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Feed the fire of Marauder hate!


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posts like these are why I hate the forums!


The video shows a full geared marad hitting a green level 50 soc who doesn't even have bubble up.


God I hope we can do damage in that given sitution if not I'm going to quit now.


Plenty of classes can deliver that can of hit to that guy any day of the week


What does the bubble have to do with anything? If he had a bubble up I would have knocked it down before I ravaged.


I'd also like to point out I popped my Power Adrenal and Power Relic as well.

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What does the bubble have to do with anything? If he had a bubble up I would have knocked it down before I ravaged.


I'd also like to point out I popped my Power Adrenal and Power Relic as well.


so what do you expect in that sitution? A 1-2k hit? Of course your going to knock his shoes off in that situation as you should.

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Wrong, our other 2 specs are not really all that viable compared to what Watchman brings. Watchman got slightly nerfed. And if you're stupid enough to eat a full Ravage/Master Strike from a Watchman/Anni spec'd player, you're the problem. It pretty much IS the same as it was on launch. Some minor tweaks but that;s it. Your issue is that everything else got nerfed so badly. Call for buffs, not nerfs.


lol, it's not that hard to get off a full Ravage. I do it all the time on my baby Juggernaut. If I see someone stunned, they're going to eat it! Rooted or snared? Probably gonna make them eat a full Ravage there too. The ability has like a 10 meter range once you fire it off so unless they use something like a knockback or stun, or they have full running speed, they're going to eat it.

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lol, it's not that hard to get off a full Ravage. I do it all the time on my baby Juggernaut. If I see someone stunned, they're going to eat it! Rooted or snared? Probably gonna make them eat a full Ravage there too. The ability has like a 10 meter range once you fire it off so unless they use something like a knockback or stun, or they have full running speed, they're going to eat it.


It's not that hard to do against bads, sure. 10 meters isn't that far, you have 3 seconds to run. A knockback or CC does the trick too. Unless it's against a Carnage/Watchman player, you have only yourself to blame for Master Strike/Ravage demolishing you.

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I heard 15% ravage buff isnt a buff right guys? Marauders been untouched since launch guys! Oh but our other 2 specs are viable now but we were not buffed! No buffs here. None happened we got nothing. Right guys?:D


Lmao, you make me laugh. Only buff was to ravage/master strike, which is for all WARRIORS. If you think that buff made marauders/sents OP, you need to l2p. In certain situations it is a harad hitting ability, ,but its on a 30 second CD with a 3 second channel. Watchmen/annhi, the most played spec, got a slight NERF, while the other two trees had quality of life changes to make them more viable...but STILL not as good as watchmen/annhi, so i don't understand where all this QQ is coming from since the best spec only received a slight utility nerf. Unless, omg, ravage is suddenly making every marauder out there OP. I think not

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What does the bubble have to do with anything? If he had a bubble up I would have knocked it down before I ravaged.


I'd also like to point out I popped my Power Adrenal and Power Relic as well.


What he is trying to say is your whole post is worthless. Any class can post a vid of a warhero/Bm geared player critting a non geared obviously noob player. What did you exactly plan to prove with that post?


Why don't you post some footage vs other equally geared players who can actually think while they're playing instead of obvious noobs who have no clue what they are doing?

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What he is trying to say is your whole post is worthless. Any class can post a vid of a warhero/Bm geared player critting a non geared obviously noob player. What did you exactly plan to prove with that post?


Why don't you post some footage vs other equally geared players who can actually think while they're playing instead of obvious noobs who have no clue what they are doing?


But that doesn't show how OP mara is...

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wow, doing alot of damage on a guy that's casting Force Lightning as he enters melee with a marauder, doesn't even have his class buff on and has what appears to be 13.4k hp. Can't be sure though since the quality of the video is worse than Lawrence of Arabia, the Original.



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Yes, that's a 5.3k Ravage after a 3.7k Ravage, with a 1.1k DoT tick and a few other 500-800 DoT ticks.


I am sorry fellow Marauders.


its warriors in gen. not just marauders, when im able to be choked CCed then hit for 3200+ 3 times in under the CC choke times is broken as !@#$, Bioware i took a break for a week due to surgery and i come back toi this crap? i wonder if blizzard would take money? i want o play ur game but with this unblance is the mega downfall to the game. and i seen a warrior in questing -50 gear do more dps then a +50 columi opertve/merc... broken much? fix ur !@#$. this is getting really hard to play ur game, and wheres teh cross server pvp? imp vs imp is getting really old.

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I got 1800 expertise and got 1 shotted with a smash by some noob mara that didn't put any debuff on me.


Congratulations !!!


You have now broken the ridiculousness record in the "hate sent/mara" threads !


You win a /facepalm



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Congratulations !!!


You have now broken the ridiculousness record in the "hate sent/mara" threads !


You win a /facepalm




I bet it'll even get worse.


clearly, the solution is to nerf scoundrel and operative more.


Teams of Operatives everywhere!

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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1.8k - 3.7k- 5k spread over 3 seconds 4-10 meter channeled ability on a light armor scrub with 13k hp and probably nearly no expertise with 2 lucky crits and consumables !!!


wow... my lightning crits for 2.8-3.5 on undergeared scrubs with my assasin... with 4 tics over 3 seconds with 30m range + 50% slow, uninteruptable aswell, and healing me for 12%... same dmg


my gunslinger fully buffed will destroy a undergeared sorc in 2 globals...



nothing to see here

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I don't have a problem with that damage honestly, but when you do that damage and then you also lololol 99% immune lolololol vanish escape, then there IS a problem.


The class would be somewhat balanced without those cds, a melee glass cannon as it should be by design.

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Congratulations !!!


You have now broken the ridiculousness record in the "hate sent/mara" threads !


You win a /facepalm




He can't win anything, sent/maras already won all the prizes for themselves.

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I don't have a problem with that damage honestly, but when you do that damage and then you also lololol 99% immune lolololol vanish escape, then there IS a problem.


The class would be somewhat balanced without those cds, a melee glass cannon as it should be by design.


Yea except Mara's don't have a 99% immune vanish after 1.2


It's now a 50% dam reduction IF you spec right and AOE pulls us out of stealth now.

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You used Bloodthirst/Inspiration (5 min cooldown 15% damage increase), stem, and adrenal not to mention that guy was wearing light armor and probably had no expertise. Bioware has already stated they plan on lowering the amount of benefit you gain from stims and adrenals and increasing their duration. Edited by Dirtnugget
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You used Bloodthirst/Inspiration (5 min cooldown 15% damage increase), stem, and adrenal not to mention that guy was wearing light armor and probably had no expertise. Bioware has already stated they plan on lowering the amount of benefit you gain from stims and adrenals and increasing their duration.


I used a Power Adrenal and Power Relic, that's it. I didn't use Bloodthirst at all.

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