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Op Healing, Lacking a certain something?


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To be fair, Im quite new to operative healing. Im currently under 50 and have done some PvP healing, not much otherwise, but enough to get 31 points in any tree.


But in comparison to Sorcerer and Mercenary healing, why do we not have any healing talents that adds something like that X% amount of armor rating, like those abilities Merc's and Sorcs' have? Couldn't something like a small damage reduction shield help? Something to fall in line with a 'tech' ability.


And why do Operatives have so many talents that increase the healing amount of their abilties by X% amount? Shouldn't they relatively be 'on par' with the other healing classes' healing abilities without needing so many talent points allocated to be effective? - It just doesn't make sense to me that operatives need so many talents that increase healing capability of their abilities, and why there aren't more talents that focus more on functionality of the actual abilities, like adding armor rating or more healing and the such etc.



It also feels like the operative healing 'toolbox' is a bit limited in comparison to the other healer classes.


These are just my opinions/thoughts, what do you guys think? Where could the operative healing spec improve?

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Operatives are designed as different healers (Rolling HOTs instead of shield, reactive instead of proactive).


Yes, Operative utility has always been a problem that GZ doesn't seem to understand (Paraphrase: "The numbers have them close to other classes, so they're fine!"), but at least there actually is a reason to take an Op healer now, as we are extremely strong in prolonged fights and we do slightly better in terms of mobility.

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I've been an op healer since day one and have never once had any problems whatsoever and frequently get complimented in flashpoints and operations for my healing. As of yet i am a mixture of Columi and Rakata gear and recently started healing HM operations quite comfortably. I understand it is a very different STYLE of healing to other classes but that certainly doesnt make it any worse! I make the most of what i have been given with the operative class and learn to use it to its most efficient - i say congrats to BW for having a variety of healing styles, what works for one player may not work for another, thats human nature not a design fault.
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i have all 3 healing classes in full BM gear, operatives BY FAR have the most survivability. super low cooldowns on defensive spells, (sorcs have 0 defensive spells, mercs have 1 on a 2m cooldown), vanish, hots and insta cast heals, stealth, and pretty much cant run out of energy. while mercs have to cast most of their spells (easy to interrupt). sorcs are squishy as hell and if your bubbles down your getting hit hard (force speed is a huge plus, even though its countered easy).


operatives can come in stealth and get in the perfect position to heal so you wont get focused like mercs/sorcs do. and when you get 2-3+ people on you, cure your dots and vanish and relocate!

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yeah im sorry, all the people complaining about this class either dont know how to play it correctly or have no idea what they are doing in general. Since 1.2 ive seen a dramatic change in my ability to heal in Raiding environments. By dramatic, I mean I can literally spam heals and not run out of energy ever with out sacrificing anything. I have been healing since the Beta as an Operative so ive seen many changes to the class over that period. While it would be nice to have some sort of armor increase on our heals or something similar, I think the rate at which we can heal is not something to scoff at at all. I've been able to beat out sorcs and Mercs since before the patch and after it i now beat them both in AoE and Total Healing done by the end of the encounter I'm doing. Last night, on HM toth and Zorn, not only did i keep the tank I was assigned to up with out an issue but I was able to heal most of the raid with my aoe and still have energy to spare.
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I've really learned to love Operative healing. Initially I thought I'd like Merc healing better with some of the tools I have, but I ended finding my merch more frustrating and my operative more fun. I won't disagree, however, that some kind of instant Ohsh...t button would be nice to have. I just feel like every class should have one. I guess the ability to spam SP on a low health target is kind of like that, but I usually end up feeling like I'm stuck in a loop of bailing out a boat with a dixi cup in that situation.
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Two things:

1) If we didn't need talents to up our heals to acceptable levels, the mass QQ against Concealment Ops with hybrid heals would kill the class outright.


2) The dev team likes their "metrics". Healers that can use skill and knowledge of their class to make meaningful choices to change the result of an encounter are bad for their "metrics". To this end they have decided to make healing as simplistic as possible without making companion healers outright superior to players.


Operative/Scoundrel healing was the most obvious example of this design philosophy. Op/Scoundrel healers cried out against the flaws and rather monotonous feel of the spec. The devs addressed this issue in the recent update 1.2...


As a result, the developers significantly decreased the utility of Merc/Commando healers as well as gutting their resource management so, not only do their meaningful choices no longer have as distinct an impact, but also they no longer can afford to make those less meaningful choices due to resource problems.


Sorc/Sage still retains the most utility and best all-around kit, but their resource management also took a hit, as well as one of their decision-oriented mechanics, so they too cannot so easily afford to make any meaningful choices with that utility due to resources.

Edited by Xaearth
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OP healing is *********** great. I top 400k healing around 75% of WZ's and on top of that I do around 100k dps every WZ.



OP Healing is BA


Cool story bro, noone said that operative healing was lacking. The point of this thread was the lack of utility.

Edited by Sireene
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Cool story bro, noone said that operative healing was lacking. The point of this thread was the lack of utility.


Thats utility. I healed, and did damage and killed people. Not to mention we can pretty much run away and LOS our attackers with impunity to a certain extent. IMO everything is fine people just need to learn to guard.

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People REALLY need to get off their high horse.


Operative healing is NOT difficult. We have one of the easiest rotations in the game, and the ONLY thing any Op healer has to watch for is KP procs. So please, stop acting like you're anything special with regards to Op healing. You aren't.


An Operative healer heals. That's about all we do, and that's about all we can do. We have very few other tools that are given to us. No armor buff, no knockbacks, no friendly pull, no bubble. I don't see how anyone can dispute this. In fact, I don't see anyone that actually has. I just see a bunch of people trying to toot their own horn about how awesome they are without actually giving any reasoning.


It has nothing to do with how strong Op healing is. Right now, we are fine, power-wise. However, I would argue that we are way too easy and simple to play, and a blind monkey could do the job correctly, and this has to do with lack of tools Op healers get.

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People REALLY need to get off their high horse.


Operative healing is NOT difficult. We have one of the easiest rotations in the game, and the ONLY thing any Op healer has to watch for is KP procs. So please, stop acting like you're anything special with regards to Op healing. You aren't.


An Operative healer heals. That's about all we do, and that's about all we can do. We have very few other tools that are given to us. No armor buff, no knockbacks, no friendly pull, no bubble. I don't see how anyone can dispute this. In fact, I don't see anyone that actually has. I just see a bunch of people trying to toot their own horn about how awesome they are without actually giving any reasoning.


It has nothing to do with how strong Op healing is. Right now, we are fine, power-wise. However, I would argue that we are way too easy and simple to play, and a blind monkey could do the job correctly, and this has to do with lack of tools Op healers get.


The only flaw with your argument is that a blind monkey could play any of the classes in this game. ;)

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People REALLY need to get off their high horse.


Operative healing is NOT difficult. We have one of the easiest rotations in the game, and the ONLY thing any Op healer has to watch for is KP procs. So please, stop acting like you're anything special with regards to Op healing. You aren't.


An Operative healer heals. That's about all we do, and that's about all we can do. We have very few other tools that are given to us. No armor buff, no knockbacks, no friendly pull, no bubble. I don't see how anyone can dispute this. In fact, I don't see anyone that actually has. I just see a bunch of people trying to toot their own horn about how awesome they are without actually giving any reasoning.


It has nothing to do with how strong Op healing is. Right now, we are fine, power-wise. However, I would argue that we are way too easy and simple to play, and a blind monkey could do the job correctly, and this has to do with lack of tools Op healers get.


Ok I'll bite.


Op medics are strong now, they were never really weak save RN. When getting focused because you've developed a reputation, I guarantee difficulty spikes in this regard.


To say all we do is heal is short-sighted. Why? Burst dmg. Example. Explosive probe > stun > orbital strike > pop relics > BS/shiv and watch the guy go ***. Ops who only heal when opportunities arise to dps arent utilizing their AC properly.


Discounting flash grenade is silly along with a specced into debilitating strike. We have utility just not as much and not as game changing and certainly not as glamorous.

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When discussing healers, people commonly say all Operative/Scoundrel healers do is heal for a rather simple reason.


The stupidity you just posted completely disregards the blatant and obvious fact that the other two healers are both ranged ACs. All of their damage, all of their CC is ranged. The minute you consider anything other than heal/support, the Operative/Scoundrel is the de-facto loser.


How does that matter at all? We are different classes.


I'll tell you one thing, 400k heals and 100k damage don't make me a de-facto loser.

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The only flaw with your argument is that a blind monkey could play any of the classes in this game. ;)


I love it!






Actually, I'm learning a lot just reading in this thread :)

Edited by Kheldarr
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Ive been raiding/pvping since the release as a healing sorc and just recently (after the patch of doom) switched over to a Operative.


It should be said that my Operative aint as well geared as my Sorc for obvious reasons.


But soo far i must say that the ONLY thing i miss on my Op is the revivification (big purple aoe heal anyone?),

Aside from that everything else is better on the Operative during raids i dont run out of energy, in pvp i can overload my cloaking shield to get away from annoying melee.


And while i think the differences are small (skillwise) from healing class to healing class there are some advantages that they all bring to the table.

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How does that matter at all? We are different classes.


I'll tell you one thing, 400k heals and 100k damage don't make me a de-facto loser.


Mercs/Commando can still put up better numbers than that. Much harder than before, but doable.

Sorc/Sage could as well, if their burst heal hadn't been nerfed so bad that they now can't stand up that long in most warzones.


And all of that neglects the fact that warzone scoreboards mean jack ****.

A ranged healer is flat out far more likely to contribute damage when it matters for the simple fact that they're ranged.


An Operative/Scoundrel healer can't go "Hrm... if I opened on that guy over there, he'd go kersplat." because, unless the person is already fairly close (and not vertically advantaged), by the time you get there he's either gonna be healed, dead, wasn't a threat in the first place, or your team is bad.


And all the while you're getting into position to stab someone, you aren't healing. :cool:

Unless of course the other team is bad enough to let you walk up to them as a healer Op out of stealth. :rolleyes:

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Op/scoundrel healers have no "oh crud" button like sorcs and the 100% dodge shield for 3 seconds is horribly broken.


Not to mention if you stealth out of combat and you have a hot on someone 99%of the time it takes you out of stealth.

Edited by Phlem
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Mercs/Commando can still put up better numbers than that. Much harder than before, but doable.

Sorc/Sage could as well, if their burst heal hadn't been nerfed so bad that they now can't stand up that long in most warzones.


And all of that neglects the fact that warzone scoreboards mean jack ****.

A ranged healer is flat out far more likely to contribute damage when it matters for the simple fact that they're ranged.


An Operative/Scoundrel healer can't go "Hrm... if I opened on that guy over there, he'd go kersplat." because, unless the person is already fairly close (and not vertically advantaged), by the time you get there he's either gonna be healed, dead, wasn't a threat in the first place, or your team is bad.


And all the while you're getting into position to stab someone, you aren't healing. :cool:

Unless of course the other team is bad enough to let you walk up to them as a healer Op out of stealth. :rolleyes:


Honestly yea it sucks seeing the 3 merc/troopers on my server who can put up 110k -150k dmg and 500k healing. That **** is rough but thats barely the majority of the players. There will always be those guys.


Honestly I dont use BS and Shiv that much. I much prefer to go into cover and use EP/thermal. Thats about a 15% burst to a medium and light armored players health. Many times I see people about to walk out to heal up and I just finish them off.


Stop complaining about us being melee. We only have two melee attacks you should use, if any. And you dont always need to use them.

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Op/scoundrel healers have no "oh crud" button like sorcs and the 100% dodge shield for 3 seconds is horribly broken.


Not to mention if you stealth out of combat and you have a hot on someone 99%of the time it takes you out of stealth.


We have an "oh crud" button every 30 seconds and every 3min... Not to mention surgical probe, the best "oh crud" button for a healer!

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We may lack utility, but imo OP healers can and should put up more dps then the other healers, while maintaining heals; which benefits the raid/group greatly especially if you're running into enrage timers.


Yes, i would enjoy more healing utility, but probably not at the cost BW would charge for it.

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