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Bioware, why are you forcing me into content I already did or content I don't enjoy?


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Also I miss a lot of talents and abilities, which puts me really in a disadvantage against higher levels.

Not if you know how to use what you've got. My level 10 Trooper cleaned up in huttball and we won so we got good XP. I think you will find that running 3 warzones per hour is pretty good xp. I know as your level gets higher the missions give a lot more but for lower levels the wz xp is good enough. Also 1.3 will help with the XP buffs for PvP.


Another idea is to run the class missions and the heroics on each planet. Heroics are quick, can be repeated daily, give good stuff and good xp. You can probably even run the green plus 2s from the previous planet solo.

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I like leveling in wow much more than I do in swtor right now. The reason for that is because I can choose where to level, there is more diversity there than swtor will ever have due to the nature of how the game was designed.


And how many years has WoW been around to create all that content?


Not exactly a apples to apples comparison given the time factor.

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I love how immature are the answers.


The lad does not like the idea of redoing side quests, but enjoy endgame. And then he complains. He is more than right by doing so.


So, I also believe there should be a way to curtail our way to 50 (presuming the existence of another lv 50 in the same Legacy) without having to redo content.


And just like everyone has told him, there are ways to do this.


You could level through space missions or PvP. I wouldn't recommend the space mission route, but I've done the PvP route 3 times and it is perfectly viable.


In the future, Legacy will boost your xp from doing whatever you like (PvP, PvE, etc).


Barring that, you can always quit if you just don't feel like doing ANYTHING to get to 50 again. I mean, I generally don't do things for entertainment that aren't... entertaining. I definitely don't pay to do so.

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I'm a pvp-player only and I really would like to play Heal-Mercenary at lvl 50 with my Friends. I already have a Marauder. However, i'm forced to play trough the same boring content I already did with my Marauder (And other lvl 20 alts..). I enjoy the class quests. However, I don't enjoy boring side quests.

Yes, I could level trough PvP.However, the Warzones don't award enough EP to be able to keep up with pure questing-EP, especially after lvl 2x. Also I miss a lot of talents and abilities, which puts me really in a disadvantage against higher levels.


So could someone please tell me why i'm forced to play content I don't enjoy at all? Why is the content I enjoy (PvP, Class Quests (( and flash points)) ) not awarding the same EP as questing?


Hi I want to be able to play every class at 50 without working for it. I mean ya it took me 2 weeks to level 1 level 50 but man its just not fair that I cant have every AC to 50!!! "Even tho i didnt work for it I still should get a trophy"...

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I'm a pvp-player only and I really would like to play Heal-Mercenary at lvl 50 with my Friends. I already have a Marauder. However, i'm forced to play trough the same boring content I already did with my Marauder (And other lvl 20 alts..). I enjoy the class quests. However, I don't enjoy boring side quests.

Yes, I could level trough PvP.However, the Warzones don't award enough EP to be able to keep up with pure questing-EP, especially after lvl 2x. Also I miss a lot of talents and abilities, which puts me really in a disadvantage against higher levels.


So could someone please tell me why i'm forced to play content I don't enjoy at all? Why is the content I enjoy (PvP, Class Quests (( and flash points)) ) not awarding the same EP as questing?


You are not forced to do anything.


Level any way you want to but don't ask to have a free lvl 50 button just because you have one lvl 50.


Go play a non leveling FPS if that's all you want out of a game....this is not it and hopefully they never cave to requests like this.

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There is no upper level fun....

Actually there's quite a bit but you sort of have to play with other people to get it (a problem on low pop servers, I know)


there is no exploration

Um... everything is exploration your first time through... a lot even on your second, third and fourth... or did you google for all the datacrons, hidden areas, codex entries and lore items?


there is no random rare item finds

Um... so wrong it's not even humorous... obviously you haven't played enough.


there is no crafting community

Very true... i'm actually kind of stunned at how poor the trade/crafting community is in this game. The crafting system is actually fairly enjoyable too...


the credit sink is too large for non daily runners.

patently false. I don't do "Daily" quests at all except for heroics, and them only 1ce... I have no problem at all with credit flow. Anyone having credit sink issues is spending far more money than they need to.


the pvp system is sooooo boring.

I actually enjoy it... I am hopeful that more and more open world pvp and eventually world conquest PVP is coming but what we have so far really isn't bad.


I am going to Diablo 3 until that bores me too.


then I'm going to Guild Wars 2 until that bores me also.


So, come May 14th... this MMO ends for me.


Have fun! Let us know how long they keep your attention.

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There is no upper level fun....


there is no exploration


there is no random rare item finds


there is no crafting community


the credit sink is too large for non daily runners.


the pvp system is sooooo boring.


I am going to Diablo 3 until that bores me too.


then I'm going to Guild Wars 2 until that bores me also.


So, come May 14th... this MMO ends for me.


Can I has ur stuf?

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How are you "forced" to do it? Are you in a sweatshop?


I had a conversation w/ a goldseller once.


She told me she wasn't forced to do anything and that she liked her job, but the pay was low.


It's honestly quite similar to how the OP feels about leveling through PvP.


She seemed pretty happy w/ her choice, though.

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