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Jedi Knight Robes = Large Butt?!


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I've been having an issue with this for awhile now. Let me ask you this; how many of you put on a jacket and then put a belt around it? For that matter, has anyone seen a Jedi do this?


That struck me as weird to. Even weirder is the belt my Sent currently wears, which is basically a giant butt shield.

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no ... but what i do actually do is hit the button to turn the helm display on and off ... or the button to turn on/off the darkside content ... and watch my cloak flutter ... and then all i have to do is push my tongue out between my teeth and blow ... *roflmao* ... well no ... more like *roflNlamo*
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Don't create body size 2 jedi knight,problem solved. :)


The belt arond the robes in all force using classes in this game can be explained with engine models Bioware use .There just aren't robes that waves around from the wind above the kidneys.

Or jedi don't want to be hindered by the robe in a big fight or something.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Don't create body size 2 jedi knight,problem solved. :)


The belt arond the robes in all force using classes in this game can be explained with engine models Bioware use .There just aren't robes that waves around from the wind above the kidneys.

Or jedi don't want to be hindered by the robe in a big fight or something.


I really wish it was that simple, but I'd have a harder time looking at body 3 or 4 than i do the large butt due to their cartoonishly large frames.


i really hope they fix the butt thing soon, as knight is my favourite class.

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GRRRR pissing me off this bug is, about to fist to *** these devs me is.


ok so they have had 5 months to fix this bug and it still isnt done, are they STILL out sniffing coke with their butt-buddies at blizz? cause thats the only reason i see for this bug still not being fixed.

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To my eyes the womanly Russian peasant figure is made less noticeable when I switched my toon to the Esseles robe (from the Esseles flashpoint - level 10 FP available at the fleet).


This is still embarrassing - I can't believe no one looked at the side view on the toons in the art department and commented that it's not a proportional figure.

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Here's part of a letter from Kira I found, it seems as though BioWare is fully aware, they put it into part of Kira's affection e-mails.



Just came across an old security cam holo-image of us taken when we first teamed up on Coruscant. All I'm going to say is, Jedi robes are NOT flattering. My rear end looks like a Dantooinian sphere-fruit in that thing.

Edited by Pingonaut
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There's a note in the 1.3 list that says "many minor art issues have been corrected ... blah blah blah... including certain gear appearances"


Has anyone seen if our butts are normal yet? lol

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There's a note in the 1.3 list that says "many minor art issues have been corrected ... blah blah blah... including certain gear appearances"


Has anyone seen if our butts are normal yet? lol

Nope. My *** is still huge.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Honestly, I don't mind my Sentinel's butt. He's body type 4 so a thick man by default, it's only natural. Eye candy, even.


The problem is body size 2. You look like you're a lady from the Victorian age when you equip a robe on a body size 2 character.

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Forgive me for not reading the entire thread before posting, but we all know what causes this. They make the butts on the robes huge in order to avoid collision problems.


It's 2012, and no one's figured out how to solve minor collision problems with clothing? Come on. Surely it must be possible to code the engine so that if any part of the pants model pokes through the robe model, that part of the pants model simply isn't displayed. Any engine worth its salt is going to spend a lot of time and effort figuring out which polygons to not draw. How hard can it be to designate a few more polygons for not being drawn?

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A workaround option that I would also find feasible would be to add more caped chest options. There are some of the green and blue caped chest pieces that look pretty cool, and some of the orange ones would also look nice with some modifications (like removing the shoulder blades!).


It isn't a fix, but it would get us by. :)

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i haven't noticed a big butt when wearing robes, it must be a guy model bug, so i assume you can't help staring as a male character's butt? lol


Seriously though, i personally like the women to have some extra junk in their trunk, so it really doesn't bother me, i personally think bioware should focus on the more serious issues that actually prevents people from playing the game.

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I would like to say I am surprised that this has not been fixed, but given how many clipping issues the game has, I'm really not. -sigh-


It is very annoying though, and I don't even play a Jedi Knight! I have a companion (male BT 2) that wears a Jedi Knight robe and it has started to bug me over time. My BT 1 Sith Warrior has experienced the bustle butt issue too, but at least I could just get him a totally different outfit with ease. It seems that you poor Jedi do not have that luxury though.


I hope this gets fixed soon! On some characters it is fine but on others it looks like they are wearing a bustle and it is quite silly. If only they would just put the darn belts under the robes like they do for Consulars.

Edited by Gwena
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I would like to say I am surprised that this has not been fixed, but given how many clipping issues the game has, I'm really not. -sigh-


It is very annoying though, and I don't even play a Jedi Knight! I have a companion (male BT 2) that wears a Jedi Knight robe and it has started to bug me over time. My BT 1 Sith Warrior has experienced the bustle butt issue too, but at least I could just get him a totally different outfit with ease. It seems that you poor Jedi do not have that luxury though.


I hope this gets fixed soon! On some characters it is fine but on others it looks like they are wearing a bustle and it is quite silly. If only they would just put the darn belts under the robes like they do for Consulars.


Yeah who ever thought customizable item appearances would be difficult in 2012 right? C'mon you are cutting the developers to much slack it's laziness is laziness.


It bugs me every day, I'm thinking about asking for a Size 3 model- since it is a bug my outfit doesn't scale to the size of my model character- so why can't I get a model that scales properly? Okay I have to be size 3- an overgrown hulk of a jedi you rarely see in the world from a human but hey! It's what I gotta do to play the game normal, that's why I'm subscribing right?


Wait a second. Lol, yeah unsubbing if this small error doesn't get fixed it ruins the game for me playing a Jedi Knight one of the more iconic classes in the star wars world butchered. At least let me know before I pick the model that this is going to happen- I can't get an in game heads up for my 14.99 a month I'm gonna look like a duck for the duration of this game?


Your character is infront of you the entire time you play the game. This is a serious game play issue to me and one of the most glaring in my first 2 weeks playing the game. Noticed it early on, but I really didn't want to be "Hulk Jedi" and as you play the game- and as you notice the robes never change. And on top of that size 3 has robes that scale normally- You preview the robes they scale normally. It's a big con job that never goes away and it will eat at you. Ignore it but it should have never even made it to the end game the fact that it did shows the developers really could give a rats ***. Which is a good thing? The look of your character is important to a lot of people who enjoy rpgs.

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