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Bioware dont change a thing for Marauders!


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IMO outside of ravage, marauder can still do lots of hurt, but with that 15% increase in damage on ravage plus the 8% ravager talent, 99% of marauder/sents I face in WZ's do the same damn thing- jump at you, proc gore/prec slash and ravage you while you're rooted, I've had it happen to me every single time one attacks me. But I get on my marauder, spec carnage and do the same damn thing and it pisses people off.


The 15% damage increase to ravage should not have happened IMO. Maybe it should've only been added to juggernaut's vengeance and guardian's vig tree.

Edited by Sookster
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I dont care if your resolve as perma flagged as full, you can still be rooted and snared.... blue/red bubble is easy to see and the good players when i pop that throw things on me and take it out of the equation... 5 seconds later im dead...If I am fighting a Sent and see blue, i pop my snare run straight through them (no collision detection) and see if there is a target of oppertunity in the mean time, or if low on health pop my force camo and pop a heal and delay or root them with deadly throw....


Of course you don't care, you are enjoying, as am I, a class that is able to run over people. <-- Again if you can't you are doing it wrong. Oh yeah your gonna snare me, have fun as I root you with master strike. I am snared you are stuck standing next to me. It's no biggie man, you don't need to defend yourself to me, I am with you. However, I am also ready, in the event that it happens, to be nerfed.

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Ok, I was very vocal on some of the pvp problems, mechanics, balance, and rewards but I need to tell you something. While I minimally engaged in 10-49 pvp I have been doing it more and more at 50.


When I started, I was getting crushed. No one said the Marauder was over powered or that I was killing it. I wasnt.


But after I got my first two pieces of Battlemaster gear everything started to change. I was becoming on par with the other geared players in the warzones and I was playing at a very competetive level.


Now I am crushing and getting better and better. My point is this: Sadly, it took level 50 and burning through some gear to equalize the playing field, but now its equal! Now I can compete. Dont listen to the flames of Marauder overpoweredness because we have the same plusses and minuses of every other class. It finally is becoming fun! I have had some of the best warzone matches recently than over the last 3 months I have been playing and its great. Even when there is a bad one and we get crushed (and by the way in those the team is always arguing in Ops chat instead of working together).


Warzones are a coordinated team effort that I have have become good at and its not just about burst damage. You would be amazed what I can do with team buffs, Force Camoflague, Undying Rge, and our stun. Othe rplayers forget they can move, run and fight another day, stun, heal, get help, etc. They stand there and get burnt down and then complain that we got patched for basic ability increases we were short of to begin with!


Check your metrics and stay the course! Marauders are here to stay baby!!!!!!!!!

No, I would not, in fact, be amazed by what you can do with team buffs. Especially since every nub on the server is a marauder now. I am quite numb to what you guys can do. Used to be you had to be an artist to be a good marauder, flowing through your ability priorities like rushing water through rapids. Now you can get away with using only a few abilities to put out your damage while being immortal on CDs. BORING!

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No, I would not, in fact, be amazed by what you can do with team buffs. Especially since every nub on the server is a marauder now. I am quite numb to what you guys can do. Used to be you had to be an artist to be a good marauder, flowing through your ability priorities like rushing water through rapids. Now you can get away with using only a few abilities to put out your damage while being immortal on CDs. BORING!


Oh I really think that still exists (the artistry). Especially with different teams compositions, styles, and mixes of talents. I alter my rotation and style based on certain people I play, classes, teams, etc. I think everyone is forgetting that this IS the toughest class and was underpowered originally- that is why I took it, for the challenge. Now that its an even playing field everyone wants to cry for the nerf. And there is no statistical proof, just anecdotal "I got burned down today" quips that poorly misrepresent the class and what it is. But Mara palyers are now coming into their own so watch out!

Edited by whatthefett
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funny how everyone who has a marader is vastly more skilled then every other player as they all have 30+ keybinds and hit every single button even though it takes a geared mara 6 seconds to kill someone


funny also how every reroller suddenly becomes skilled by rerolling one.....even crap players still do truckloads of damage


funny how maras where so rare at begining of game now there more popular then sorcs


i wonder why..........

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It very easy to see why Marauders are OP. A bad Marauder will take away half your health before dying. A good one will kill you even if you get the jump on him.


A Marauder is no longer judged by whether he can trash anyone 1v1, they are now judged based on how fast they can kill a 2v1.


Before 1.2 a good marauder was a dps race, and a bad marauder was dead. Since 1.2, A good marauder is a 2 versus 1 contest, and a bad marauder is a dps race. This is the definition of Overpowered.

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Oh I really think that still exists (the artistry). Especially with different teams compositions, styles, and mixes of talents. I alter my rotation and style based on certain people I play, classes, teams, etc. I think everyone is forgetting that this IS the toughest class and was underpowered originally- that is why I took it, for the challenge. Now that its an even playing field everyone wants to cry for the nerf. And there is no statistical proof, just anecdotal "I got burned down today" quips that poorly misrepresent the class and what it is. But Mara palyers are now coming into their own so watch out!


I'm watching, for the nerf bat and ball! Then I can go back to playing my marauder without having to be the 8th one in the WZ who is one.

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Sentinel did not get buffed. It got 2 SPECS tweaked in an attempt to make them viable, but for the most part Watchman is still tops and got slightly NERFED utility wise. They didn't touch our damage numbers. The only real buff that is somewhat a big deal is making Pacify off the GCD, but it's useless against classes that don't use white damage.


Sent is not OP because of some magic buff. It's OP because Bioware has nerfed everything else into the ground. Same goes for Shadows and PTs. Stop crying for nerfs and start calling for buffs/tweaks.

Edited by Trineda
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Sentinel did not get buffed. It got 2 SPECS buffed in an attempt to make them viable, but for the most part Watchman is still tops and got slightly NERFED utility wise. They didn't touch our damage numbers. The only real buff that is somewhat a big deal is making Pacify off the GCD, but it's useless against classes that don't use white damage.


Sent is not OP because of some magic buff. It's OP because Bioware has nerfed everything else into the ground. Same goes for Shadows and PTs. Stop crying for nerfs and start calling for buffs/tweaks.


I'm not saying they were buffed. I'm saying


He doesn't want nerfs. He wants buffs to carry him

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They didn't touch our damage numbers.

Way to ruin your credibility. I mean, all I have to do is point to one single damage number change and your whole opinion becomes worthless.


*Ravage damage has been increased by 15%.



Edited by Caelrie
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Ok, I was very vocal on some of the pvp problems, mechanics, balance, and rewards but I need to tell you something. While I minimally engaged in 10-49 pvp I have been doing it more and more at 50.


When I started, I was getting crushed. No one said the Marauder was over powered or that I was killing it. I wasnt.


But after I got my first two pieces of Battlemaster gear everything started to change. I was becoming on par with the other geared players in the warzones and I was playing at a very competetive level.


Now I am crushing and getting better and better. My point is this: Sadly, it took level 50 and burning through some gear to equalize the playing field, but now its equal! Now I can compete. Dont listen to the flames of Marauder overpoweredness because we have the same plusses and minuses of every other class. It finally is becoming fun! I have had some of the best warzone matches recently than over the last 3 months I have been playing and its great. Even when there is a bad one and we get crushed (and by the way in those the team is always arguing in Ops chat instead of working together).


Warzones are a coordinated team effort that I have have become good at and its not just about burst damage. You would be amazed what I can do with team buffs, Force Camoflague, Undying Rge, and our stun. Othe rplayers forget they can move, run and fight another day, stun, heal, get help, etc. They stand there and get burnt down and then complain that we got patched for basic ability increases we were short of to begin with!


Check your metrics and stay the course! Marauders are here to stay baby!!!!!!!!!


This is not what these guys say:



You should just admit there is a problem as the best of the best see it like it is.

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Way to ruin your credibility. I mean, all I have to do is point to one single damage number change and your whole opinion becomes worthless.


*Ravage damage has been increased by 15%.




Guess what, that wasn't a Sentinel buff, it was a KNIGHT/WARRIOR buff. Your credibility is the one that's lost. It wasn't class specific. And our most viable spec...Master Strike/Ravage is useless against someone that knows how to turn and run.



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You can defend it however you want. I just know that when I am behind the keys of my sent, I pop god mode and kill 1-2 people each and every time. As far as stunning me, LOLOLOLOL, that is funny people dont know what to do when I am on them, my resolve bar is filled up almost instantly. <-- And if you are not putting that kind of pressure on your target/targets then you are doing it wrong.


"God mode" Is three GCDs at the most. You kill 1-2 people in 3 moves?

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funny how everyone who has a marader is vastly more skilled then every other player as they all have 30+ keybinds and hit every single button even though it takes a geared mara 6 seconds to kill someone


funny also how every reroller suddenly becomes skilled by rerolling one.....even crap players still do truckloads of damage


funny how maras where so rare at begining of game now there more popular then sorcs


i wonder why..........


Are you saying they were weak at the beginning of the game?

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"God mode" Is three GCDs at the most. You kill 1-2 people in 3 moves?


Technically it's 3 and a half. That's 4 attacks. I think Mapex and I illustrated that a marauder could conceivably kill 1 person in 4 attacks.


Let's say you have 5 seconds of 99 percent immunity and a full resolve bar, or I have no CC available.


I have 60 percent health. 17k health at 60 percent that leaves me with 10.2k.


You are at 20 percent health. 17k health at 20 percent leaves you with 3.4k health. You pop your Godmode button which leaves you with 1.7k health. I am at 10.2k for every other class this is a win for me.


However in the 4 GCD times. I hit you with FB - 1.5k damage (hits you for 15) RP 2.2k (hits you for 22). Immolate 3k (hits you for 30), and FB crits for 2.2k(hits you for 22). You are now sitting at 1.6k. In the same span


You hit me for 2.2k, 4k, 1.1k, and 2k that 9.5k. If you crit at any time, I am dead, and you are still at 1.6k. It's not hard to do the basic math.

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Technically it's 3 and a half. That's 4 attacks. I think Mapex and I illustrated that a marauder could conceivably kill 1 person in 4 attacks.


Let's say you have 5 seconds of 99 percent immunity and a full resolve bar, or I have no CC available.


I have 60 percent health. 17k health at 60 percent that leaves me with 10.2k.


You are at 20 percent health. 17k health at 20 percent leaves you with 3.4k health. You pop your Godmode button which leaves you with 1.7k health. I am at 10.2k for every other class this is a win for me.


However in the 4 GCD times. I hit you with FB - 1.5k damage (hits you for 15) RP 2.2k (hits you for 22). Immolate 3k (hits you for 30), and FB crits for 2.2k(hits you for 22). You are now sitting at 1.6k. In the same span


You hit me for 2.2k, 4k, 1.1k, and 2k that 9.5k. If you crit at any time, I am dead, and you are still at 1.6k. It's not hard to do the basic math.


As a Watchman, the only way I could do that much damage in that short of time is with Master Strike. Also as a watchman, you can walk away from master strike since I do not root with it.


Can you identify what skills I use in that 2.2k 4k 1.1k and 2k chain?


Also LOL Why are you trying to DPS something with 99% damage immunity? YOu really should use concussion missile or any other kind of CC and running. Or just running.


So you are just standing there, doing crap damage while I am hitting you over the head? Why would you do that? Why would you sit in melee with a melee class, when you are ranged DPS? Why is it my fault that you would do something stupid?

Edited by Derian
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As a Watchman, the only way I could do that much damage in that short of time is with Master Strike. Also as a watchman, you can walk away from master strike since I do not root with it.


Can you identify what skills I use in that 2.2k 4k 1.1k and 2k chain?


Also LOL Why are you trying to DPS something with 99% damage immunity? YOu really should use concussion missile or any other kind of CC and running. Or just running.


So you are just standing there, doing crap damage while I am hitting you over the head? Why would you do that? Why would you sit in melee with a melee class, when you are ranged DPS? Why is it my fault that you would do something stupid?


Please watch



Yes, that's a 5.3k Ravage after a 3.7k Ravage, with a 1.1k DoT tick and a few other 500-800 DoT ticks.


I am sorry fellow Marauders.

Edited by TheOpf
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Please watch



Yes, that's a 5.3k Ravage after a 3.7k Ravage, with a 1.1k DoT tick and a few other 500-800 DoT ticks.


I am sorry fellow Marauders.


Yes, that's a 5.3k Ravage after a 3.7k Ravage, with a 1.1k DoT tick and a few other 500-800 DoT ticks.


I am sorry fellow Marauders.


You do realize that he's attacking a Sorc who RAN into melee range, has NO gear, 13k HP and didn't have the brains to run AWAY from Master Strike right? All you proved was that some people are bad and you are grasping for straws.


Also, way to fail at addressing any of his perfectly valid points.

Edited by dschlan
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You do realize that he's attacking a Sorc who RAN into melee range, has NO gear, 13k HP and didn't have the brains to run AWAY from Master Strike right? All you proved was that some people are bad and you are grasping for straws.


Also, way to fail at addressing any of his perfectly valid points.


It's amazing that those defending Marauders think everyone has full cc's and you never have resolve bar filled. I mean the fact that I stated it in an isolated sentence, and he simply ran over it as you did as well. I addressed his points already several times. Neither of you acknowledge these answers, because then you would have to agree that you are overpowered currently.


I was answering the only relevant comment he made that I hadn't already answered several times. He stated it wasn't possible to ever reach 10k in 3 seconds. I stated it was more than possible. The video proves it's possible. I didn't say that the guy was crappily geared. I simply stated that 10-12k in 6 seconds is easily possible for a good Marauder. Your failure to see that in any form except OH NO I can't win unless I am overpowered mode is the problem.

Edited by TheOpf
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This is not what these guys say:



You should just admit there is a problem as the best of the best see it like it is.


"The strongest possible rated team in patch 1.2 is 8 focus-spec sentinels."


That pretty much says it all.



Also LOL Why are you trying to DPS something with 99% damage immunity? YOu really should use concussion missile or any other kind of CC and running. Or just running.


You can't run from sentinels. Too many snares, roots and gap closers.

Edited by Caelrie
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Ok, I was very vocal on some of the pvp problems, mechanics, balance, and rewards but I need to tell you something. While I minimally engaged in 10-49 pvp I have been doing it more and more at 50.


When I started, I was getting crushed. No one said the Marauder was over powered or that I was killing it. I wasnt.


But after I got my first two pieces of Battlemaster gear everything started to change. I was becoming on par with the other geared players in the warzones and I was playing at a very competetive level.


Now I am crushing and getting better and better. My point is this: Sadly, it took level 50 and burning through some gear to equalize the playing field, but now its equal! Now I can compete. Dont listen to the flames of Marauder overpoweredness because we have the same plusses and minuses of every other class. It finally is becoming fun! I have had some of the best warzone matches recently than over the last 3 months I have been playing and its great. Even when there is a bad one and we get crushed (and by the way in those the team is always arguing in Ops chat instead of working together).


Warzones are a coordinated team effort that I have have become good at and its not just about burst damage. You would be amazed what I can do with team buffs, Force Camoflague, Undying Rge, and our stun. Othe rplayers forget they can move, run and fight another day, stun, heal, get help, etc. They stand there and get burnt down and then complain that we got patched for basic ability increases we were short of to begin with!


Check your metrics and stay the course! Marauders are here to stay baby!!!!!!!!!


Ignore the jaded replies, I appreciated your post. People in this game have tunnel vision when it comes to marauders, they see the flashing lightsabers and have a epileptic fit.


They don't see the sniper focusing your target from range because his enormous single target burst is delivered in less than a second with no visible graphic.


I do this all the time with my IA, it allows my damage to be hidden behind other team mates and draws less attention to me.

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Also LOL Why are you trying to DPS something with 99% damage immunity? YOu really should use concussion missile or any other kind of CC and running. Or just running.


So with no other class when I am at 50 percent health and you are at 1.7k health do I have to use a CC and run or just plain out flee the seen, and yet you aren't overpowered? Seriously? Are you seriously making this statement? That the best alternative for everyone is to run away? Seriously? Please tell me you are a troll and not a pvp guy with any sense of skill.


If the only remedy is for me to run away for 5 seconds and pray you don't have a cc breaker, and that you dont' chase me than that is a joke.


So you are just standing there, doing crap damage while I am hitting you over the head? Why would you do that? Why would you sit in melee with a melee class, when you are ranged DPS? Why is it my fault that you would do something stupid?


You must never pay attention or not know what a Powertech is at all. Powertech is melee, so are juggernaughts, and operatives. Even if I was ranged, and you ran up next to me and I knocked you back, you would just leap back on top of me, and now my cc is gone, and I can't do crap to you. Did your brain stop working when you asked this question? Powertech's are melee, I can't outrun you if my cc is down. Do you not read anything before you post?

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