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Regarding server queues


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This is ridiculous i wait 2 hours to get on the game my internet goes for 1 min i come back and now im in the que so i need to wait another 2 hours...


From all the money you guys have/going to make from the sales already why have you not increased the size of the servers...Its an actual joke


All you say is your trying to make it so players have other players to play the game with. well how is this possible when you have 800+ people waiting in the que...

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Queues aren't the problem. The problem is the lack of grace period when getting disconnected. After waiting a few hours to connect, disconnecting after a few minutes and having to wait hours AGAIN is not a nice thing.


Hahaha, NO. The issue IS the que as this topic discuss. Another issue is that if you get disconnected you are tossed out of the que. DONT blame it on the disconnection, blame it on the que system as a whole.

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Queues aren't the problem. The problem is the lack of grace period when getting disconnected. After waiting a few hours to connect, disconnecting after a few minutes and having to wait hours AGAIN is not a nice thing.




I was almost shocked to find that there's no grace period AT ALL.


When one of my guildmates got disconnected yesterday, she had to wait 20 min in queue (we played in the wee hours). Had it happened earlier in the day, that might have been 2 hours or even longer, just because her game crashed or internet disconnected for a second!


FIX asap please...

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solution :


merge the lower population servers , and use some of the free space to make tomb of freedom naz, legions of lettow, frostclaw.. twice bigger. make the over-populated servers bigger and join the lower-populated so they get more population.


i mean, many of the guilds have come in block with all their players and they have already a base after these few days, and some may have already created brotherhood vincles for PVP or PVE.


the ones that are there already will stay there, deal with it.


Goof solution I can say)) But as I see know they have to kill all standart & light And make about 37 servers three times bigger, charecters from light/standart - to that big servers)

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The survey you all sent me after beta asked about Queue's and I said 15-30 min tops was acceptable. I understand the need for a Queue but what we are all experiencing is a disaster. 1hr+ wait is not acceptable. At this point there are very few servers if any that we can move over to since they all have queues. Please fix this because I will not pay to sit around waiting. I pay to play.
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They just need to open up transfers.


I'd gladly move to another RP-PvP server with my friends, but I'm in my thirties -- not exactly eager to reroll.


Edit: Also, these servers have GOTTA be able to take a heavier load. The game's been pretty empty since Nar Shadda in terms of visible players, and even trying to raid Anchorhead didn't turn up any Republic.

Edited by Tirium
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i'll make it short and understandable.


Prelaunch guild pvp guild.


Guild assigned to Bloodworthy server.


Members let into the game with 2-3 days of difference. annoying but acceptable


2-3 hours of queue 3 days in a row. Not acceptable!


Guildies/friends buying the game after xmas/getting it as a gift, are wondering if the game should be played before you get these queue's under control.

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can you fix it so its dont keep crashing etc aswell... ive been playing for about 3 days now and between the times of 3pm and 9pm i get a 4 second lag and my signal (on the left side of the bottom right/mini map) goes from full to barely a red bar now i know its nothing from my end...but also when this happens i can still play the game...however all i can see on teh screen is my character and the mouse reticle...everything else just dissapears (chat, skill/attack bar, minimap everything)and ive tried every code to try to bring them back...i have to ctrl+alt+delete to end the proogram which then crashes my system which is a good system that runs everything on high very smoothly...maybe more patches are needed and more RP servers
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I was almost shocked to find that there's no grace period AT ALL.


When one of my guildmates got disconnected yesterday, she had to wait 20 min in queue (we played in the wee hours). Had it happened earlier in the day, that might have been 2 hours or even longer, just because her game crashed or internet disconnected for a second!


FIX asap please...


Yeah, my boyfriend's laptop came unplugged and the battery died... There went another hour of queue time. Ridiculous, really.

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Pretty sure that was the most useless community post ever. Lots of folk want to play, servers are busy. Yeah, most of us get that. No way to add in character transfers from the busiest servers? Frostclaw for instance on the EU has a 2hr queue after 5 every night. After launch it will be the same if people can't get their main characters onto a quieter server.



If I have to play through Typhon on a new server one more time.....

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These queues are going to ruin the launch if they stay like this. Add the capacity now, middle of the day and an hour+ to get on my server? 3 hours during peak last night?


It's going to be hard enough to retain people after the 'MMO 3 Month' beginning window, but you should at least get these queues down under a half hour. Otherwise this will go down in infamy as a terrible launch.

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Come on guys sort this out this sucks , open up more servers or make them bigger I don't know but people are going to get fed up with this every time you try to play, and you think people are going to pay for this , pleas sort it!!!
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I for one would be entirely ok with transferring to a different server early on. It would help populate lower population servers, alleviate the queues on my now way over populated server, and be more friendly to disconnects. Any queue over a few minutes is too long to play any game, especially a premium one that is costing monthly fees.
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The survey you all sent me after beta asked about Queue's and I said 15-30 min tops was acceptable. I understand the need for a Queue but what we are all experiencing is a disaster. 1hr+ wait is not acceptable. At this point there are very few servers if any that we can move over to since they all have queues. Please fix this because I will not pay to sit around waiting. I pay to play.


Why did you answer anything other than zero was acceptable??????


Are you telling us that you will actually accept having to wait??


What is wrong with you?


I have never ever waited in a queue for a video game in my entire life.


I don't intend to start now.


This is just ridiculous..... FFXIV had absolutely no queues when it launched so why does this game??????????????????????????????????????

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The blog post has no information in it, just "yeah, we know - live with it".


Don't get me wrong, the game is fine, but no one should be forced to wait longer than e.g. five minutes in a queue if he or she bought the game or is paying regular fees to play it. Also don't get me wrong when I say: "You should've seen this coming".


Second: all this "we let you in in waves" is good for nothing regarding guilds that are assembling and that are waiting for more players (friends) that want to join the guild and can do so only later (because of vacation, personal schedule and other things). Will those friends be able to join the guild if the server is full? Will they also be stuck in hours of waiting time?


You have to find a solution, you have to find it quick and you have to make it possible for whole guilds to migrate to lower populated shards.


And don't even think about charging money for it.


p.s.: let me add: having to wait in the queue AGAIN after a DC or client crash is totally unacceptable!


p.p.s.: I only have few hours a week to play. If I have to stay this time in a queue instead of playing, you will get no subscription money from me after the initial 30 days. If this continues through the initial 30 days you should give free game time as compensation as it is common in other p2p games with such problems.

Edited by xanathon
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