should be able to reduce incoming damage by that much without penalty. Losing 50% of your already low hp isn't a penalty, it just guarantees you will stay alive for another 6 seconds to finish off the other player. It's the Paladin bubble all over again only Blizzard had the sense to reduce your damage by 50% when it's up. You have no such limitations.


If they pop Guarded and they have no resolve at all...you CC them, they pop cc break, you cc/kb/mez them again. That will fill their resolve but they've been stopped. Also, as noted if they pop guarded at 10% health, you only need to 5% (roughly 1-2k damage) and they're dead. If they pop guarded at anything above 10% you just effectively had them nuke themselves and you're even more ahead. Hence why I said originally, keep the resolve as low as possible.

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Let me ask you Maras/Sent something, do you pop Guarded/Undying at 80% hp? right, you wait until you're very low on hp to achieve maximum damage reduction for its duration.

Now, in the time it took us to force you into that low hp range that you had to pop Guarded/Undying, did you stand there admiring the view? right you were beating the hell out of me with your various high damage hitting attacks as well you should.


You guys keep saying to CC you when you pop Guarded/Undying but the only problem with that argument is that I'll be dead or near death by the time you actually were considering using it. Somehow I'm supposed to have survived that long in the fight without filling your resolve bar? yeah right, unless you're a terrible Mara/Sent that will never happen. If I don't use stuns, knockbacks, push, or other abilities to keep you off me I don't stand a chance. There's no other defensive ability that will allow me to live through your burst damage without adding to your resolve, aside from roots which most classes aside from slinger/snipers don't have.


Let's assume for the sake of argument that somehow I'm still alive and your resolve bar isn't full yet, and I have managed to bring your hp down and force you to pop Undying, I CC you when you use it, what's to keep you from popping your CC break, AFTER you pop undying? right you keep leaving that small detail out, that you have a CC break ability. Then you proceed to finish me off doing full damage while attacks hit you for 1-2 damage.


Undying/Guarded is the problem, no class should be able to reduce incoming damage by that much without penalty. Losing 50% of your already low hp isn't a penalty, it just guarantees you will stay alive for another 6 seconds to finish off the other player. It's the Paladin bubble all over again only Blizzard had the sense to reduce your damage by 50% when it's up. You have no such limitations.


Wait so no class should be able to get 99% damage reduction and be able to hit you for the 5 seconds for full damage but every base class has a 4 second stun that you can hit people with and you get 100% damage reduction for those 4 seconds and you get to do 100% of your damage, how is that fair? And i say you get 4 seconds because a good player saves his CC break for full resolve or it's on cool down.


Take Undying Rage as a marauders form of stun.

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If they pop Guarded and they have no resolve at all...you CC them, they pop cc break, you cc/kb/mez them again. That will fill their resolve but they've been stopped. Also, as noted if they pop guarded at 10% health, you only need to 5% (roughly 1-2k damage) and they're dead. If they pop guarded at anything above 10% you just effectively had them nuke themselves and you're even more ahead. Hence why I said originally, keep the resolve as low as possible.


To add more to my post, you're going to have to sit there and bang with them until they pop it. If you're going toe to toe with them it sounds counter intuitive to do that but as I mentioned before it's the only thing you can do. If they go into a ravage/MS, don't turn and run from them...run strait through them. So many times I see people try and soak that damage or back peddle. If you see that channel, run strait.

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Let me ask you Maras/Sent something, do you pop Guarded/Undying at 80% hp? right, you wait until you're very low on hp to achieve maximum damage reduction for its duration.

Now, in the time it took us to force you into that low hp range that you had to pop Guarded/Undying, did you stand there admiring the view? right you were beating the hell out of me with your various high damage hitting attacks as well you should.


You guys keep saying to CC you when you pop Guarded/Undying but the only problem with that argument is that I'll be dead or near death by the time you actually were considering using it. Somehow I'm supposed to have survived that long in the fight without filling your resolve bar? yeah right, unless you're a terrible Mara/Sent that will never happen. If I don't use stuns, knockbacks, push, or other abilities to keep you off me I don't stand a chance. There's no other defensive ability that will allow me to live through your burst damage without adding to your resolve, aside from roots which most classes aside from slinger/snipers don't have.


Let's assume for the sake of argument that somehow I'm still alive and your resolve bar isn't full yet, and I have managed to bring your hp down and force you to pop Undying, I CC you when you use it, what's to keep you from popping your CC break, AFTER you pop undying? right you keep leaving that small detail out, that you have a CC break ability. Then you proceed to finish me off doing full damage while attacks hit you for 1-2 damage.


Undying/Guarded is the problem, no class should be able to reduce incoming damage by that much without penalty. Losing 50% of your already low hp isn't a penalty, it just guarantees you will stay alive for another 6 seconds to finish off the other player. It's the Paladin bubble all over again only Blizzard had the sense to reduce your damage by 50% when it's up. You have no such limitations.


I dont know if you know this or not, but our CC break is not an instanteous cool down... and me personally I use it on a situational basis not just to make sure my UR works....


Also Roots are very effective against melee, its just about as effective as an actual stun and it doesnt fill resolve...


Stuns work wonders, Snares can buy time... There is the one republic team thats REALLY good, my god they annoy me they are so good as a premade, but hey, thats life, let me tell you 95% the time if I pop my Undying Rage I am still dead in 5 seconds...my only chance to get out if I am lucky is force camo and then I have to look for healing


Something else people will learn if they actually get to the post 50 PVP game about GBF/UR...

You can still be killed, happens to me still...


Basically everyone is QQ about things like expertise change, which everyone noticed, its not Mara/Sents being OP. The other thing is they gave Marauders actionable defense instead of just passive defenses... Every mara/sent you met also is pretty much stuck in the one stance, otherwise their tree becomes useless. No Mara or Sent has a KB, Push or Pull ability AT ALL, zero... It is SUPER easy to cherry pick a classes abilities and not mention its draw backs... Oh NM I forgot Mara/Sent is all perk...

Edited by Blloodbane
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I dont know if you know this or not, but our CC break is not an instanteous cool down... and me personally I use it on a situational basis not just to make sure my UR works....


Also Roots are very effective against melee, its just about as effective as an actual stun and it doesnt fill resolve...


Stuns work wonders, Snares can buy time... There is the one republic team thats REALLY good, my god they annoy me they are so good as a premade, but hey, thats life, let me tell you 95% the time if I pop my Undying Rage I am still dead in 5 seconds...my only chance to get out if I am lucky is force camo and then I have to look for healing


Something else people will learn if they actually get to the post 50 PVP game about GBF/UR...

You can still be killed, happens to me still...


Basically everyone is QQ about things like expertise change, which everyone noticed, its not Mara/Sents being OP. The other thing is they gave Marauders actionable defense instead of just passive defenses... Every mara/sent you met also is pretty much stuck in the one stance, otherwise their tree becomes useless. No Mara or Sent has a KB, Push or Pull ability AT ALL, zero... It is SUPER easy to cherry pick a classes abilities and not mention its draw backs... Oh NM I forgot Mara/Sent is all perk...


I don't know if you know this, most classes don't have roots. All of my CC abilities give you resolve, but I guess you ignored the part of my post where I said using stuns fills up your resolve bar to damn near full. That only helps you by giving you CC immunity when you have to use Undying. Not all of us have the insane burst damage you guys have either, so 6 seconds of dps for you is ample time to kill just about anyone.


Why in the blue hell would you as a Marauder want a knock back? or a Push? you're a melee class, why would you consider not being able to push others out of melee range a class drawback? You already have an interrupt that locks out spell use for 4s, a heal debuff, a gap closer on low cd (two if you spec Focus), a channeled damage ability that incapacitates your opponent, a snare, but I guess you forgot to mention all those perks hmm?


Aside from that little fact now you're asking for abilities from other classes, so does that mean you will give them yours as well? Sure you can have my knockbacks and push, I'll take 99% damage reduction for 6 seconds, an interrupt, or instant 3k damage attacks, or a vanish ability that reduces incoming damage as well. Fair?

Edited by DarkSideTOR
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