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Do you slam the spacebar during dialogue?


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I never slam but I almost always tap... once I've finished reading the subtitles. Call me shallow but the only VA's I listen to are the female ones with attractive voices. Otherwise I have better things to do than listen to overpaid actors recite lines.
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If it's a quest I haven't done before, I'll listen to the entire dialogue. If it's something I've done before, I'll spacebar through most of the time.


^This for the most part.


If I am leveling up an alt that I have seen all the story Imma spammin that space bar faster than the flash on a million moutain dews. I usually remember the story and what to do.


But tbh, listening to all the freaking dialogue actually phyiscally tires me after a while. Not all of it is engaging. It is kinda like sitting at work or school all day watching the clock cause you would rather be anywhere else kinda tired. Most of the time I am thinking quit your freaking yammering and whining and just tell me what you want me to do for you already. I KNOW you are going to tell me to kill x of y mobs just point me at who you want me to kill OR you are going to tell me to go meet someone or take something to someone .. ok I get it just point the direction and give me the package and shut the heck up already. Oh and CASH up front would be preffered. I am a proffesional and will fullfill my obligations. :rolleyes:


I have the texted turned on AND I can read faster than it can be acted out. I will always tab thru a quest I have done before UNLESS it was something I really enjoyed OR until I have the dialogue memorized which ever comes first.


I ALWAYS tab thru the ANNOYING alien language crap. I just read the text. I HATE the alien language cut sceenes. Every time I see a non-human quest giver I start to twinge with frustration. Waste of time. This was ESSPECAILLY annoying on HOTH for my Chiss IA. The first couple of Chiss you interact with are speaking basic. OK cool they are allies of the empire, makes sense. THEN as you progress thru the planet and class quests the Chiss start speaking Huttese .. W T H ? Since WHEN do the Chiss have anything to do with the Hutts? Especially to adobt their language over just using their own INSTEAD of speaking in basic. Yeah STELLER reasoning and writing there BW. :rolleyes:

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The only time I skip through dialogue is if I've been through it many times before. Some good examples of this would be dialogue for daily missions or Flashpoints.


Everything else I listen to.


It really annoys me when I group up with people who try to rush me through conversations that I've never been in before.

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I only spacebar the repetitive planet quests. To my dismay even some of the class quests were similar or the same...


My first time through Rep was the best, then went through Imp side and had fun. Now on my 3rd @ level 47 and it has taken forever. So bored with the repetitive planet quests that it's painful to go through them a second time.

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This was ESSPECAILLY annoying on HOTH for my Chiss IA. The first couple of Chiss you interact with are speaking basic. OK cool they are allies of the empire, makes sense. THEN as you progress thru the planet and class quests the Chiss start speaking Huttese .. W T H ? Since WHEN do the Chiss have anything to do with the Hutts? Especially to adobt their language over just using their own INSTEAD of speaking in basic.


You could actually ask the first chiss talking hutteese about it and he would explain it quite clearly.

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If I've done the quest before, multiple times, then yeah I'll hit the spacebar. Generally though if I am in a group I don't because I'd rather watch the same scene again and again then to sit there staring a still frame with "Waiting on Other Players" in the middle of it.


I would agree. I actually hate it when running flashpoints and party chat is filled with spacebar spacebar spacebar!!!

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With my first toon to 50 I didn't even realise you could spacebar


I have to say - it is much more fun if you don't


yeah, it feels less like grinding when you actually know what you're destroying 10 satellites for or something

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You could actually ask the first chiss talking hutteese about it and he would explain it quite clearly.


But I wouldn't beable to understand him. :D


Its a beef with Canon. I don't recall the Chiss interacting with the Hutts at al. Just another annoying BW writing gaff. I don't think the writers actually read the EU or even the stuff previous BW writers have written (there are some glaring gaffs in SWTOR that ignore KoTOR). :rolleyes:

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But I wouldn't beable to understand him. :D


Its a beef with Canon. I don't recall the Chiss interacting with the Hutts at al. Just another annoying BW writing gaff. I don't think the writers actually read the EU or even the stuff previous BW writers have written (there are some glaring gaffs in SWTOR that ignore KoTOR). :rolleyes:


And the chiss that you could ask even explains that anomaly (regarding the chiss interaction with the Hutts).

Edited by WereMops
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I try not to do so, even when escaping out of previous dialogue. My goal is to choose the best dialogoe choice for that character, and it actually causes me pain to have the scenr end with the incorrect choice.


But overall, I find the dialogue extemely appealing, as the same Mission for my Alt will have different dialogue choices based on class. And I enjoy hearing the snarky responses, even if I do not choose to use them for that character; those 'Wish I had said that" moments are amusing.

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And the chiss that you could ask even explains that anomaly (regarding the chiss interaction with the Hutts).


Hmmm then I would have to say ok what is it slaves ... spice ... weapons .... artifacts? I want in ... I could use the credits. ;)

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It depends. On my Vanguard, who is level 39 and my main, I never do. On my lower level characters, I sometimes turn on sub titles for the quests and spacebar after I quickly read for the side quests I previously did with my other characters. I never spacebar through class quests.
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If I've done the quest before, multiple times, then yeah I'll hit the spacebar. Generally though if I am in a group I don't because I'd rather watch the same scene again and again then to sit there staring a still frame with "Waiting on Other Players" in the middle of it.

But what if everyone in your group now is has "Waiting on Other Players" on their screen waiting for you? :)

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I generally listen to everything if it's a quest I haven't done before (or one I've forgotten) and the dialogue is in English. If it's one of the alien languages I'll read everything but I'll spacebar as soon as I do rather than wait for them to finish talking in Huttese or whatever, and if it's a droid talking in beeps I generally hit escape and replay it a couple of times to try to catch what he said since they typically scroll the text in those faster than you can read it. :rolleyes:


If it's a quest that I've done recently enough to remember with the same class then I generally just spacebar through it, though if I'm playing a different class I'll at least read it because they often change the dialogue based on your class. For instance, Imperials tend to talk to a Sith a lot differently than a nonhuman Bounty Hunter.

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But what if everyone in your group now is has "Waiting on Other Players" on their screen waiting for you? :)



I'll normally ask. In Esseles, for instance, I'll say "Did you guys want to spacebar through for a quicker run, or watch the cinematic?" If I forgot to ask, I sometimes space through the first couple conversations just to see what everyone else is doing. If I have to wait because they're watching, I'll just watch the remainder.

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I don't spacebar usually.


But if I hear an "Umpa Wumpa" or "Mee Wanna Wanga" and then I slam it as fast as humanly possible.


I have a ton of both Republic and Imperial characters, but it's plainly obvious that they spent so much more effort on the Imperial storylines. On Republic side it seems they ran out of money for voiceovers and everyone and their mother speaks Huttese, or Sullustese, or whatever alien language. On Imperial side everyone's a British human so it's all fine and dandy.


I'd recommend not spacebarring for any conversation that's actually held in Basic. If you like paying attention to details on every alt there are variations in what they say, usually depending on your class but occasionally it can also change depending on your race or gender. I think a few NPC's even acknowledge if you're a Chiss?


I find the game is even more enjoyable if you turn off subtitles, that way you watch the characters' faces more rather than reading the text and being tempted to spacebar :p

Edited by Jenzali
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But what if everyone in your group now is has "Waiting on Other Players" on their screen waiting for you? :)


I don't group with people who are twitchy. :)


Seriously, the folks I group with are perfectly happy to dither along as I do so it's not an issue.

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