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Regarding server queues


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This is just insane, the waiting time to get on is realy realy bad and is just getting worse, what is going to happen on the 20 th or after christams when alot of ppl get it as a present and want to start playing all at the same time? If waiting time is what I have to pay for I would not hesitate to go back to wow, I realy enjoy this game but I don´t pay to sit and wait 2h to be able to play 1 h.
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Simple math, not science is in order here. Example if 50k people on a server causes the system to require a que to log in all at once, make the server 49k. Rinse & repeat on all servers. Have a little faith the players can find who the wish to play with on other servers once one caps out. Give free transfers for guilds that get cut off from their friends and members one time to swap to where the other lighter server is.
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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."






this is what you guys have to say?!


this is absolute Bull.


Saying "we know there is an issue" IS NOT any kind of information. I"M GLAD YOU CAN LOOK AT THE GAME YOU CREATED FOR A SECOND TO REALIZE PEOPLE ARE PISSED OFF.


this is such a non-statement its laughable.


such a slap in the face to the community.


get a job.

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Half an hour, AT MOST, is a "reasonable" queue time. The HOUR I have been waiting to get halfway through the queue is NOT. I don't see WHY my guild should have to move from the server we were placed on just because no one wants to increase server pops.
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This problem if not solved very quickly WILL cause people not to play. Anything over a 15 minute wait is unacceptable. It will quickly bring an end to this absolutely amazing game. Always remember that people have short attention spans... if you make people que to get into a server then one your not doing your jobs and second people will stop playing and cancel their accounts. I am personally not going to waste my time on a game that I have to wait hours, while tying up my pc just to wait to play... That is beyond absurd.
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sure its fine that you let people inn one by one but when you see the servers filling up you should make new servers or make a limit on servers on how many people can make a char on the server. been trying to log in for 2 days now and the ques says 1h 30 min. This is okay i can make dinner etc and come back when the que is done, but the thing is that the que isnt 1h.30 mins, yesterday i waited for 6 fing hours and still i was nr 500 in que. I now regret subbing for 3 months. I had high hopes and expectations for this game and now i am really dissapointed that u dont fix this asap.... also you should give everyone atleast 2 months of free gametime for this....
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Queue are way 2 long..... I paid for CE and now I have to w8 2 h to even play the game? This is clearly a mega Fail from Bioware.

And this statement ''on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community'' Lets just say this is not worth 2-3+H of wait...

the fact is that the 1st Wave of people that got in got punished the most, because we didn't know what servers will be full(3h Queue) after the other waves came.

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Understandable about the servers and the que times. But anything over 30 minutes is a travesty. You cannot expect people to pay to play and then have to wait for 2 hours in a que. Absolutely unreasonable. Especially if you get dc'd or something in RL calls you away for 10 minutes. Fix it or people will leave. :mad:
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I don't understand why anyone would wait in the Que for that long lol, although i do have about 10 new chars on servers and each one of them have ended up having a Que of 20mins+ lmao...I'm on Bloodworthy since day 1 and i was level 18, But haven't been able to play since 2 days ago because it suddenly got a massive Que lmao.
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I don't know if anyone from Bioware actually reads the comments on these posts, but if by some miracle someone does, I'd like to point out (as I'm sure others have) that the planets feel EMPTY. Even when the server I'm on is qued up (Port Nowhere), my group and I rarely ever bump into other groups while questing, even while being considderably behind the front-runners.


Personally, I think the zone caps need some serious love, a la merging of the 3 or so instances that some zones have. It's one thing to link the chats to allow people to talk and LFG, but what's the point of an MMO where there's no other people around?

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This is just insane, the waiting time to get on is realy realy bad and is just getting worse, what is going to happen on the 20 th or after christams when alot of ppl get it as a present and want to start playing all at the same time? If waiting time is what I have to pay for I would not hesitate to go back to wow, I realy enjoy this game but I don´t pay to sit and wait 2h to be able to play 1 h.


Hey, they got 3 more days of people coming in. It'll be fine. 3 PM on a Saturday SCREAMS queues.


Oh wait lulz...



I also like the fact its penalizing the day 1ers. I was in the first wave of invites, literally one of the first toons rolled on my server, and am now waiting for queues.



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But here is the thing that I have an issue with, if you are letting people on in waves, then you should have an idea on how many people are going to be logging on. So the servers you have should be able to handle the quantity of people you are allowing to play. I mean if you know you are going to be having 100,000 people logging in, then your servers should be able to handle it, especially during early access! I mean what's going to happen when this thing goes live?
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Queues aren't the problem. The problem is the lack of grace period when getting disconnected. After waiting a few hours to connect, disconnecting after a few minutes and having to wait hours AGAIN is not a nice thing.


Exactly I have been kicked from server a few times and had to sit in a queue.


I am considering just deleting my characters and joining an empty server so I can play this game I payed for.

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you know its not so much a science as it is common SENSE... you have three servers that are slammed with a queue over three hours and a dozen other servers that are "light" in the same region... that means that the servers that are slammed are so for a few reasons...


my guess is server style... because the only ones im seeing slammed ARE the PVP servers... that being said i can understand the complications of having to make a new PVP server an d then have one totally empty...


i know you all are doing your best to riddle this out...

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"Herp Derp. Instead of just letting people play on whatever servers they want, we're cramming everybody onto a few servers that can't handle the pre-release crowd, let alone the full population on the 20th."


Pre-Release = get a head start on leveling your guys.


This "server scheme" of Bioware's = Forcing people who spent time leveling their characters to switch servers and start over once the unwashed masses arrive, and they finally open up ALL the servers.

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