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The whole reason I rolled PvP was to kill lowbies


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You've never been to EVE Lowsec space, have you? :D


Never been to Mortal Online have you? It is sure to make 99.9% of wanna be PvP'rs rage quit in 1 sitting.. I have never been repeatedly ganked over and over, almost never the same person, as I have trying to start out in that game. Been playing since UO and AC days and I raged at times while I was just trying to make some start up cash. Fun at first, but after 4 hrs of corpse running it got old lol.

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This is absolute nonsense. By this logic, there is NOTHING IN THE ENTIRE GAME which would sufficiently meet the standard to violate BW's policy. Clearly, they put the policy in place for a reason. You are trying to grasp at straws here.
There is very little that does warrant action. Basically, it had to have progressed to the point of true harassment before they will act. This is especially true on a PvP server; it is incredibly difficult to identify intent in a game when there's a general PvP environment in place and a setting that promotes one to hound the opposing faction.
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While I don't enjoy making life hell for lowbies constantly like this dude (although if I see you rolling by I will kill the **** out of you at least once) I do feel that this is what a pvp server is all about


You all are a bunch of pathetic whiners no wonder these forums are so full of OP/UP posts and crying


I for one am pretty annoyed with the lack of PVP in this game in general:


fatigue areas surrounding zones

not even being able to venture to the opposing factions planet at ALL (like seriously?)

intentionally separated leveling areas


I didn't even see a member of the opposite faction until my late 30's I didn't even feel like I was on a pvp server whatsoever

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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


Lol you are either a good troll or really need to l2p ... either way if for serious me thinks the next post by you will be "OH NOES PVP SERVER DYING! BIOWARE AT FAULT!"

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The OPs page is an arrogant start to a pure troll thread. That being said I find the idea of Fleet Raids very interesting! And this could be implemented on all servers. Just let people self flag for PVP if they want to participate, and a timed de-flag or death if the want to get out! End!
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The OPs page is an arrogant start to a pure troll thread. That being said I find the idea of Fleet Raids very interesting! And this could be implemented on all servers. Just let people self flag for PVP if they want to participate, and a timed de-flag or death if the want to get out! End!


Or they could roll A NON pvp server.

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I dont know, it's simple: PvP server.


What exactly is the difference between a lv 50 killing a 30 and a lv 50 killing another lv 50 who's doing a quest and is therefore at 30% life?

There is none - both are no challenges.

PvP servers just mean you can initiate combat with someone who doesnt want to fight you. That of course means other players can initiate combat if you dont want to.


So the OP is just describing normal PvP server behaviour. If you dont like it: PvE is that way.

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I dont know, it's simple: PvP server.


What exactly is the difference between a lv 50 killing a 30 and a lv 50 killing another lv 50 who's doing a quest and is therefore at 30% life?

There is none - both are no challenges.

PvP servers just mean you can initiate combat with someone who doesnt want to fight you. That of course means other players can initiate combat if you dont want to.


So the OP is just describing normal PvP server behaviour. If you dont like it: PvE is that way.


i think you'll find that the difference in the two options you described would be that the OP gest his ***** handed to him by the lvl 50 that is at 30% health before he even gets him to 25%.


those that enjoy ganking tend to be lower lifeforms unable to compete further up the food chain.


i play on a pvp server, and so far, this kind of behaviour has been rare, warhammer had a great way of negating this. leveling areas were tiered. if a higher level entered a lower tier and flagged for pvp, they were turned into a chicken. with 10% of their HPs and only able to auto attack for 1hp per peck.

this meant no lowbie ganking. but you did occasionaly see entire warbands (warflocks?) of high level chickens running around lower tier pvp areas battling opposing warbands of equaly high lvl chickens.

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go back to aion.


pve ---------->



i think you'll find that the difference in the two options you described would be that the OP gest his ***** handed to him by the lvl 50 that is at 30% health before he even gets him to 25%.


those that enjoy ganking tend to be lower lifeforms unable to compete further up the food chain.



who cares? that's the way he plays


(trolling aside)

Edited by Lincaserus
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those that enjoy ganking tend to be lower lifeforms unable to compete further up the food chain.


Nice generalization of people you know nothing about. You stray from the fact that pvp is pvp, it doesnt matter who you're killing, what lvl they are, and how "lame" or "stupid" you think that it is. It adds a new element to the game. If you think or anyone else thinks it's "disgusting" or "morally wrong". Go play a single player game or better yet DON'T ROLL A PVP SERVER. It's really that simple. ( not all of that is directed towards the person that I quoted)

Edited by bennyhana
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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...


AWWWWW whats the mattour the big kids take your lunch money today?

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Nice generalization of people you know nothing about. You stray from the fact that pvp is pvp, it doesnt matter who you're killing, what lvl they are, and how "lame" or "stupid" you think that it is. It adds a new element to the game.


i know they are high lvl players who enjoy killing lower levels. in the real world they are called either bullies or criminals. in either case their actions are considered anti-social. what they 'add to the game' is nothing of value. nothing that anyone would miss and nothing that players actualy ask for. note: warhammer's solution did not result in massive amounts of forum rage with players threatening to quit if chickens werent removed. players, even those on pvp servers, loved it.


i can organise a boxing match between a 10 year old and a 20 year old. both combatants with some training in boxing. it would still be called a boxing match. no one would come to watch it, no one would bet on it. no sporting venue would agree to host it. yet it would still be a boxing match.

yes your ganking is technically pvp. but it does not contain the elements that the majority of pvpers are looking for when they choose pvp over pve.

if you want easy, no challange fights, go play any FPS on single player easy mode campaign. you can be impressed with your own awesomeness as NPCs run into your bullets without having to ruin some newbies first experience with MMOs.


oh wait, its that ruining of someone else day that is the entire point of your worthless existance, isnt it.

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While I don't enjoy making life hell for lowbies constantly like this dude (although if I see you rolling by I will kill the **** out of you at least once) I do feel that this is what a pvp server is all about


You all are a bunch of pathetic whiners no wonder these forums are so full of OP/UP posts and crying


I for one am pretty annoyed with the lack of PVP in this game in general:


fatigue areas surrounding zones

not even being able to venture to the opposing factions planet at ALL (like seriously?)

intentionally separated leveling areas


I didn't even see a member of the opposite faction until my late 30's I didn't even feel like I was on a pvp server whatsoever


Thank you, as PvP servers in a game go these are pee wee league yet I've never seen people so viscerally incensed as to insinuate all manner of real life anti social behaviors of those who do engage in ganking lowbies. Accusations to the point of criminal no less.


Did someone attempt to draw the correlation between ganking a lowbie in an MMO and physically punching a child in the face?!?! Did I really see that?


"Get a grip", feels like the appropriate response here. Oh, and pray the MMOs of the future don't return to the kind of PvP in an open environment that used to be common place. I may have seen a dozen examples of ganking on a relatively consistant high pop PvP server in this game, TOTAL. Games of the past I've been in, that's about par for an hour or so.


Every time over the course of years and games that I have selected a PvP server to play on (which is 100% thus far) I did so with no doubt in my mind that I would be ganked more times than I could count on my way to level cap. And yes, thus we socialized for defense among other reasons. Not to sound condescending but... welcome to MMOs?

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Oh, and pray the MMOs of the future don't return to the kind of PvP in an open environment that used to be common place.

there is a very simple reason why the kind of open pvp that used to be common place is no longer common.


game publishers in the MMO market would like for those who purchase their games to play beyond the first hour ;)

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there is a very simple reason why the kind of open pvp that used to be common place is no longer common.


game publishers in the MMO market would like for those who purchase their games to play beyond the first hour ;)


Hooray for the lowest common denominator!


I suppose we truly are on the path where there will be no need for various types of servers. Everyone can PvE and then enter a canned and controlled "PvP" instance to grind for that gear as well if they'd so choose.


P.S Following that line of reasoning though; how is Warhammer Online doing these days?

Edited by Mayams
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i know they are high lvl players who enjoy killing lower levels. in the real world they are called either bullies or criminals. in either case their actions are considered anti-social. what they 'add to the game' is nothing of value. nothing that anyone would miss and nothing that players actualy ask for. note: warhammer's solution did not result in massive amounts of forum rage with players threatening to quit if chickens werent removed. players, even those on pvp servers, loved it.


i can organise a boxing match between a 10 year old and a 20 year old. both combatants with some training in boxing. it would still be called a boxing match. no one would come to watch it, no one would bet on it. no sporting venue would agree to host it. yet it would still be a boxing match.

yes your ganking is technically pvp. but it does not contain the elements that the majority of pvpers are looking for when they choose pvp over pve.

if you want easy, no challange fights, go play any FPS on single player easy mode campaign. you can be impressed with your own awesomeness as NPCs run into your bullets without having to ruin some newbies first experience with MMOs.


oh wait, its that ruining of someone else day that is the entire point of your worthless existance, isnt it.


Still don't think you get the fact that it's just a game. Regardless of what you think, the way people play a GAME doesn't directly relate to how they act in the real world. I am neither a bully nor criminal. Just because someone wants to make it a challenge for other people to level, or do whatever else they're doing at a generally lower level, doesn't mean those people thrive on making someone else's game experience hell. If you don't like getting killed by players at their discretion DON'T ROLL A PVP SERVER. But you must be the kind of person that gets really upset when you get ganged up on or focus fired on warzones cause you didn't get a fair 1v1 fight.

Edited by bennyhana
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Hooray for the lowest common denominator!


you may not of noticed, but catering to the lowest common denominator is what makes MMOs profitable.


Just because someone wants to make it a challenge for other people to level, or do whatever else they're doing at a generally lower level, doesn't mean those people thrive on making someone else's game experience hell.


if you want to make the game a challenge for others, who dont you go gank the lvl 50s doing their pve dailies?

oh, thats right, fighting someone your own level is too much of a challenge for you.

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All these posts about the scourge of griefing, how dishonorable and disgusting it is, how something has to be done about it, etc, etc.


The whole reason I rolled on a PvP server was to level up and then re-visit the lowbie areas and cause havoc. My goal is to effectively shut down questing for the other side in an area until one of two things happens:


1.) They recruit some high level help who is able to come and kill me


2.) Some one rolls an alt on my side and asks me nicely to stop, possibly offering credits as a bribe at the same time.


If there is a point where I will get bored or tired of 1-shotting someone when all they are trying to do is complete a quest I have yet to reach it. My only regret is that there is no way to travel to the opposing factions fleet / capitals and be a nuisance there too...



The only thing worse then freaking carebears who can't learn to adapt or fight back are those nut cuppers who need to call in their whole guild to help them fight off the evil ganker. Role nubs all day every day.

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you may not of noticed, but catering to the lowest common denominator is what makes MMOs profitable.




if you want to make the game a challenge for others, who dont you go gank the lvl 50s doing their pve dailies?

oh, thats right, fighting someone your own level is too much of a challenge for you.


Who said I don't do that? I like how the automatic assumption is that we're "noobs" I'll say it once more, if you don't like pvp don't roll a pvp server.... ( pvp is player vs player, just thought I'd clear that up cause some of you don't grasp the concept :rolleyes:)

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you may not of noticed, but catering to the lowest common denominator is what makes MMOs profitable.




if you want to make the game a challenge for others, who dont you go gank the lvl 50s doing their pve dailies?

oh, thats right, fighting someone your own level is too much of a challenge for you.


Perhaps if some company were to come along and present an option between different types of servers with different rule sets that game would appeal to mor... wait a second!


And I do gank 50s doing dailies. Both times I've seen one in the past few weeks that is. Excepting of course the Plague event on Tatooine which, on my server at least, was an utter orgy of ganking, griefing, stealing and dominating quest nodes and world bosses, etc., PvP as we low lifes would consider it. It went nearly 'round the clock. Next time anything like that happens though I'll post here so the people who feel so can come announce to all these players that they are not only a minority but also anti-social criminals as evidenced by how they enjoy playing an MMO :rolleyes:.

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