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Thanks for nothing with Transfers


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why do you say GW2 is coming soon? there is no release date announced and all they say is that they HOPE to get it out by the end of 2012.


GW2 is a big title, with big ambitions and Arena net's pockets arent as deep as EA's. . . so dont hold your breath waiting for that game, and when it does come out, it will be more buggy than swtor.

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I'm so confused. I thought the game would be dead after the free 30 days, then after the first paid month, then after the 3 month mark. How long will we need to listen to these people's death throws as they find reason 1,875,234,234 to quit?
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I'm so confused. I thought the game would be dead after the free 30 days, then after the first paid month, then after the 3 month mark. How long will we need to listen to these people's death throws as they find reason 1,875,234,234 to quit?
The date was foretold by cultures across the globe, in particular the Mayans. December 12, 2012: the day the status of GW2 changes from "coming out soon" to "back to the drawing board." On that day all those you mention will commit ritualistic digital suicide, chucking their computers and electronic devices into the nearest substantial body of water.
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ROFL i never looked at the front page of ToR, i never had any USE TO LOOK.


Doesn't matter i will be jumping ship to D3 / Guild Wars 2 anyway, this game has gotten to me and it just keeps going down hill



I love how you comepltely ignore the fact that the information was there you just never bothered to look for it.. then blame bioware for it...thats awesome..

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I'm so confused. I thought the game would be dead after the free 30 days, then after the first paid month, then after the 3 month mark. How long will we need to listen to these people's death throws as they find reason 1,875,234,234 to quit?


It's called hope.

Edited by Meluna
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The date was foretold by cultures across the globe, in particular the Mayans. December 12, 2012: the day the status of GW2 changes from "coming out soon" to "back to the drawing board." On that day all those you mention will commit ritualistic digital suicide, chucking their computers and electronic devices into the nearest substantial body of water.


Seeing how open beta is this weekend and they are accepting pre-orders to promote it, I would say you are spot on sir.


I would also say I'm laying on the sarcasm pretty heavily.

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I'm so confused. I thought the game would be dead after the free 30 days, then after the first paid month, then after the 3 month mark. How long will we need to listen to these people's death throws as they find reason 1,875,234,234 to quit?


In case you didn't know that's how the haters play. They toss a bunch of crap against the wall and hope that eventually some of it will stick. This time next year there will be some genius claiming the game will be dead the following month and when they are wrong they'll will claim the next month, and it will continue until the game finally shuts down. These people are not rational.

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ROFL i never looked at the front page of ToR, i never had any USE TO LOOK.


Doesn't matter i will be jumping ship to D3 / Guild Wars 2 anyway, this game has gotten to me and it just keeps going down hill


You don't check official communication methods like forums, dev tracker or website, but it's Bioware's fault that you didn't know?


Perhaps they should have turned up on your doorstep and shouted through your letterbox?

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WoW players never cease to amaze me.


"So what is your race and class?" - SW Player

"A Panda Monk! What's yours?" - WoW Player

"A Sith Marauder...so...you play a panda bear that knows kung-fu huh?" - SW Player

"Yeah...It's awesome!" - WoW Player

"I'm going to get something to eat now." -SW Player

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GW2 is gonna be so awesome.


It's already making swtor look like child's play before it's even released.


So the hype of GW2 is better than the reality of SWTOR?


Big deal.


I'll wait to see if the reality of GW2 is better before spouting rubbish.

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So the hype of GW2 is better than the reality of SWTOR?


Big deal.


I'll wait to see if the reality of GW2 is better before spouting rubbish.


Dude they have server transfers already implimented. Before release.


BW has had 5+ years and they still don't have that.


Am I still speaking rubbish mate?

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ROFL i never looked at the front page of ToR, i never had any USE TO LOOK.


Seems like if you were desperate to transfer and knew they were doing it soon that you had every reason to look at the front page once in a while... if not every day. Hard to hold everyone's hand in an mmo.

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Dude they have server transfers already implimented. Before release.


BW has had 5+ years and they still don't have that.


Am I still speaking rubbish mate?


Sure, because when I'm deciding if a game is "awesome" I decide it solely on whether they have character transfers available at launch.



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Dude they have server transfers already implimented. Before release.


BW has had 5+ years and they still don't have that.


Am I still speaking rubbish mate?


Right, because server transfers are what makes a quality game, amirite?


For the record, I just got done downloading GW2 and will be playing this weekend since I pre-purchased it, but you're being ridiculous and, yes, are speaking rubbish.

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Right, because server transfers are what makes a quality game, amirite?


For the record, I just got done downloading GW2 and will be playing this weekend since I pre-purchased it, but you're being ridiculous and, yes, are speaking rubbish.


Sigh... OBVIOUSLY I'm not basing my opinion on GW2 over server transfers.


It's just inexcusable for BW to be incompetent for this long, while other companies take care of BWs shortcomings before the first beta is even released.


That says something.

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Dude they have server transfers already implimented. Before release.


BW has had 5+ years and they still don't have that.


Am I still speaking rubbish mate?


OMG !!! They are preparing for the game to need server transfers on the front end??



Sounds like they are just preparing to have to do server mergers heh

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OMG !!! They are preparing for the game to need server transfers on the front end??



Sounds like they are just preparing to have to do server mergers heh


Or just being a smart company and being pre-emptive about server populations, whether it be a lot or a little, this is always a smart decision.


Or they could be BW and make 10 servers, then 100 when those 10 fill up, then wonder why 80% of their servers are ghost towns..

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Is that better guys? I broke it up to be more easily read.


That's much better.


But to the guy before trying to be intelligent by knocking on a serious post man. GROW UP. Forums are here to be able to vent and say our opinion on the game. Not to make fun of people's grammar or written structure.


Here's the thing: when you write something on these forums, you're hoping other people will read it. That's the point. So how you present what you write is going to have an impact on whether people WANT to be bothered to read what you write. You might have great ideas, but if they're presented as a wall of text, a lot of people will just skip everything you have to say and move on to someone who's willing to put more effort into it.


Also, these forums aren't actually intended to be a place for people to vent. They're intended to be a place for people to discuss SWTOR. When people get very emotional and start ranting and raving (i.e. venting) their posts tend to be edited or deleted. The reason is simple: venting isn't actually constructive for anyone and just serves to spread ill-will around. It's one thing to discuss a policy, raising arguments for why the policy should be changed, and a different thing altogether to scream how you HATE HATE HATE THIS ^%&^#%# POLICY GRRRRR KILLKILLKILL. Just a heads-up. I'm not saying you did this, just addressing something you said about venting.


This is simply friendly advice - I'm not hassling you or making fun of you, just trying to help. You're of course free to take it or leave it. :)




Server transfers/mergers are coming, though we don't yet know the details. The devs have repeatedly said that this is a very high priority for them though. I know, you'd prefer to have the details... fair enough. I hope they finalize their plans soon and share them with us. ;)


I haven't yet seen anything about my 30 days free, either. But I won't get upset about it until I have reason to believe that everyone else has received it and I have not.

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