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Explain to me why I should heal you....


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I've been top of the scoreboard tons of times on my Sin and rarely would I even get a vote. I even go out of the way to help my team win many times. Most of the time, Im not even trying for medals yet still hit the top of the scoreboards.


I have single handedly turned around Huttballs and Civil War matchs by my actions. Such as going to do a lone wolf stealth assault on a node that is only guarded by one person. Or going to the endzone and telling the team just to get the ball to the edge and toss it up to me when I break stealth.


Yet the votes go to usually the worst players in the match. So in the end I say, to heck with being MVP. I'll just take my huge amounts of commendations and be on my merry way.

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Players have recognized healers are useless in pvp, that's why. Even if you're top on healing by over 100k- you're still far more useless than any marauder out there- so why give you MVP when a marauder is guaranteed to be the actual MVP?


You'll never see a catcher get MVP in baseball- because it's a useless job, you're just there to take balls to the face. You want your team to see you as useful? Roll a marauder so you actually are useful.

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I've been top of the scoreboard tons of times on my Sin and rarely would I even get a vote. I even go out of the way to help my team win many times. Most of the time, Im not even trying for medals yet still hit the top of the scoreboards.


I have single handedly turned around Huttballs and Civil War matchs by my actions. Such as going to do a lone wolf stealth assault on a node that is only guarded by one person. Or going to the endzone and telling the team just to get the ball to the edge and toss it up to me when I break stealth.


Yet the votes go to usually the worst players in the match. So in the end I say, to heck with being MVP. I'll just take my huge amounts of commendations and be on my merry way.


Honestly my MVP vote usually goes to a healer. Not necessarily the most heals but who has the clutch heals. Sucks that your server doesn't recognize heals as a huge factor in warzones.

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1. Mvp votes really aren't worth much, it's a popularity contest.


2. Explain to me why I should dps for you? I play the objectives, peel the other dps off you, kill the enemy healers... etc...


3. Tanking is another thankless, unseen job. Seeing a taunt on someone is hard to do, not to mention it doesn't pop the tanks name over your head with "Bob Prevents 300."


I play tank, healer, and dps on 3 level 50's and a soon to be second 50's healer. My healer happens to get alot of mvp votes most of the time, but in all fairness, healing by itself doesn't win warzones. Dps by itself doesn't win warzones (I mean it could, but it would be such a kill fest no one would have under 50 deaths.). Tanking by itself doesn't win warzones. So doing one of the more "visible" support roles doesn't automatically mean we should vote for you.


Why should you heal me? Because you want to win.


((Ps. This reminds me of Perfect World, where tanks have decided they deserve payment for tanking things, because of the "repair" cost. Every role in that game has repairs, and Dps+Healers have added costs like mana potions, arrows, etc... that tanks don't have. Rubbbish!)

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I'd argue this point really, healing isn't particularly difficult in this game, nor (obviously) is DPS. Coordinating well and using effective strategies is really the only challenge in MMO PvP. I'm sure you're pretty good at your healing job, but really unless people notice it doesn't matter how good at your job you are. Since I've switched to DPS I do vote for a healer when I see that their heals really helped the team (or me) out of some tight spots, just like I do with tanks I notice pro-actively protecting people or DPS focusing the right targets. But to be frank its really easy to not notice how much your teammates are contributing. Also post 1.2 I've won plenty of matches with 0 healers, and I personally dread seeing 4 marauders way more than 4 healers (regardless of the class).


Mostly my MVP vote goes to someone who coordinated our efforts though (often this means the OPS channel loud-mouth) since coordination more than any level of individual performance is what leads to victory. One thing I never do is vote by the numbers, you're already getting rewarded for your top DPS or top HPS.


Nothing's difficult in any diminshing return and skill tree based RPG. Google the best build for your playstyle (And because some talents are worse than others. some talents are must haves, others, nobody ever gets. So you essentially have, for some specs, one build), google the most EPS/DPS/DPE efffecient rotation. Press buttons.

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OP, maybe because you healed people who had half health instead of saving the person about to die? I usually get MVP votes in Voidstar when I get 500k healing or so and save a lot of lives for about 10 seconds (Operative's ability to keep more than one person alive is pretty ****).
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My sage consistently gets 2 - 3 votes unless playing with a premade team then they vote themselves. 300k+ healing and 75k damage. I stun, slow, "recuse", score and knock people off nodes and ball carriers. Sometimes I don't do much damage and am more focused on healing depending on the group.


I have even queued solo and gotten into a group with premades and had them screw me from getting medals.. Example - Voidstar, Got Bridge, Got 2nd and 3rd doors armed and went for the computer only to have someone use rescue so that I couldn't end the game because I made their premade look horribad and that would have made them look even worse.


While I understand your frustration, Healing really isn't everything. It is needed yes but tactics outweigh healing by a long shot. And to those who say healing is easy mode you're idiots... we constantly have Mara/Sent on us. You can CC and control 1 but I find in most cases you will loose...


Oh most self proclaimed "Elite PvPers" are horribad when it comes down to it. They don't protect their healers at all lol. I have been killed and as soon as I am dead I watch life bars and here comes 4 more people who just got owned in with me waiting for the doors to pop so we can keep going. All you can do is laugh and realize you're in for a long Warzone.

Edited by Newsinz
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I'm curious, do you send tells to others after WZs to recognize their efforts as well?


I have, it's usually if I notice that the player is playing particularly well, a lot of the times it will be subjective but for example:

  • a tank that really makes a difference with his presence (still love Phalcon because of it)
  • another healer that keeps me up when I get heavy focus in a WZ
  • when I see someone using CC very well
  • also when I see that a person guards the node, stalls the opposition and communicates very well, even though he won't get any real action himself

Most of the time I make it my effort to point it out during the WZ when I see someone doing something good.


But what about you, have you ever done it?

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Its a horrible thing, but I'm a nice guy, I usually always(or did, I find it unbearable to run in pugs now, too many beast premades), voted for the lowest ranked person if they tried. Why? Cause 1, so many people are disappearing that I want new level 50's to at least stick with the sucky grind 2. maybe it makes them feel a little more welcome in our pvp server(a place where feeling welcomed is not the norm lol) and 3. I just don't care anymore.


When I run with a premade we always ask who has the lowest valor and vote that guy.

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My experience is that most people vote for their friends/guildies or for top healer if heals were good. This doesn't mean that someone healed for "x" amount. This means that healing was noticeable, i.e. I would have died but for that heal I got. After healing I look at objective points (as long as there is a matching number either heals or damage or protection that shows me someone was busting their butt). But I guess that others maybe look at medals. But the best probability is that people don't vote at all. I don't recall ever seeing 8 votes cast in a WZ although I'm sure it's happened. Usually I just see 3 or 4.


I've always considered MVP votes as gravy regardless of my performance. This tempers any expectation I might have of anyone else that sits behind a keyboard.

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Win matches w/o healers all the time. I think that you think too highly of yourself.


Shows how bad the state of the game is in post 1.2.

DPS zerg fest, heals are optional or more likely a liability...

And every self centred DPS player(90% of them) thinks its fine...

Bioware might as well remove healing from the game, would like to see ya'all try to do OPs, or HM FPs

Edited by ImariKurumi
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I always vote for the player at the bottom unless they bail. We need to support noobs. The more players the quicker the queues. So instead of complaining about not getting votes, grab a noob train him in the ways. Vote for him all the time and you will have a good player to play with. Do this 2 more times and you will have a premade team. And of course you would have just become a leader and not a complainer! Nuff said!
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Unless some one does heal me , i dont mvp.I mvp guildies and those who do heal me since i dont roll with stims at this point in time.Occasionaly i will mvp someone who takes command and we win as a direct result of that person's leadership and actions.


In short i reward those who actually do something positive and constructive.Chew out our team and youll get a nice round number.(that would be zero mvp votes)

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What a crappy thread lol, play the class u like ffs and stop being this noobish...


BTW every1 why should i play marauder when i almost never get a mvp, i own ppl all the time and having a blast playing this scchweeet class... but im gonna quit if i dont get more mvp's

Edited by Zaboolina
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when I out-heal every other player in the match, and yet only get 1 MVP selection. I play the objective, have kills, and easily 100k more healing than the next person, and yet MVP goes to some guy at the bottom of the list in every stat.


I like playing my Sage, and being a team healer, but if I don't receive recognition for keeping my team alive, I'll keep my heals to myself.


Anyone else share this frustration?


Congratulations. I'm a sentinel, always near highest of the list with obj points and almost never any mvp votes because i'm just a simple "dpser". Hardly get recognition. (Not to mention we can't ever catch up to the more versatile classes medal wise since well, every class can damage but not all can guard or heal, so love how that system works.)

Still, in every single match i played, the healers get the most mvp points out of everybody else.

What do you want people to do, have them always spend their mvp points on you ? Its a teamgame, everybody worked for the victory.

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I do not share your frustration as much as I probably should. I realize that a lot of people group up together and give each other their MVP votes, as do I to the people I group up with. These MVP votes help gain a small amount of valor and commendations but not nearly as much as receiving medals for objectives. When I am not grouped up with anyone I tend to give my MVP votes to the other healers in my group or the tank that did a good job at protecting me, and sometimes when grouped up with someone I tend to give my MVP votes to healers or protectors if they managed to impress me beyond norm or my own capabilities which I think is quite generous of me when I in actuality should help the people closest to me receive valor and commendation which is why I'm grouped up with them in the first place.


In a way, I agree more with what hankart said about supporting new players/characters gain equipment by giving MVP votes to the people on the bottom. Although, I probably will never get used to doing that myself.

Edited by Nilatis
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My votes are simple.


If I see a healer with over 200k heals that highest gets the vote.


If I see a Tank with 30k or more protection and heals are under 200k The tank gets the vote.


DPS is op at this time but if i dont see either of those listed above I go with highest kills.

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You just must be with some kids on a dick server


Or with premades, we always spread votes when we run


I never have a problem getting mvp votes......I have almsot 4x more votes than i do wins as a healer lol


There are always at least two who remember "oh yea that guy healed me as i was finishing that sage" or "oh yea he pulled me up and healed me as i ran across the goal line"


Do things like that and if people aren't voting for you, they fail


I never vote on meter, ever. If your playing the game you should know who the mvp is.

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Healing has been dumbed down to below tracer spam levels of faceroll in this game....You spam 2 -4 buttons whilst focussing entirely on the ops frames you don't even know where the people are that you are healing half the time since you can face the wall and still heal away. The fact that certain healers are able to put out big numbers usually just means they stood there clicking raid frames and spamming against weak opposition, it has the lowest skill cap and the total healing done number is likely to reflect which of the healing classes you play.


In games where the healer really saved the day its likely their performance wont show through in the numbers because they were under massive pressure and not able to get many heals off but were able to keep the right people alive for long enough to win the battle.

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