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Jedi Knight Robes = Large Butt?!


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I refuse to play with "Master Jedi Fat *****" since i can't stand looking at my character anymore, so i rolled a Sith Warrior, same class(marauder) and get my first chest gear from black talon flashpoint, now my Sith has a huge bubblebutt that made me stop playing him aswell...


How come something like this passed in production? Would you take characters like Darth Vader seriously if he had his rear wider then his shoulders? it just doesn't feel right...


and the fact that you can ctrl click your robes and they will show perfectly on your costume viewer just pisses me even more off...


big ***** jedis aren't something being advertised in their trailers, this and the lack of high res textures, the more i spend time in swtor the more i feel i am being cheated by bioware.

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Wondering if or when Bioware will respond to this issue? The problem here is that the robes are all set for Body Type 3 and 4. When robes are applied to the character as body type 1 and 2, they incorrect version is being called or the hook point is incorrectly placed.


I am actually very disappointed that the art asset team or programmers have been unable to resolve something that should be as simply as pointing the call scripts / hooks to the correct model.


What weird is that it shows correctly when you try it on in the wardrobe feature (control + mouse click) but then shows with the giant rear end when actually worn. It almost seems like there is a separate hook point for upper and lower part of the robes.

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I'm sure it would have been fixed if it were simple.


It's Bioware's logic, anything that asks for actual work, they won't do. Actually, no, they won't do ANYTHING related to Jedi Knights.


Look at all the beautiful armors and gear they REMOVED right before launch, to let us only with ugly bathrobes and hoods. They can't even put them back.


This thread (and issue) is one of the most annoying for the class, and it's the ONLY problem they have been ignoring.


All we know is that Stephen Reid feels our pain, but he's not a dev. I'm sure he told them "you know, robes display in a weird fashion for body types 1 and 2, and since most jedi gear has that issue, maybe you could fix it ?"


Bioware's answer : "Ah ? So it mainly bothers JK right ? We don't give a **** . We'll fix that in month 9 maybe."

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I'm sure he told them "you know, robes display in a weird fashion for body types 1 and 2, and since most jedi gear has that issue, maybe you could fix it ?"
It's not only Body type 1 and 2 - I take myself the rights out to claim here and now that all char-models have these troubles.


My Jedi Consular is Body type 4, so ergo a bit more "curvy" by nature, but in a robe her "behind" looks like she "ate" Homer Simpson twice - so its not only the models 1 and 2 that look weird.

Edited by SithLord_MC
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This is ridiculous, whoever designed this and all others that accepted this design and tough it looked good, must have been drunk or stoned or probably both.


Seriously it's just plain stupid and i saw everything Star Wars related and never saw a Jedi Knight that looked like that.

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It could be that there is no fix for this... there are already some clipping issues as is, it'd only get worse if the flowing robe was moved closer to the legs/behind... and you'd see those issues a lot more than the select few shots of your side profile.


A way to mitigate the problem would perhaps be to make the upper body clothing more "fluffy".

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Well firstly, Belt needs to go under the robe. What male would wear it over the robe anyways?


Clipping issue is only when moving and that needs fixing too, however 'fluffy' rear is only while standing still with weapons sheathed.


So that is the only thing that needs fixing and will in no way change animation and robe behavior while moving unless they want to change it.


They just need to turn off any physics algorithms they use while character stands still. To be same as it is while in preview window. No clipping there.


It would also probably solve silly look of light sabers going half way in robes. IMO, after 5 years of development, this is really disappointing and sloppy job considering it comes from the makers of NWN, DA, and Mass Effect.


All other BW games preform better while looking better. This looks like game was rushed out (probably by publisher).


It just that I personally expected much more care for little things from this company because I own all their games since Shattered Steel and all except DA2 were near perfect, while this one falls far from that pattern (not to say how much content is pure copy/paste, guess they did not learn players don't like that from DA2 project).

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Well firstly, Belt needs to go under the robe. What male would wear it over the robe anyways?


Clipping issue is only when moving and that needs fixing too, however 'fluffy' rear is only while standing still with weapons sheathed.


So that is the only thing that needs fixing and will in no way change animation and robe behavior while moving unless they want to change it.


They just need to turn off any physics algorithms they use while character stands still. To be same as it is while in preview window. No clipping there.


It would also probably solve silly look of light sabers going half way in robes. IMO, after 5 years of development, this is really disappointing and sloppy job considering it comes from the makers of NWN, DA, and Mass Effect.


All other BW games preform better while looking better. This looks like game was rushed out (probably by publisher).


It just that I personally expected much more care for little things from this company because I own all their games since Shattered Steel and all except DA2 were near perfect, while this one falls far from that pattern (not to say how much content is pure copy/paste, guess they did not learn players don't like that from DA2 project).


They started DA 2 4 years later so they couldn't learn anything.


Christ, they can't even put back gear they REMOVED 1 month prior to launch, so of course they couldn't change the game design.


DA2 is their worst game. A hint ? EA. EA saw DA was well received, they made Bioware rush the sequel. It was a disaster (worldwide press agrees, no matter what corrupt IGN may say), an exemple of pure lazyness and how to rush a game.


Well, SWTOR is just next to it. You can feel it had a lot of potential, and yet everything is garbaged and unfinished, though, for this one, there's also a TERRIBLE team making awful decisions in charge. So that doesn't help.

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All other BW games preform better while looking better. This looks like game was rushed out (probably by publisher).


Lol so true, my laptop can run both ME and ME2 on max settigngs on 1920*1080 resolution without any issues whatsoever, while it struggles to run SW TOR on medium'ish settings.


Also it seems you can pretty much eliminate the huge butt effect if you are wearing that huge batman's utility belt with lots of pockets and you have your lightsaber drawn...

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I have a butt glitch too but it's not big butt problems. My robes create a clipping effect on my ***, it drives me crazy, female toon thin body type. I really wish they would fix this, we tend to see our character s a alot and it's much better if we likw the way we look.
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I have a butt glitch too but it's not big butt problems. My robes create a clipping effect on my ***, it drives me crazy, female toon thin body type. I really wish they would fix this, we tend to see our character s a alot and it's much better if we likw the way we look.


I use female body type 1 and have an *** glitch that sucks...if robe and legging are same color it's harder to see but once you do you can't un-see it, pretty amaturish if you ask me...

Edited by Sconnoll
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The fact that so many of the Consular robes look cooler and render properly just compounds the frustration. I cannot endorse a fix for this highly enough. Seriously, just put the belt under the robes and let 'em hang down like a jacket, like the Consulars do.
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Seriously, just put the belt under the robes and let 'em hang down like a jacket, like the Consulars do.


Funny thing is that all the jedi knights in the imperial intro cinematic wear their belts under the robe, same thing with master Ven Zallow (jedi knight with the green saber on the loading screen), so no idea what they decided to put the belt over the robe in the actual game...

Though I do not thing that the belt is the problem, the butt looks fine in the armor preview window, it only gets huge when you equip it, so all they need to do is take the 'robe position' from the preview window and implement it into actual game...

Edited by Aelther
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