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Empire vs Empire... Over and over.


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BW totally failed step one in MMO design and made classes faction specific instead of faction neutral.


If players could simply change their faction at will, then the faction balance would have already fixed itself because many PVP'ers want balance to have more PVP and not less.



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Seems i am lucky to play as a rep on a generally balanced server /pve one/. I even think that the number of reps doing pvp here may exceed the number of imperials. Even the highest valor rank player /a girl rl, gasp :P/ is on our side (91-92 valor around). And no, not Ilum exploit inflation valor. Matches are at least 50-50, i think that we even win more. Imperials suffer from leavers if they aren't likely to win, while most of our men fight till the end, no matter what. We feel fine to such an extent, that we rarely form premades - almost useless, we will end up with the same guys we do when solo queue, and most of them really know how to pvp.

Server is low population, though. At prime time usually i see 30-40 on fleet, with one occasional max of 70-80 people just after 1.2 hit.

Edited by alcek
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on my server(I wont mention it) we have 2 guilds 1 reb and 1 emp that are the same people...and every wz they enter into...its a kill trade fest last night in huttball I saw 1 of the reb players RUN to the opposing side and just let his buddies kill him so they could score easily..bioware please fix this stuff before you lose all the playe rbase your wanting to keep


I dont mind reb vs as I play 1...but killing imps and winning 1 once in awhile is fun too

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unfortunatelly a lot of people need a carrot on the stick in order to pvp;


at lvl50 that carrot is better gear, but pre lvl50 there is nothing, you can start collecting tokens for your lvl50 gear because you have limit on warzone commendation and you cannot buy lvl50 gear before reaching that lvl (at least you couldn't in pre-1.2)


so, only those who actually like to pvp for the sake of pvp will pvp pre-50; the others will level with quests (and you don't need nice gear for that) and then they will check the pvp... only to get demolished by people with 1200 expertise...


now, at lv 40 you can gain valor rank 40 and collect a very large number of ranked wz coms by converting WZ coms. So at least at lv 40 you have reason to pvp.


Personally I pvped from 45 to 50 (and many levels before that) because I enjoy pvp that much, even before the carrot (ranked wz coms) was present.

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This is because of the pre-mades. The republic on some servers, except for a few hardcore pvp's, have said screw it and don't queue anymore. Can you blame them ? So now you fight your own side, and those pre-mades, and they have one goal in mind, win at all cost and they don't care what side you're on it's pvp and they want their gear. You should take names and guild names and remember that when you encounter them in game. And I swear some of their attitudes remind me of the exploiters and hackers that camped npc's and just flat out ruined SWG. It's awful, I really feel for those that want to really enjoy the game.


Why not boycott pvp, drop group when you are short, remember if they get no medals they get no valor.

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This is because of the pre-mades. The republic on some servers, except for a few hardcore pvp's, have said screw it and don't queue anymore. Can you blame them ? So now you fight your own side, and those pre-mades, and they have one goal in mind, win at all cost and they don't care what side you're on it's pvp and they want their gear. You should take names and guild names and remember that when you encounter them in game. And I swear some of their attitudes remind me of the exploiters and hackers that camped npc's and just flat out ruined SWG. It's awful, I really feel for those that want to really enjoy the game.


Why not boycott pvp, drop group when you are short, remember if they get no medals they get no valor.


You get like 4-5 medals just for winning quickly.


Also, I wasn't aware that we were supposed to be going easy on people in PvP just because they're the same faction. When the match starts, if you're in my way, I am going to murder you, Republic or Empire. Don't be in my way if you want to live. <.<

Edited by Varicite
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Of course! Now that I think of it, Jedi killing other fellow Jedi isn't right according to the Republic. They're forced to either go up against the Empire, or none at all!


On the serious side though, there just aren't that many Republic around. I think there was a 1.3:1 ratio of Empire to Republic during the Guild Summit, if that ever changes, more RvR matches could pop up though I highly doubt it.

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What a refreshing and truth filled thread. I read a few other post that said BW was totaly unbiased when it came to factions. But the evidence speaks otherwise. And it sounds like there are a couple of servers where the Pubs dominate but they are few and far between. On my server (my mains are pubs) it's becoming obvious that the Imps will top out their gear before ranked or x-servers WZs are implemented. The Pubs average about 2-3 wins for every 10 WZs. It's very frustrating, but I am a diehard Pub. Hopefully BW will make headway in getting ranked and x-server WZs polished. All of us on other faction dominated servers are really floundering. Come on BW burn the midnight oil and make things right. We all want it to work, don't you?
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They did address it. They made 2 other WZ's capable of same faction fights, thereby effectively deleting PvP for Republic players on low pop servers.



You mean those servers with less than 8 players? Otherwise I can't quite get the point in this.

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Another issue for me personally when i fight vs my own faction is that i just can't try hard enough. These are my friends and mates, i play of course, i kill them, but the concentration isn't more than 50% of what i do when fighting the imperials. I stick on the healers, but not excessively, because i know that will be unfun for them if done 24/7, so i am not pressing very hard.
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Was a similar but different situation in vanilla World of Warcraft. It was different because lots of people wanted to be the "cool" paladins, the holy warriors. However at end game Paladins back then were heal bots. Or they wanted to be night elf hunters and pretend to be awesome, which they weren't. Conversely a lot of the PvP'ers with the mean PvP skills rolled horde.


So Alliance had massive queue times from the over-abundance of average players and Horde had fast queues of vicious PvP'ers that tore alliance to shreds.


Just like WoW then though there is the odd premade on the disadvantaged side with so many healers that it is nigh impossible to kill anyone and they basically heal the enemy to death. I hate those Republic groups with 5 healers so much :(


Seems the same weaknesses are present too. The "good" side has weaker PvP skills but an excess of good healers means they make mean PvP premade groups. The "evil" side has the nasty PvP'ers but they don't work together well, rather they use each other and so fall apart against a premade.

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You mean those servers with less than 8 players? Otherwise I can't quite get the point in this.


I still can't decide whether to facepalm or answer seriously.

Imps play against each other as they have enough people who queue for wzs. And some numbers, rep fleet currently 12 people, imp fleet 80. So yes there are simply not enough reps in queue for WZs on a lot of servers to even field ONE team. That would have to wait for a long time as all the imps are already playing against each other resulting in players not queuing for WZs even more resulting in not enough people to field a team...

*edit* 12 50sh at 2pm online here for reps now ;)


Was a similar but different situation in vanilla World of Warcraft. It was different because lots of people wanted to be the "cool" paladins, the holy warriors. However at end game Paladins back then were heal bots. Or they wanted to be night elf hunters and pretend to be awesome, which they weren't. Conversely a lot of the PvP'ers with the mean PvP skills rolled horde.



Completely wrong. In wow it balanced itself out, as people rerolled one side or the other as they got bored with long queue times. Yes people rolled horde for the racials- for a time than they rerolled alliance for instant invites.

Edited by Twor
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Instead of making incentives to play the underdog, Bioware decided to punish anyone playing the underdog.


Not the route I would have gone, but I don't make games.


Hopefully the x-server queues will make playing Republic a good idea.


As it stands right now the underdog starts matches with fewer players and then stop queueing after a few losses. Then we go over and play our Imperial classes and hope that more people will play primetime.


When we can play one side and win most matches it gets harder to go to the side that you will lose most of the time.


Yeap. When I try and I have tried off and on from the beginning. The repub side seldom has a full team, the queues take a LOONNGG time to q, and only late at night when the other four repub guys have gone to sleep does a mixed huttball match come out. Personally, I think they should just scrub Imps vs Repubs and have all matches mixed. That way it would help the repub teams some.

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Worth pointing out that "pros" never reroll an imperial to avoid having a higher chance to lose in PvP, only weak/mediocre players are guilty of that behaviour. The "pros" remain as republic and get their wins where they can. usually earning them by working far harder and playing far better than the top imperials.
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ikr, i play a rep defense guardian, and what i have seen in the past few days is that after 1.2 a lot of good players from my server or changed to imps because of the long pvp queue time, or changed server. This all will be fixed if they implement a cross-server pvp, im sure of it.
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I honestly beleive after playing this game for serveral months now that the reason there is an imbalance is simply because of two main things. 1) the empire has cooler overall apearance and special effects and 2) Game mechanics and animations also favor the empire. The Republic just feels very awkward and seems slow to respond.


Evil will always triumph over good, because good is dumb. - Lord Helmet, Spaceballs


People play video games to have fun. I played a Jedi toon for about 10 minutes before coming to the full realization that the storyline was going to be total crap. I gave Trooper a little over an hour before coming to the same conclusion.


Truth is, most players don't find Republic appealing because being good sucks. Not when you can play a cool BH and run around kicking in faces for profit...or be a Sith bent on galactic domination. Throw in that lightning is way more cool than throwing pebbles, and Force Choke is full of win. Sorry nice guys, you definitely finish last in SWTOR.

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In this MMORPG for Empire plays mostly MMO gamers from WoW etc, and for Republic plays single-RPG players from KotOR etc.


So, Republic more in RPG's, and Empire much more in PVP.

Therefore, pvp skill of republic and empire gamers such different, and quantity imbalance on pvp servers such significant.

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Because there are none. It's very easy to understand.


The population imbalance grew like a cancer and now there are no Republic characters on many servers.


there are rep players. plenty, we just are not pre-made pansies with 2 and 3 healers.


that about sums it all up.

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