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You should try carnage in WZ


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Although carnage lacks survivability and can be easily CCed to death compared to Annihilation, carnage is actually better for WZ matches and teamplays.


80% speed boost is insanely good and the difference between Annihilation's 50% predation is huge. Morever, anni marauder is busy using berserk and carnage's berserk is not as important, so they can frequently use predation to give speed/attack/defense bonus.


Carnage is very good when can constantly apply damage wihtout getting interrupted, thus by ginving the edge to your teammates using predation, you will have chances to let out your huge damage on enemies who are getting battered by your allies.



for example, in Huttball, you will send ball carriers 'flying' into enemy lines


in Alderan, you could send reinforcesment almost as fast as speeders


and it's very helpful in other WZ too.


If you haven't tried using carange, now is the time. try it out. it's realllly fun.

Edited by Highsis
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Annihilation is just too ez to counter for good teams. Purge the dots and there goes 40% of your DPS. As carnage I;m finding it much easier to kill skilled healers. they simply can't out heal my dmg and can't kite me. With the new Op healer changes Anni is pretty much useless.
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I think you may want to grow thicker skin, if you are that heartbroken over my post. You posted your opinion, I responded with mine. The Predation boost is the only point you made as to why Carnage was worth trying. I didn't make it up, you said it. In fact, you listed two negative aspects of the tree (lacking survivability and being CC'd), compared to your one positive (Predation). That is not to say that Carnage doesn't have a place in PVP, as it certainly does and I love it when I am grouped with a Carnage Marauder. But if you are going to say "it's actually better" (hardly a colloquialism, by the way), then give some other reasons to support your point.


You can run faster in Huttball.

You can run faster in Alderaan.

You can run faster in Voidstar.

You can run faster in Novare Coast.

Therefore , Carnage is the best spec for warzones and team play.


That is what you said, to me.

Edited by PenoNation
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I think the greatest advantage given by carnage is that it makes a mara much tougher to kite. The ranged root you can spec combined with root purge on force cammo makes kiting a carnage mara very difficult. I think that is the greatest advantage of the spec.
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There are actually 2 more advantages of carnage besides making everyone faster and has better root and snares for teamplay - carnage's Gore softens up the designated target a lot while it is up. The other one is the garranteed Force Scream crit is a major burster in some situations (which makes it a good finisher move), and it has a short cooldown when specced.
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I would love to give carnage another go (see: third time) but I'd like to see a spec first as I feel I haven't been optimizing my points very well. I'd also like to know:


- About how much power one should aim for for this spec

-How much accuracy (I assume 105% but just want to be sure)

-If we are still considered the bane of healers or if we are closer to tank destroyers since we lose out on the talented interrupt.

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You can run faster in Huttball.

You can run faster in Alderaan.

You can run faster in Voidstar.

You can run faster in Novare Coast.

Therefore , Carnage is the best spec for warzones and team play.


That is what you said, to me.


Excluding Void Star that's quite a valid point. Plus Berserk is not as important as for Annahilation.

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I don't understand why you guys say Berserk isn't that important.

Have you ever try the rotation : Berserk + Gore (+trinket if possible) > Massacre x 5 > force scream on a player rooted | snared | stunned ? It burns its whole life whithin 6 seconds.


And the use of 80% predation in voidstar is insane : you use it when a door breaks and DON'T KILL the opponents but snare them => bomb on the next door can't be stopped.

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If you haven't tried using carange, now is the time. try it out. it's realllly fun.


My carnage marauder just finished chapter 2, and I agree with all you said. Its great fun to play in pvp. :)


However, since I havent tried any other spec can you give me quick bullet points why annihilation spec is more survivable? Is it because of the reduced cooldowns on defensive CDs?

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i used to run carnage pre1.2 from start up to a month prior to patch . loved it but compared to the other two specs was a dead end to nada - switched to anni and while i prefered carnage - anni got more done.



after 1.2 - immediately respecced to carnage (was looking forward to 1.2 just for this) think i gave it 3 days before i respecced to anni.


issue for me was time on target - with carnage you need so much more as your big hitters rely on others skills to hit properly - i.e ravage is better with gore , force scream requires gore / atura proc.

with the changes to experise you dont have that much time anymore and with the fact that we are seen fotm find we are being targetted first.

with anni spec - you have the heals / dots and annihalation always available with no prerequistes . anni does more damage - has better surviveabiltiy - has grp heal - has predation. its a pity - i really like carnage.


my biggest issue with carnage is gore - change it to be the same as deadly saber - ie. off the gcd and say next 3/4 hits have armour pen , and make it a buff rather then an attack - its too easy to telegraph and any lag/ knockback and it is wasted currently.

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issue for me was time on target - with carnage you need so much more as your big hitters rely on others skills to hit properly - i.e ravage is better with gore , force scream requires gore / atura proc.

with the changes to experise you dont have that much time anymore and with the fact that we are seen fotm find we are being targetted first.

with anni spec - you have the heals / dots and annihalation always available with no prerequistes . anni does more damage - has better surviveabiltiy - has grp heal - has predation. its a pity - i really like carnage.


my biggest issue with carnage is gore - change it to be the same as deadly saber - ie. off the gcd and say next 3/4 hits have armour pen , and make it a buff rather then an attack - its too easy to telegraph and any lag/ knockback and it is wasted currently.


These issues are what make playing carnage rewarding for me. :)

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People have to understand how the new carnage dps system works. Your dps is PURELY melee except for Scream. Most of the dps you pump out to a tank or to a healer with a bubble is NEGATED. You have to add Rupture to your rotation. The dps is not negated and it also helps you down that shield faster so you can get in a few massacres while you have the rage. Also timing. Dont go after tanks. Stick to the medium and light armor classes. Leap>Gore>Massacre>Ravage>Force Scream= OWWWWWWWW. Rage consumption is also an issue. I would say wait to spam Massacre till you pop berserk and use a power adrenal. Watch your Massacre hit for 2k+ and your Ataru form strikes for 1k. That is a lot of damage over 6 seconds. Not to mention that I hit consistently for 7k full ravages. Snares, good dps, faster predation, timed burst. It has a higher skill cap than other trees. If you do well with carnage your a decent Marauder. If you dont then well stick to easymode annihilation.


105 percent Accuracy is a MINIMUM.

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issue for me was time on target - with carnage you need so much more as your big hitters rely on others skills to hit properly - i.e ravage is better with gore , force scream requires gore / atura proc.


I think you might have either typo (mistaken Massacre with Gore) or mistaken the abilities itself.


Massacre is what procs ataru, which in turn crits Scream. Gore only serves to make scream and other abilities bypass armor (ie. hits slightly harder).

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With the new Op healer changes Anni is pretty much useless.


WHAAAATTT??? That is probably the most obscene thing I've seen posted here. Sorc/sage healers are sitting ducks, EVEN with a guard on them, and please use your purge every 4 secs instead of worrying about healing yourself, I'll disrupt your heals every 6 secs, force charge you to interrupt your other channeled heal and then choke you out while I crit you for 1k bleeds... Merc healers can't outheal an annihilation marauder with trauma inflicted on them, seeing as even if they DO purge, it's on an 8 second cd and your 12 sec of bubble can't sustain you through a full onslaught.


The best healers right now are ops/scoundrels and not b/c they have great heals but b/c they can cc more than the other two classes PLUS they can combat stealth to save their own skins as long as they aren't being bled to death. And even they can't last long without every single cc they have, so no, healers aren't OP at all. They are a liability for PvP now, please come visit me on Iron Citadel as a healer and you can see for yourself how 'worthless' an Annihilation marauder is.

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WHAAAATTT??? That is probably the most obscene thing I've seen posted here. Sorc/sage healers are sitting ducks, EVEN with a guard on them, and please use your purge every 4 secs instead of worrying about healing yourself, I'll disrupt your heals every 6 secs, force charge you to interrupt your other channeled heal and then choke you out while I crit you for 1k bleeds... Merc healers can't outheal an annihilation marauder with trauma inflicted on them, seeing as even if they DO purge, it's on an 8 second cd and your 12 sec of bubble can't sustain you through a full onslaught.


The best healers right now are ops/scoundrels and not b/c they have great heals but b/c they can cc more than the other two classes PLUS they can combat stealth to save their own skins as long as they aren't being bled to death. And even they can't last long without every single cc they have, so no, healers aren't OP at all. They are a liability for PvP now, please come visit me on Iron Citadel as a healer and you can see for yourself how 'worthless' an Annihilation marauder is.


No, you.

Edited by Rotanartlu
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carnage's Gore softens up the designated target a lot while it is up.


Gore gives the player 100% Armor Penetration.


I have tried both Annihilation and Carnage to death in both PvP and PvE and I have to say that:

Annihilation - highest dps (arguably the best dps ingame atm)/ can get shut down hard by kiting or cleanse. Most survivability.


Carnage - highest burst/ can kite people around/ ****wtfbbq speed to whole ops/ very good execution abilities.


Rage (Havn't played much of it, not my cup of tea) - Can't really deal significant damage unless they have smash up.

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I think you might have either typo (mistaken Massacre with Gore) or mistaken the abilities itself.


Massacre is what procs ataru, which in turn crits Scream. Gore only serves to make scream and other abilities bypass armor (ie. hits slightly harder).


sorry ,maybe i wasnt clear - basically yeah to get the biggest numbers you can you need gore and atura proc up when you scream.

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