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Everything posted by AureusVidere

  1. I am so glad I stumbled on this before my (re)install got very far. Weird buggy behavior plagued me for years on my last machine, never knew why. Cleaner installs/updates and the hope of fewer bugs makes me a happy player.
  2. Seriously, I want to buy more Sith Empire shirts. No one sells them, and no one wants to risk the copyright issues with making them as a custom order. If you won't re-release the merch, will you at least give us written permission to remake the stuff?
  3. What on earth makes you think a Sith Lord would build a planet destroying weapon and then not use it on their most hated enemies? Angral would have burned every jedi populated world along with every republic and independent world that didn't immediately surrender to the Empire. Probably would have still torched a number of alien homeworlds, after they surrendered, just for kicks. You can't possibly claim that anything else would have happened unless you 1) Know nothing about the Sith and their behavior throughout history, or 2) a troll just trying to stir up trouble. Based on your other comments, I'm going to go with 2.
  4. Nope, 100% disagree. Angral would *absolutely* have fried that planet and Tython (and more), regardless of the Knight's involvement. Late-stage Sith Lords tend to get that way. Moreover, if not for the knight Corescant would be effectively locked down, out of play, and on the way to becoming a post-apocalyptic dystopia. The only reason Angral might not have done the deed, would be if his son had survived to do it instead. The Knight didn't make any mistakes that caused that world to burn (if you disagree, please tell me what he did wrong specifically). The Republic military, on the other hand, had multiple ways that they could have prevented it from happening. If anyone beyond the Sith are responsible for what happened, it's the Republic military.
  5. Time value of money makes that a losing proposition unless it's just an opportunistic announcement you make whenever you happen to be in fleet. In the time spent pitching the service and making the arrangements with someone, you could have made more than (value of crit item * percentage chance of crit) credits just doing dailies or something. For Armormech, you'll occasionally see the price of certain top-level augments spike. I generally have one or two of the more valued augs (max level and purple) in my cargo bay for when that happens. Otherwise you're generally going to be better off selling the mats. Browse through some of the custom shells from time to time though, every so often a relatively easy to make (if not common) mid-level shell hits a price spike for a couple days.
  6. Colossal screwup? Oh yeah, no question. The Mon-Cal General screwed up massively and should be put on trial for war-crimes for his (unintentional and incompetent) involvement in the Empire's development and theft of super-weapons that were turned against the Republic. The tacticians of the Republic also screwed up catastrophically when they decided to leave the most productive agri-world in the republic practically undefended. Anyone who's so much as *looked* at a book or study of logistics knows that you lock down your troop's food supply as tight as you possibly can afford. The Knight, on the other hand, came into the picture in the 11th hour to save Corescant and Tython from imprisonment and destruction, respectively, before bringing the sith lord behind the attacks to justice. So yes, the death of that one world was a catastrophic mistake, just not the Jedi's.
  7. Here's what I went with, plus anything I've noted in playing them: Republic Jedi Knight - Male - David Hayter (Voice of Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid) voices the character, and the relationship with Kira fits the story perfectly. Jedi Consular - Female - I havent gotten too far in, but this doesn't seem to overwhelmingly favor one over the other Smuggler - Female - Honestly, I really should have rolled Male for this one. The female character is great, but from what I've seen the male is even better simply due to the way the story plays out (also RIsha is awesome as a romantic interest, and even Akavi is worlds better than farmboy Corso). Trooper - Female - Jennifer Hale (Fem Shep from Mass Effect) made this a no-brainer for me. However, some people might find the nearly identical character (seriously, she's basically the same character in a different setting) jarring or off-putting. Imperial Sith Warrior - Male - Romantic options are way better, story seems to fit a male character *slightly* better, but that may just be familiarity on my part. Sith Inquisitor - Female - This could really go either way. Romance options are kind of lame either way (I friendzoned Andronikos right off). I feel like the female SI's relationship with her master and her first acolyte is more natural and comes off better than with a male, but that's really subjective. Agent - Male - Honestly, this had everything to do with Kaliyo. She's a narcissistic psycho, but she's *my* narcissistic psycho. Really though, you can go either way on this one from what I understand. Bounty Hunter - Male - The male voice is just to friggin perfect for a bounty hunter. I can't imagine *not* going male on this one, simply for his voice alone. All I can say is "One... Two... Three... *blam*".
  8. Um, what about the new Eradicator outfit on the Cartel Market? That seems to fit the bill perfectly.
  9. Basically, I'm thinking of this as being in the same theme as the HK Legacy unlock that allows characters to snag their own HK unit for a fee once any other character in their legacy has gone through the quest chain to get him. For a significant fee of credits or Cartel Coins (make the credit cost super high if you really need this to be a revenue driver), you buy this unlock on each character to gain the datacrons collected by the other characters in the legacy (with the Rep/Imp specific ones overlapping, not stacking with one another). I enjoyed hunting down the datacrons the first time, but now I have absolutely no desire to go through that again on my other characters. I would happily pay real money to get the perks on my other characters withouth going through that whole process again.
  10. My first character was the Jedi Knight (M). I quickly got bored and rolled a Smuggler (F), then an Inquisitor (F), then a Bounty Hunter (M)... then I went back to my Knight to get the chapter 2 buff unlock. After playing three of the other story lines I found the Knight a refreshing return to the classic Star Wars style. For me, going with the JK first was a mistake. I initially needed something that was a change-up from SW convention. After three times around with less conventional plots (I love playing Imperial simply because it's the first time I've seen the Sith portrayed sympathetically in a game), the JK has been fantastic.
  11. This just makes sense. It's bizarre that this was left out.
  12. This may be kind of random, but as I was playing through the Jedi Knight Storyline I was really taken aback by the design of Kira's "Sleek Robes" awarded throughout the Alderaan missions. I doubt I'm the only one who liked them, and I'd be willing to bet the design would do well in an adaptive version on the CM. Heck, I'd buy them just so she could stay in them from now on. Tasteful and attractive without being out of theme, not a common find. Anyway, I figured I should post a simple suggestion for once.
  13. Speaking just to story and setting, as I don't really mind how good/bad their combat effectiveness is so long as they are fun or interesting to have around. Smuggler: I actually felt all the companions at least *fit* reasonably well. Corso's farmboy thing got old fast, almost made me reroll male for the smuggler. Bowdarr was a shallow "the smuggler needs a loyal wookie" checkbox item, but he did at least fit the setting and story well enough. Bounty Hunter: Why can't I just kill Skadge? Just ew. My BH is male and still creeped the hell out by this scumbag. SI: I don't have Xalek yet, but I'm disappointed to hear he wasn't more well-done. I was really looking forward to getting him. I'll get to Ashara later, as that's a separate point altogether. My SI is female but Andronikos didn't do it for me/her. I like the guy and all, but he's now thoroughly friendzoned. I love Khem, and for some bizarre reason wish he were romance-able. I could get into detail about that, but it would just get weird and result in disciplinary action on my account anyway. JK: It's clear that I've been turned into Rusk's babysitter. He's a bad commander and a deranged soldier. I keep him contained on my ship and try not to talk to him too much. Occasionally I'll release him into the wild to forage for crystals. I love Scourge, but wish Doc's charming jerk routine had a little more charm and a little less douchebag. So, Ashara. I initially hated her. I had expected a more self-possessed fallen (if still LS) jedi with a strong identity for my by Dark V SI to wrestle with. Instead I got an idealistic and easily manipulated child. Something strange happened as I progressed along her conversations though, something I never see mentioned on the forums. Over time, she eventually grew out of the naiveté, rejected the jedi code as weak and delusional, and began to embrace the Ways of the Sith. Her comments no longer seem annoying/dumb like before, but compliant. Am I being delusional or is everyone else too annoyed with her base persona to care about her later development?
  14. You apparently don't use augments. Slotting the augments and other stuff can be done anywhere, but using the slot kits to add the augment slot requires these stations. I've just started putting Mk-6 slots in custom gear from the start on alts, as it saves me the trouble.
  15. Title pretty much says it all. Make it an unlock like the mailbox and GTN.
  16. The *idea* of the art is great, I just think the execution is of much lower quality*. Tho whole "oil painting" effect, while an artistically valid choice in general, doesn't fit for the loading screen to a sci-fi MMO. *Quality of login/loading flow design, I can't speak to the quality of the artist's execution one way or the other.
  17. The art's not bad, but it isn't exceptional either. The old art felt polished, this page just feels cheap by comparison, and makes the game feel cheapened as a consequence, because it's what we see before every session.
  18. Not too bad, and more or less dead-on: Sorcerer (67) Zabrak (17) Strong Dark Side (51)
  19. Actually, BW has confirmed that Hutt Cartel will not increase the power level of crystals. So if they introduce any new crystals, they'll be built on the same level as the current end-game crystals.
  20. Consolidate any set of stickies greater than 3 on any of the forums. The massive list of stickies in general is spammy and makes the entire forum harder to read/navigate and more of an awkward pain to deal with.
  21. My Mercenary (Male Chiss, Grey Aligned) as a companion to my Assassin (Female Twi'lek, Dark Side V). Less due to the synergies though, and more due to the interactions between those personalities.
  22. A hypothetical example of why the companions can all be quite Dark Sided, just slightly squeamish. BH executes an innocent man in cold blood. BH: "Hah, did you see how his head exploded? That was awesome. I need to find some bums or something, I could do this all day." Mako: "***! You are a horrible monster. Why am I still here?" (-1 Affection) BH: "Yeah? Huh. Here, have some Nanite Paste." (+250-ish affection) Mako: "Nice! What were we talking about? Let's go burn down a kitten hospital." They're all kind of cool with whatever, they just don't like having to actually watch some of the things you do.
  23. Speaking of which, how messed up is it that I want my Inquisitor to hook up with Khem? Bonus points if it could be later in the story and involve his "complications".
  24. Wow, I like my Ashara so much better than the one you guys ended up with. At this point she's a hair's breadth away from growing up, discarding her naiveté, and embracing the Sith Code and the Darkside both. I hated her initially, now I'm actually enjoying her company. Looks like I was right to go (romance-less) female with my Inquisitor.
  25. Seriously OP? Have you ever even looked at other MMOs? This is how the genre works, whining about it just makes you look out of touch and more than a little silly (I'm being as nice as I can here). Moaning that the old gear is going to be easier to get after the Xpac? Actually think it through before you start talking, it's the only way that gear stays relevant and in-play once we can go to 55. Expecting people to go after gear that's no longer progression gear despite requiring almost as much work is deranged.
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