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Worst/Most pointless companions in the game?


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Mako: all people who played as BountyHunter loves her, cause she is lovely, and if u go LightSide is simply a crazy amount of affection u can get from a companion just doing conversations.


Mako is boring. I don't hate her, but I don't like her either. Basic young, nice, clever girl. Nothing interesting.

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Worst: Vette. So goddamn annoying and you can be this lippy to a Sith lord only if you're obvious writer's pet and therefore badly written character. The most pointless would be Xalek, who comes way too late in the game and without much of a story.
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M4X1. as a vanguard, absolutely useless.

T7: cool as the little droid is, don't use him much

Vector: crappy armor, not a good tank, and just plain creepy

Skadge: Hate the little SOB, plus utterly useless

Bowdaar: Used him for 2 mintues, and pulled corso back out.

Riisha: Love the character, but why couldn't SHE be the damn medic? Why do i need a ranged DPS that early? I mean really HOTH is where i FINALLY get a freakin medic?

Tanno Vik/Yunn: Two of the same damn kind of characters? ***? I mean tanno likes big booms, why doesn't he have an assault cannon?!

Jorgan: Ok guy says he lead a sniper platoon but carts around an assault cannon? DAFUK?

Avaaki: Loved her character, but really didn't do a whole hell of a lot for my gunslinger. Now had i been say a scoundrel, been a match made in heaven.


Many companions make me scratch my head and go ***? Either have to be a healer to use them, or they basically sit doing nothing. I mean i loved KOTOR 1 and 2 for the sheer fact you could pick and choose basically at will, and all had something to contribute. This game, half the companions are worthless.

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M4X1. as a vanguard, absolutely useless.

T7: cool as the little droid is, don't use him much

Vector: crappy armor, not a good tank, and just plain creepy

Skadge: Hate the little SOB, plus utterly useless

Bowdaar: Used him for 2 mintues, and pulled corso back out.

Riisha: Love the character, but why couldn't SHE be the damn medic? Why do i need a ranged DPS that early? I mean really HOTH is where i FINALLY get a freakin medic?

Tanno Vik/Yunn: Two of the same damn kind of characters? ***? I mean tanno likes big booms, why doesn't he have an assault cannon?!

Jorgan: Ok guy says he lead a sniper platoon but carts around an assault cannon? DAFUK?

Avaaki: Loved her character, but really didn't do a whole hell of a lot for my gunslinger. Now had i been say a scoundrel, been a match made in heaven.


Many companions make me scratch my head and go ***? Either have to be a healer to use them, or they basically sit doing nothing. I mean i loved KOTOR 1 and 2 for the sheer fact you could pick and choose basically at will, and all had something to contribute. This game, half the companions are worthless.


First, Vector is not a good tank for a good reason. he's not a tank. He's a dps. But anyway.


I think I have used all compinations (healer+healer/dps/tank, dps+healer/dps/tank, tank+healer/dps/tank) and done just fine. But I guess it's up to your class, gear, comp's gear and your skill.

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Cool, can I play too?


Reminder, just MHO/IME:


Bounty Hunter (male PC):


Skadge -- Complete waste of space. It's like BW decided to make a typical dumb psychotic brute, and then made all these qualities so comically overstated to hide the fact that there's nothing else there. And, clearly, there isn't. Come on, guys, you can do better than that. Unless you were just being ironic about it? In which case, nicely-executed troll, 9/10! (It's often said that Dev-troll = best troll in MMOs, and methinks that this would be a fine example.)


He also can't tank for ****, even geared. Blizz both holds threat and holds up much better once geared up a bit --even as an Arsen-Merc my off-heals can usually hold him up just fine as long as I keep an eye on him. (That plus Blizz is just so adorable, how can anyone possibly hate on him? "Boss and Blizz beat you up REAL good!" Makes me grin every time :))


Imperial Agent (male PC):


Kalyio -- OMG where do I start. Everything about this character is just so *********** grating. We all know a slag like her IRL, I think. Sorry, but I find that type utterly repellent. She's nothing but ****ty trailer-trash who thinks a blaster gives her the right to never shut up, even more so than is usually the case with that type.


Shut up, Kalyio.


No, Kaliyo, you're not all that, believe me. So why don't you just. Shut. UP.


She also can't tank for crap. I really wish BW gave us the option to leave the stupid twit where she falls once she dies. To trash-mobs no decently-geared tank has any business dying to. Again.


If I had to pick a single most-hated companion, then it would probably be her, I just find her so insufferable on so many levels.





THE ****.



Smuggler (male PC):


Bowdaar -- The token smuggler's Wookiee + the token Noble Savage. Again, BW, we know you can do much better. What little personality he has is far too melodramatic, perhaps again, as a ham-fisted attempt to cover up the fact that there really isn't anything there.


Also has this nasty tendency to run around aggro'ing the whole damned room at random, like...lolwut? He can pull and tank decently though, but is definitely gear-sensitive, especially because of this.


(His Wookiee/Dwarf (because everything's a dwarf to a Wookiee)-toss ability is absolutely hilarious, though!)


That's it for me.


Can we post which companion/s we like and why, or is there another thread for that (sorry, my search-fu is weak ATM.)?




The Imp-side ship's droid, too: Such quiveringly craven fawning obsequiousness. Ugh. Just total, utter, UGH!

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Kalyio -- OMG where do I start.


She also can't tank for crap. I really wish BW gave us the option to leave the stupid twit where she falls once she dies. To trash-mobs no decently-geared tank has any business dying to. Again.




LOL excuse me? I remember 2 manning a 4 man heroic on Alderaan using Kaliyo as the tank and we pwned.

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Kalyio -- OMG where do I start.


She also can't tank for crap. I really wish BW gave us the option to leave the stupid twit where she falls once she dies. To trash-mobs no decently-geared tank has any business dying to. Again.




LOL excuse me? I remember 2 manning a 4 man heroic on Alderaan using Kaliyo as the tank and we pwned.


Like I said, strictly IME.


Were you playing Sniper or Op.? (With heals, she can keep up a lot better, I imagine. With Sniper --again, just IME-- she doesn't DPS enough to make enough gank = enough tank between the two of you. If you want "KEEEEEL IT NAO!!11!" as tank, then Vector wins, hands-down --It's actually quite amusing, the way he just tears through mobs like there's no tomorrow, but he is a bit squishy for a non-healer character-- but you don't get him till the end of Alderaan, IIRC. Also, surprisingly, the good(-ish) Doctor Lokin can DPS quite well if you gear him for it. He's also one of the most interesting of the companion characters, along with Vector, IMHO.)


Which mission was it? If memory serves, there are a couple [HEROIC]s there that are just a bit too easy on that planet.

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Haven't got them all yet, so out of the ones I do, here goes;


Bowdaar; I was a slave. Did I tell you I was a slave? Back when I was a slave...Shut up already I get it, you were a slave.

Khem Val, just like Bowdaar. Tulak hord and I were friends. Back in the day I used to adventure with Tulak hord. Tulak hord, tulak hord, tulak hord. Yes I get it, Tulak hord brought you your slippers and gave you back rubs.

Jaesa Wilsaam. Ugh. Gross purple makeup, and psycho to boot. Nothing will make me like her.

Broonmark. Kill. kill. kill. totally one dimensional.

Kaliyo. Repellent, just like someone up thread said.

Tharan Cedrax. Holiday. Enough said. I don't want a guy who dumps me for a sex doll on my ship.


Having said all that, I only find Broonmark pointless. While I hate the others, they add to the story and I probably wouldn't want to change that. Well, maybe Kaliyo. She doesn't seem to be an appropriate companion for an intelligence agent.

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Lieutenant Iresso.

Seriously, the guy has the personality of a bowl of cold soup. I dont think the guy has ever seen the outside of any Consular-Starship.

He is actually that forgettable that no one here even bothers to name him. He actually is to useless to be considered useless :)

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On behalf of my friends, I'd probably say Skadge, lol. When a friend jokingly quipped he was getting his 3rd Skadge, another then stated that's "just 4 Skadges too many". I think, for us, that sums up how useless this companion is, lol.


In my personal experience, I'd have to say Xalek. He's cool to look at, sure (and does "work" for my Inquisitor's style from a rp perspective), but overall... meh. He's too flat of a character, the conversations I have with him are just pointless and empty. I find the "don't make me go" comment he makes when you dismiss him to be interesting... but there's nothing we get about him that supports why he'd say this. If they just developed him more, I think it'd help. Though he's also a bit useless from an Assassin standpoint; his dps blows and I don't need a tank.


I actually like Ashara the way she is, though I wish we got more dialogue options to sway her further from her Jedi teachings (convincing her to embrace the emotional outbursts for example). But other than that.... I honestly prefer her as my apprentice companion to Xalek, at least she's a little more three dimensional. And puts out better dps.

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Like I said, strictly IME.


Were you playing Sniper or Op.? (With heals, she can keep up a lot better, I imagine. With Sniper --again, just IME-- she doesn't DPS enough to make enough gank = enough tank between the two of you. If you want "KEEEEEL IT NAO!!11!" as tank, then Vector wins, hands-down --It's actually quite amusing, the way he just tears through mobs like there's no tomorrow, but he is a bit squishy for a non-healer character-- but you don't get him till the end of Alderaan, IIRC. Also, surprisingly, the good(-ish) Doctor Lokin can DPS quite well if you gear him for it. He's also one of the most interesting of the companion characters, along with Vector, IMHO.)


Which mission was it? If memory serves, there are a couple [HEROIC]s there that are just a bit too easy on that planet.


I played OPs and yes I had heals but was not specced for it so it was purely spot heals. It is the 4 man heroic in beginning where you fight those guys in the vineyard.

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Speaking just to story and setting, as I don't really mind how good/bad their combat effectiveness is so long as they are fun or interesting to have around.


Smuggler: I actually felt all the companions at least *fit* reasonably well. Corso's farmboy thing got old fast, almost made me reroll male for the smuggler. Bowdarr was a shallow "the smuggler needs a loyal wookie" checkbox item, but he did at least fit the setting and story well enough.


Bounty Hunter: Why can't I just kill Skadge? Just ew. My BH is male and still creeped the hell out by this scumbag.


SI: I don't have Xalek yet, but I'm disappointed to hear he wasn't more well-done. I was really looking forward to getting him. I'll get to Ashara later, as that's a separate point altogether. My SI is female but Andronikos didn't do it for me/her. I like the guy and all, but he's now thoroughly friendzoned. I love Khem, and for some bizarre reason wish he were romance-able. I could get into detail about that, but it would just get weird and result in disciplinary action on my account anyway. :eek:


JK: It's clear that I've been turned into Rusk's babysitter. He's a bad commander and a deranged soldier. I keep him contained on my ship and try not to talk to him too much. Occasionally I'll release him into the wild to forage for crystals. I love Scourge, but wish Doc's charming jerk routine had a little more charm and a little less douchebag.


So, Ashara. I initially hated her. I had expected a more self-possessed fallen (if still LS) jedi with a strong identity for my by Dark V SI to wrestle with. Instead I got an idealistic and easily manipulated child. Something strange happened as I progressed along her conversations though, something I never see mentioned on the forums. Over time, she eventually grew out of the naiveté, rejected the jedi code as weak and delusional, and began to embrace the Ways of the Sith. Her comments no longer seem annoying/dumb like before, but compliant. Am I being delusional or is everyone else too annoyed with her base persona to care about her later development?

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So, Ashara. I initially hated her. I had expected a more self-possessed fallen (if still LS) jedi with a strong identity for my by Dark V SI to wrestle with. Instead I got an idealistic and easily manipulated child. Something strange happened as I progressed along her conversations though, something I never see mentioned on the forums. Over time, she eventually grew out of the naiveté, rejected the jedi code as weak and delusional, and began to embrace the Ways of the Sith. Her comments no longer seem annoying/dumb like before, but compliant. Am I being delusional or is everyone else too annoyed with her base persona to care about her later development?


I agree


She does change I overtime and becomes just a confused Jedi


I feel that her storyline was intended to be built upon with future updates but obviously I think alot of the companion storyline continuations have been shelved


I definitely think they'd planned on expanding her and maybe having a light and dark version because currently she stops right at the edge of that fork


Same I feel about Quinn and scourge, like there is more to be told with these characters and there relationships with our characters

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For the Inquisitor Class, I give Ashara the thumbs down. She is unwilling/unable to be Sith and there seems to be no way to corrupt her to the Dark Side As an Inquisitor I find this very disappointing. May as well have let fly with Force Lighting and left her a smoking corpse. Other than that, thinking of selling her to a Hutt slaver. Yeah, most disappointing. =(
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Okay, I haven't actually finished the Smuggler storyline, but... damn, he's annoying. Like, the smuggler is one of those classes where I can actually feel good to be an arsehole, and this guy just pecks me to death with his -1s.

Also, he's supposed to be her romantic interest. And I - the big idiot - started it before I realized what am I doing.


Weird, because I think he's supposed to have a Luke Skywalker feeling - all that farmboyness, dead family... but not even Luke was THIS naive! And I liked him. Somehow, I can't like Corso that much - at least not with my Smuggler. I'll get through this romance, just for the sake of finishing it... who knows, maybe I'll get to like him.

But I'm very glad that I've got a new tank on Nar Shaddaa. ^^



'nuff said?



... not really pointless, but pretty soon she started to annoy me to no end. I like Gault a lot better.


And I don't think I ever played with Pierce...

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The thing about Ashara: Okay, so you can't turn her to the dark side and the "master of manipulation" Sith Inquisitor doesn't actually get to manipulate people like the Warrior. Fine. But then why the %@#! does she still travel with you everywhere and help you commit all kinds of atrocities, up to and including massacring Jedi?


This whole "I'm a good Jedi, fighting for peace, just hangin' out with my Dark Council buddy! I'll actively help you commit borderline genocide against the Cathar on Taris but don't ask me to betray the Jedi Council's teachings." thing is just stupid.

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The thing about Ashara: Okay, so you can't turn her to the dark side and the "master of manipulation" Sith Inquisitor doesn't actually get to manipulate people like the Warrior. Fine. But then why the %@#! does she still travel with you everywhere and help you commit all kinds of atrocities, up to and including massacring Jedi?


This whole "I'm a good Jedi, fighting for peace, just hangin' out with my Dark Council buddy! I'll actively help you commit borderline genocide against the Cathar on Taris but don't ask me to betray the Jedi Council's teachings." thing is just stupid.


You do realise that getting her to stay with you without turning her to Sith IS manipulation?

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You do realise that getting her to stay with you without turning her to Sith IS manipulation?


A tactic in psychological warfare also known as "holybbqsawce so many companion gifts it is like togruta lifeday christmas and twenty birthday parties combined."

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You do realise that getting her to stay with you without turning her to Sith IS manipulation?


You don't get her to stay. You have an option, but there's also an option to say "I don't care, get lost" to her "Wah wah what should I dooooo?" Which makes her decision to tag along even more stupid -

"Welp, my masters got themselves killed and that is somehow my fault although I did a totally reasonable thing by warning them about this Sith and its the Sith (light side version: their own refusal to solve things non-violently) that got them killed. So...should I maybe explain the situation to other Jedi? Nah, that's stupid...oh! I know! I'll join the crew of my masters' murderer!"


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So in your opinion, who do you think is the most pointless/overall worst companion in the game? I have not made more than one class to 50, but I have to saw I fail to see the point in Bowdaar for the Smuggler. His only real redeeming quality, is that he's a wookiee.


Seriously, he's, 1. Melodramatic: (I die! Go on without me!) 2. He was SWTOR's equivalent to a WWE wrestler (His fights with Drooga were staged) 3. He's no better at tanking than Corso, and no better at DPS than Akaavi. 4. He sits in the KITCHEN all day surrounded by ALCOHOL, pretty sure Wookiees are not supposed to drink... If I had the choice, I would have made him, 1. Less of a "wannabe noble savage" and 2. Made him act more independent, I mean, the guy was a slave until I saved his butt, once he was freed, don't you think that he might I dunno... Take advantage of that?


Sure, the guy's useful to have on the ship though... So no one steals it again while I am gone. Who is your least favorite companion? And how could they be made better?


I've got at least one of each class, and I can say this: Xalek (Inquisitor) is the most two-dimensional companion of them all, closely followed by M1-4X (Trooper).


C'mon, Bioware - I know Xalek doesn't like idle chatter, fair enough. But can't you at least make him something other than a douchebag wannabe Sith who thinks he has to out-Sith his own Master? I'd say "develop him", but there's not even enough personality to do that from. Just give us the option of ditching him and replacing him with some other tank.....please?

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You don't get her to stay. You have an option, but there's also an option to say "I don't care, get lost" to her "Wah wah what should I dooooo?" Which makes her decision to tag along even more stupid -

"Welp, my masters got themselves killed and that is somehow my fault although I did a totally reasonable thing by warning them about this Sith and its the Sith (light side version: their own refusal to solve things non-violently) that got them killed. So...should I maybe explain the situation to other Jedi? Nah, that's stupid...oh! I know! I'll join the crew of my masters' murderer!"


Yeah, that was a headshaker. But it's explained by remembering three things about Ashara:



(1) She's incredibly sheltered and naive; and


(2) She's already got a history of being at odds with orthodox Jedi teachings. Ryen and Ocera were always quick to chide her for headstrongness, pride, etc. etc... The very method you use to approach her in the first instance is that she is easily identified from just one holorecording as being discontented with her assigned place in the Jedi Order.


(3) She's rather young - in her late teens, from what I can tell - and you've just put her through the only upheaval she's ever experienced. Everything else she has gone into, it was with an expectation of what would happen, a "manual" so to speak - but you've gone and torn the manual up.



That said, bioware could have played it significantly better than they did - although she does flesh out nicely as you have conversations with her. She stops whinging fairly quickly once she has time to settle into her new role, after all - now that she knows what to expect, she's more thoughtful.


She's actually one of my favourite companions of all, in fact.

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Lieutenant Iresso.

Seriously, the guy has the personality of a bowl of cold soup. I dont think the guy has ever seen the outside of any Consular-Starship.

He is actually that forgettable that no one here even bothers to name him. He actually is to useless to be considered useless :)


Tell me about it. For some reason, he SUCKS as a tank, too - and it was a serious coinflip whether or not to even bother romancing him, affection gains aside.

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