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Are Scoudrels/Snipers serious now?


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Sorry I should have titled it "IA and whatever pub version dps is." Is that really a significant issue that snipers can't stealth? Does that change the meaning of this thread in a signficant way?


Yeah it just shows everyone you have no idea of what your talking about


Snipers and operatives are not the same class

Edited by Black_anto
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They had UTTERLY INSANE DPS. Now it is just ridiculous. All these people crying about nerfs are mad that they can't kill every other class in 3 seconds anymore. God forbid they have to spend a whole 12-18 secs nows. and god forbid they can't stand toe to toe and trade blows with a marauder, sorc, vanguard, commando, etc. So now their durability isn't good enough. With the damage I can pump out in such little time I need to have LESS durability.


I sometimes take on 2 players at once with my scrapper. It requires alot of footwork and environmental awareness, but the class is overpowered imo. Still needs a slight nerf to durability. It's one class that I can say CANNOT be beaten 1vs1. You cannot beat me as a scrapper 1vs1 with any class other than another scrapper. Even then it's who ever strikes first or has the most CDs ready.


And I sometimes win against a group of marauders while juggling chainsaws that are on fire.


Blatant misinformation is blatant. Snipers are a joke. Ops hit like their arms are made of spaghetti outside of the first 5 seconds of combat and drop like flies the moment they even think about doing anything of use in a warzone.

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Yah, the OP is a real expert. :rolleyes:


everyone thinks there a expert


the truth is,about 95 percent of them wouldnt have half the knowledge the real experts have


they dont have the phrase armchair developer for no reason

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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Those damn teams of Operatives are still stunlocking people to death and causing them to quit the game!


The game's least-played class clearly needs even MORE nerfs, as being completely gutted in 1.2 obviously wasn't enough! Where is Georg Zoeller when you need him?

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Those damn teams of Operatives are still stunlocking people to death and causing them to quit the game!


The game's least-played class clearly needs even MORE nerfs, as being completely gutted in 1.2 obviously wasn't enough! Where is Georg Zoeller when you need him?


Don't forget to buff maras/sents some more in 1.2.1.

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And I sometimes win against a group of marauders while juggling chainsaws that are on fire.


Blatant misinformation is blatant. Snipers are a joke. Ops hit like their arms are made of spaghetti outside of the first 5 seconds of combat and drop like flies the moment they even think about doing anything of use in a warzone.


Talking about scrappers. No snipers. Never played a sniper. The title said "scroundrels" which have too much durability for the damage they can do. If you just stand there and let a warrior, commando or whatever trade blows with you then, yes, you are going to die. And, yes, you also suck at being a scrapper. A class doesn't suck just because you suck. If I take out 50% of your health in the first volley and restealth and do it again... it's pretty much a win, no? How is that underpowered for the "roque assassin" archetype? Class no longer easy mode enough for you?


As far as sniper go, they seem build to eat melee classes. I ALWAYS beat them as a sorc, but as a warrior it's an uphill battle to even stay in range. Unless, of course, they suck and don't use any of their knockbacks+roots. Two of which are on a 15 sec timer and 1 on a 30 sec timer and cover negates force leap.

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I sometimes take on 2 players at once with my scrapper. It requires alot of footwork and environmental awareness, but the class is overpowered imo. Still needs a slight nerf to durability. It's one class that I can say CANNOT be beaten 1vs1. You cannot beat me as a scrapper 1vs1 with any class other than another scrapper. Even then it's who ever strikes first or has the most CDs ready.


How often have you gone against a good tank spec assassin?

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Talking about scrappers. No snipers. Never played a sniper. The title said "scroundrels" which have too much durability for the damage they can do. If you just stand there and let a warrior, commando or whatever trade blows with you then, yes, you are going to die. And, yes, you also suck at being a scrapper. A class doesn't suck just because you suck. If I take out 50% of your health in the first volley and restealth and do it again... it's pretty much a win, no? How is that underpowered for the "roque assassin" archetype? Class no longer easy mode enough for you?


No one believes you play the class, TROLL HARDER. :rolleyes:


As far as sniper go, they seem build to eat melee classes. I ALWAYS beat them as a sorc, but as a warrior it's an uphill battle to even stay in range. Unless, of course, they suck and don't use any of their knockbacks+roots. Two of which are on a 15 sec timer and 1 on a 30 sec timer and cover negates force leap.


See, now this is a bit more believable, probably because you do in fact play these classes. :rolleyes:

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Just of note, on my server we had a team of 4 smugglers that q'd together and was unstoppable pre 1.2. We would pretty much have to fight them every game. It was basically impossible to hold an objective because of the stealth. Two would open up on you at a time and you wouldn't last more than 3 seconds, and they were extremely difficult to kill (heals & in combat stealth).


It basically made PvP not fun at all. So while everyone jokes around about there being teams of operatives/smugglers pre 1.2 that's really all you had to q with if they were good. Now I have at least a small chance to survive, and they can occassionally be killed. They still don't suck by any means, but they have been brought down to earth a bit.


Pre 1.2 I would like to find that team that could stop 4 plus skilled/properly spec'd/geared smugglers. 7/10 pubs on my server are stealth classes. I'm sure because they were outnumbered on Ilum for so long. I don't blame them, but these groups filled with stealthers existed in some places.

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Just of note, on my server we had a team of 4 smugglers that q'd together and was unstoppable pre 1.2. We would pretty much have to fight them every game. It was basically impossible to hold an objective because of the stealth. Two would open up on you at a time and you wouldn't last more than 3 seconds, and they were extremely difficult to kill (heals & in combat stealth).


It basically made PvP not fun at all. So while everyone jokes around about there being teams of operatives/smugglers pre 1.2 that's really all you had to q with if they were good. Now I have at least a small chance to survive, and they can occassionally be killed. They still don't suck by any means, but they have been brought down to earth a bit.


Pre 1.2 I would like to find that team that could stop 4 plus skilled/properly spec'd/geared smugglers. 7/10 pubs on my server are stealth classes. I'm sure because they were outnumbered on Ilum for so long. I don't blame them, but these groups filled with stealthers existed in some places.


So your saying you were solo queuing against a premade and you couldnt keep an objective?


Maybe if we didnt have stupid ppl like you in this game who have no idea of what the game is really about it would actually be a good game...


And btw ill take them anytime with my premade. Just learn to play in team instead of whinning and asking for nerfs.

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A 13k hp Scrapper can pull 4k crit with Shoot First on 900 expertise heavy armor character?

You cannot be serious. 13k hp means he is with Recuit or even worse gears than that. There is no way he can pull 4k crit on 900 expertise like you. It is just impossible.


Even with full BM 1100+ expertise + relic + adrenals, Scrapper/Conceal are usually able to pull around 3k-4k crit with shoot first on same gear players.


There are 3 possible cases here.

1) You just mislook the hp bar of that guy (maybe he was not at full HP, and had full BM+ some WH).

2) You were in PvE gears, and forgot to put up your PvP ones. This often happens when WZ pops and ppl are doing dailies.

3) You are just trolling.


When my Scoundrel hit lvl50 I had around 14k health and I was able to hit 4k crits on battlemaster geared players. But I had orange gear with purple mods that focused on crit rate/surge/power. How about that? :)

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Operatives hit like a wet noodle and I feel sorry for them because they've been trashed by rage-hards+ nerfs since day 1. No. I don't main an operative. I main an assassin (since day 1) and I feel sorry for operatives. Snipers are just fine, they are glass cannons (literally) that rely on range for defense, good ones are deadly. Operatives on the other hand, they need buffed in some way.



IMHO I was ok with operative pre 1.2 (and pre-surge nerf) because their WHOLE concealment tree revolves around exploding on 1 guy, and if that fails at all they get slaughtered 99% of the time. Seems that if they open on some straggler using all cooldowns they SHOULD murder that guy...thats their class.



Now days, they don't.

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When my Scoundrel hit lvl50 I had around 14k health and I was able to hit 4k crits on battlemaster geared players. But I had orange gear with purple mods that focused on crit rate/surge/power. How about that? :)


That was also before the expertise changes in 1.2, and I'd hazard to guess before the surge nerf as well. :rolleyes:

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Are you suggesting there should be a class w/ a dmg tree that is incapable of the 5k medal?


You mean like the madness/balance tree for inquisitor/consulars? As a mad Assassin my only skill that hits für 5k is Assassinate, my >30% HP Skill and those 5k are only against recruit geared and wont even count because it may only hit for 4-4,5k real dmg

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So your saying you were solo queuing against a premade and you couldnt keep an objective?


Maybe if we didnt have stupid ppl like you in this game who have no idea of what the game is really about it would actually be a good game...


And btw ill take them anytime with my premade. Just learn to play in team instead of whinning and asking for nerfs.


No that's not what I'm saying at all. I usually q in a pre made. Nice assumptions though. I absolutely guarantee this team would destroy you pre 1.2. Nadd's Sarcophogus. I know the names of the folks but I'm not giong to post them here. Extremely skilled and geared. They would probably still own you now, because most of the people that post like you are total garbage.


Oh and I never asked for them to be nerfed. I knew they were going to be because they were OP.

Edited by Yvin
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Lol yeah i think scoundrel/operative needs another nerf. Just count yourself lucky you didnt meet the "Team-of-operatives-that-make-people-unsub" yet. They only have to kill you once and you wont be able to resub.... :eek:


No but honestly the fact that they can make less dammage to you in more time than any other class is totally out of control!!


Plz bioware nerf their crazy dps (12500+ DPS) again I still see some operatives/scoundrels once in a while in warzones.


Oh and I think they shouldnt be allowed to make any sounds in the game so plz disable their sound effect too. Youre going in the right direction removing their giggles so keep doing your great work. :)


Since our dual Assassins are pretty much 50 now, I think my fiance and I will be rolling a team of Operatives next.


"Boom! Unsubbed!" : )

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Operatives hit like a wet noodle and I feel sorry for them because they've been trashed by rage-hards+ nerfs since day 1. No. I don't main an operative. I main an assassin (since day 1) and I feel sorry for operatives. Snipers are just fine, they are glass cannons (literally) that rely on range for defense, good ones are deadly. Operatives on the other hand, they need buffed in some way.



IMHO I was ok with operative pre 1.2 (and pre-surge nerf) because their WHOLE concealment tree revolves around exploding on 1 guy, and if that fails at all they get slaughtered 99% of the time. Seems that if they open on some straggler using all cooldowns they SHOULD murder that guy...thats their class.



Now days, they don't.


Kind of wrong imo. No class should have a guaranteed insta kill. While I can certainly agree that they should have some utility or med ranged dps to make up for not instantly killing someone out of stealth, the good ones still seem to have some pretty solid survival tools at their disposal. I never called for nerfs, as I knew they would happen. The class was simply OP, it really didn't need to be said.


The good ones have already adjusted and are still performing just fine, same with healers. Whiners gonna whine.

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