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CC is out of control.


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But back to the complain, or matter at hand. I'm finding more and more that the knockbacks and roots are causing me more issues than anything else. A lot of the really good premades I'm coming up against barely ever use hard CC anymore. Instead, I'm getting rooted, snared, knocked back or even worse - ending up like a pinball getting bounced between 3 or 4 knockbacks at a time. When you're a melee class, being knocked around like that is pretty much more effective than a hard stun - and worse yet builds absolutely no resolve at all. It's far more annoying than the stuns in the game.


Knockbacks, pulls, pushes, knockdowns all build resolve.


Roots and Snares do not.

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1. About roots and resolve - look at my sig, offcial dev info. Never seen any BW statement that they plan to add roots to resolve.


2. Rolling on the floor - it would be Awe from jedi knights I think. Frozen in place - troopers carbonize.


Maybe I suffer from selective vission and never seen multiple targets Carbonized or Awe'd.

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I have noticed with the 4-second stun, that the target's resolve meter starts dropping while the stun is active, so if timed properly, you can get a 4-second stun and 2 mezzes to trigger before the resolve bar stacks. This requires you to give the player a little less than 1 second after the stun and first mez wears off for the bar to drop.


I haven't done a lot of pvp lately, so I don't know if this issue has been fixed. But definitely, you should not lose resolve while in the middle of a stun or mez. The resolve meter should not start dropping until the effect has been removed. That should be the first fix, because it should be the easiest to implement.


After that, they need to figure out why resolve is working in some cases and not another (sometimes resolve doesn't prevent a mez or stun. More likely with high latency)

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I have noticed with the 4-second stun, that the target's resolve meter starts dropping while the stun is active, so if timed properly, you can get a 4-second stun and 2 mezzes to trigger before the resolve bar stacks. This requires you to give the player a little less than 1 second after the stun and first mez wears off for the bar to drop.


I haven't done a lot of pvp lately, so I don't know if this issue has been fixed. But definitely, you should not lose resolve while in the middle of a stun or mez. The resolve meter should not start dropping until the effect has been removed. That should be the first fix, because it should be the easiest to implement.


After that, they need to figure out why resolve is working in some cases and not another (sometimes resolve doesn't prevent a mez or stun. More likely with high latency)


Look here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=390716

While Purple, Resolve does not decline while the CC is active and starts declining at a rate of 25 points per second once the CC is over.


While White, Resolve declines immediately at a rate of 100 points per second.


If you wanted to stun/mezz/stun an enemy player you would need to do this:

1. Use your stun granting him 800 resolve

2. Wait 4 seconds for Stun to wear off. His resolve is still 800 but now in decline

3. Wait 25 seconds for his resolve to decline to 175 and use your mezz. His resolve is now 975

4. Wait 8 seconds for the Mezz to wear off. His resolve is still 975 but is now in decline.

5. Wait 32 seconds for his resolve to decline to 175 and then stun again.


I.E. You would need to wait a total of 69 seconds in order to CC an enemy for 16 seconds. It makes much more sense to simply Stun for 4 then Mezz for 8 gaining 12 seconds of CC and giving him 20 seconds of immunity.

Edited by Darth_Philar
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Maybe I suffer from selective vission and never seen multiple targets Carbonized or Awe'd.


Maybe you should buy yourself glasses?


I have noticed with the 4-second stun, that the target's resolve meter starts dropping while the stun is active


and you too?;)

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Stuns last no more than 4 seconds.

Mezzes last no more than 8 seconds and immediately break on damage.

Any combination of 2 of those effects will result in CC immunity.



Edited by Gungan
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1. About roots and resolve - look at my sig, offcial dev info. Never seen any BW statement that they plan to add roots to resolve.


2. Rolling on the floor - it would be Awe from jedi knights I think. Frozen in place - troopers carbonize.


Troopers don't have an AOE carbonize.

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You people crack me up. Cryo Grenade is a Stun, the situation he is referring to are dazes/mezzes. Learn the difference between CC before you go on some crusade about it. If you can't even understand something, you expect BW to give you any kind of credibility? lol.


I don't care what the hell name you give it. Loss of control is loss of control, and it happens far too frequently, and lasts way too long.

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What he means is the too many people use their CC breaker too early and then get stunned again. In many cases it is more beneficial to wait.


At which point you can't finish your goal anyways. Woopie, I survived but the objective is lost.

Edited by Gungan
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I don't care what the hell name you give it. Loss of control is loss of control, and it happens far too frequently, and lasts way too long.


Right, because a Stun and a Daze are the exact same thing. L2P issue.

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Fact that you dont understand resolve does not mean it is not working.


I fully understand resolve and still stand by the fact it isn`t working as it should. I get outright stunned with full white resolve, and while degrading all the time. If its working correctly, once my bar fills, I should no longer be able to be stunned(complete loss of control of character).


So perhaps there is some bugs that you have yet to experience? Although, feel free to enlighten us to what situations are valid that have us at full resolve and still being stunned...


I think the OP is amplifying it a bit. But his point of the frustration that comes with chain stunning, is quite legit for a lot of people. Bioware has created 2 divisions within the PVP community. The haves, and the have nots. The haves, have teammates to guard them, heal them, focus with them and have chain stuns worked out. The have nots, has the reverse of available variables, and is feeling quit frustrated. As long as the two play together, you will have a dramatic unbalanced situation, that will never be "fixed".


There is always exceptions to the rule. So heads up for the smarty pants thats itching to say "watever u noob, i do just fine" I dont care if you think your great. Your a tiny stat, in a sea of stats.




So its quite easy given ones own personal experience to come on here and troll someone thats frustrated.

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I fully understand resolve and still stand by the fact it isn`t working as it should. I get outright stunned with full white resolve, and while degrading all the time. If its working correctly, once my bar fills, I should no longer be able to be stunned(complete loss of control of character).


So perhaps there is some bugs that you have yet to experience? Although, feel free to enlighten us to what situations are valid that have us at full resolve and still being stunned...


I think the OP is amplifying it a bit. But his point of the frustration that comes with chain stunning, is quite legit for a lot of people. Bioware has created 2 divisions within the PVP community. The haves, and the have nots. The haves, have teammates to guard them, heal them, focus with them and have chain stuns worked out. The have nots, has the reverse of available variables, and is feeling quit frustrated. As long as the two play together, you will have a dramatic unbalanced situation, that will never be "fixed".


There is always exceptions to the rule. So heads up for the smarty pants thats itching to say "watever u noob, i do just fine" I dont care if you think your great. Your a tiny stat, in a sea of stats.




So its quite easy given ones own personal experience to come on here and troll someone thats frustrated.


To date, nobody has ever shown evidence of Resolve bugging in the way you describe it so why should we believe you? I've been playing full time since September and I have never seen anyone with a declining white resolve bar be knocked back/pushed/pulled/dazed or stunned.


If it happens so often, why can't you just post a video of it?

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It's more of a problem if you are a melee class i think. On my bounty hunter it's just not an issue at all, but on my sentinel i spend what feels like half the game either rooted, stunned or thrown around. Premade teams chain CC on me so much that i have actually started leaving some games because of it 'something i hate doing' :(


My BH is rank 71 and sent rank 80 so i speak from having good exp in the pvp side of the game. The whole CC system needs to be reworked, pvp at the moment is not much fun because of this problem.

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No, it's not a L2P issue. It's a frequent loss of control issue. Can't go 10 damned seconds in this game without getting CCed.


I just don't see it unless I run into a 1v2 or 1v3 situation intentionally and I'm melee DPS

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The funny thing is I made a thread about this WAY be4 the game was even out. Right after the first combat video I seen I knew that the MASSIVE ammount of CC's was going 2 be a problem.....I looked for a link but it was deleted all ready lol
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Resolve needs work as certain classes can spam kb/push/pull/stun/mez/whatever moves on you and your resolve bar not be full. Or you can play a BH and do 2 moves and pretty much fill someones resolve bar.
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you clearly need to learn when to use your cc breaker and learn what the resolve bar is and how and when to use it.


Right now if im stunt im pop my CC braker same s . So i stlill have some time to fight back. If i wait for resolve to fill up im watching how my resolve bar going dow on Respown point (i died). Resolve ist only works if u have pocket healer with u. U not last 8 s if u get atack by 2 dps. (2 stunts).

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This problem would be solved if everything added resolve. IE: Snares/slows etc would add minimal amounts BUT it would add some to the bar.


Anything that causes you to be pushed/moved/pulled/flung/crying/dazed etc would add to your resovlve.


Being a merc bodyguard with zero escapes. if someone wants to stick me, I have zero ways to kite. This is probably the number one reason Marauders/Sentinels slam mercs so hard.

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Just took a stopwatch and timed it. 20 consecutive seconds where I could literally do nothing.


Get rid of this broken chain CC. The PVP in this game is enough of a joke as it is. It's bad enough I can never use my weak CC when I need to because everyone is mysteriously immune to CC whenever I need to use it, but I'm sitting here for 20 seconds CCed.


YES! As I have said many times on this forum. With all the problems still with PvP to me this is the worst!


Nerf CC before I and many others give up on this game!


Being stunned/snared or otherwise movement impaired is NOT fun...it's freeking annoying!


STOP IT.....JUST STOP IT!!! :mad:

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To date, nobody has ever shown evidence of Resolve bugging in the way you describe it so why should we believe you? I've been playing full time since September and I have never seen anyone with a declining white resolve bar be knocked back/pushed/pulled/dazed or stunned.

If it happens so often, why can't you just post a video of it?


Well, seems most of the time I am watching my resolve bar decline from behind the force field after dieing. So I guess you are right, I don't ever get knocked back/pushed/pulled/dazed or stunned in there. :(

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So many people don't understand how resolve and CC work and are crying about it.


System works fine, not sure what Bioware can do to fix stupidity.


Most long CC abilities can be dispelled. Especially when Sages and Sorcs were prevalent, it was a race to dispel dispel Force Lift and Force Whirlwind. Very few players outside the top teams actually dispel CC, most of the mid-tier to lower tier players just cry about it on the forums.


There should be a 10 hour PVP tutorial before new players are allowed to enter PVP or something...

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