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Bioware dont change a thing for Marauders!


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I take it, Undying Rage is the that stupid as hell 99% dmg reduction crap

Minor tool my arse.


That thing is the constant deciding factor between life and death. Every Maurader spams it like a mofo.


It scores nearly as many Huttball Goals as the retarded Assassin Sprint/CC Immune crap.


Haha Minor Tool.

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I take it, Undying Rage is the that stupid as hell 99% dmg reduction crap

Minor tool my arse.


That thing is the constant deciding factor between life and death. Every Maurader spams it like a mofo.


It scores nearly as many Huttball Goals as the retarded Assassin Sprint/CC Immune crap.


Haha Minor Tool.




I am not going to bother.

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:rolleyes:6 sec immortality on a 1 min cd is a minor tool in the toolkit. I consider my Evasion to be one of my more valuable defensive CD:s and it has the same cd, lasts half the duration and grants you immunity to white attacks only.


Did you forget to mention your in combat stealth escape as an operative? your multiple stun with your flash bang as a sniper?


didn't think so.

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My marauder needs a castable self heal, knockback and taunt. Ty.


I feel the same! My big and powerfull Sentinal gets tossed around like a ragdoll. Nerf me, but I want immunity from some of the pulls and knockbacks. Otherwise leave me alone! Thank you very much!

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I take it, Undying Rage is the that stupid as hell 99% dmg reduction crap

Minor tool my arse.


That thing is the constant deciding factor between life and death. Every Maurader spams it like a mofo.


It scores nearly as many Huttball Goals as the retarded Assassin Sprint/CC Immune crap.


Haha Minor Tool.


You can still be stopped with it activated. It isnt cc immune. And I cant throw the ball when you do cc me. Again, an inconsistency.

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On my server we still see wzs with 40-80% sorc. Agree with the OP don't change a thing, at least until there is a better balance of classes. Let the marauders have the same amount of time being a bit OP that the other classes did (3-4 months?), allow people time to level their new FOTM alts, THEN nerf it. Or buff another class. Right now, this is just what the warzones needed.
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Yes yes, you say that it's useful for getting "that last hit". The retarded part here is that in 6 seconds a well geared mara can take anywhere from 30-50% of someones hp. Thats more then "that last hit". Just *********** deal with the fact that Undying Rage is a retarded, noskill ability that everyone always pop whenever they slip below 10%


Not to mention you can pop a medpack right after you throw up your 6 sec immunity.

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Maybe if you guys spent more time getting better at playing, and less time QQ'ing on the forums, you could be better?


This is indeed coming from the perspective of a marauder player.....and a sorc...and a shadow...and a merc...and a vanguard....and a jugg.


On all the other classes besides my marauders, and since I've played so much on my marauder, I know how to counter my own favorite class. It's really not that hard.

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Yes yes, you say that it's useful for getting "that last hit". The retarded part here is that in 6 seconds a well geared mara can take anywhere from 30-50% of someones hp. Thats more then "that last hit". Just *********** deal with the fact that Undying Rage is a retarded, noskill ability that everyone always pop whenever they slip below 10%


Not to mention you can pop a medpack right after you throw up your 6 sec immunity.

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I'm sure glad I won't be playing this game in less than a month...so many tears...so much whining...I can do without. I played through the only story I cared about, I've PVP'd enough to see the direction it's going and I really don't care about raiding/scripted fights...


P.S. Whiners don't balance games. They truly believe that any class that can kill their class should be nerfed. And 8 out of 10 times, the reason they lose goes beyond the class.

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Well, truth be told I learned my class as I was taking a beating because I had too- I cant compete with better armor. So when I got the BM gear I jumped dramatically. Now everyone whines because my actual skill can be used on par with their elite gear. That is the current qq against marauders.


Now everyone complains, oh he has skills AND the armor? Nerf!


So when sorcs was criefed it was because they really were OP and ops and scoundrels and their stunlocking teams it was OP too had to be nerfed , Tracermissile a *********** casted ability that can be interrupted or los´d sure nerf that too has to be OP.


Please just enjoy your FOTM while it lasts people said maras/sents are mildly OP in pre 1.2 then it was more like unskilled people being rolled by better players now in "the *********** up your pvp experience" patch of 1.2 everyone else got toned down healers got ***** and beaten with a stick most ranged dps and stunlocking teams of operatives was made obsolete nerfing down the damage while leaving survivability and mobility untouched or slightly nerfed. So sure it´s the era of smashing marauders/sents and whirlyblades sins/shadows to rule the galaxy.

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So when sorcs was criefed it was because they really were OP and ops and scoundrels and their stunlocking teams it was OP too had to be nerfed , Tracermissile a *********** casted ability that can be interrupted or los´d sure nerf that too has to be OP.


Please just enjoy your FOTM while it lasts people said maras/sents are mildly OP in pre 1.2 then it was more like unskilled people being rolled by better players now in "the *********** up your pvp experience" patch of 1.2 everyone else got toned down healers got ***** and beaten with a stick most ranged dps and stunlocking teams of operatives was made obsolete nerfing down the damage while leaving survivability and mobility untouched or slightly nerfed. So sure it´s the era of smashing marauders/sents and whirlyblades sins/shadows to rule the galaxy.


Sorc wasn't OP.

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This is part of the issue with rage against Maras and why people may suggest they are OP'd- no one knows how they work. You must be referring to "Undying Rage". I would like to clear that up.


Undying rage takes 50% of your health. So first, using it anywhere above 15% health (I say this because of lag or server delay) is useless and an automatic loss. What that means is if its a close fight and you need that one last hit, pop it and hold off for 5 more seconds. In fairness, I also like to use it with my group stun to delay advances on doors, group, etc but that is interruptable anyway by good players).


Unfortunately the counter to this, although it looks like many people arent using it properly, is that many classes have a "look, I hit a button and got back 60% of my health instantly!"


Undying Rage is a minor tool in the toolkit.


No, it is the single most powerful cd in the game, nothing comes even close, if you do not agree with that play a day of wz matches without using it. Try it, and you will agree with me.

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Did you forget to mention your in combat stealth escape as an operative? your multiple stun with your flash bang as a sniper?


didn't think so.


in combat stealth escape? You mean like the one maras have? "multiple stun" is actually a mezz that breaks on damage, it works exactly LIKE MARAS FEAR. Don't talk so much **** pls, everything that you mentioned there maras got too.

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Ok, I was very vocal on some of the pvp problems, mechanics, balance, and rewards but I need to tell you something. While I minimally engaged in 10-49 pvp I have been doing it more and more at 50.


When I started, I was getting crushed. No one said the Marauder was over powered or that I was killing it. I wasnt.


But after I got my first two pieces of Battlemaster gear everything started to change. I was becoming on par with the other geared players in the warzones and I was playing at a very competetive level.


Now I am crushing and getting better and better. My point is this: Sadly, it took level 50 and burning through some gear to equalize the playing field, but now its equal! Now I can compete. Dont listen to the flames of Marauder overpoweredness because we have the same plusses and minuses of every other class. It finally is becoming fun! I have had some of the best warzone matches recently than over the last 3 months I have been playing and its great. Even when there is a bad one and we get crushed (and by the way in those the team is always arguing in Ops chat instead of working together).


Warzones are a coordinated team effort that I have have become good at and its not just about burst damage. You would be amazed what I can do with team buffs, Force Camoflague, Undying Rge, and our stun. Othe rplayers forget they can move, run and fight another day, stun, heal, get help, etc. They stand there and get burnt down and then complain that we got patched for basic ability increases we were short of to begin with!


Check your metrics and stay the course! Marauders are here to stay baby!!!!!!!!!


Ya... when I watch a keyboard turning, mouse clicking Mara friend lay waste to multiple opponents in a WZ I /giggle. Then, after he gets beat down eventually he goes on to say "X class is OP they need to nerf it!" And I know he is a keyboard turning , mouse clicker as I he introduced me to this game while I was visiting a while back.


Now, welcome to the future...


That same keyboard turning, mouse clicking Mara beats me 50% of the time, and I do neither of those. Most times he just sits there spinning circles (keyboard turning) because I am running around/ jumping through him.


Not OP at all, nope!

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No, it is the single most powerful cd in the game, nothing comes even close, if you do not agree with that play a day of wz matches without using it. Try it, and you will agree with me.


I can stun an Undying Rage'd Mara.


I can't do **** against a Force Shrouded Sin.

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I can stun an Undying Rage'd Mara.


I can't do **** against a Force Shrouded Sin.


go to the sin forums and ask if they would give up shroud for UR, and go flip that on the mara forums.


vast majority will choose UR because it is OP.

Edited by Notannos
rude, no warning
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go to the sin forums and ask if they would give up shroud for UR, and go flip that on the mara forums.


vast majority will choose UR because it is OP.


My Sent would love to have Shroud over UR.


The bane of melee classes is CC, snares, roots, etc. If we cannot get in/ stay in melee range, we are not doing damage.

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go to the sin forums and ask if they would give up shroud for UR, and go flip that on the mara forums.


vast majority will choose UR because it is OP.


Says someone who has never used UR. I wouldn't even hesitate to trade the two as a sentinel.

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Ya... when I watch a keyboard turning, mouse clicking Mara friend lay waste to multiple opponents in a WZ I /giggle. Then, after he gets beat down eventually he goes on to say "X class is OP they need to nerf it!" And I know he is a keyboard turning , mouse clicker as I he introduced me to this game while I was visiting a while back.


Now, welcome to the future...


That same keyboard turning, mouse clicking Mara beats me 50% of the time, and I do neither of those. Most times he just sits there spinning circles (keyboard turning) because I am running around/ jumping through him.


Not OP at all, nope!


Haha yeah, it's pretty funny. You can see half the maras keyboard turning but it really doesn't matter, they'll still dominate wzs anyway.


Then of course there's the other half that actually know what they're doing, and it's even worse.


I actually don't care if they nerf the class anymore, I'm pretty much done with this game. I have a Mara myself but not at 50, but the thing is if they care this little about balance why bother playing this game? Sure they might nerf Mara someday, probably in a few months, and then they'll just buff some other class to stupidly OP levels, while nerfing Mara into the ground.


And that's what they're going to keep doing. Every major patch they'll nerf the most popular classes to uselessness, and then buff a different class. If you already have that class at 50 I guess you can play it then, but if you don't do you want to level it up, just to play unbalanced PVP where you'd be the strongest for awhile?


This is not a PVP game, it's a PVE one. For PVE you get story and quicker progression. You get different playstyles to choose from as well. You get a lot of different areas to explore instead of 4 tiny maps. You get a full group or can solo the content, instead of getting dumped in 3 v 8 matches against premades. Imagine if in PVE you could be doing a solo class quest at level 20 but suddenly it turns into Eternity Vault, but you're still solo, and you're not allowed to leave (or people scream you should be punished). PVP is awful in this game even outside of the current balance issues.

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No, it is the single most powerful cd in the game, nothing comes even close, if you do not agree with that play a day of wz matches without using it. Try it, and you will agree with me.


I played warzones today and didnt use my Undying Rage, per your suggestion. It had zero impact I didnt even miss it because it did virtually nothing before. You read the talent as godly but you have to consider situationally what it really is.



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