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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Premades ruining the pvp of this game


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I am sorry, but that is such a sweeping statement, I find it hard to get my head around what your actual problem is.


Firstly, where are your numbers to prove this statement?


Personally, it is the whining and sulking that makes me want to play less, not the fact that sometimes I encounter better players than myself. We can't always be number one in a multiplayer game I am afraid. If that is your goal, I seriously suggest you try some solo games, where the player is always the hero.


Pug vs pug: the playing field is even, 16 random people split into two sides fight each other, win or lose it is fair and competitive. Pug vs premade, not so. It is not about winning its a matter of fairness.

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Pug vs pug: the playing field is even, 16 random people split into two sides fight each other, win or lose it is fair and competitive. Pug vs premade, not so. It is not about winning its a matter of fairness.



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It's true, you might only que with 4 other people and use vent or mumble to coordinate your attacks but it's still a major major advantage over a group of 8 pug players, if adding insult to injury wasn't enough, you have 8 players making two parties then by dumb luck are grouped all together in the same Warzone match with them coordinating their gameplan and attacks on mumble/vent, it's so unfair and unjust that pugs must suffer the humiliation and disgrace of defeat against an unfair match between pug and premade, this must be stopped or no non-premade players will enter wz matches again.


Seriously people like you are what ruin this game.

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I dont understand why some posters refuse to address this pvp imbalance issue, all that we are proposing is to unmix them with pug matches and have them fight alike premades, do premades really enjoy fighting and overpowering pug teams all the time or are they scared to test their mettle with other premades and lose their false feeling of superiority towards pugs?
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It's kinda funny.

In FPS games, I NEVER seen people complaining about clans/groups joining a match together.


In an FPS, there's a huge pool of people joining hundreds or thousands of matches. On an MMO without cross-server queueing, you might have only a handful of warzones going on at once, meaning that the same premades are pitted against the same random teams repeatedly.


Further, SWTOR's PvP rewards are largely based on warzone results, which can make gearing extraordinarily difficult for players without the ability to form pre-planned teams.

Edited by Visue
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It's kinda funny.

In FPS games, I NEVER seen people complaining about clans/groups joining a match together.


What FPS games do you play? It's known to be shameful/poor sportsmanship to be on a "stacker" team since the days of Quake 2. Servers shuffle teams for this reason and some even have rules that ban stackers. Apparently MMO communities think otherwise.

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What FPS games do you play? It's known to be shameful/poor sportsmanship to be on a "stacker" team since the days of Quake 2. Servers shuffle teams for this reason and some even have rules that ban stackers. Apparently MMO communities think otherwise.


that's a PC gaming trend that is non-existent on consoles, which have overtaken PC FPS in terms of general popularity in the united states. On consoles its pretty much accepted as fact that you play online to play with your friends, its a social experience. The Multiplayer part of MMORPG is what supports the right for premades to q up, and you can't separate the q's yet because some server populations are simply not large enough to support two separate q's. If you introduce separate q's, it must come with either cross-server q's or full server merges, or it will be a massive failure for most servers.

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A vast majority of wz players are pugs, premades give an unfair advantage over a pug team, a premade group must be removed from a pug match entirely and put them in a wz fight against other premades.


Most premades would LOVE this. I get so bored of winning against obviously lower skilled / organized teams that I would love to have a real challenge. Until 8man premades, that won't happen though. Now we just 3cap them, or we use new completely idiotic strategies ( cap nothing for instnace ! and prevent the other team from capping too ) to keep things fun. But ye, bring on the 8v8

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A vast majority of wz players are pugs, premades give an unfair advantage over a pug team, a premade group must be removed from a pug match entirely and put them in a wz fight against other premades.


Then Don't fing Pug. I haven't had to solo Que since the first week or so the game went live. Even leving my alts I always have at least 3 other people to group up with and do WZ's. If you want to solo que then that's your problem and you need to deal with it.

Kor'toth: Mouretsu [ Ajunta Pall ]

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It's true, you might only que with 4 other people and use vent or mumble to coordinate your attacks but it's still a major major advantage over a group of 8 pug players, if adding insult to injury wasn't enough, you have 8 players making two parties then by dumb luck are grouped all together in the same Warzone match with them coordinating their gameplan and attacks on mumble/vent, it's so unfair and unjust that pugs must suffer the humiliation and disgrace of defeat against an unfair match between pug and premade, this must be stopped or no non-premade players will enter wz matches again.


I completely agree. All sort of team effort in pvp should be banned. It completely ruins the game for those who doesnt play as a team. Personally I think the warzones should be just a bunch of random 1on1s all over the place. I just hate it when ppl team up to achieve victory. Like capping towers and guarding stuff instead of running around aimlessly looking for fights.


Bioware, fix now. Teamplay ruins the game!!!

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It's kinda funny.

In FPS games, I NEVER seen people complaining about clans/groups joining a match together.


A FPS does not give rewards for winning games. At CS everyone has the same setup, so if you lose a lot you can just switch to another server or accept it.


At an MMO this isnt the case, there you must win games to get items and only with those items you can atleast say "I have a small chance" to win.

The thing is, that for instance on my server a repuplic premade of usually 6 players keeps dominating all Wz´s and its no fun to queue anymore. I did love pvp until 49, we had many great games but at 50 its pointless as you dont get anything out of it and always face the same guild team.


The same situation ruined BG pvp for me at wow, there is no point and every premade that doesnt want premade only queue´s is badly skilled and knows it.

Edited by RachelAnne
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If anything premades are helping pugs learn how to listen to commands and play warzones the correct way. There are bad premades who communicate amongst themselves and blame pugs for any failure but there are great ones who help you step up your game.
not on my server if its a black omen premade people dont even try they give up and either quit or try farming def points
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There are premades and there are premades.


I play in a premade on an active PVP server. We are a large guild and our team composition can vary hugely. And depending on our composition so can our results.


Some teams that we come against have very effective comps that play consistently together and are very good.Some of them are more than good, they are fantastic because they have healers. Needless to say because of this they kick our asses. (Being Imps no one wants to heal >.<)


Pre 1.2 this never used to be a problem because after they'd done their dailies they would log out safe in the knowledge that the rewards would tick in with the dailies and weeklies. And then once they'd logged out it would be our turn to kick some *** (relying on overwhelming firepower in the Imperial tradition).


Post 1.2 with the lameass reward system for War Hero Gear and the even lamer dailies. Nobody logs out, nobody sleeps, nobody has lives anymore. We're all consigned to a grindy, sweatshop hell in which we just get our assess kicked all night, never win, never sleep, put on weight bcause the " leet" premades wot haz healerz don't log out anymore.


Premades are ruining this game becasue they have no incentive to log out anymore.

Edited by Rolzhard
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any of you people that run premade see that your comments are a bit condescending. you guys are on here saying "well don't que solo its your fault". that is a feature in the game...duh! premade people are blaming the solo que'ers for not having people to que with. do you not understand that there are way for people in this game that don't have time or the will to deal with getting a premade together.


how about consider the other side of the story instead of defend your premade by saying people should not que solo. what you're saying is you think solo que's don't belong in a MMO and only premades should be allowed.


its just funny to me and proves my theory.....most of the people in premades enjoy rolling pugs with no competition. that makes all of you gutless and afraid to step up and say "we want to face other premades". NO you won't do that cause you don't want to lose. you just can't handle losing and if you do you quit.


premade groups should be pushing for xcross server group only ques but NO. they choose to sit on here and tell people that it's their fault the system is flawed and they should not que solo if they dont want to get rolled.


read a post from a player defending premades and tell me i am wrong. they are not seeing only but their side of the issue. telling others in the game to basically not que. when in fact they should be on here saying the same as everyone else that they WANT TO FACE OTHER PREMADES TOO.

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OP, get over it.

Premades are friends who play together in ALL pvp games, yeah they can be tough but deal with it.


What is a game maker suppose to do, make it so friends cannot play the game together?

Try joining a guild and teaming up with some buds on vent and give it a shot.You may be pleasantly surprised.

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OP, get over it.

Premades are friends who play together in ALL pvp games, yeah they can be tough but deal with it.


What is a game maker suppose to do, make it so friends cannot play the game together?

Try joining a guild and teaming up with some buds on vent and give it a shot.You may be pleasantly surprised.


how about they do the right thing a make it like wowif you que premade you face a premade problem solved and those who disagree are just as bad as those who complained gear was easier to get, you just want your advantage over others

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Those ************ about pre-mades, puh leeze lose the cliches.


Pre-made does not = automatic win. I think the matching system matches you against other premades. You lose as much as you win.


I win more solo-ing than in a premade. If you enter a really good warzone solo and you've hitched a ride with a really good pre-made, nice easy win. Of course, that is premised on good players supporting a good pre-made as opposed to dragging it down >.<


Of course, if the WZ is a complete PUG with no pre-made chances are you're going to lose. Suck it up and get your medals. The cool thing about PUG- ing is you don't waste time getting groups together. You go from WZ to WZ quickly and smoothly. And every now and then you win. Do your bit, make a contribution and get your medals.


The big problem with 1.2 is the ridiculous number of medals we have to get (see previous post) Nobody gets to go home anymore.

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3 things.


First I do play in a premade becase I enjoy games with ppl who know what to do, and how to do it. I dont get frustrated, because I dont see ppl running their own one man show.


Second I do preferer to play vs other premades to have great games, win or loose.


Third, seeing as you can only queue with 4 ppl, you guys should be teamed up with premades quite often giving you the win, I'd love to see how many of you go "damm it, its this premade again, its going to be a good coordinated game where if we dont win, at least we get to play with ppl that know what to do - god how I hate that"

Edited by upzie
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the system that should be placed into the game is....


groups must que with eigther 4 or 8 players only. i say 4 and 8 cause it would be a balanced system and would not put any random pugs into the que. if you have lets say 6 people then it would be your job to fill the 2 spots before the que. (two 4 man premades can be just as effective as the 8 player groups)


groups with 3 or less are placed in the random SOLO pug que.


short and sweet this would be a great system to have.

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Premades are overrated. And the problem is really bad gear and bad skills. My guild will win regularly when together, BUT, we do the same things that you can do in a PUG:


1. At start split up the team between the objectives (if you fail to do this from the start, you've already lost)


2. Mark targets and focus those marked targets


3. Play the objectives and don't simply go for damage and kills


All that being said, I often see few Imperial healers on my server. Rolling with one in my pre-made last night was a major factor of the winning streak that we enjoyed.


Also, cross-server ques! This should be a priority OVER rated WZs. This would even the playing fields and allow solo ques. I am hoping that this is why BW decided to not roll out rated WZs at this time. The que would take forever without a cross-server capability.

Edited by Seydis
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