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Future 3D Space Combat


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Not sure why people wouldn't want better space combat here.


Since "Star Wars" first premiered back in the 70's, space "dog fights" have been a big part of the genre, and have continued to be so in every Star Wars movie after that. Even the Cinematics for TOR didn't fail to enclose a daring scene of a smugglers ship blasting its way out of a trap and diving to hyperspace in the nick of time.


So why shouldn't we want this as a part of TOR? We Already have great person to person combat here, low lets let them fill in the other side of what made Star Wars what it is.

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a starfighter combat mode would be the ONLY good way to go to attract new customer and entertain actual...for now.


It would be great to see pahse with multiple player or even space exploration (one can dream).

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What I find troubling is it was not even mentioned in the summer update all the way through to October. Even more troubling is they do not say anything on it. All we hear is little scraps about it hear and there. I dont need to know details, hell Ill wait for it, so its done right. If they would just confirm on their updates that they are still working on it. I think it could go a long way to to keeping people around. When I saw that list for the summer update, I thought to myself, why should I keep playing? I think the devs do not understand we need to see light at the end of the tunnel on space.
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I recall them saying that this is EXACTLY what they wanted it to be...a mini game.


They really wanted it that way? Good for them I guess, I just think it could be so much more.


I guess when I grew up on Star Wars, I was always pretending to be Han Solo, with my dog as Chewy, blowing up TIE fighters on the Falcon. Seeing how most here are children of the prequels, I can see how they want to be jedi and concentrate on the ground game.


Ah well, to each his own, we'll never see any big upgrades to the game anyway, it think EA is going to let it coast, make as much cash as it can, then shut it down. They don't look for longevity in their games, only sequels.

Edited by Deganji
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a starfighter combat mode would be the ONLY good way to go to attract new customer and entertain actual...for now.


It would be great to see pahse with multiple player or even space exploration (one can dream).


In Star Wars Galaxies, a huge portion of the playerbase played Jump to Lightspeed content exclusively. I knew plenty of people who were master pilots that had no ground skills. That should be telling of how important a space game is to Star Wars.

Edited by Deganji
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When I saw that list for the summer update, I thought to myself, why should I keep playing? I think the devs do not understand we need to see light at the end of the tunnel on space.


I'm back to the game for the story currently (some of my friends are playing now that it's f2p, so I play with them), but I'll be gone again after we're done. The only way I'm going to be back again is more story or proper space combat. :p


Now, if I knew space combat is coming, I might stay subbed and grind creds every now and then so I could buy the best fighter/upgrades/whatever...

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Posting my 2 cents here...just basing my opinion on hunch and the datamined info that was taken off these boards incredibly fast the other day. There is no mystery regarding the SSSP. First, I believe it DOES exist just not anywhere near the vision they had originally planned or the vision we all hoped for. I think initially it WAS going to be very close to JTLS but that was scrapped once it became clear we were headed for F2p and the Dev staff was cut down considerably. With the cartel shop taking all priority and the leaked datamined info it APPEARS what we will be getting now is essentially a pvp mini game with light/heavy/medium fighters. Considering the cartel market priority, it's very clear the potential income. Fairly cheap and quick to offer new ship "skins" for your fighter, new ship upgrade packs ect. not to mention it gives them a bit of an out so to speak as far as all the requests to customizing our ships...just won't be in the way we had hoped...
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Well, if it's another mini game, then it's another failure and I won't be coming back for it. Space is a large part of Star Wars for any fan, and space mini games are just a gigantic insult.
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I guess when I grew up on Star Wars, I was always pretending to be Han Solo, with my dog as Chewy, blowing up TIE fighters on the Falcon. Seeing how most here are children of the prequels, I can see how they want to be jedi and concentrate on the ground game.


Or there are those of us who grew up blowing X-wings in our trusted Tie-Advansed Mk. 2, Inspected cargo containers with A-wings and captured imperial offisers with Y-wings and shuttles. Loved "Tie-fighter" and "X-wing" lucasart games. Still hoping maybe one day i'll get to see a remake or a new game of the series.

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Or there are those of us who grew up blowing X-wings in our trusted Tie-Advansed Mk. 2, Inspected cargo containers with A-wings and captured imperial offisers with Y-wings and shuttles. Loved "Tie-fighter" and "X-wing" lucasart games. Still hoping maybe one day i'll get to see a remake or a new game of the series.


Heh :) Now me, I wanted to be flying my X-Wing down the trench to hit a target no bigger than a womprat. I can't tell you how many quarters I sank into that machine when it finally hit the arcades (back when there were arcades).

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Posting my 2 cents here...just basing my opinion on hunch and the datamined info that was taken off these boards incredibly fast the other day. There is no mystery regarding the SSSP. First, I believe it DOES exist just not anywhere near the vision they had originally planned or the vision we all hoped for. I think initially it WAS going to be very close to JTLS but that was scrapped once it became clear we were headed for F2p and the Dev staff was cut down considerably. With the cartel shop taking all priority and the leaked datamined info it APPEARS what we will be getting now is essentially a pvp mini game with light/heavy/medium fighters. Considering the cartel market priority, it's very clear the potential income. Fairly cheap and quick to offer new ship "skins" for your fighter, new ship upgrade packs ect. not to mention it gives them a bit of an out so to speak as far as all the requests to customizing our ships...just won't be in the way we had hoped...


"The vision we all hoped for", hmmm... okay. I think you might be somewhat confused here. Way before launch, around the time when they first told us about the space portion of TOR and what it was like, we had thread after thread after thread filled with people's visions of space combat and there were certainly never a unanimous agreement that SWG's JTL, and the the way SOE did it, was somehow the way to do it.


Many of us hoped for a more warzone-ish take on space combat, and personally I always thought Bf1943's Air Superiority would be a great inspiration for a Star Wars space feature. Maybe enhance it a bit with more fighter classes to choose from and perhaps a set of skills or something to give it a bit more customization.


I'm sure we'll see what the SSSP is all about eventually. Maybe it's not what you had hoped for though.

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Not sure what you are confused about honestly.....in no way did I say "the vision we all hoped for was the JTLS remix" You're correct, all of us had very different visions of space we were/are hoping for. What i was getting at was that the end result will probably not be exactly what we wanted or were expecting.
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Not sure what you are confused about honestly.....in no way did I say "the vision we all hoped for was the JTLS remix" You're correct, all of us had very different visions of space we were/are hoping for. What i was getting at was that the end result will probably not be exactly what we wanted or were expecting.


Which was? Sorry but I honestly find this a bit confusing :)

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No worries, I got ya covered ;)


"MANY OF US hoped for a more warzone-ish take on space combat, and personally I always thought Bf1943's Air Superiority would be a great inspiration for a Star Wars space feature. Maybe enhance it a bit with more fighter classes to choose from and perhaps a set of skills or something to give it a bit more customization."



You said this right? "MANY of us hoped for..." WE DID?! :eek:

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Now me, I wanted to be flying my X-Wing down the trench to hit a target no bigger than a womprat.
There are places you can still get the original (or special edition with higher resolution textures) x-wing and tie fighter games, and they've aged really well... You will need a joystick though, mouse control is terrible.


And yes, the trench run is miles of fun. :p

Edited by Truga
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No worries, I got ya covered ;)


"MANY OF US hoped for a more warzone-ish take on space combat, and personally I always thought Bf1943's Air Superiority would be a great inspiration for a Star Wars space feature. Maybe enhance it a bit with more fighter classes to choose from and perhaps a set of skills or something to give it a bit more customization."



You said this right? "MANY of us hoped for..." WE DID?! :eek:


Uhh... I don't know if you were one of us, guy. What I said was in those numerous threads discussing space combat, many of us participating wanted a more warzone-ish take on space combat over a JTL-ish feature . Going on the same leaked snippet of information, My guess on what we'll be seeing is pretty much what we wanted...

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I dont know if you ever played galaxies,but they had a whole expansion based on space flight called jump to lightspeed that didnt come out till well after launch....I voted for bioware to do this and im glad they are eventually going to implement it.The space game as it is now,is horrible!


*sigh*... the good ol' Star Wars Galaxies.. That old game is one of the main reasons I bought SWTOR. I was hoping for an high updated version with all the new technology game dev's can benefit from today. Instead they decided to stick with another WoW copy as if the world market doesnt have enough of this kind of gameplay already..


I hoped for housing, my own spaceship and much bigger areas on each planet like in the old SWG. SWTOR is playable as it is now, atleast to max lvl, after that I dont know..

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I think a battleground that includes fighter and personal starship play, fighting capital ships as they fire on each other, landing on those ships and either defending them by manning turrets, protecting key systems or fighting you way into the ship to destroy those things is the way to go. BF2 style all the way. Hopefully it will have both PVE and PVP areas.


That is my hope for the space combat feature.


To tie into this, I hope they add multiplayer to the current space combat feature, by adding in turret play for group members on your ship and the ability for other players to join you in the pipe in their ships.


Combining that with a persistent space battleground ala BF2 would be a grand slam IMO, even if it's limited in it's scope.

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I'm old enough to remember Star Wars first time around. I remember how I felt seeing Han and Luke fighting off TIE fighter in the Falcon. I remember the Death Star battle. Awesome.

George Lucas took a leaf from Howard Hughes' book here. His film "Hells Angels", is one of the reasons our George got it right back in the 70s.


I've made an air combat game (didn't want to but there we go)



I would LOVE to see arcade free roaming combat, not just in space but on the ground too.


But, most importantly, for the sake of our community and our collective sanities...

Please Bioware, throw us a bone here. The silence is deafening.

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Please Bioware, throw us a bone here. The silence is deafening.


Why would they? All they have to do is mention something like "it's still in development and it's AMAZING, in fact, I just played it this afternoon" and every dreamer goes wild thinking about how awesome it's going to be!!! It's a carrot on a string...nothing more. It's funny seeing how many people actually believe it's coming.

any time soon...hell, they advertised a cat headed human for over a year...a new space game would dwarf that for impact.

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Very true. Everything you said.


But I can't help but feel that BW ARE listening. They're renowned for it and are, quite undeniably, a top class dev studio.


I think the problem with 3D space combat is multi fold.

1. It's expensive.

2. Time consuming.

3. Whatever they implement, it'll have it's controls ripped apart (I say this from experience)


Truth is, it has to be done right. Done how?

Done Right.


And what is Right exactly? Will the controls feel right?

Will there be plenty of environmental, stationary objects that give that much needed sense of speed? Will there be capital ships? Will this combat only be in space or are we getting our own battle for Hoth.


Point is, it's not simple. All I want is a note of intension. Not even a time frame. The game is great as it stands. It'll keep me going for ages.

But, having space battles against you lot is something I WANT to dream about and hope they include.

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Why would they? All they have to do is mention something like "it's still in development and it's AMAZING, in fact, I just played it this afternoon" and every dreamer goes wild thinking about how awesome it's going to be!!! It's a carrot on a string...nothing more. It's funny seeing how many people actually believe it's coming.

any time soon...hell, they advertised a cat headed human for over a year...a new space game would dwarf that for impact.

SSSP in a nutshell...


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Oh, and if ended up being an expansion like JTL then I would be a very happy Sith indeed. I'd be all over that Bantha fodder.


I suppose any reinvention of the space missions is going to be an improvement. I know it was designed as a mini game but the magic lies in PvP. A couple of good PvP maps off the rails and you're on to a winner.


Cool Beans.

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