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Regarding server queues


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if we have que as it is, what happens when 20th rolls around with launch? Right now that is two days away and my que is at least 30 minutes or more. My concern is paying for a game that takes me more than 30 minutes to get in when i have limited time as it is. I've played big games before of this caliber and i fear at launch our wait will be more. I hope they come up with a solution because i see servers with no wait time or little compared to some. I'm going to be patient for a while but not sure how long.


**sorry was in que when i started and still in que 45 minutes now, my guess an hour wait, not acceptable for paying game so hope it gets fixed.

Edited by Bhella
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Let players have the ability to transfer servers, that will split population among the densely populated servers.


Of course add a 1 week wait to which they are able to switch again.

This ensures that guilds can have more flexibility because everyone flocking to The Swiftsure because friends and guildies are there is just far too unreasonable.


While other servers are heavily underpopulated in comparison to servers with 4 hour queues.

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All we can do is wait. We have no control over Bioware's fixes and decisions, but like so many have said, it encourages you to try something new. Let's be patient and respectful that BW and LA came together to give us this game at all.


Nice Early Xmas Present (Even if it has a few qwirks)

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All we can do is wait. We have no control over Bioware's fixes and decisions, but like so many have said, it encourages you to try something new. Let's be patient and respectful that BW and LA came together to give us this game at all.


Nice Early Xmas Present (Even if it has a few qwirks)


Lets not forget they are in it for the money, they are not just in it to provide fun and entertainment. Sure somewhat they are but the majority of it is to make money. It's not really a "privilege" to play their game.

Edited by Widdower
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I'm probably not going to say anything new but my main concern is that on retail launch when more of my guildies will want to join us and I expect the same with other guilds, the queue time at peak times will rise from half an hour to unthinkable amounts.

I don't think opening new servers will help the current situation although we do appreciate the way you gave us the pre launch option I'm sure its all in the good intention to give us the best lagg free game experience we can get. But again my guild is expecting at least 5 more players to join us and multiply that with more guilds I think I can be confident and say that the server population will rise at least 15% over the next month on an already full server.

There must be some switch that will allow more players to join.


Edit: we must remember that not all the folks who started the game will stick around, I read that many players are new to mmo and this is their first experience, so not all might like it, also I didn't see how are the end game contents which what I'm looking for, if its not at a level that we expect then my guild might drop the game and move back to old mmo (highly unlikely atm)

Edited by Lagermaster
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This is absolutely ridiculous. Router reset at work at 4:00pm and got back online in less than a min ute to queue position 1700. Waited four hours to get online until I had to go home and reque again. It is 12:10 AM and still haven't gotten in. You can't SERIOUSLY be working to resolve anything you pack of liars!
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I'm with everyone else. If you want me to pay to play let me in when I want in. And if all they want is the money than give people that ordered the premium edition and the collectors edition first crack on servers over those who bought just the standard edition.
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I'm with everyone else. If you want me to pay to play let me in when I want in. And if all they want is the money than give people that ordered the premium edition and the collectors edition first crack on servers over those who bought just the standard edition.


So help the rich and screw the poor? That hardly seems like a fair deal....

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Lets not forget they are in it for the money, they are not just in it to provide fun and entertainment. Sure somewhat they are but the majority of it is to make money. It's not really a "privilege" to play their game.


I'm with this guy. It is not our (the consumer's) privilege to play this game. It is Bioware, Lucas Arts, and EA's privilege to have us as customers. Like Widdower said, we are paying for this service. This is not a charity.


As it stands right now, we pre-ordered our games, some of us have already paid full price and received our registration numbers. So far we've met our end of the deal. Bioware has not.


I expect compensation for these ridiculous wait times.

Edited by ochow
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Queue times would be more tolerable if they were relatively short (never more than 30 minutes of actually waiting, preferably never as most MMOs don't have queue times) AND you never get dropped from the server. If there is EVER a glitch, then there shouldn't be a queue time. Period.
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AS we speak people are going back to WOW, your killing your own reputation with this lack of foresight. Poeple back in wow are saying "Id play swtor but who wants to wait in a 6 hr que?" word of mouth can make or break a game so get off your collective A$@* and get this solved before the influx of people on the 20th.
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Even if we do get some sort of free transfer to a new server what about those of us that logged on the first day to save our names that we want to play with the rest of the time we play swtor? It might seem silly to some but names are very important to some people and I don't want to have to change mine because I am forced to go somewhere else other then the server bioware placed my guild.


( I am on the Swift Sure) where the que is not so Swift because the aussie's decided to make it their un-official oceanic server.....had a 5 hour wait time around 3 o'clock and I probably wont even be able to play tomorrow because I will have to go to sleep for work the next day if I have to wait in que for another 5 hours after work. I have heard rumors that they will raise the server cap or even possibly move the aussie's to their own server is this true or still speculation?

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The Harbinger is where my unofficial oceanic Aussie-based guild got dumped. Personally I'd have preferred a EU server as time zone differences are much kinder to both this side of the world and the Euro's. I don't think it was expected that US guilds would also be dumped on this server, but they were. For the youngster saying ban the Aussies until their "official" launch, that could be 6 months or a year away - if at all. So why should the 3rd largest gaming community in the world miss out?


I play EQ2 on a EU server with no lag issues (or none worth worrying about). I like EU servers much better than US servers - I find the community way more mature, polite and actually have manners. I wish we had been put onto a EU server, but we weren't. If server transfers were available, of course we would move.


As it is, I will roll alts on EU servers, but until server transfers are available, I'm stuck with having to roll a toon on an overpopulated US server to play with friends in my guild.

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I had 1 hour available to play today between jobs. I came home, logged on (server is Canderous Ordo) and 468 in queue. Obviously, I didn't get to play. I got in on the 13th and have only been able to level to 9. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to play this beautiful game early. However, to offer a reward for redeeming my pre-order code as soon as possible and then put me in 2+ hour queues is a slap in the face! Even if I did get in, I would be worrying the entire time about being disconnected instead of being immersed in the story! Immersion was a key marketing point for this game. I can't be immersed in something when the entire time I'm playing I have to worry about disconnected and then not be allowed to play again for at least 2 hours.


I seriously hope this is resolved before I have to start paying to play this game. I really feel bad for the people that planned some vacation time around early access and the launch. It must be infuriating to know you planned your vacation around watching a pretty queue counter wind down.

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then this is a first.. ive been watching em for days and according to the server status page, they are never under heavy .. only standard and light


Then you must be looking at off-peak times for the EU servers, because there are plenty of people in this thread complaining about the EU servers ...


Look here if you don't believe me




Oh, and #swtor_fail

Edited by shama
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thread is too long, just a thought , keeping an accounts place on server longer than 10 seconds, waited 5 hours to get on game crashed not even enough time to restart TOR and now im in queue again, i should be able to crash out of the game and come back 1 or 2 minutes later and not have another 5 hour wait.
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My queuing has been only on EU servers and the wait time on servers ranges from 10 minutes to nearly 2 hours; a lot on well over the hour.


I like the idea of allowing guilds to move on mass to a fresh set of servers.


What will happen on the 20th when loads more will roll up characters on the already vastly over populated servers? Is there a way that servers cam be locked down temporally to stop new accounts going to them? That wold cause issues with guilds and friends trying to play on the same server.


I am thinking that the wise person who said to me "Wait a month or so for all the initial start-up issues to be resolved", was indeed wise.

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thread is too long, just a thought , keeping an accounts place on server longer than 10 seconds, waited 5 hours to get on game crashed not even enough time to restart TOR and now im in queue again, i should be able to crash out of the game and come back 1 or 2 minutes later and not have another 5 hour wait.


100% correct! No grace period before being put back in the queue after a log out or DC is complete nonsense and will soon drive people away to do other things. Most of us have other choices of things to do other than sit is a game queue.


Getting kicked from the queue is also very frustrating. for you can't safely go off and do some chores knowing your place in the queue is safe and moving up.

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This could have something to do with the queues?



I got on, sat in line for my 1hr 55mins, but like 30 mins in I decided to take a nap.



I think I slept well beyond the extra hour and 20 mins or so and I was STILL sitting on the character screen. Isn't it supposed to disconnect you after like 10 minutes or some such?



There are probably a lot of people who go AFK when they get in queue and are probably sitting there connected, but at the character screen.

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